Will of Steel

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Will of Steel Page 17

by Lynn Landes

  Jordan rushes from the room before he can say anything, and he slams his fist onto the desktop.

  Chapter 46

  “It’s time to go home,” Jordan glances around the train station the next morning. “Everything’s going to be okay,” she tells the children and she’s not sure if she’s trying to convince herself or them.

  Jordan holds their hands in hers just as the conductor calls for them to board.

  Donovan and Loren run into the train station, praying they aren’t too late. Loren smiles when she spots them.

  “Anthony,” she yells, and he turns, and his eyes light up.

  “They came,” he whispers and drops Jordan’s hand and runs straight for them.

  Donovan catches him and Loren drops down to hug him while raining kisses over his giggling face.

  “Is it too late to say yes?” Tony asks through tears.

  “No, Son,” Donovan laughs.

  Jordan looks past them and her heart sinks. He didn’t come, she thinks before calming her mind. Jordan smiles at them as they walk over. “Is this what you want, Tony?” she asks softly.

  “You said that sometimes we’re born into our family and sometimes we have to fight to find them. I found mine,” he grins as Erin stares at him in confusion.

  “Be happy, Tony, but if you ever need us, we’re only a telegram away,” Jordan squats and hugs him tightly.

  Erin watches and her smiles fades. She can hear the goodbye in her tone. “No, we’re staying too, right?” she asks.

  Jordan stands and shakes her head as the whistle blows a second time. “We have to go home. I’m sorry, Erin, sometimes things don’t turn out the way we hoped.”

  “Tony?” she cries and runs to him.

  He hugs her tightly, “It’ll will be okay. Go with Jordan.”

  Erin pushes back and looks at him with angry eyes, “You promised that you’d never leave me!”

  “I know, but that’s a promise I can’t keep. We can write to each other,” he tries to explain, but Jordan grips her hand to pull her away.

  “It’s okay. We have to go. Thank you again for everything,” she tells them and picks up Erin who is now sobbing. “Tony!” she sobs as Jordon carries her onto the train.

  She holds out her tickets and ignores the surprised looks of the passengers as the porter shows her to the first-class seats.

  “Tony,” she cries and struggles with Jordan. Inside, Jordan’s own heart is doing the same thing, but she needs to be strong for Erin.

  “Thank you,” the Porter closes her sliding door and walks away shaking his head.

  The second she releases her, Erin runs to the window, flanking the two seats in the private cabin. With tears streaming down her face, she presses a hand to the glass and Tony watches with Donovan and Loren looking on.

  Jordan sits heavily and wipes her own tears. The train starts to move, and she sighs. “Come on, Erin, we’ll be home soon,” Jordan’s voice breaks on the last word.

  “Jordy,” she runs to her and they hold each other, sobbing as the train leaves the station.

  “We’re going to be okay. I promise,” she says through her own tears.

  Chapter 47

  Jordan and Erin walk into the house and are greeted by Taylor and Douglas with hugs and squeals of delight. “Welcome home,” Douglas says.

  “I made cookies,” Taylor hugs Erin and guides her into the kitchen.

  “I’ll bring in your bags. It’s good to have you home,” Douglas hurries outside to bring in her bags and leaves her to walk into the sitting room.

  “Home,” she sniffs and walks outside to her garden. Walking around, she lets the fresh air blow away her pain. Closing her eyes, she says a prayer, “Thank you, Father, for protecting us and guiding us home.”

  The garden has lost its blooms, weeds are flourishing, and in the air she can hear the sound of sirens. If she closes her eyes tightly, she can hear the sound of Saints claws and his chuff of irritation when they ignore him. A smile lights her face when she remembers the feel of Ryders kiss and wonders if she will ever see him again. “What have I done?”

  Something shoves her hip and she stumbles and opens her eyes in confusion. Two large brown eyes stare at her and she gasps, “Saint?”

  Erin laughs inside the house and Saint whirls and runs, barking for her, straight past Ryder who is standing in the garden. “Ryder?” she sobs and runs straight into his open arms.

  Ryder captures her with a laugh of relief.

  “I let you go, Jordan, but you won’t be alone this time.” He whispers into her neck. Gripping her arms, he pushes her back and kisses her, swiping her tears with his thumbs. “No more tears, my love.”

  “I don’t understand,” she cries, “you let us go. Why are you here, how did you…”?

  “Letting you go was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, Jordan, but I won’t force you into living in the country if your heart is here. I can set up a law office here, move…”

  Her laughter stops him cold. She draws a deep breath and decides to trust the Lord and show Ryder how she feels. Taking a hand she lays it over his chest, feeling the rapid staccato calms her somehow. “My heart is here, Ryder.”

