Roll the Dice: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 2

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Roll the Dice: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 2 Page 17

by Brair Lake

  “I want you here, Eve. Knowing you’re safe. Out of harm’s way. I can’t think about business if you’re miles away on your own. Now read your book or sleep. I’ll be a long later.” My smile deepens as I stroke the flesh of her arm. My dick stirs. Eve yawns and there’s still no color in her face. Going without sex while I’m with Eve is becoming a habit. It’s becoming a habit I intend to break. We may not be having sex tonight, but it doesn’t mean I can’t kiss or touch her. The kiss starts slow and I slip my hand under the covers and find the hem of her nightshirt. Her legs fall open as I slide my finger between her sweet plump lips. The kiss deepens as I stroke the sensitive flesh. Teasing her clit as I coat it with cream. My tongue thrusts into her mouth and we duel. Eve’s breathing deepens as I tease her pussy. Then the kiss is broken as she arches her neck back and shudders beneath me. “Rest, Eve. If you can’t sleep. Read.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’ve work. I’ll see you in a couple of hours.”

  The meeting with Day and the rest of the crew isn’t for another couple of hours and I go for a walk around the deck of the boat. Life is going on as normal. The casino is open, and the customers are arriving. I watch another car pull into the parking lot. The door opens and Hank’s large body rolls out of his seat. He gives a stretch and hitches his pants. Then he’s turning towards the boat and his gaze finds me. He gives a salute and I answer with one of my own as I watch him make his way towards me. Another hour and we would have sailed. “I guess you’re not here to play cards.”

  Hank slips his hand onto the railing of the boat and watches the ripple of the water as the boat makes a slight hum. “Nope. How is she?”

  “Tired and tucked up in bed.”

  “You guys planning anything stupid?”

  “What if it had been Mia who was shot?”

  Hank rolls his shoulder. “Technically, it’s out of my jurisdiction.” He turns his gaze to me. His hazel eyes, hard. “You heard from Jono?”


  “Will you be going to see him.”

  I shrug, “You think Jono’s responsible for the shooting.?”

  Hank’s piercing gaze is on me and I return the look without flinching. “Why don’t you tell me.”

  I was on the fishing expedition. Not the sheriff. “I wasn’t there. And no one saw anything.”

  “But if you did know something, you’d tell me.

  “Are we on a two-way communication.” Hank shrugs as a shadow passes over us and I turn to see Flash standing behind us. My stomach flinches. We’re still mole hunting. “Have you been standing there long?”

  The whore shakes her head. “I just came to see if the sheriff needed anything.”

  Hank’s gaze roves over the blonde and he glances at his watch. “I’m off duty for another half hour. Why don’t we see what you can do, Flash?”

  As they move to the stairs that link to the deck below, Day passes them, and watches them as they disappeared. “What did he want?”

  I shrug as I turn my gaze back to the lake. “We were talking about fishing.”

  “Leon enjoys fishing. Anything interesting come up?”

  I shake my head. “He doesn’t think Jono had anything to do with the shooting.”

  Day’s gaze is on the lake as I watch him. “Do you believe him?”

  “Right now. Yeah, I do. Until you tell me different and tell me what the hell is going on.”

  “I told you. It’s personal. Nothing to do with you or The River Demons.”

  “Poppy’s caught up in the middle of it, Day. Eve was shot. It’s no longer personal. It’s all connected to Demon’s Lair now.”

  Day nods. “Meeting once Hank’s off the boat.” I watch Day as he strolls to the other end of the deck.


  Eve – Demon’s Lair Noir Valley

  Bastian stands by the cabin door and I throw the covers back on the bed and swing my legs to the side of the bed. “I’m getting out of bed and going home.”

  “Get back in bed. Eve.” I press my hands onto the mattress and wince as pain shoots through my shoulder. “You’re obviously still in pain.

  “I’m fine. Bored, but fine. Shit, Bastian, I have work to do.”

  “Tell me what you need, and I’ll go to the house and get them.”

  “I need to be at the house. I need light and fucking fresh air.” I turn to glare at Bastian and wish I hadn’t as the pulse in my clit comes to life, Fuck, it’s nearly three weeks since I’ve had sex. Sure, Bastian’s got me off a couple of times either with his hand or tongue, but it’s not the same. “It’s okay for you. You’re free to come and go. Shit, you’re gone all day and I don’t see a soul.”

