Roll the Dice: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 2

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Roll the Dice: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 2 Page 2

by Brair Lake

  “I’ll think about it.” I don’t wait for his response as I break away from his touch and turn to the door. The cool air brushes against my cheeks as I step outside, and I glance down the high street. Noir Valley is not a large place, and unlike the small suburb of Washington, where I live, there are no empty cabs waiting or passing by. I turn to the restaurant door and twist my lips. Tyler hasn’t followed me out, nor is he behind me to offer me a lift home. Stuffing my hands into my coat pocket, I turn to walk home.

  This is my last visit to Noir Valley. Once I have Mama’s affairs in order there will be no need or reason for me to stay or return in the future. There are no family or friends to keep me here, or memories, tempting me to remain. The biker’s image flashes before me. He’s tall and broad with enough hair to dust my ceiling. Is he a friend? We’d met by accident the day his nephew was born, and Mama died. He’d held my hand as I buried her. We have talked, but I know nothing about him, and he knows nothing about me. When I reach the house where I grew up, I stand at the gate and take a long look. There are no lights on. No warm, welcoming fire. Inside there are several crates, all packed with mama’s things ready to go to the woman’s refuge. They were coming for them tomorrow. In the darkness a cat yowls and screeches. A smile tugs at my lips. Was he preparing to fight, or has he found himself a lady friend? The air is pierced once more with his yowls and knowing I can no longer linger outside; I stroll to the front door.

  Normally the quietness of the house as I open the door wouldn’t bother me, as it’s a greeting I’m used to after living on my own for ten years, tonight, as I walk into the hallway and switch the light on, an emptiness fills me. I turn to the lounge and switch the light on. The naked light illuminates the bareness of the room. Amplifying the loneliness and I shake my head to dispel the unwanted thoughts and feeling I’ve been drowning in recently. Until meeting Bastian and then returning to Noir Valley a couple of days ago to finish packing the house, readying it for sale I thought I was happy with my life. For the last ten years, I’ve lived it how I wanted to. At fourteen I’d emancipated myself from Mama. Until I left Noir Valley, I’d lived in the room above Aunt Sarah’s garage, working part time for her. When she moved to Los Angeles, I left Noir Valley for Collage. The last time I saw Aunt Sarah, was when she came to Mama’s funeral and then she had left the next day.

  The wine I’d been drinking before I had gone on my dinner date is still on the coffee table and I pour myself a glass. Sipping the tepid liquid as I lean back into the sofa. It’s not the house or Mama’s death that has me like this. It’s Bastian St John. Shit, I’ve become obsessed with the man. He’s on my mind when I wake up and he’s still there when I go to sleep. Invading my dreams. The sooner I sever ties with Noir Valley and return to my life in Washington. The quicker I can return to my normal life. Shit, when I returned to Washington after Mama’s funeral, I’d gone on a date arranged by my boss, Oliver and that had been a disaster. I swallow the last of my wine and stand. I’d not told Bastian about this visit to Noir Valley. I hadn’t wanted to see him. In Forty-eight hours, I’ll be gone for good from Noir Valley and I’ve managed to stick to my resolution to not see the man. I smile as I turn to the stairs. It’s a promising start to my new life.

  The insistent ringing of a cellphone wakes me, and with a groan, I roll over and reach under the pillow as I search for the offensive thing. Groaning when I see Oliver’s name flash across the screen.

  “Eve, where’s the file for the Montgomery contract?”

  “What. No good morning, Eve. How are you.” I glance at my watch and another groan escapes me. “Damn it, Oliver. It’s barely six o’clock. Could this have waited?”

  “It’s seven here and Montgomery insists on bringing his meeting forward.”

  I roll onto my back and stare at the ceiling. Earl morning sunlight flickers across the freshly painted white ceiling. The faint aroma of paint teases my nose and a deep pocket of air escapes me. With one last glance at my abandoned bed, I head down to the kitchen, collecting a cardboard cylinder from the bottom of the bed. “I have the plans with me. I’ve been working on them.”

  “Damn it, Eve. Why the fuck did you take them with you?”

