Watch Your Back

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Watch Your Back Page 25

by William V Weeks

Paroh didn’t enjoy begging, but he was a desperate man and needed a job. Kaleb was his only hope, his lifeline. If the Centurion turned him down again, Paroh wasn’t sure what would happen to his family after the job working for Tallis came to an end. This morning the former soldier limped along a dark, deserted street, heading toward the fortress, hoping Kaleb would listen to his plea for help. When he reached an intersection a few blocks north of the fort, Paroh heard two men talking and stopped walking before they heard him. As he listened to the conversation, Paroh recognized the voice.

  “If I’m late for work, Zamir, Zosimos will fire me.”

  “Hilarion, I need you to deliver this message to our friends. It’s important they receive this information now. I have nobody else to rely on, but you. Make sure you tell everyone we plan to free Deron and Label tonight. Our boats will leave two hours before midnight, and enter Hammath an hour after the soldiers end their patrols. Tell our friends to meet at the pier in Magdala. You know, Adar. He’ll be there with the new weapons. Nikolaos delivered them to me last night. I’m sure your brother will understand once you explain the situation to him.”

  “I hope you appreciate how hard I had to work yesterday to get these swords and daggers into Nikolaos’s hands before nightfall? Zosimos rode me so hard. “Go faster, Hilarion. You aren’t working fast enough, Hilarion.” I can’t stand to hear his voice any longer, and he threatened to fire me if you or our friends visit his shop again. Plus, I can’t leave during working hours either. Who does he think he is telling me what I can and can’t do? He’s not my mother. I can’t believe how he talks to me. Zosimos treats me like a slave.”

  “Stop complaining. You act like a child sometimes, Hilarion. Grow up. He’s your boss and your older brother. You need to respect him, but don’t worry. I’ll tell everyone to stay away from the blacksmith shop. They won’t visit with you anymore while you’re working. The next time I need a courier, I’ll find someone else to dispatch messages for me.”

  Hilarion’s stood and stared at his friend in disbelief.” Are you saying I won’t get to talk with you and our friends anymore? I’ve been loyal to you and our cause, and all of a sudden you want to throw me to the side of the road and walk away?”

  “I’m not saying we won’t be friends any longer, but after this morning, I won’t need your services. Right now, I need you deliver the message I gave you as fast as possible. Then get to work, and improve your relationship with Zosimos before he lets you go.”

  “How dare you say such a thing to me,” Hilarion said, hands on hips. “Are you questioning my loyalty? We are friends.”

  “And we will remain, friends, Hilarion. We can still enjoy each other’s company. But, after this morning, I won’t need a messenger. At least not until the next battle.” Zamir reached into his satchel and pulled out a short dagger. “I spent more than an hour polishing the blade. How do you like the shine?”

  Hilarion glanced at the knife. “It looks better than the last time I saw it.”

  “You did an excellent job making these weapons for us, but this morning, tell the men when and where to meet. Don’t forget. We’ll travel by boat, and I hope you go too.”

  “I can’t be late. Zosimos will fire me.”

  “Not if we stop talking and you hurry on your way. Go run.”

  Paroh turned and headed back toward his home. Did Zosimos realize the weapons he made for the army ended up in Zamir’s hands, and Nikolaos is responsible for the trouble in Hammath? I have to find Tallis. If he doesn’t come to Tiberias, I’ll need to walk to Hammath. Paroh changed his mind and reversed course, heading back toward the fortress. Zamir and Hilarion were at their previous location when he passed the intersection. Walking several miles a day never bothered me, but since my injury, I don’t know if my legs will hold up on a two-mile hike. I hope Kaleb will see me if not, I’ll head to Hammath.

  “Good morning, sir.”

  “Paroh. If you came to ask me for a job, the answer is still no. Come back in another week or two. I may find something for you by then. Now, please excuse me. I have a meeting to attend.”

  Paroh frowned but managed to ask. “Do you think Tallis will visit the fortress today?”