  “That doesn’t normally bother you.”

  The denseness of the man grates on my teeth and I wonder how the hell I can love such a backward oaf. “That’s because I’m usually working.” As I stand, a deep sigh seeps through my body and I walk over to my overnight bag and pull out some clean clothes. “I’m going for a shower.”

  “I’ll join you.”

  “No. You won’t. I’ll meet you in the saloon. We’ll have breakfast. Then you can take me home.” I turn to the bathroom. Shock vibrates through my body. I just turned sex down with Bastian. Maybe I’m the one who needs their head examining.

  “I’m not leaving. What if you collapse in the shower?”

  “I’ll be fine, Bastian. Go make breakfast. I’m hungry.”

  “You’re everything but horny.”

  I turn to Bastian. The pulse in my clit throbs. “Who says I’m not horny. Maybe I just don’t think you’re horny or suffered enough yet.”

  “I’ve suffered, Eve. Believe me.”

  “Suffered. You’ve enjoyed the freedom to come and go. Now go make breakfast. I’ll join you shortly.”

  The saloon is busy when I arrive, and I find Bastian sat with Day and Alex. Day nods as I approach their table. “Good to see you up, Eve.”

  “Thanks. Bastian’s going to run me home once we’ve had breakfast.”

  I ignore Alex’s sniggers as I sit in the empty seat beside Bastian. Day watches me behind his mug of coffee and there is a sparkle in his eyes. “I might have plans for Bastian.”

  “I only need him for an hour or so. Then he’s all yours.”

  “For an hour. So, you’ll not be delaying him then.

  I look at Day. There is a glint in his eyes and a smile plays at the corner of his lip. “It’s Bastian’s day off tomorrow. I’ll have all day to play.”

  “His day off.” Day scratches head. “Day off. This is no nine to five job.”

  I smile. Firebird’s already told me Bastian’s not working tomorrow night. Which means he is mine for forty-eight hours. “He’s working now. He’s working tonight. Tomorrow he needs to sleep.”

  “Sleep.” Day’s eyebrow rises. “If you were mine. Sleeping isn’t what we’d be doing.”

  “Aren’t I a lucky woman I’m not yours. After Bastian finishes at the casino. You’ll not see him for forty-eight hours. If he sleeps or not. Well, that’s up to him.”

  Bastian’s fingers run up and down my spine and I shudder at his touch. I turn to look at him, and my pussy clenches at the smile he offers me as he leans forward. His lips brush against my ear. “You think forty-eight hours will compensate for three weeks celibacy.” Then he turns to Day. “I’ll take her home. I’ll be back, and for the next sixteen hours I’m yours. After that, I’m having some R&R.”

  “Fuck, it’s good to be home.” I switch the kettle on as Bastian drops my overnight bag on the kitchen table. “Want a coffee before you go?”

  Bastian shakes his head as he walks over to me. His large body surrounds me, but there’s no threat in his demeanor. His thumb strokes the flesh of my cheek and a shiver shudders through me. “No. I told Day I wouldn’t be long. Besides you need your rest. You’ve a busy few days ahead of you.” As the door closes behind him, I release my breath as I lean against the door. I need more painkillers. My
shoulder aches and my head throbs. I’ve several calls to make but they can wait. I need to sleep.

  The heat of the afternoon sun brings me out of my deep sleep, and I reach out for the body next to mine, only to discover the spot is empty and I remember I’m on my own. With a blink, I fight to bring everything into focus, then I hear it. The peal of bells, and I realize it was the doorbell which woke me. It rings again and whoever is at the door isn’t going away. I grab a tee-shirt, throw it on and pull my jeans up. The bell is still ringing as I reach the bottom of the stairs and as I open the door it is pushed further open by a stranger. “Shit. Who the hell are you? And get out of my house.”

  “Call Bastian. Tell him you need to see him.” The stranger grabs my arm and drags me into the living room. He pushes me onto the couch. Then waves a gun at me. “Call him.”

  “My cellphone’s in the bedroom” Whoever the stranger is. He is twitchy and rubs his nose with the hand holding the gun. He looks at me. He goes over to the window and looks out. Then he turns back to me, drags me up by the arm of my aching shoulder and shoves me towards the door.