  “Because Montgomery is my client and the meeting isn’t until next week. Shit, I’ll be back late tomorrow night.” I try to keep my voice light, but Oliver, as good as a boss as he is, insists on micromanaging.

  “He wants to discuss the project today. What do I tell him?”

  “Arrange a conference call then email me the time and I’ll deal with it.” The cooker clicks several times, then there is a flame and I place the kettle over the heat. I don’t wait for Oliver to answer as I disconnect the call and rinse the coffee cup I’d used the night before. As I wait for Oliver’s email, I wander outside and although it is early morning, the air is already warm and sleeping on the sun lounger, all curled up without a care is Rats, Mama’s cat. As I settle beside him, I stroke the fur between his ears. The twitch of them, makes me smile.

  “Did you have a good night last night? Got your oats before we return to Washington?”

  Rats continues to purr as he sleeps, and I lean back and close my eyes. The sun is warm against my flesh. A reminder of Bastian’s touch. The way his fingers caressed my inner thigh. The biker’s image teases me and although it’s a while since I last saw him, I can smell him. He’s not my usual type. We don’t mix in the same social sphere. Shit, we don’t live in the same town, never mind neighborhood. If it hadn’t been for the hospital, we would never have met. It was the coffee, which had done it. If he hadn’t smiled as he invited me for coffee, I would have refused. But I’d needed someone to talk to. For the first time since leaving home, loneliness had sat on my shoulders. I shake the memory away. He’s in my past. A never has been. Something that never happened.

  “Did you forget about our meeting.” The soft female tang of Louisiana has me blinking several times as I open my eyes. I hadn’t heard the side gate open and I find myself starting at Charlene. The resident realtor.

  I glance at my watch. I’d lost track of time and I leap off the garden swing. “Shit. Sorry. Give me five while I dress.”

  Charlene chuckles as she takes a step back. “No need to get dressed on my account.”

  I glance over her shoulder and see she is all on her own. “It’s not very professional of me to conduct this meeting dressed as I am.” I point to the nightshirt I have on and my bare legs.

  “It’s the house I’ve come to sell, not you.” Charlene’s chuckle deepens. “Although dressed as you are, I’d have no problems selling you.”

  “I’ll get dressed while you take a tour of the downstairs.”

  “Does the cat come with the house.” Charlene’s voice follows me into the house, and a chuckle escapes me as I shake my head. An hour later the house is empty.

  I close the door on Charlene and turn to look at the hallway. I’ve done it. The house is officially on the market and there’s no reason for me to stay in Noir Valley. One more day, I’ll be gone, and my life will return to normal with no sexy biker to disturb my life or dreams.

  Chapter 2

  Bastian – Eve’s Home Noir Valley

  The trill of the bell echoes and Eve answers the door after the third time I rung the bell. Her welcoming smile slips as she looks at me and instead of opening the door further, and inviting me in, she pulls it to as she steps onto the porch. Her hair is pulled back in a tight braid and her face is free of makeup. The sight of Eve gazing at me in innocence heats my blood and the urge to lean forward and push her up against the wall and take her overrides all sane thoughts and greeting in my head. Then my own smile slips as I remember the times we had lunch and there hadn’t been this hesitation in her.


  The soft southern dialect of her voice wraps around my cock and blood seeps in that direction. Waking the lust inside me and I lean in close to her, gripping the door jamb instead of dragging Eve into the house before I fuc
ked her here, for the neighbors to watch. “Eve. Aren’t you going to invite me in? Or do you want to tour the garden first.”

  “What.” Eve blinks and I watch her lashes as they flutter against her cheek. Then she glances over to the freshly cut lawn.

  With one last lustful look at Eve, I step off the porch and look at the house. “I’m here to view the house.”

  “Is Charlene with you?” Eve steps onto her tiptoes and peers over my shoulder and I turn to look down the path. After spotting Eve yesterday morning as she left the local convenience store, I’d ridden pass the house several times trying to come up with a reason to call on her. That was when I noticed the for-sale sign in her garden.

  “Charlene -Who’s she?”

  “My realtor. The person selling the house.” Eve turns to me. “You know the number on the signpost you’re supposed to ring for an appointment.”

