Roll the Dice: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 2

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Roll the Dice: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 2 Page 8

by Brair Lake

  “Shit, Leon, I’ve not been gone twelve hours. What the fuck is wrong.”

  Leon glances towards the house and I follow his gaze. “Day received some photographs early this morning.”

  “Photos of what and from whom.” We are at the front of the house. Last night, Eve and I had sex in the lounge. Half the wall is made up of glass and I hadn’t closed the drapes. “Do you have the photos with you?”

  Leon shakes his head. The laughter from earlier missing. “They’re of Poppy.”

  I draw in my breath. “When.”

  “Looks as though they were taken over the week.”

  “Where were they taken?”

  “School. Here, while she was sleeping.”

  “Does Firebird know?”

  Leon shakes his head. “Not yet.” He takes a long drink of his coffee. “I’m not looking forward to telling her.” Since coming into the yard. Leon’s smile returns. “Day’s in a funk. It’s not safe to be around him. But fun to watch.”

  The house isn’t secluded. There are several more houses on the same street. It’s also a closed in security complex. Passwords are needed to gain entrance. “Who do you think it is. Have you checked where the photos were taken.?”

  “Alex and TJ are out there looking. As to who. It’s got to be Jono or one of his Men.”

  I finish my coffee, look at Leon, then glance at the house. “Ready to face the fireworks?”

  As I push the kitchen door open, the laughter stops and all eyes turn to us. Eve frowns as she stands and comes over to me. “Everything okay.”

  “Yeah. There’s just been some changes to my plans.” I turn to Poppy and my smile slips. “I’m sorry Poppy. Your weekend to New Orleans is cancelled.”

  Poppy rises from her chair. Her lips set straight. “No. You said I could go. Eve’s coming.” Poppy turns to Eve. “Eve.”

  Eve’s gaze is on me. “What’s going on Bastian.”

  “Sit down, Poppy. I’m sorry. We’re moving you to the Riverboat.”

  Firebird turns to Leon. “What the fuck is going on?”

  “Someone’s watching Poppy.”

  “What.” The color drains from Poppy and Firebird dashes over to her “Is it Pa?”

  “We don’t know.” Leon turns to Poppy. “Pack your things.” His smile doesn’t reach his eyes. “You’re getting your wish and getting to stay on Demon’s Lair.” Poppy nods, then she and Mia leave the room.


  I blink, take in a deep breath, then I look at Eve. “Yeah, we’re staying on the boat as well.”

  Chapter 8

  Eve – Bastian’s Home Noir Valley

  As we leave the house a shiver shudders through my body and my gaze sweeps over the drive. Only the rev of Bastian’s bike and the engine of Mia’s car can be heard. Leon is standing at the car, the door open and a scowl mars his handsome features as he watches Poppy hug Firebird then she climbs into the car. Firebird watches the car. As it disappears, she turns to me and nods. Her smile in place as she whispers to Leon, then she climbs on to the back of his bike. I watch all this as I wait with Bastian beside his bike. As Leon reverses out of the drive, Firebird waves and I continue to watch until the bike turns right as it reaches the bottom of the street.

  “Climb on, Eve.”

  Bastian’s soft voice brings me out of my daze, and I turn my attention back to him. Then I look at the house. “It might be better if I go back to Washington.” Bastian pulls me close to him. As Poppy and I packed, Bastian had taken a shower and the aroma of his aftershave teases me, and the pulse in my pussy throbs. There’s trouble, I can sense it, and I still want Bastian although I have already lost him to Poppy’s stalker.

  “You promised me the weekend. Eve.”

  “Yeah. But you’re going to be busy.”

  Bastian strokes the flesh of my cheek. “I’ll still have time for you.”

  I study the Biker. His golden gaze is on me. Steady as he watches me, and I give in to impulse and lean over and kiss him. It isn’t the wild abandonment kisses we shared during the night. It isn’t the morning kiss I missed out on thanks to Poppy’s interruption. It is a sweet kiss. A kiss asking me to stay. Bastian’s the one to break away and when he does, he brushes a loose tendril of hair free from my damp braid, behind my ear. He then passes me a helmet. “We can still have a good time, Eve.” His gaze remains on me as he fastens the helmet. His finger is under my chin and he tilts my head until we are eye to eye. “It’s not the weekend I planned. But I’m not letting it be over before I’m ready.”

