Roll the Dice: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 2

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Roll the Dice: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 2 Page 14

by Brair Lake

  “We’ve discussed it.”

  She nods, then she moves to the bed and sits on the edge of the mattress giving a slight bounce as she checks the bed. “Are you leaving what furniture there is?”

  “If the new owner wants it. Otherwise, I’ll donate it to one of the charities.”

  Flash nods as she gives the bed another bounce, then she’s sliding onto the mattress and with her hands behind her head, she lies on the mattress. “It’ll not bother Bastian.”

  I breath in deep. “What won’t?”

  “That he’s fucking me in a bed where he’s fucked you.”

  Flash’s taunt has me thinking of the cabin on Demon’s Lair. “Considering he’s fucked me in a bed where he’s fucked you. I doubt it ever bothers Bastian where he fucks who he fucks.”

  Flash brings her gaze to me. Her head tilted. “When are you leaving?”

  I smile as I sit on the edge of the bed. As I sit down, I spot an unused condom still in its foil packet and pick it and toss it on the mattress besides Flash’s head. “How long is it since he’s fucked you, Flash. “Three, Four months.” My smile deepens as I study the blonde. “He’s good isn’t he?” I glance at my watch. “He’ll be home soon.” I savor the word home and practically gloat as the fire burns in the other women’s eyes. “I’d ask you to stay.” My tongue dampens my lower lip. “But Bastian doesn’t like to share me with anyone.” I rise from the bed. “And as for leaving. I’ve no plans to return to Washington just yet. Not while I’m having such fun.”

  Flash rises from the bed and straightens her skirt, drawing my gaze to her long legs. “If you’re not planning on returning to Washington. Why’s the house still up for sale?”

  “Because I want to sell it.” And I do want rid of the house. There are memories in this house I want to forget. Although having Bastian staying here has taken some of the bad memories away. The memories are still there. “Bastian has his house and Poppy won’t always be there.”

  I’m just coming out of the bathroom when I hear the front door closing, and I glance in the mirror as I give my hair a quick ruffle. “I’m in the bedroom.” My smile deepens as the heavy tread of Bastian racing up the stairs echo through the house. When the bedroom door opens, I turn to look at him. He’s already removed his cut and jacket. “Want a sandwich before you return to Demon’s Lair.”

  Bastian shakes his head as he steps further into the room. “I know what I’m hungry for.”

  As he moves closer to me, I raise my hand, palm out to him. “Flash was here earlier.”

  Bastian strips off his tee-shirt and drops it onto the floor. “She was. What did she want?”

  “To buy the house.”

  Bastian’s fingers still on the buckle of his belt as he glances up at me. The v of his frown meets over the bridge of his nose. “Is she serious.”

  “Yep” I tilt my head towards the bed. “She wants to fuck you on that bed.”

  The frown disappears as he smiles. The gleam in his gaze sends the pulse in pussy to life. “I’d rather fuck you in that bed.”

  “That’s what I told her.”

  “Then why are you still standing there instead of lying naked on the bed.”

  “Doesn’t it bother you that Flash came to visit me.”

  Bastian has his jeans off and is pulling his socks off and I lick my lips. “Nope. I’m sure you can handle her.” Then he looks at me. His lips straight. “Did she threaten you.”

  I shake my head. “No. She just wanted me to know she’s waiting in the wings for you when I return to Washington.”

  “But you’re not returning for a while.”

  The words hover on my tongue and I shake my head. I drop the towel from my body. “Not until I’ve had my fill of you.”

  Bastian steps closer and I step away, brushing my hip against the windowsill. “What if I haven’t had my fill of you.” Bastian lifts me until I’m sitting on the windowsill. The glass is cool against my back and as the blood rushes through my body a flush spreads over my flesh. Bastian parts my legs and stands between my thighs and I reach down to grasp his cock. My pulse throbs as the heat of his flesh burns my palm.

  “We’ll cross that bridge when we reach it.”