  “I don’t expect to see him.”

  “If you do, please tell him we need to talk. It’s urgent, and he knows where to find me.”

  “I’ll pass your message along if I see him. Take care of yourself.”

  Paroh headed toward the south exit. I can’t wait around for Tallis to show up. He might not come and will get upset with me if Zamir and his friends attack Hammath tonight and I didn’t warn him.

  “Aren’t you leaving the fortress through the wrong gate? You live in the north part of town, Paroh.”

  “I was coming to find you, Tallis.” Paroh glanced around the courtyard and watched Kaleb walk toward the main building. “We need to talk,” Paroh said in a whisper. “I overheard two men talking a few minutes ago. I couldn’t stand around waiting for you to show up.”

  “What did you hear?”

  “As I approached the fortress to see Kaleb, I arrived at a corner two blocks north of here. Like I said, I heard two men talking, and I recognized one of the voices. I stopped and listened. You’re not going to like this, Tallis, but Zamir and your brother, Hilarion were speaking with each other. Hilarion complained how hard Zosimos worked him, and they had delivered a shipment of swords and daggers to Nikolaos. Turns out, your Commander gave or sold those same weapons to Zamir. He had one of the knives in his possession, though I didn’t see it, and this isn’t the first time Zamir’s received arms from Nikolaos.”

  “You heard Zamir say this to Hilarion?”

  “Yes, and there’s more. Zamir had your brother deliver a message to their friends. Zamir told Hilarion they planned to free their friends tonight. The plan is to leave Magdala two hours before midnight. They’ll travel by boat and slip into Hammath an hour after your soldiers end the patrols at midnight.”

  “Did Zamir say anything else regarding their attack plans?

  “No. Zamir didn’t say where they expected to come ashore in Hammath. I bet they would enter as close to the location where you house their friends. Zamir showed Hilarion one of the daggers he and Zosimos made. He claimed he’d spent an hour polishing the blade.”

  Tallis could feel his heart pounding as the pair spoke. “What else can you tell me, Paroh?”

  “They plan to leave from the pier in Magdala. I forgot to mention the location earlier. Hilarion also complained about having to work so hard for his brother. I also gathered Zosimos won’t allow Hilarion to visit the shop anymore. Zamir told Hilarion to grow up and follow Zosimos’s directions. “Do your job,” he said. Zamir won’t need Hilarion to deliver messages for him any longer either. Your brother said Zosimos would fire him if he was late or missed work again. Zamir told Hilarion to run fast so he wouldn’t find himself looking for another job.”

  “Paroh, come with me. Hurry. I need to speak with Kaleb, and I want you there as a witness and to report anything I forget to mention.”

  Tallis raced across the courtyard while Paroh hobbled along behind. “Kaleb, wait. Don’t leave. We need to talk.”

  The Centurion turned when he heard his name spoken. “If you want me to reconsider finding a job for Paroh, don’t bother. He knows my answer.”

  “This is urgent, sir. We need to speak in private. It can’t wait.”

  “We are standing in an empty courtyard. Tell me whatever is so important, but I’m late for a meeting with Nikolaos and Kadir, so talk fast, Tallis.”

  “You may want to change those plans after you hear what Paroh told me. I asked him to join us since he can verify what I’m going to share with you. … Here he comes now.”

  “Okay, Tallis. What is so urgent it can’t wait until a better time?”

  “I need you to arrange a meeting with Kadir and Herod right away.” Kaleb laughed. “Please, I must speak with them now. Zamir and his friends plan to attack Hammath to
night and free their friends.”

  “You want me to bypass my superior officer? Why would the Tetrarch and Kadir concern themselves with your news, and what makes you believe I can get Kadir’s attention without permission from Nikolaos?”