  “Come on, Eve. We don’t need Charlene to show me around the house.”

  “Why are you here, Bastian?”

  “To view the house.” This time I glance over Eve’s shoulder as I pointedly look at the closed door.

  “You already have a house.” My smile deepens as I watch Eve glare at me. There’s a slight flush to her cheeks and a few drops of sweat glisten on her forehead. As I study the drips, an image of Eve naked on her bed. Her body wet and shimmery from a heated bout of sex has my cock twitching once more. I want her. I have never denied myself this long for a woman. When I saw her yesterday, all I fantasized about was Eve twisting and panting beneath me as I pounded into her. Her hips eagerly thrusting against mine as she accepted me into her body. “Bastian.”

  “Yeah.” I blink as the morning husk in Eve’s voice drags me away from my fantasy.

  “Why are you here?”

  “To view the house.”

  She rolls her eyes and her eyebrow arches. “Really.?”

  “Sure. We’re moving into the property business.” My smile deepens as I step around the brunette and push the door open. “Didn’t we discuss this the last time we had lunch.”

  Eve follows me into her home and although I am not looking at her, her gaze burns into my back, touching my soul. “You never said anything.”

  “Sure, I did.” I turn to Eve and push my hands into my jean pockets. It was safer than reaching out to her. Safer than taking her into my arms and giving in to my demands. It was safer than being between her legs and giving into the hot urges racing through my body. After seeing her yesterday, when I returned to Demon’s Lair, I drank myself into a stupor instead of easing the ache between my legs with one of the club’s whores.

  “Are you really interested in the house, Bastian.”

  I nod as I step into the lounge. There are no knickknacks or photographs on show. Nothing to show anyone lived here. The faint aroma of freshly painted walls tease my nostrils and I look at the blank walls. There are no clean patches of where pictures and photographs once hung. As I stroll around the living room, I run my hand over the back of the couch. It was safer to touch the gray speckled cloth than to touch Eve. To feel her soft silky flesh under my fingers. If I did give into my desire, we would end up on the floor and as I think of Eve’s and my body entwined, I glance at the floor and notice the carpet is missing. The muscles of my heart clench. “You have no plans to return to Noir Valley once you’ve sold the house.”

  Eve shakes her head; the dark braid falls over her shoulder “No. This my last visit.” When she turns to gaze out of the window my fingers clench as I force myself to stay where I am.

  “Have dinner with me, Eve.”

  “I don’t think that’ll be a good idea.”

  I step closer to her and her scent, peppermint and lemon balm envelopes me. “Sure it is.” The flesh of her cheek teases my fingertip as I stroke the soft skin. The slight tremor beneath my touch heats me. “Take away a good memory, Eve.” I run my thumb over the plump flesh of her dark pink lips. The air escapes through her nose and warms my flesh. “You and me. It’d be good.”

  “That’s not a good idea, Bastian.” Her chuckle is hollow and lacks conviction.

  “Sure it is.” I step closer to her. “Wouldn’t you rather have warm memories of our bodies blended together than the sad memories of the loss of your Mama and your home.”

  “When was the last time someone said no to you, Bastian.” Eve was at the back of the couch and as she leans against it, her hands curl around the edges of the back cushion.

  “No’s not in my vocabulary.”



  I watch Eve. Watch how the tip of her tongue wets her lips and my blood heats as I think of her taste. Of how that same tongue would tease my cock as it traces my blood infused vein. Tease my flesh as it wandered to my balls, bringing me to a climax which would shake through my body. “When was the last time you were daring, Eve. The last time you took a risk?” Eve’s gaze is on me. Steady as she studies me, and I wonder if she is imagining me naked. If she is tempted to take me up on my offer. Does she hunger to know my body the same way I hunger for hers. My gaze glances to the pulse at the base of her neck and my smile deepens as the pulse races. She wants me as much as I want her. “It’ll take a while to find a buyer for the house. Have some fun while you search. Spend the time with me.”

  “I thought you were interested in buying the house?”

  “I am. It’ll take several weeks for the paperwork to go through before the sale is finalized. Think of the fun you could have.”