  With a nod and a last look at the house, I climb onto the back of the bike.

  I like the Riverboat. It is a place where life pulsates. Even during the day when it isn’t in use there are people bustling about, preparing it for the night’s entertainment and now is no different. I’m sitting in the same overstuffed chair from when Bastian dropped me off in the club’s private saloon two hours ago. Once we boarded the boat, my lover of the night before was gone, and the biker was back. A quick peck on the cheek, then he turned on his heels and left me. The saloon is nearly empty. Mia sits in a chair opposite me while Firebird and Poppy sit on the couch. Poppy no longer smiles, and her gaze keeps flickering to the two Bikers playing pool. We are not fooled. They weren’t skiving from their duties. They were there to watch us. “How long do you think this will last?”

  Firebird’s glance went over to the two Bikers and she shrugs. “I don’t know.” She looks at me and smiles, flashing her white teeth as a gleam sparkles in her eyes. “Not the weekend you were expecting.”

  “You could say that.”

  Poppy hugs her cup close into her body and smiles. As she looks at me, she arches an eyebrow. “Not if what I saw this morning was anything to go by.”

  I return the smile as I lean back in the chair. The heat of Bastian’s body still warms me. “You could have made some noise coming down the stairs.”

  “I wasn’t expecting to be greeted by two naked lovers. I thought you’d be in Bastian’s room.”

  I scratch my nose. My body warming as I recall Bastian’s body thrusting into mine over and over again. “I fell asleep after the flight.” Firebird’s chuckle has me glancing at her. “It was a long journey.”

  “Of course it was, Eve. You and Bastian snuggled up on the couch and fell asleep watching some old movie.”

  “And their clothes fell off in the process.”

  Firebird snorts into her cup. “You really should have made some noise, Poppy. You could have walked into a different kind of movie.”

  “May be. But I’m not you Firebird. I’d have done the polite thing.”

  “Hey, it’s not my fault the Sheriff enjoys sex in public places.”

  “Please, that’s my brother.”

  Mia, Firebird, and Poppy continue with their banter and I keep my smile in place. Since arriving on the boat, the women have talked about everything. Avoiding the one topic in need of discussing. Those photographs. I slam my mug on the coffee table as I rise from my seat. “Sorry. The cup with heavier than I expected.”

  Firebird places her own mug on the table. The laughter of moments ago gone and she glances at Poppy then turns her attention to me. Poppy’s smile fades as she watches me. The sound of a cue hitting a ball on the pool table echoes around the room as the Bikers fall silent. The one who has just taken the shot, straightens and his gaze falls on us and I turn my back on them. “Don’t you want to know what’s going on.”

  “I don’t want to think about it.” Poppy’s gaze remains on her feet and I notice the slight tremble of her hand. Two hours of distraction haven’t eased the younger woman’s fears.

  “You may not Poppy. But I do.”

  I turn to Firebird who nods at me. “I do too, Poppy. It’s you someone’s watching, and we don’t know why.”

  “I agree, Poppy.” Mia slips her arm into the crook of Poppy’s elbow. “Creeps like this shouldn’t get away with it. And it’s not just up to Day, we can talk to Ha

  I glance over to the Bikers, smile at them, then turn my attention back to the three women. “I fancy a walk. Let’s go outside.”

  Poppy nods as she stands. “What about those two?”

  “We’re not prisoners. We’re only going for some fresh air.”

  We make it outside without anyone stopping us. Although our bodyguards are now on the balcony of the Riverboat, they haven’t followed us down the gangplank, but we are aware of them watching us. Mia wanders to the river’s edge, Poppy sits on the picnic bench and Firebird joins her. “What are we going to do?”

  I glance towards the Bikers and wink at them. “Smile. We don’t want anyone to know what we’re planning.”

  “If we smile, won’t they find it strange.”

  With a shake of my head, I turn to Poppy. “No. They’ll just think Firebird and I are trying to distract you from what’s going on.” Poppy nods, forcing her smile into place.


  “Yeah.” The young woman turns to her older sister.