  “Our Commander is stealing weapons produced by my brother and providing them to the person responsible for the attacks on Hammath. Their rescue attempt will occur tonight, sir.” Kaleb’s eyes widened. “They want blood, and it’s ours. You can’t share this information with Nikolaos. He’s working with our enemy to overthrow Herod.” The Centurion stood staring at his Triplicarious, his mouth hanging open.

  “Let me try to catch Kadir’s attention, but he may not give me an audience since our meeting began a couple of minutes ago. You and Paroh wait by the entrance to my office.” Kaleb turned and entered the main building.

  “Kaleb has to listen to you, Tallis. He must find a way to avoid talking with Nikolaos.”

  “My Centurion is an honorable man, and he will do the right thing. Quiet, he’s coming.”

  “Tallis, Paroh, Kadir wants us to report to his office. Follow me.”

  The three men walked down the hallway of the fort’s main building and entered an office twice the size of Kaleb’s. “This is a fancy room,” Paroh said. “It’s huge. Three or four of my houses would fit in this space. Look at the marble covering the walls and floor, and someone painted the ceiling. I have two stools in my home. This wood is so smooth and polished, Tallis.”

  “Be quiet, Paroh, they will arrive any moment.”

  Seconds later the office door swung open. Herod Antipas entered with a scowl on his face and followed by Kadir and Kaleb. The Tetrarch sat while the others stood.

  “Your Centurion tells me you have some vital information to share with me, Tallis,” Kadir said, his voice bellowing throughout the office, as he stepped toward the Triplicarious with a nasty stare on his face. “What is so important you can’t follow the proper chain of command young man? I’m in the middle of an important meeting, and I had to stop what I was doing and come see you. This better be good. Your father taught you to follow procedures. What makes this any different?” Paroh watched his friend tremble as Kadir addressed Tallis.

  “Sir, you know I wouldn’t’ trouble you with something trivial, but I learned a few minutes ago, from my friend, and former soldier, Paroh, impacts you and your government, as well as my troops’ safety.”

  “I’ll decide what’s important. No one in Galilee or Perea has the ability to remove me from power,” Herod said, rising from his seat, and before Kadir could speak. “I want Nikolaos so he can hear what you have to say. He’s the man responsible for military operations, and we won’t talk behind his back. Invite the Commander to join us, Kaleb. We’ll wait for his arrival. Sit down, everyone.” Kadir began to pace until Herod told him to quit.

  Tallis sat next to Paroh. Sweat ran down his forehead as he rocked back and forth on the stool, wondering if Herod would believe the story of a Triplicarious and a former soldier who walked with a limp and can’t find work.

  Nikolaos arrived with an agitated look on his face. Kaleb closed the door behind them. “Everyone is present. Tallis, you may share your information, but hurry. Time is precious, and I don’t have any to waste.” Antipas said.

  “Yes, sir,” Tallis said before saying a quick, silent prayer. “You don’t need all the details, but a few weeks ago a wealthy young man from Magdala by the name of Zamir convinced some of his friends to slip into Hammath during the night and damage our marketplace. A few nights later, some of my soldiers captured two of Zamir’s friends trying to leave town by boat. After we had interrogated them, I learned one of our prisoners was present when my two soldiers died. The prisoners named the killers. On another day, Zamir’s men also attacked Priam’s Conturbenium as they returned from training in Tiberias. They kidnapped a soldier by the name of Benson. He remains in their custody. Our captives told me, Zamir and his friends have another goal, sir. They plan to drive you from office by creating so much havoc in Galilee the Romans will remove you from power. Once you’re out of the way, they will attempt to overthrow Pilate and drive the Romans from Palestine. It’s also rumored Zamir’s late father was a friend of yours.”

  Herod leaped to his feet. “Impossible. Zamir and his friends will never succeed. They lack the men, weapons, and training.”

  “What if I told you it was true and one of your own officers is helping them? A close confidant of yours.”

  “My men would never betray me, young man. Should someone attempt such a foolish act, you and your soldiers would kill them.”

