Delta Star

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by Iris Sword

  Delta Star

  by Iris Sword


  The Delta Rangers Trilogy

  Delta Moon (Delta Rangers, #1)

  Delta Star (Delta Rangers, #2)

  Delta Rangers (Delta Rangers, #3)


  Immortal Coven

  Wicked Possession

  The Radium Raiders Series

  CHAMPION (Radium Raiders, #1)

  OUTLAW (Radium Raiders, #2)

  LONESTAR (Radium Raiders, #3)

  BISHOP (Radium Raiders, #4)

  SAINT (Radium Raiders, #5)

  RADIUM RAIDERS: The Complete Series



  The Unconquered Stars Trilogy

  VALOR (Unconquered Stars, #1)

  ROGUE TREASURE (An Unconquered Stars Novella)

  HONOR (Unconquered Stars, #2)


  Bronze Moon

  The Grimoire Chronicles

  Zephyr’s Curse (A Grimoire Chronicles Novelette)

  Scale of Justice (The Grimoire Chronicles, #1)

  Flame of Truth (The Grimoire Chronicles, #2)

  Wings of Glory (The Grimoire Chronicles, #3)


  Delta Star is an erotic mpreg ménage à trois alien romance novella (12,000 words total). It features two alien men and one cybernetic human man with light bondage and domination. This ebook is for mature audiences only.

  #Science Fiction #Erotic Romance #mpreg #MMM #Gay Romance


  Space Rangers Xa’baar Ilaura and Haltrax Vuron, of the ice planet Deltrax, have found their fated mate. After years of protecting the universe, they decide to retire and start a family. The only problem? Victorio Chu is a fugitive on the run.

  Marriage freed Victorio from indentured servitude on Tieqiú 9. But as the bounty on his head resurfaces, Victorio has to make a choice—flee or fight? Haltrax struggles to abandon the law to protect his husband. Xa’baar must keep the trio’s union from shattering in the unforgiving void of space.

  Delta Star is an erotic mpreg ménage à trois alien romance novella.

  Delta Moon

  © 2019 Iris Sword

  All rights reserved. Published in the United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced in any format whatsoever without written consent from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, and events are the products of imagination. A resemblance to the aforementioned is purely coincidental. Any resemblance to the aforementioned is the result of Orbital Dysfunctional Syndrome (ODS) exhibited by Iris Sword.

  e-ISBN: 978-1-946024-89-3

  First Edition: October 2019

  Cover design by Perie Wolford

  For my Starstruck Wanderers longing to be loved


  Deltrax, Sector VX19

  Enroute to Vuron’s Private Spacecraft Allegiance

  The trio emerged from the snow-capped mountains and entered the transporter bay, weaving their way through a sea of Deltraxans along the way. Seeing so many people all at once frightened Victorio, whose eyes scanned the unfamiliar faces, looking for Chu or bounty hunters hired to track him down. Sensing his mate’s distress, Xa’baar fell back and pulled Victorio into his side, wrapping his arm around the smaller man. Haltrax paused, watching his husbands before turning on his heels to continue marching forward. Victorio squirmed in Xa’baar’s embrace; his displays of affection made Victorio feel extremely uncomfortable, and he still wasn’t quite sure how to react when either of his husbands became possessive.

  “I can walk by myself…” Victorio whispered, still paranoid that someone would recognize his voice.

  “Sssh. Be still and do not draw attention to yourself.” Xa’baar ordered, a rarity. He usually acted as diplomat with his new, and perpetually frightened, mate.

  “Why? Who do you see! Where are they?” Panic crept into Victorio’s hoarse voice, his throat still burning from the newlyweds morning “session.”

  Xa’baar glanced down at him as they walked, his arm sliding downward, tightening around Victorio’s waist, “...No one, Be… Belo… Vic’tor,” Xa’baar said his name slowly, as if it were painful to say, “I only mean to comfort you! You corona is unstable, and I can smell your fear. There is nothing to worry about, you are safe here. Haltrax and I shall protect you, so please, release your negative emotions. Your fear will only draw unnecessary attention to us. We of Deltrax do not receive many guests from distant planets.”