  “Do you have any idea who it might be. An old boyfriend or someone who wants to be your boyfriend.” The sigh which slips from Poppy as she runs her hand through her hair tugs at my heart. She is young. Not yet twenty and someone is stalking her. Taking pictures of her, and no one knows who. I let go of a sigh of my own. We don’t know what is in those pictures. My gaze goes to the boat. Somewhere on there, men are looking at those photographs. Discussing them and deciding what to do about them. Their world is a man’s world and they dumped us women in a room and left us on our own without a word.

  “Not really. I thought I was liked” Poppy turns to Firebird. “I know they talk about us. You know about Pa and you.” Poppy’s chuckle is short and sharp. “Shit, I like it and I play up to the image.” A scowl flutters across the young woman’s forehead. “I know Leon and TJ have scared off a couple of boys.” She looks at Firebird. “They’re the ones they don’t like. The ones with bad reputations.” The chuckle is real this time. “Bad reputations which are nothing compared to the River Demons.”

  I sit on the opposite picnic bench, the table now between the Davaros’ and myself. “Maybe they’ve pissed off the wrong boy this time.”

  Poppy pulls her cellphone from her jean pocket and slides her fingers over the screen, then she shakes her head. “No. If it was someone from school. They would have posted the photos all over social media. Tagging me in them”

  “And you’ve never heard or seen anything.” Poppy shakes her head as Firebird rises from her seat. “It’ll be another biker club. One who has a problem with Day.”

  Curiosity gets to me. “Why Day?”

  Firebird turns to me and shrugs. “Day doesn’t like us. But we’re under Leon and TJ’s protection. So, he tolerates us.” Firebird’s laughter has a mocking ring to it.

  I glance towards the boat. “If that’s true. Why would they send pictures of Poppy to him?”

  Mia joins us at the bench. Her gaze on the Riverboat. “If it’s someone from the club. It might be to wind him up. Cause trouble.”

  I wrinkle my nose. I’ve heard of codes of honors. “I thought everyone was loyal to the club.”

  Firebird nods. “Most are. But fights break out and slights are made.”

  “And outside the club?”

  “It could be someone who knows why Day isn’t fond of us. Someone adding fuel to the simmering fire.”

  “We need to see those photographs.” I turn to Poppy and take her hand in mine. “If we know where they were taken. We might have a clue who took them. Also, just how compromising are they.”

  Poppy pulls her fingers free of mine and scratches her head as she chuckles. “I’ve kissed a couple of guys. But that’s about it.” I raise an eyebrow at the younger woman. “Ever since Sugar Jay left Noir Valley and the River Demons. They’ve replaced me as the club’s princess. I might not be allowed on Demon’s Lair. But I’m only allowed a certain amount of freedom.” Poppy glances to the river. “Sometimes I think it’s the way they treated her that made Sugar Jay do what she did.”

  Firebird chuckles. “What. Swap one club for another.”

  “Well, they can be stifling.”

  Firebird turns to me. “They’re not that bad. Just overprotective of what they see as theirs.”

  “It’s easy for you, Firebird. You have your man.” Poppy turns to me. “And you have Bastian and your life.” Then she stands and walks to the river’s edge. “I don’t have what I want.” Her gaze goes to the Riverboat. “I’ll probably never will. Shit, I’ve had enough of being treated like a child.” I watch Poppy as she makes her way to the gangplank. She looks at Firebird. Who looks at me, then she’s following Poppy. Mia and I trail behind.


  Bastian – Demon’s Lair Noir Valley

  Day stands by the window. His gaze on the river. His shoulders straight as is his back. As he continues to stare out of the window I dismiss him and return to the photos lying on the office desk. They are several of them. Whoever is stalking Poppy has done for several weeks. I pick one up and glance at the others. They are all innocent. Poppy getting on with her life. Some were taken at the house as she worked in the garden. Others of her shopping, at school and a couple from a cookout here at Demon’s Lair. Weak links. Everyone has them and Poppy is one of ours. “What are we going to do?”

  “Kill the bastard.” My gaze shifts from Day to Leon. He’s pacing the room. Around his feet are the remains of one of the photographs he shredded.

  “We need to find them first.” TJ drops the photo he was looking at. “It would be easier to trace whoever sent these if he used his phone.”

