Heir to a Slave

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Heir to a Slave Page 8

by Samantha Cayto

Diego felt his cheeks heat up. That was another first with this man. For some reason, the master had the ability to make Diego blush even after all the training and experience he had. “Yes, Master. Jason,” he dared given that they were alone.

  His courage was rewarded with a smile. “Hmm. That was ballsy of him. I mean what if someone came in?”

  Diego licked his lips to buy some time. Did Jason really want to know the answer to that? “He, um. That is the late master sometimes invited people, other men, in while he did.”

  “Jeez, that’s both gross and kind of hot.” He slid his fingers through Diego’s hair, and tightening his grip, forced Diego to look up. “He didn’t let those guys fuck you afterward, too, did he?”

  Diego made himself look the man in the eye the way he knew he liked. “No.”

  Jason’s fingers loosened their hold, and he patted Diego’s head. “Good.”

  Pleased that he’d alleviated his master’s concern, Diego didn’t add in that the old master had always offered Diego’s mouth up for service. None of the men had ever turned down an opportunity to be sucked off. It had been a power play and an effective one. Diego was even glad to do it because it meant the master would be in a good mood afterward knowing he’d successfully lorded it over other men.

  Jason twirled the tube thoughtfully before tossing it onto the almost empty desk top. Usually it contained file folders, but of course the new president had removed anything of importance, leaving a lovely office that had no use anymore.

  Pushing back, Jason patted his thigh. “Come up here and straddle my lap.”

  Diego shot to his feet and did as commanded. He felt sexy in one of his new pair of black jeans and a button-down green shirt. Jason had thrown on the one pair of kakis he owned and a white button-down, both articles of clothing Ginger had washed and pressed to a crisp professionalism. Only Diego knew that neither he nor his master wore anything else. As soon as he pressed his crotch against Jason’s, their respective stiffening dicks collided.

  “Mmm,” Jason groaned. He slid his arms around Diego’s waist and pulled him in closer. “I think that meeting left me a little tense. What do you think we should do about that?”

  Diego loved how Jason always asked him those kinds of questions. They weren’t rhetorical, either. He really wanted Diego to offer up suggestions about how they could both find pleasure.

  Feeling bold, Diego leaned forward and kissed the man. He knew Jason liked his taking the initiative. He always waited for Jason to take it deeper, which the man did immediately. Their tongues met inside Diego’s mouth and wrestled in a slow dance that quickly picked up speed. By the time they had to pop up for air, Diego had his arms entwined around Jason’s neck, and Jason’s hands clenched Diego’s ass.

  Jason clasped a bit of Diego’s lower lip between his teeth and gently tugged. “You know what I can’t get out of my head?” he asked when he let go. Diego shook his head. “A vision of you leaning over the desk while I plow your ass.”

  Oh, shit! Now that idea swam around in Diego’s head, too. Always before he’d hated how demeaning it felt to be fucked so casually, to be used almost like a tissue for the master’s convenience. With Jason, though, the idea was hot as hell.

  Jason nuzzled Diego’s neck. “What do you say? Would you like that?” He pulled back when Diego’s voice failed him. “Or, did you not like that when my uncle did it?”

  Diego swallowed hard past the lust clogging his throat. “I’d like that with you, Master. Jason,” he added in almost a whisper so that the man would believe him.

  Based on the bright smile Jason treated him to, Diego knew he’d done a good job of convincing him. Jason pulled him off his lap and turned him around. With a slight pressure on Diego’s back, he bent him over and onto the desk. Diego relaxed into the pose, lying with the side of his face on the blotter. Cool air hit his back and ass as Jason raised up the hem of Diego’s shirt while lowering his jeans down to the middle of his thighs. Being partially dressed made him feel far more vulnerable than being fully nude for some reason. And, his legs were trapped by the waistband of the jeans, making him doubly under his master’s control. Still, it was okay because it was Jason. He trusted Jason even if that was a foolish thing after only several days’ experience.

  Jason rubbed his palm up Diego’s spine in a slow stroke, then back down again. He repeated that a few more times before taking his hand all the way down to Diego’s ass and squeezing. Diego rewarded his efforts with as pretty a moan as he could and even wiggled in encouragement. A slap across his left buttocks made him gasp, although it also made his cock twitch.