  Ryder memorizes this moment, fascinated by every expression that crosses her face. “I love you Jordan, I want to marry you, be the husband that you deserve, a father to Erin or a brother if that’s what she needs. Will you do me the honor of becoming my bride?”

  She turns her face up toward his, her long lashes lifting. The beautiful blue of her eyes stuns him and steals his breath. He sees her answer reflected in them before she answers. “Yes, I will marry you, Ryder.”

  The scent of her in his lungs, every cell in his body comes to life at her words and for the first time his world feels right. His mouth covers hers gently and his heart clenches in his chest. Hot blood rushes through his body and she groans, leaning into him. Swept away by the moment, Jordan stops thinking and just feels. His arms tighten around her and he pulls away hearing the sounds of dog and child inside the house.

  Ryder frames her face with his hands, “I love you, Jordan.”

  Saint bounds into the garden, followed by a squealing Erin who skids to a stop at the two of them together. She frowns and glares at Ryder.

  “You let us leave.”

  “I know and I will forever be sorry. If I marry your sister and take you home with me, will you forgive me?”

  “When?” she demands.


  Two sets of identical blue eyes fly open wide and Erin runs to him with a shout of excitement. “Yes! We do!”

  Ryder laughs and scoops her up into his arms while Saint barks loudly.

  “Tomorrow!” Jordan gasps, “but your parents.”

  “Are at the hotel down the street, with Tony. We will stay as long as you want Jordan, but I won’t have you going through this alone. Not anymore.”

  “They came?” Jordan whispers through happy tears. He sets Erin on her feet and she runs off to tell Douglas and Taylor the plan. Jordan sits heavily in a garden chair as he kneels at her feet and draws out her mother’s Jade pin and offers it to her. “I want to give you hope for a future full of love and laughter. Will you let me?”

  “What do you get, Ryder? This feels very selfish of me,” she lovingly cups his face.

  “Is it selfish to rescue me from a lifetime of loneliness? I need you by my side as my friend, lover, and wife. I won’t let you down.”

  “I’m more worried that I’ll let you down. Remember when I said I could name at least five things about me that aren’t perfect. Five,” she holds up five fingers, “I’m very selfish when it comes to you.”

  Relief rushes in and he grins. “I can live with that.”

  Chapter 48

  “Hi Dad, Mom,” Jordan sniffs back tears as she wipes the tombstones clear of brown leaves and debris.

  “It’s finally over. The man responsible for so much death will face judgement from our Father. We are free
of him.” She swipes her tears away and glances back at the man waiting for her. “I want you to know how much I love you both. Erin is doing well. I promise to love her as you loved me. I’m married now and so happy.” She smiles, thinking of the crazy week that led up to this day. They ended up marrying a week to the day he came after her, not the next day.

  “Ryder still complains about it. We are leaving to start our new lives with him. I know it’s the best choice. I’m learning to trust the Lord with my fears and doubts. It’s not easy but the rewards are well worth it.”

  “Is it my turn now?” Erin asks after she runs over.

  “You don’t have to say anything, Erin.”

  “I want to. Can you give me a minute alone?”

  “Of course,” Jordan walks back to Ryder and he wraps her in his arms as they wait.

  “Hi Mama, hi Papa,” Erin wrings her hands together and glances at the stones bearing their names. “I miss you so much sometimes it hurts my heart to think about you, but Tony says you're always with me. I just have to hug the memories close.” She sniffs back tears. “We’re okay now. I know you’re in Heaven away from the pain and I can’t wait to see you again. Jordy is so happy, and I will get to see Tony. I am learning to ride a pony and continuing my studies on the piano.” She leans down close to the tombstone and whispers, “Wanna know a secret? I’m writing you a song. I hope you will be able to hear it in heaven.” She wipes her eyes and hugs the stone.

  “Thank you for bringing us today, Ryder,” Jordan says as she watches Erin hug the tombstones and run back towards them.

  “Anything for you, my love.”

  Erin runs back and hugs Jordan close. “Can we go home now?”

  “Home,” Jordan glances at her new husband, “I like the sound of that.”


  December 1890

  “Do you think she knows?” Ryder asks with excitement glowing in his eyes.

  “No. She’s been so preoccupied with her piano that she has no clue,” Jordan is vibrating with joy as she watches Nick put the finishing touches on the birthday cake he made for Erin. Clara is teasing him and Jordan is thankful to have them such close friends.

  The sound of a carriage has Ava running into the sunroom with Thomas following her. They are engaged to be married. Her mother came around after she saw how happy he made Ava.

  “It’s time!” Thomas calls, “Saint is tied up out back.”