  I drop the cellphone onto the table. I’ve just confirmed my flight details with Oliver. Although the project is going well, the client insists on a face-to-face. I turn to the window and look out over the lawn. Something is going on. Something Bastian is keeping from me. It’s three days since we’ve had sex. Three days in which I have barely seen him. My gaze goes to the clock on the wall and I hear a door open upstairs. He arrived home just after four this morning. It’s going on ten now. I listen to the soft tread on the stairs and take a deep breath as I turn to face the open door. My smile is in place and I force my body to relax. “Morning.”

  Bastian pauses at the door as he is about to pass. His hair is wet from his shower and the subtle scent of his aftershave teases me. “Morning, Eve.” His smile is lazy as his gaze roves over my body and I respond to the subtle invite in his eyes.

  Normally I would step towards him wanting to be close to him. Today I turn my gaze back to the window. Was I growing bored of Bastian or is he growing bored with me? My body still responds to his. Coming alive in his presence. I force my smile back into place and turn to him. He hasn’t moved. He’s still standing in the doorway watching me. “You’re going back to the Lair?”

  “Yeah. I’m making a coffee before I go. Want one?”

  The vibration of my cellphone on the desk catches my attention. Oliver’s name flashes across the screen and I ignore his call. I turn my gaze back to Bastian and discover his gaze on me. A slight frown mars the skin of his forehead. “Yeah. I’ll have a coffee.” Bastian blinks, then turns to the kitchen and silently I follow him. As he grabs a couple of mugs from the cupboard, I settle on one of the kitchen chairs and wait. Bastian settles in the chair opposite as he passes me my coffee. There’s been no morning kiss. “Oliver needs me back in Washington.

  The mug Bastian is rising to his lips stills, then he returns it to the table. His amber gaze is on me. His lips set straight. “When do you need to go?”

  “I’m booked on the late afternoon flight.”

  “How long will you be away?”

  “About two weeks. Then it’s the weekend Poppy and Mia go to New Orleans. I’ll be back after then.”

  Bastian nods. My stomach clenches. All lust for Bastian has faded and the throb on the bridge of my nose is tension. “Eve.”


  Bastian shakes his head and rises from his seat. I watch him as he moves to the sink, rinses his cup and places it on the rack on the draining board. ‘It doesn’t matter.”

  “It does.” I go and stand next to him. Breathing in his scent. My fingers clench. I want to reach out. To touch him. But I hold myself back. Bastian reaches out to me and he strokes the flesh of my cheek. Lust pulses at my pussy. I step closer and tilt my head to his.

  The kiss is hard and demanding not the soft kiss I was expecting. “You are coming back. Eve.”

  “I’m only a phone call away, Bastian.”

  “I’d take you to the airport. But I’m not sure I can get away.”

  I brush the damp tendril of his hair behind his ear. “I can get a cab.”

  “I can get someone from the club to take you.”

  I shake my head. “Everyone’s busy. Besides, I’m a big girl and know how to use a cab.” I smile as I brush my lips against his cheek. “I’ll be back in a couple of weeks.”

  The flight is long. Probably made longer as I spent most of the time thinking about Bastian and where our relationship is heading. The sex is good. Until recently, I thought we could talk. But over the last several days Bastian has grown distant. I haven’t been to Demon’s Lair in a week due to Bastian’s insistence he’s busy. Shit, we haven’t had sex in several days. As I turn the key to my apartment door, my frown deepens. Is Bastian growing bored with me? I head for the ki
tchen and switch the kettle on. Then I turn towards the fridge. There’s no milk and I hadn’t bothered to go to the store before coming home. Thankfully, there’s a quarter jar of coffee and I make a black coffee. I’ve left my overnight bag at the door, but my purse is with me and I pull my cellphone from it. I checked it at the airport, there had been no missed calls from Bastian and as I check it again, it is the same. I drop it back onto the table and reach for my coffee and take a sip of my coffee and find it bitter and strong. I let a sigh slip. I told Bastian I will be back, and I will. If only to collect my things and because of the weekend planned and Poppy and Mia. I glance at my watch. I’ve been travelling for several hours. I left Noir Valley at lunch and now it’s eleven. My body is too wound up to be tired and I know sleep will elude me. The meeting with Oliver isn’t until the day after tomorrow and I’m pretty much on schedule with the project and up to date with how the work is progressing.