  It took Victorio a while to process what Xa’baar was saying. The translator Haltrax installed above his left ear was good, but their dialect and Qiú were incompatible, and Xa’baar always spoke so formally it felt like he was speaking in a coded language. Then it hit Victorio all at once. Xa’baar wasn’t telling him to shut the hell up because someone was after him, he said that because a lot of people were staring at him for another reason altogether. He was an offworlder, a foreigner on a remote planet that looked pretty homogenous to Victorio’s untrained eyes. Sure, Deltraxans appeared human in shape, but every single one of them was colored like a peacock threw up all over them. Their auras, what Xa’baar had called coronas, bathed the bay in a rainbow of color. Victorio removed himself from his situation, trying to think rationally even though his mind wanted to see everyone as a potential threat. The looks he was receiving were curious, even bemused, and nowhere near violent in nature. Victorio was confused why Haltrax chose to walk ahead of them, with Xa’baar hovering in between, until he took a better look at the alien couples milling around them. Most were walking in similar configurations, two or more masculine looking Deltraxans encircling a single feminine one. Sometimes, all the individuals in a unit looked masc or femme, much like Xa’baar, Haltrax, and him. So, Victorio figured that whoever was in the center could have children, and the ones on the outside put the babies in them. Victorio imagined it wasn’t unlike how Terran society used to be. He’d heard stories of humanity’s old homeworld over a thousand years ago, where people married and childless couples adopted orphans. Men were supposed to protect women, and families stuck together back then. Abnormals like Victorio, before his freak accident and subsequent transplant, lived full lives too, just minus the baby making part. At least, that’s what he’d heard, passed down generation after generation, and most likely a distortion of the truth. It all seemed fanciful to Victorio who grew up alone, an orphan forced to fend for himself among an innumerable amount of aliens on Tieqiú 9. He and Nova grew close largely because they both shared a legendary ancestor who fled Terra once it had died, and humanity sought refuge in the stars. When he saw it from a Deltraxan perspective, a people who not only had a homeworld to call their own, but rarely received “guests” as Xa’baar had put it, Victorio thought he must look like a circus animal to them. Like them, but unlike them, and obviously fucking one of their own. An abnormal because he was an alien, not because of who he chose to sleep with.

  “...Got it. I’ll chill out.” Seemingly pleased with his response after a drawn out silence, Xa’baar nodded his approval. Victorio walked quietly until the triad came upon the bay where Haltrax’s private spacecraft, Allegiance, was stationed.

  Haltrax took obvious pride in Allegiance, his green aura fanning out as he puffed out his chest. Even Victorio was impressed by the sleek obsidian exterior, outfitted with the latest and greatest commercial phasers on each massive wing. Once they’d climbed the stairs and entered the vessel, Victorio wavered, floored by what he saw before him. The chrome interior was radiant, and black fur rugs separated the living area from the equally glamorous chrome command center. Every single detail
shouted money and impeccable taste. It was a startling difference from their humble abode inside the caves. It made Victorio wonder how much money Ba and Trax actually had. It was one thing to be of some means, it was another thing altogether to have a decked out floating fortress at one’s disposal, with tech from around the known galaxies.

  “Hey… Ba?” Victorio tugged on Xa’baar’s sleeve as Haltrax sat in the pilot's seat.

  “...Yes?” Xa’baar asked, his tone cautious.

  “How much…” clearing his throat, Victorio stopped himself from saying something rude and changed the subject, “Where’s the bedroom?”

  “Allow me to show you.” Xa’baar smiled, flashing his rows of perfectly straight, pearly white teeth. It made Victorio self-conscious, covering his mouth as he couldn’t help but grin back. Xa’baar’s pleasant demeanor was infectious. The couple entered another room after walking down a long black corridor. Inside was a bed with black furs levitated an inch or so above the floor, and a big bay window so they could see the stars. A small door, leading to what was most likely an even smaller bathroom, was on the other side of the room. Victorio ran over and dived headfirst into the furs, the feeling of the gentle fibers feather-like on his skin.

  It's thick and warm just like the furs on our bed back home… Victorio shocked himself by referring to Ba and Trax’s home as his home. He shocked himself even harder by giving the men nicknames in his mind. It had only been a few solar rotations, but he was already getting too comfortable with them. They were his husbands in name only. Victorio needed to stick to the plan: get pregnant, give up the baby, and get enough money to fly Nova and him somewhere Chu could never find them. Instead, he was fantasizing about building a life with these strange, alien men.

  “Dumbass…” Victorio grunted, suffocating himself on the furs. He winced as his head was pulled back, Xa’baar’s expression worried as he gripped the human male’s short hair. Deltraxan’s didn’t seem to know their own strength.

  “Do not hurt yourself, Belima’ar! You are not a dumb-ass. You are beloved.” Xa’baar said everything so sincerely it made Victorio laugh. He probably didn’t even know what “dumbass” meant; he just didn’t like the way it was translated was Victorio’s guess. Nuance was always lost in translation.