  “You’re such a slut,” Jason admonished in teasing tone. “I’ll get to the good stuff in a minute. I love the feel of you,” he added in hushed voice. “So soft and yet your ass is firm enough to take a good pounding. Oh, how I love to drill this ass into the mattress.”

  The dirty talk made Diego’s breath hitch. It was sexy, not demeaning. A turn on, not fear-inducing. Diego’s balls pulled up tight to his body, aching with need, while his dick throbbed with the same need. His master would get to that eventually. He always had before, and Diego was confident about it now.

  Jason’s touch stopped for a moment, then returned in the form of a couple of slicked up fingers. They pried open Diego’s ass cheeks as they slipped through and unerringly found Diego’s hole. Relaxed and aroused as he was, it opened eagerly for them. He wanted to push back to welcome them in deeply, yet he remembered the master’s previous admonishment and stayed still. The effort drove him slightly mad, which only served to goose his arousal. The whole point of the master’s order, of course. For the right man, submission was hot.

  Jason kept the prep down to a minimum and soon, his cock replaced the fingers. He thrust into Diego with one, sure stroke that left them both gasping. Jason stilled for a moment, his hand once more running up Diego’s spine. Then, just as Diego thought he couldn’t stay immobile for another second, Jason started doing that drilling he’d mentioned before. With long, hard thrusts, he plowed Diego’s ass with a fervor that had Diego clawing at the smooth surface of the desk. He went up on his toes to help the man go even deeper and rub against Diego’s prostate with each stroke of his dick.

  “Fuck! Fuck!” Jason chanted the word as his movements stuttered and became more erratic. He came with one final push that had Diego off his feet entirely and sent his own dick scraping along the underside of the desk.

  Warmth flooded his insides, the sensation along with the wooden assault on his cock caused him to come, as well. He gritted his teeth to keep from screaming out his release. His body rose up in a shuddering wave that sent him careening against his master. But, Jason caught him and held him and rode the climax with him. Diego had a passing fear that he’d just spilled all over the master’s expensive rug, then decided it didn’t matter. He’d gladly lick it up if his master ordered him to.

  Warm breath tickled Diego’s sweaty back as Jason chuckled. “Well, that helped relieve my tension for sure.” He kissed one shoulder before standing up. Diego missed the contact immediately, especially when Jason pulled his cock free. “Come on, let’s get cleaned up. Good thing Vince has a private bathroom. We have enough time to grab a bite before leaving for the airport. I can’t wait to see Kurt.”

  Diego slowly rose and smiled at Jason because he knew that was what was expected. But, mention of the boyfriend sent a shiver of apprehension down his spine. He wasn’t sure how the man’s arrival would change matters between him and Jason, although really it wasn’t Diego’s place to question that at all. He wasn’t Jason’s lover no matter what he called him. He was his slave. He held no claim to the man. Besides, if Jason liked this Kurt guy, he was probably just as nice. Diego needed to stop worrying about the future. He’d just been fucked in the best way possible and that was all that mattered. When you were a slave, you had to live in the moment. Otherwise you were destined for disappointment.


  “There he is!” The maste
r launched himself into the arms of a tall, muscular man with sun-bleached hair.

  “Jason, baby!” The man, Mr. Kurt as Diego thought of him, laughed and twirled the master around as if he were a small child. When he stopped, he set him down on the sidewalk outside the airport. Then he ruffled his hair, dislodging the man-bun the master favored. “I almost forgot how gorgeous you are. I can’t wait to get inside you,” the man added with a loud stage whisper that even Diego could hear standing a few feet away.

  Far from being insulted or embarrassed, Jason laughed at the remark and even batted his eyelashes. “Promises. Promises. Come on, this is a loading and unloading zone only. If we don’t hurry up, the state trooper over there is going to have a cow.”

  Picking up his duffle bag, Mr. Kurt sauntered over to the car with his other hand still curled around the master’s waist. Alphonse had driven in, so he hurried to liberate the bag from the free man’s grip and place it into the trunk.