  I glance at my cellphone. It’s late evening here. In Noir Valley it’ll be ten. They’re only an hour behind us and I finger the cellphone. Turning it over as I wait for it to ring. With another mouthful of coffee, I drain my mug. I rise from my seat and place the empty mug in the sink. With the cellphone in hand, I head for the lounge and switch the radio on. The low hum of music fills the room and I settle on the couch. Bastian’s cellphone rings several times. Then it goes to voicemail and I switch the call off without answering. I ring the number again. Again, it goes to voicemail. “Hi Bastian. I thought I’d let you know I’ve arrived safely. That there were no problems with my flight.” I rise from the couch and go to the window. “The apartment seems empty. Shit, it is empty without you. I think this is going to be a long two weeks. I’m not sure what I’ll do. Anyway, when you get a chance call me. Anytime it doesn’t matter. I’ll answer.”

  After paying the cab I enter the building and take the elevator to the twenty-third floor. As I step out of the elevator, plastic sheets flap over missing doors and over framework where walls once stood. Twelve apartments cover this floor and I was the one responsible for redesigning them. “Hello.” I walk further along the corridor and shout out again. My hello echoes around the empty hallways.

  ‘Eve. This way.’ At Oliver’s voice, I turn and find him standing in the third apartment. There are four other people with him, and I join them. ‘Eve. Let me introduce Gabe Symmanite. He’s the head project manager.

  ‘Hi. Sorry I wasn’t here to meet you when the project started.’

  ‘I’ve been trying to put a face to the voice. I hate to admit it, but my imagination failed.’ Gabe holds his hand out and I accept it. His grip is firm and warm, and I respond to his smile. His brown eyes twinkle.

  ‘I do that all the time. I don’t think I’ve ever got it right.’

  ‘Why do we play these games.’

  I shrug and greet the other members of the group. It’s a long meeting as we walk around the site taking notes on issues and the adjustments Gabe wants changing. By the time we finish my head aches. As I reach the elevator, Gabe catches up. ‘Hey. Why don’t I take you to lunch?’

  ‘Sure. If you have any more questions. Just ask.’

  The restaurant Gabe picks is three blocks away from the apartment building. It’s a small family run establishment and he doesn’t have a problem getting a table.

  Gabe’s fingers linger on my shoulder as I sit down. “Will you be staying long.”

  “Another week. Then I’m going to New Orleans for the weekend.”

  Gabe doesn’t respond until after the waitress takes our order and leaves us. “You meeting your boyfriend there.”

  A chuckle escapes me. If I had to describe Bastian. It wouldn’t be as my boyfriend. He’s too big to be a boy to anyone. I shake my head at Gabe. “No. A couple of girlfriends.”

  “Then you’ll be returning here.”

  I shake my head. “No, I need to return to Noir Valley. I still have Mama’s house to sell. Hopefully it won’t take too long. Then I’ll be back here”

  “Oliver says you have someone in Noir Valley”

  I shrug. In the last forty-eight hours I’ve left four messages for Bastian and he hasn’t returned any of them. “‘We’re adults.”

  “So he wouldn’t mind if you saw someone else.”

  “I’ve several days to kill. Why don’t you take me out one night?”

  “You have a date.”

  The television is on and the film flickers by unnoticed. What the plot is, or the title of the film is I could not tell you. When I’d arrived home after lunch with Gabe, I’d gone for a bath and as I soaked in the warm bubbly water, I’d thought about cancelling the date. That was until I remembered, I still hadn’t had a call from Bastian. On the low coffee table are several bottles of beer. Some open, some empty. I know if I continue to drink, I’ll have a headache in the morning. As I reach for another bottle, I wish I cared. Bastian’s caught me and he’s caught me good. I hate this twisted gut sensation I’m going through. Each time my cellphone rings I dive to answer it. The pit of my stomach reaches my toes when it’s not Bastian on the other end. I blink back tears as they appear from nowhere. My cellphone rings. Expecting Gabe’s call, I don’t hurry to answer. My breathing changes when I see Bastian’s face flashing at me, and my thumb hesitates slightly over the answer tab. With a deep breath. I lean back and answer his call. “Bastian.”

  “Hi, Eve.”

  “I was beginning to think you’d lost my number.”