  Tallis paused. His next words could ruin him. “A loyal employee, a man you consider a close friend, leads your enemies.” The Triplicarious turned, pointed, and glared at Nikolaos. “Your own Commander, sir. Nikolaos gave my middle brother a contract to repair the army’s broken equipment, and build new weapons for your military.”

  Herod smiled. “Good for Nikolaos. He’s doing his job.”

  The Commander smirked as Tallis continued. “This morning, Paroh, a former and trusted soldier was walking to the fortress to speak with Kaleb. He hasn’t been able to work since he received severe injuries protecting your assets, sir. A few blocks from this location, Paroh overheard two men talking. One serves as a courier for Zamir, who Nikolaos helps. Zamir told his messenger our Commander supplied them with daggers and short swords last night. They plan to use those weapons during their attack tonight in Hammath, one hour after my troops end their patrols at midnight. Zamir also told his courier this was not the first time he’d received arms from Nikolaos.” Tallis turned and looked at Nikolaos. Ruddy cheeks had replaced the smirk as beads of sweat formed on his forehead. “If Zamir isn’t attempting to remove you from power, sir. Why is Nikolaos supplying this traitor with weapons? Ask the man to explain his actions.”

  Herod glanced at his former soldier and asked, “Paroh. Is what Tallis said true?”

  “Yes, sir. This is what I heard Zamir say this morning. I was standing less than ten feet away from him as he spoke those words. I stood around the corner so they couldn’t see me.”

  “May I continue, sir?”

  “Please do, Tallis.”

  “Another person, who I am paying with my own money to spy on Zamir and his followers, told me Zamir encouraged this person to visit his country estate. During the conversation, they discussed their future plans. Zamir’s primary goal includes your removal from power. Also, the two soldiers assigned to my Conturbenium and who deserted are working as middlemen delivering the weapons given to them by Nikolaos in support of Zamir’s activities against your government.”

  Herod nodded. “Say no more, Tallis.” Then the Tetrarch faced the Commander. “Nikolaos, defend yourself.”

  The Commander took a deep breath as his eyes darted around the office. His face lost color, and he forced a smile. “Everything Tallis said is a lie, sir. He has no evidence. I haven’t done anything wrong and would never do anything to threaten you. You only have hearsay from some useless fellow who can’t work and another person without a name. How can you believe such a preposterous story? I would never betray you, sir.”

  Tallis spoke up before Herod could respond. “Give me two days, and I will produce Zamir, his men, and my two deserters.”

  The Tetrarch roared. “Silence, Tallis. I didn’t give you permission to speak.” Herod’s face had turned crimson as he glared at Nikolaos who began edging toward the office door. “I’ve heard enough, Kadir, you and Kaleb escort Nikolaos to the nearest empty cell, and post a guard. I will hold him in custody until we can verify the claims Tallis brought to my attention. … Tallis, Paroh, what you did this morning took enormous courage and bravery. I hope what you told me is true. You have two days. Thank you. Kadir and I will investigate your claims and Nikolaos will soon learn his fate.”

  “If you would allow me to say one more thing, sir.”


  “Tonight my men and I set a
trap designed to capture or kill Zamir’s friends as they come to Hammath and attempt to free our prisoners. It is possible the killers of Masa and Kush will accompany the invading party. Also tonight, I am sending a team to Magdala. We know where Zamir holds my soldier in custody. Our plan is to free Benson. Once we liberate our colleague and defeat Zamir’s men, my soldiers and I will go after the deserters and try to reclaim the missing weapons Nikolaos provided to your enemies. I expect my Tetrarch will enjoy questioning everyone once they are in custody.”

  “Why not kill them if you know where they are?”

  “Sir, my men and I have worked hard to develop tonight’s plan. We also have created a bond between the citizens of Hammath and our troops. Our people want to share in the victory with us tonight, and we need to rescue Benson. Please delay any action on your part until we capture our deserters and Zamir sometime tomorrow.”