  “Holy crap, look at this ride. And, you have slaves!” Mr. Kurt’s gaze focused right on Diego, who felt that piercing look all the way through.

  The master chuckled. “Um, yeah. My uncle left me an obscene amount of money along with a big house and six slaves. Alphonse is my driver, and this is Diego, my body slave.”

  Mr. Kurt stopped in front of Diego and reached out to cup Diego’s chin. It was the kind of touch that made it hard for Diego to remain still. Pressure forced his head up, but he kept his eyes downward.

  “Wow, he’s gorgeous.”

  “I know. Remember when I said I had a surprise for you?”

  “Have you painted him yet?”

  “Not yet, although I intend to. I’ve done a bunch of sketches.” The master liberated Diego’s face with a gentle tug of Mr. Kurt’s hand. “Come on, let’s go.”

  Seconds later, Alphonse had them speeding out of the airport. Because he sat in the front next to Alphonse, Diego couldn’t see his master and his guest in the backseat. He could hear them, however, and they were having quite the reunion. Diego had to ball his hands into fists to resist the temptation to glance over his shoulder. He knew better than that. What free men did with each other was none of his concern. It didn’t matter that his own hole sweetly ached from being fucked by Jason not two hours ago. For Jason, as the master, that had been a release and a warm-up of what was to come when his boyfriend arrived.

  Finally they came up for air, breathing heavily and laughing. “So, what’s a body slave do, exactly?”

  “Oh, well,” the master chuckled a bit self-consciously, or at least that’s how it sounded to Diego. “You know, he’s a valet and a masseur. In fact, he should give you a massage tonight.”

  “Yeah, I could use one after being on that plane for hours. Coach, too. You know how it is.” There was a pause and smacking of lips. “I guess now that my boyfriend is so rich, I can fly first class.”

  “Absolutely, anything you want.” Boy, the master sounded so eager to please.

  “But, that’s not all he does, right? I mean you fuck him, don’t you?”

  “Um, yeah, sure. He’s a pleasure slave, as well. That’s part of the package.”

  “Awesome. A living fuck toy.” Diego felt his stubby ponytail being tugged and worked to stay still.

  “Don’t say that. Diego’s more than that.” Now, the master sounded a little peeved, which made Diego feel a little better.

  Mr. Kurt chuckled. “Sorry. I plead jet lag for my lack of manners. I’m starving, too. Can we have dinner when we get home?”

  Diego wanted to turn around and tell the man that it wasn’t his home. Of course, he did no such thing. He kept his lips firmly shut and stared out the windshield at the heavy traffic all around them.

  “Definitely. The cook, Ginger, is making your favorite.”

  “Really? Chicken piccata with egg noodles?”

  “And carrot cake with sour cream frosting.”

  “Oh, baby, you spoil me. And, to show my appreciation, I’m going to eat lightly so that I can fuck you raw later.”

  “Shut up!” The master was laughing when he said it, and soon more smacking sounds could be heard.

  Shit, the master had always been so, well, masterful with Diego. It hadn’t occurred to him that the man would play a more submissive roll with his boyfriend, yet it was clear who ruled in the relationship. That bothered Diego. It meant that the honeymoon period with his new master was drawing to a close. If Mr. Kurt wanted to use Diego more harshly, would the master object? Diego forced his mind to shut off that line of thought. He was getting ahead of himself again. The master wasn’t simply “the master”—he was Jason, too. Jason had shown him nothing but kindness so far, and there was no reason to believe things would change. Besides, Diego was a slave. He had no right to expect anything, least of all fair treatment and happiness.


  “I don’t know, babe. All I’m saying is that it’s a bit weird having a slave sitting at the table.”

  Diego kept his gaze down on his plate and stayed out of the conversation. It wasn’t his place to weigh in on the desirability of his being at the table. He focused on putting one bite after the other in his mouth, chewing and swallowing it all down so that Mr. Kurt couldn’t say it was all wasted on him. It was hard to eat, not because it tasted bad. Ginger had done a wonderful job, as always. Diego’s mounting worry that the previous week’s bliss had been a temporary fantasy life suppressed everything, including his taste buds. He should never have become used to having his master’s undivided and solicitous attention. With his boyfriend back in his life, the master was destined to treat Diego like the slave he was. The transition had already started.