  Day walks over to the desk. “That would be too easy, TJ.” He picks up the photograph of Poppy in the garden. “This isn’t the handy works of the Skull Collectors. They haven’t the brains to do this.”

  “Then who is it?”

  Day drops the photograph and moves to the back of the desk. He pours himself a whisky, then sits in his chair. He drains the glass, then leans forward and gathers the photographs, slipping them back into the envelope they arrived in. Once the envelope is resealed, he drops them in the bottom drawer of the desk. The click of the key turning echoes in the room. “I’ll deal with it.” His gaze goes to me. The blue of his eyes cold. “I don’t want Poppy left on her own.”

  Leon’s heavy sigh fills the air. “Shit, Day. You can’t turn Poppy into a prisoner. We can sort this out.”

  Day’s gaze goes to Leon. “It’s not club business. This is between Davaro and me.”

  My snort has everyone turning to me and I glare at Day. “It’s club business, Day. Poppy is a member.” I shift my gaze to Leon and TJ. “She’s not just a Davaro. She’s a Smythe and there’s two of them in this room. Besides, you think Firebird is going to let this go.”

  Day glances between the two blood brothers and shrugs. “I warned you the day you hooked up with Daisy Davaro you were in trouble.”

  Leon glares at Day. “Yeah, and whatever is going on. We need to know.”

  Day opens then shuts his mouth without a sound as the door to the office is flung open. Rebounding against the wall. The thud echoes in the room as we watch Poppy storming into the room. Firebird is behind her and strolling behind them, Mia. Eve follows, glances around the room, then strolls over to me. Poppy places her hands on the desk and leans over. “I want to know what’s going on. And I want to look at those photographs, Damien.”

  Day leans back in his chair. His smile feral as he watches the younger woman. “There’s nothing to know, Poppy. Just a fool playing a silly game.”

  “With me.”

  I slip my hand to the base of Eve’s spine and turn towards the door. Day and the Brothers can deal with the Davaro’s. “I’ll get Data to look into it.” Day’s gaze clashes with mine over Poppy’s shoulder and he nods.

  “What’s going on Bastian.”

  I glance towards the Riverboat. After leaving Day’s office, I grabbed a couple o
f beers, then led Eve outside. “I don’t know.”

  “Is Poppy in some kind of trouble?”

  I pull Eve into my arms and sniff her hair. My body is humming. Thanks to Poppy’s interruption and Leon’s unannounced arrival at the house, I hadn’t the time to give Eve the morning welcome as planned. A chuckle escapes me as I bury my chin into her neck. Having Poppy find us naked hadn’t been part of the plan either. “Only with Day.” My gaze shifts to the Riverboat. “I’ll find out what’s going on.”

  “Look. I’ve been thinking.”

  I nuzzle the hair at Eve’s ear and nibble on the flesh. “So have I.”

  She pulls out of my arms and twists to face me. “And I’m being serious. Our weekend’s not going as planned. Maybe I should return home.”

  My hand stills in the stroking of Eves hair and my heart jams so hard against my ribcage, and I forget how to breathe for a moment. “Whatever is going on between Day, Poppy and her stalker, there are enough people covering that problem that they don’t need me.”

  “So, we can return to the house.”

  “How about we go for a ride.”

  I scan the casino. On the surface, all looks calm. We set sail a couple of hours ago and Poppy, although unwittingly, is in the cabin allocated to her. Eva’s idea of returning home sounds like bliss. Until we know who is behind the stalking there isn’t much we can do. As I search the room for Eve, I find her talking to Alex. She has made herself comfortable at one of the poker tables and is laughing with Alex. The only other time I have seen Alex chuckle like that is when he is with Mia or Firebird and her sister. As much as the ride earlier today eased the tension in me, later tonight, Eve will use her magic, making me forget about the club’s troubles. Even if it’s only temporary. My cock jerk’s in agreement.

  “That’s some smile you’re wearing.”

  I turn to Day and accept the beer. “Just thinking of the night ahead. What about you, Day. What are your plans.”

  Day’s gaze sweeps through the room only stopping at the blonde dancer in one of the cages. “Same as yours I guess.” Day turns to me. His smile is in place, but his eyes are cold. Hard. “Unless you fancy sharing Eve.”


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