  Bastian’s chuckle teases my ear. It’s not his usual deep toe-curling chuckle. More of a dismissive one and my heart clenches. Pulling against my ribs. “No chance of that, Babe.” The line goes silent. “Things have just got a bit chaotic here. I would have called you sooner if I could have.”

  “Want to talk about it.”

  “When I see you. Not over the phone.”

  “You okay, Bastian.”

  This time his smile is genuine as he tantalizers me over the cellphone. “I am now that I’m finally hearing your voice. Got to admit I played your messages several times.

  “Bastian. Don’t shut me out of your life.”

  “I won’t. Shit, Eve, I miss you. But I’ve got to be honest. I’m glad you’re not in Noir Valley.

  The pit in my stomach clenches. “Firebird and Poppy. Are they okay?’

  “Yeah, they’re fine.” Bastian chuckles. “Anyway, if they weren’t, I’m sure Firebird would have said something.”

  “Would she. I’ve called her several times. She’s never said anything.”

  “Place has been on lockdown over the last few days. Like I said. I’ll talk when you’re home.”

  Home. My toes curl against the couch and I close my eyes. I’ve never had a home. I’ve always had somewhere to live, but not somewhere to call home. “And it’s not now.” I remember the last lock down. The isolation. Not knowing what’s going on. Or how long it’ll last.

  “No.” The line goes silent and I imagine Bastian pacing. “Not at the moment. When you get back, we need to talk.”

  “But not over the phone.”

  “No. I need to watch your face.”

  Chapter 14

  Bastian An Unknow Motel Louisiana

  I look around the motel room. This is my second day away from Noir Valley and it’s nearly a week since I held Eve. My scowl deepens, I’m pissed at her for not letting me take her to the airport. The first night she was away, I had spent it on the boat. The reason I came up with, was that we were leaving early in the morning for a run. The truth was, I couldn’t face going back to an empty house. I drank myself into a stupor that night and pissed at Eve for leaving the way she did, I hadn’t answered any of her calls or returned them. I run my fingers through my hair. The first couple of calls I could have answered. However, since we hit the road we’ve been on phone silence. Jono has upped the game and intercepted our latest shipment. Usually Inferno, Devil’s Comfort President, does the run, but he’d given the job to a couple of younger Bikers thinking that the run woul
d go as smooth as it usually does. For the last three years there’s been no trouble on the road. Mainly because Devil’s Comfort have several routes they use. I pace the room. There’s a mole and it twists at my guts because we don’t know who this person is. With a twist of my lips, I pull a bottle of beer from the brown paper bag on the bed, and twist the cap. I then go back to the window and look over the parking lot and watch a couple of cars pull into the motel parking lot. Shit, the fucking mole best be in in Devil’s Comfort. I’d hate it to be one of our men. Men I trust. Jono and the others had caused enough problems for us when they broke away. Shit, it had taken a couple of years to rebuild The River Demons. To find new men and trust them. I take another swallow of my beer. The parking lot is silent, and I glance over to the rucksack. The only cellphone I have with me is my burner and as I spot it on the bed, Eve’s image flashes before me and I start walking over to the bed. I miss her. Her touch. Her smell. Her voice. I was missing it all. Just as I reach the bed, headlights filter over the window. Filling the room briefly with extra light and I drop the burner back on the bed. There’s a short rap at the door, followed by Day and Oyster walking in. Oyster strides to the chair by the bed, sits in it and places his legs on the bed. Crossing them at the ankle. Day looks around the room, then he settles on the bed. “You know. You two aren’t my type.”

  Day flips me the finger and Oyster flashes his toothy smile. “Try me before you knock it.”

  I flip him the finger. “No, thanks. Eve can give you a run for your money.”

  “You serious about the woman.” I turn to Day and lean against the wall. Day is watching me. Out of us all. TJ is the joker and Day is as serious as you can be. Yet nothing passes either man. If something’s going on, they know about it. Another reason why I think it’s Devil’s Comfort who has the mole.

  I take a large swallow of the beer emptying the bottle and nod. “Yeah.” I turn to look out of the window. Three Bikers have arrived, and they park their bikes next to ours. “Never thought it would happen. Shit, she’s not my sort. But she’s hooked me. Twiggy and Inferno are here.”


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