  “I like having him here instead of in the kitchen, and honestly do you want him kneeling on the carpet? That would be weird.”

  Diego didn’t dare glance up at Mr. Kurt. He knew that if he did, he’d see a look that conveyed just how much the man would like such a thing. In the few hours since they’d picked him up at the airport, the guy had shot Diego enough predatory glances to make his skin crawl. This was how men had always looked at him. Even as a child, Diego had found himself on the receiving end of unspoken desire by various trainers. Now that he understood what had been wanted from him, he was surprised no one had given into those temptations. He supposed he was lucky to have been born and raised in a reputable place where employees followed the rules.

  Dinner dragged out, although fortunately the master and Mr. Kurt spent the rest of it talking about their adventures together and not the proper place for slaves. Diego kept his head down and his mouth shut even when they finally retired up to the master’s bedroom. He followed the two free man inside and shut the door behind him. He tried not to feel too badly when those men immediately tumbled onto the bed in a heap of tangled limbs. Standing awkwardly by the door, he kept his gaze averted so that he didn’t have to see all the details of their groping each other.

  Clothing flew off the bed and landed on the floor. Out of habit and a desperate need to give himself something else to focus on, Diego walked over and picked up each piece. He meticulously folded the clothing and put it away. He’d already done that with Mr. Kurt’s things, adding them to the master’s closet and drawers. Now three sets of clothing, including his own, filled a fraction of the space that had been created for the old master. Although plenty of room remained, Diego couldn’t help but wonder how long before his things would be moved out and relegated to the room he shared with Bing down in the slaves’ quarters.

  A loud grunt sounded, then an “oh fuck” followed it along with flesh slapping against flesh. Diego’s gaze flicked over to the bed even though his brain screamed at him to not look. His master lay on his back, legs spread wide by Mr. Kurt’s large body. They both grunted loudly as Mr. Kurt slammed forward. Diego turned away and silently closed the closet door. He didn’t know what else to do with himself. Other than the furtive games boys in the dorm had play when the lights turned off and training sessions where he was forced t
o observe other slaves’ techniques, he’d never been in the presence of two people fucking before. If there was an etiquette to it, he didn’t know what that was. But unless his master dismissed him, he had no choice except to stand there feeling awkward.

  And jealous. Shit, yeah, that’s what that feeling was he realized. A tightness in his chest and the fervent wish that the bed would open up and swallow down just Mr. Kurt forever so that things could go back to the way they’d been. What nonsense. Diego was a slave, little more than a living doll. He existed to serve his master’s needs and wants. Diego’s feelings meant less than nothing in this world. How could he forget that for even a second?

  “Diego!” With a start, he realized his master had been calling him. “Take off your clothes and get on the bed.” His master’s voice sounded strained, and of course, Mr. Kurt still pounded into him.

  Diego didn’t hesitate to comply. It would be strange to be with them, yet he wanted so much to remain in his master’s bed. It didn’t matter under what circumstances. Naked in a flash, he crawled up on what he’d come to think of as his side and knelt patiently within reach of his master, should the man want to touch him. And, he did. The master reached over and wrapped one hand around Diego’s soft dick. Diego closed his eyes and savored the touch, reminding himself that this was Jason. He could still think of the man as such, couldn’t he? Did it matter if Mr. Kurt had joined them? This connection hadn’t been severed. Jason’s hand hadn’t lost its power to make Diego’s blood drain from his head and fill up his cock. He hardened and groaned as those firm artistic fingers pumped his flesh.

  “Fuck, he’s hot.” Mr. Kurt’s voice swamped over Diego, threatening to deflate his pleasure.

  With the discipline he’d learned at the training center, Diego shut out that voice and focused on the master’s grip. He bit his lower lip the way he knew Jason liked and thrust his hips into Jason’s tight fist. Diego’s balls had already pulled up against his body, and he could feel the climax building.

  “Stick your finger up your ass, boy.” Mr. Kurt’s harsh command made Diego flinch.


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