  “Fetch it.” I stumble through the door and scramble up the stairs. The stranger’s behind me. His breath hot and clammy against my neck. As we reach the top of the stairs, the stranger pushes me once more as I turn towards the bedroom. My cellphone is on the bedside cabinet and I grab it. It rings and goes to voicemail.

  “He’s not answering.”

  “Ring it again and keep ringing.”

  After the fifth voicemail I glance at the stranger. “He’s not answering.”

  The stranger paces the room. He waves the gun towards the door. “Downstairs.” My knees shake. Yet somehow I make it downstairs. The stranger is still behind me and shoves me into the living room once more.

  “What do you want with Bastian.” I watch the stranger. I still have the cellphone in my hand and as his gaze goes to the window. Bastian’s number is still on the screen. As I continue to stare at the stranger. I hit the message icon, thanking whoever will listen, I have voice text on. “If you tell me what you want. I can help you. Look, if Bastian’s not answering his phone. He must be busy.” I hit send and hope he understands the message. “Were you the one who shot me?”

  The stranger turns to me and shakes his head. “Try him again.” My fingers shake as I ring Bastian. Again, there is no answer. The stranger walks towards me and I press my body against the back of the couch. He grabs and drags me out of the room.

  “Here. Drive us to Demon’s Lair.” The stranger hands me a set of keys as he pushes me out of the house. With his gun still on me, I climb into the car. My hands are clammy and although they shake, I manage to turn the key and the car comes to life. My heart pounds and the throbbing in my head has returned. I silently count to ease my breathing. Demon’s Lair is a good thirty minutes’ drive and although I glance at the stranger several times, he continues to look straight ahead. The gun is still pointed towards me. I play around with the idea of slamming on the brakes. Of crashing into the car behind us. I’ve been shot once. I don’t want shooting again and I dismiss the idea. As the stranger continues to look out of his window. I glance at the car door pocket. My cellphone is in it and my fingers flex around the steering wheel. I turn the car right; we are on the final stretch of road which leads us to Demon’s Lair. My knee is trembling. How the car isn’t jerking or doing kangaroo hops, baffles me.

  “Pull in over there.” The stranger points to a lay-by just before the gates of the parking lot to Demon’s Lair. “Now get out. And walk in front of me. Go slow and stop when I tell you.” I nod. My fingers fumble with the door handle, but I make it out of the car and steadily begin to walk to the gate. The gate is shut, but not locked. As we walk into the parking lot, there are three Bikers. One sits on the picnic bench; one has his foot on the bench as he drinks a beer and the other is leaning against his bike. They fall silent and all the men stand.

  “Drop to your knees.” I do as the stranger bids and feel the tip of the gun at my head. “Go fetch, Bastian.” I watch the Bikers as they turn to blurs through my tears. One of them nods and as he turns to the gangplank my heart drops into my stomach. The other two Bikers watch the stranger and me. Neither go for the guns which are in clear sight.

  “I’m here, Teddy.”

  I glance to the boat. Bastian is standing on the lower deck and so are Day, Alex, TJ, and Leon. Kit and Oyster are missing. All the bikers have come out. They line the deck and they have guns pointed at us.

  “He found out Bastian. You promised if I helped you. Nothing would happen. But Jono out.”

  “You should have come straight to me, Teddy. We can help you.” Bastian takes a step towards the gangplank. Day and Alex follow him. Leon and TJ remain where they are. My heart throbs inside my head. I know who and what Bastian is. But I didn’t sign up for this. Shit, if I had stayed on the boat instead of insisting on going home, I wouldn’t be in this mess now.

  “No, you can’t. – I came home from our meeting and I found her. They raped her. Then shot her in the head. I lost my woman. Now you’re going to watch yours die.”

  Bastian is closer. He never looks at me. His gaze steady on the stranger behind me. I turn to Day. His eyes are on me and they are empty. “Let’s talk, Teddy. One death is enough. We don’t need to make it a second.”