  Herod glared at Tallis then glanced at Kadir and Kaleb, who had returned to the room, before looking back at his Triplicarious. “I will grant your request, Tallis. Keep safe tonight. Thank you for bringing this situation to my attention. We’ll meet again once you bring the traitors to the fortress.” The Tetrarch turned and left the room with Kadir and Kaleb following Antipas.

  Tallis looked at Paroh. Both grinned. “Thank you, my friend. I owe you, but I must meet with Zosimos. Then I need to track down Hilarion if he’s not at the shop. Later, I will return to Hammath and set our plans in motions. With luck, I will see you in the morning. Keep your door barred tonight.”

  “Good luck to you and your men, Tallis.”

  “Pray for my troops and me, Paroh. We need as much help as we can get tonight and tomorrow.”

  “Tallis, what brings you back to my shop so soon? You look exhausted.”

  “Zosimos, we need to talk. Where is Hilarion?”

  “Are you serious? He’s not here. You know I didn’t have the heart to fire him, so I gave Hilarion one last chance yesterday. He promised he would come to work on time every day. No more friends visiting, and no leaving the building during working hours. My words flew right through his empty head because he hasn’t shown up for work today. I don’t know why I wasted my breath.”

  “Please close and secure the door. What I’m going to tell you is personal and troubles my soul.”

  Zosimos crossed the room. “There, I’ve locked and barred the door.”

  “Thank you. May I sit down?”

  Zosimos pointed at the stool next to where Tallis stood.

  “Remember when I spoke with you regarding Hilarion and his friends?”

  “Of course. Your words still haunt me since I didn’t follow your recommendations.”

  “There’s more to the story. I learned this morning our brother works as a courier for his friend Zamir. As we speak, he is delivering a secret message to their associates. Tonight Zamir’s men plan to attack Hammath and try to free our prisoners. Also, Nikolaos has been delivering some of the weapons you make to Zamir so he can arm his comrades.” Zosimos sank to a stool and buried his face in his hands. “I met with Herod before coming to your shop. Nikolaos is under arrest. More arrests will occur tomorrow. Herod doesn’t know you make the weapons. Hilarion faces serious consequences, but I didn’t share his name with anyone. There are others who will also face justice in the morning.”

  “What can I do, Tallis? I don’t know anything in regards to Nikolaos or Zamir. Yes, I built the weapons Nikolaos ordered, and I transported them to the fortress as directed. But, I cannot control what happens to them once they’re out of my custody. What am I guilty of? Tell me, brother.”

  “I don’t think you’re guilty of anything, Zosimos. I will stand with you if you are telling me the truth. But, you better not tell Hilarion I found out there’s an attack planned on Hammath tonight. Otherwise, Herod will see you as a traitor like our younger brother, and so will I.”

  Zosimos managed to mutter, before beginning to sob. “I won’t say a word of this to Hilarion. I promise.”

  “Good. I’ll pray for you and Ya-el, but you must distance yourself from our brother today. Herod and his men may come looking for him soon enough. You have to fire him as I advised before. Tell Hilarion I know he delivers messages for Zamir, and I know he was present when Kush and Masa died.” Zosimos nodded. “If you see our brother today, tell him goodbye. If he’s smart, Hilarion will run, and we don’t want to know where he goes or who he’s with. Now, I need to get back to Hammath. The battle will begin soon.”

  Zosimos trembled as he stood and walked to the door, opening it so Tallis could leave. Then he closed and relocked the door. Will Herod blame me for allowing the weapons I made to fall into enemy hands? Would the Tetrarch kill me, and Ya-el, and then destroy my home and business? What if Herod turns me over to Romans so they can crucify me as an example to others? Zosimos sat on the stool and began to pray. “God, I need your help and protection for I am an innocent man. Protect my wife and me. I am your child, and I meant no harm to anyone. Watch over my brothers and family. Thank you for hearing my prayer. Amen.”

  Chapter 26


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