  “What about my job?”

  “Noir Valley isn’t quite backwoods you know. We have internet here” I scratch my head as I step closer. Eve licks her lips, she is weakening. I’m a gambler and I play my next card. “Didn’t you tell me you work from home.”

  “You really don’t take no for an answer. Do you, Bastian?”

  I have her. I am standing in front of her and I place my hands on either side of hers on the back of the couch and my gaze drifts back to the pulse at her throat and I lick my lips. “If you meant no, I’d take no for an answer. But you want me as much as I want you.” Eve slips under my arm, escaping my hold on her and I close my eyes. Opening them as I turn to face her.

  “The weekend.”

  I watch her throat as she swallows, and my smile lurks just beneath the surface. “The weekend.” My cock twitches at the prospect of a weekend infused Eve.

  She nods. “I’ll give you the weekend. I want you, Bastian. I don’t want to live with a what if or wondering what it would be like to fuck you.” I hold back my smile. I don’t want to frighten Eve away now I have her. “Only I don’t want you to buy the house.”

  “That’s a business proposition. You’d be a fool to turn the club’s offer down.”

  Eve shakes her head. “We either have sex or you buy the house. Not both.”


  “You have my answer.


  Eva – Eve’s Home, Noir Valley

  I listen to the fading bike engine as Bastian left the street as I lean against the closed front door and slowly release the air trapped in my chest and steady the racing pulse in my pussy. The coils in my lower stomach also ease. If he had stayed a moment longer, there was a high risk I would have dragged him up to my childhood bedroom. A chuckle escapes me as I push away from the door. I doubt he would have refused. Not if the way he watched me and followed me around the room was anything to go by.

  I planned to have sex with Tyler, instead the date turned out to be a wash-out. Hopefully things with Bastian will go better. I flex my fingers and my nose scrunches as the sweatiness of my palms tells me how sticky they are. With one last listen to the outside world, I turn to the kitchen and run my hands under the cold water. Sex. A weekend of Sex is just what I need. A weekend away from reality. I wasn’t hurting anyone. As I fantasize about the upcoming weekend, I run up the stairs to my bedroom, and fling open the wardrobe doors. I hadn’t brought much with me, just a few basics as I wasn’t planning on stay
ing and as I stare at my mega clothes collection, I know I need to go shopping. Shit, he never mentioned where we were going.

  As Bastian pulls the bike into the parking lot I glance over to the Riverboat. I know about Demon’s Lair. I’ve heard the rumors, but I’ve never visited before. Not even when Bastian and I first met. As the engine dies, and Bastian steadies the bike, I climb off and take a swift sweep of the compound. Pleased with myself, that at the last minute I ditched the black dress I planned to wear, replacing it with jeans and a deep purple silk vest. The silver studded belt and chunky silver necklace the only glamour I finally opted for. As I watch Bastian remove his helmet a chuckle escapes me, and I turn away from the biker as I hug my arms.

  “Care to share the joke.

  I’m not a short person, yet I have to arch my neck back to look up at the biker. His gaze is hidden from me behind his aviator glasses. His fingers warm me as he slips my hand into his grasp. “Don’t you think it’s too soon to introduce me to Papa.” I’ve heard the rumors and lick my lips. Handling this biker was bad enough. Could I handle several more?

  “Too soon. It’s at least six months since we had our first coffee.” Bastian’s grip tightens around my hand and my feet lose their function as my knees wobble and I draw in a deep breath.

  “Six months. It doesn’t seem that long.” My heart dips. Not because of Bastian, but because that’s how long it’s been since I lost Mama.

  As we reach the base of the gangway, we halt, and I look up at the Riverboat. It is large, but not as large as some boats which grace the Mississippi River. It is early evening and there are already people boarding and I watch them as they disappear along the deck into a room I’m unable to see. “It’s busy.”


  “Is it legal?” Bastian’s chuckle heats my blood and when he squeezes my hand, I return the gesture. It’s strange. In the years I’ve dated I’ve never met any of my ex’s family. I draw in a deep breath. Tonight, I’m about to meet the people Bastian considers his family.


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