  “I want you to feel my pain Bastian. Betraying my club cost me too much. I want to see your pain. I know I’m a dead man. That I have nothing to lose. But you. You’ll suffer for years knowing your woman died because you turned me into a mole. “

  “You’re right. You have nothing to lose and you’re a dead man.” Kit’s voice came from behind me and the tight clamp around my heart eases slightly. Then everything goes black as a body hits at me and pushes me away. A gun goes off and when I free myself from Day, the stranger lies on the ground.


  Bastian – Demon’s Lair Noir Valley

  Shit, my head is throbbing, and my hands are clammy. Teddy is on the ground. He’s not moving, but he is alive. Kit is bent over him and he looks over at me and nods. It’s then I turn to Eve. Day has her in his arms. He’s saying something, and she nods. The color is slowly returning to her cheeks and then she looks at me. It’s then my legs finally move. My body has been on shut down since Stamp interrupted our meeting. At first, what he was saying did not register. It was as the words slowly sank in, I understood about the situation in the yard. Teddy Sommerville is twenty-eight. He is a former River Demon. Joining Jono and the Skull Collector’s when the coup had failed. For the last three weeks he has passed on information about Jono and his club to us. Blood pounds through my body. I wanted the bastard dead. As I moved closer to the top of the gangplank. My rage had grown black and my fingers twitched to pull out my gun. It was TJ who held me back. His words soft as he stands beside me.

  “Are you going to stand there all day.” I turn to Alex and blink. Then my gaze returns to Day and Eve who have risen from the ground. I shake my head, then stroll over to Eve and take her in my arms. Her warmth seeps through to me and I squeeze her tighter. My job is to protect this woman. I have failed twice. Her scent surrounds me, and I inhale deeply.

  “Bastian, I needed to breathe.”

  “Shit, Eve, I need to hold you. Make sure you’re okay.”

  “I will be if I can breathe.” I turn towards the boat and guide Eve towards the gangplank. “I don’t want to go on the boat, Bastian. Let’s stay out here.”

  “Are you sure. Do you need a doctor?”

  Eve shakes her head. “I’m fine.”

  I step back and take my first me look at her. Her color has returned. There’s a slight rosy blush to her cheeks. She blinks and I see the tears and notice she’s clenching the arm of her wounded shoulder. “What about your shoulder. I’ll get TJ to look at it.”

  Eve breaks free of my embrace and walks towards the bench by the river. I go to follow her, but Leon grabs my arm. “I’ll send Firebird over. She ca
n keep Eve company. Then we clean this mess up.”

  I nod and watch Leon as he pulls his cellphone from his pocket. The parking lot is deserted now everyone has returned to Demon’s Lair. There’ll be a meeting in progress. I want to be there. I want to be the one to deliver justice. My gaze goes to Eve. She’s sat on the bench. Her gaze fixated on the River. There’s a sense of isolation around her and my stomach dips. Eve is new to this way of living. She isn’t another club whore who was drawn to the lifestyle. “Send someone down with a couple of beers.” Leon nods as he runs up the gangplank.

  “Eve.” My tread is silenced by the soft grass beneath my feet and it is with a start she looks up at me.

  “Twice, Bastian. Fucking twice in less than a week I’ve had a fucking gun pointed at me.”

  “Would you believe me if I said it’s not normally this bad.”

  “I know someone’s watching Poppy.” Eve runs a hand through her hair and winces. “I know you’re not perfect, Bastian. That your business isn’t a hundred percent kosher. That for the last couple of weeks something was going on. That you are keeping me out of it. I’ve had enough.” Eve turns her gaze towards me. The gray depth hidden by the width of the pupil. “Talk to me, Bastian. Tell me what’s going on. Shit. I think I told you everything about me. But you. You hide behind that fucking smile and don’t say anything.”

  I nod as I return my gaze to the river. “I thought I was protecting you.”

  “Look at me, Bastian. Take a good look at me.” I turn to stare at Eve, and she stands up in front of me. “I’m a woman. Not some idiotic teenager. I’m not Sugar Jay or Poppy who needs protecting from the big bad world. I’ve looked after myself since I was a child. I left home at fourteen.” I’ve been on my own for ten years. Taking care of myself. Treat me equally Bastian or I’m gone. Poppy can take that crap from Day. I won’t. Not from you.

  “It’s not that easy, Eve. You may be my Old Lady. But we don’t discuss matters outside of the club.”


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