  “Good, he would spoil the surprise.” Ryder turns and smiles, “That’s Mom and Dad, with the kids.”

  “Everyone hide!” Jordan calls.

  The past weeks they’ve settled into the community and made friends at church. Erin and Tony have started school. This year they kept the party small, a few friends and family only.

  “Jordy, I’m home,” Erin calls and Donovan follows with Loren and Tony.

  “We’re in the sunroom,” she replies and giggles.

  Erin walks into the room and everyone yells, “Surprise!”

  Big blue eyes fly open wide and she covers her mouth in shock as they all start to sing Happy Birthday. Tony is instantly at her side to comfort her and when the first tear falls, Ryder scoops her up with a laugh.

  “You didn’t think we’d forget your eighth birthday, did you?” Erin hides in his neck as they gather around to tease her.

  “It’s time for presents and cake,” Jordan rubs her back, “when you’re ready.”

  Erin wraps an arm around her neck and pulls them together.

  “Thank you.”

  “Happy Birthday, Angel.”


  Ryder watches Jordan in a chair near the fireplace the next day, and she is intent on a letter in her hand. She looks up and love floods her eyes and she smiles at him.

  “What are you up to?” he asks.

  “A letter came from Mr. William Franklin of U.S. Steel. He listed the patent in Johan’s name and gave me fifteen percent of the sales, as agreed.”

  “That’s a nice Christmas present,” he says as he walks towards her and pulls her to her feet.

  “You’ve given me a family, full of love and peace. Nothing could top that,” she smiles against his lips.

  “Nothing?” he kisses her softly. “What about a honeymoon, just you and me, all alone? No dogs, no children and no interruptions?”

  “I like the sound of that, Mr. Foster, what did you have in mind?” she laughs as he releases her hair from the clip, allowing it to cascade around her shoulders.

  “Paris. I hear the gardens are amazing.” Jordan stiffens in his arms and shadows threaten to return, but she pushes them back. Her will is strong, but her faith is stronger. The Lord brought her through and she won’t give up now.

  “What did I say?” confusion flickers and she leans up and kisses him senseless.

  “Paris in the spring sounds amazing. I could bring back some clipping for our gardens. We can start making new memories.”

  “Exactly,” he scoops her up in his arms. “How about we make a new memory right now? Erin’s with Mom and Dad.”

  Jordan laughs as he runs up the stairs with her. Laughter floats on the air, washing away the pain and memories of the past. Leaving only joy that is immeasurable.

  The End.

  Before you go!

  If you enjoyed this title

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  another book by Lynn:

  Glenn Ward needs a miracle. His wife is dying and leaving behind twin newborn sons. He returns from the war a changed man. Guilt stains his soul, and anger is growing in his heart.

  Anika Coltrane needs a miracle of her own. After burying her husband and newborn daughter on the same day, she is in a desperate situation. How will she care for her six-year-old daughter?

  An answered prayer brings two families together. Anika agrees to become a wet-nurse for the family. Delaney needs a safe place to grow up, away from sorrow and fear. Will they find shelter with the Ward family?

  Two broken-hearted families must find a way to move past the pain and choose forgiveness. Will they feed the shadows growing in their hearts or allow God to heal their wounds?

  If you want to connect with me online, and check out my other books, please visit my website:


  Lord Declan Sheridan is content growing the family business. There’s no time for courting. He’s put all his energy, money and time into his custom furniture line. Declan is unprepared for the ultimatum given to him by his grandfather, the owner of Sheridan Furniture. Marry by Christmas or lose his inheritance!

  London Taylor works as a lady’s maid by day, while secretly playing the stock market. Becoming “the mouse” was necessary to get the job. Everyone warned her that Tessa Hubbard was horrible to work for, but the job came with perks. It was supposed to be a simple thing. Wear a disguise, work hard and secretly play the stock market. When London overhears a plot, she is forced to make a choice that will alter the path of her life.

  This is a heartwarming tale of two people trying to trust the Lord to guide their path, and along the way find a love worth fighting for.

  About the Author

  Lynn Landes is the author and independent publisher of multiple books in all age brackets. Her stories span the spectrum of Fiction, from historical romance, paranormal, romantic suspense to Christian fiction to fantasy including the best-selling Mercy’s Promise Series.

  Educated as a teacher Lynn never lost her love for literature and began writing at an early age. Poetry, short stories and fiction. She regularly can be found in the car rider line at her children’s school writing on receipts, napkins or whatever scraps are at the bottom of her purse. A Virginia girl at heart, she lives with her husband and three children in South Carolina.

  Follow me at www.followlynnsthread.com




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