  “Sure. Okay. Whatever, I guess.” Victorio flipped onto his back after Xa’baar removed his hand. The alien male slid onto the bed, cradling Victorio’s side as he laid his large hand on Victorio’s exposed stomach. Victorio had insisted on wearing his own clothing outside. Instead, Haltrax demanded he wear some weird ceremonial robe and slippers with no underwear. Like everything else, it was sleek and black, with a fine silver pattern threaded into the fabric resembling stars. His shoes were completely gray and pointed. Victorio thought he looked ridiculous, but gave in after a while. He wanted to get out of their love nest and see what Deltrax had to offer. Plus, the more time he spent with his husbands, the more he deluded himself they could be together forever. They treated him like a prince, and he’d never been treated like anything close to one in his life. Victorio was starting to fall for their lies, and he couldn’t allow himself to do so. They wanted a baby, desperately. If it hadn’t been him, it would've been some other poor soul being buttered up to get their oven stuffed with an alien’s seed. At least, that’s what Victorio told himself even as he relaxed into Xa’baar’s warmth.

  “...What are you thinking about?” Xa’baar asked as the ship shook, taking off towards the stars.

  “Nothing important…” Victorio lied, allowing his hand to explore Xa’baar’s massive chest. Now that he was looking at him more closely, he realized he wasn’t purple all over. Sure, his nipples were so dark they looked purple, but they were actually black. His beard and hair were also black, but they were streaked with gold, giving it a honey-brown color. Victorio hesitated, his hand hovering above Xa’baar’s face. When his husband didn’t react negatively, Victorio continued his exploration. He felt the fine hairs covering Xa’baar’s chin, the sides of his face, and his hair. He let his hand trace every hard curve and corner of Xa’baar’s body too, before settling over his stomach. There, a tattoo covered most of it, three rings encircling a star with his belly button poking out the middle. Haltrax had a similar one on his belly, Victorio realized, though his looked more like a comet with foreign symbols underneath.

  “T...R...U...S...T…” Victorio said, tracing the word into Xa’baar’s stomach. Like Victorio, he wore an elaborate robe, but his was gold in color while Haltrax’s was silver. All of their shoes were also silver, but Victorio was beginning to believe the different colors meant something. Colors always meant something on Deltrax it seemed.

  “Trust, Belima’ar. Remember what Haltrax said? Trust, an ancient word from our shared ancestor, a word that resembles our union and pledge to one another.” Xa’baar said, his voice rough with lust. Victorio barely noticed, too fascinated with discovering his husband’s body for what felt like the first time. Haltrax had said that before, but it was nonsense to Victorio. How did Terrans end up on an ice giant called Deltrax and turn pink, purple, and black? It especially didn’t make any sense because descendants of Terrans were rare. The thought they’d somehow populated an entire planet was absurd at best.

  “What the hell does bellymare mean? Y’all keep calling me that… Ah...” Victorio gulped, looking up and over into Xa’baar’s hooded eyes. His purple irises sparkled, cascading streams of lavender lighting flashing in their depths. Fear momentarily clouded Victorio’s vision, afraid Xa’baar was trying to use some sort of mind-control powers on him. But, the feeling was fleeting, soon replaced by that indescribable heat that always pooled in Victorio’s belly when he was close to his men. He remembered the first time he caught his husbands fucking each other into oblivion. Xa’baar was bent over the command center in the weapon room, naked, sweating, and splayed wide open. Haltrax’s rough hands were wrapped around his throat, hips pistoning so fast Victorio was afraid Haltrax would break him. Their moans filled the air as Haltrax exploded inside of his ass, gripping his plump cheeks, filling Xa’baar with so much come to the point it was inhumane. But his monster stamina wouldn’t be quenched. He pulled out of Xa’baar’s gaping ass as his seed flowed out like a thick, gelatinous stream. They switched positions, Haltrax now on his back, and Xa’baar inside of him. Victorio had tried and failed to look away, reaching into his pants, stroking his cock until he was fully erect. Just the memory of his voyeurism almost made Victorio come again. But, was it really voyeurism when they wanted him to see them in the act? Victorio had frozen when Haltrax’s eyes met his between the slit of the sliding door separating the hallway from the command center in the cave. Their eyes not only met but held, as Xa’baar fucked Haltrax hard, fast, and deep. Haltrax pumped his huge cock stained with green come as he mouthed the word “primed” to Victorio back then...

  “...What are you thinking about, Vic’tor? My beloved… Sometimes, I wonder if you are one of us. Could that be the reason you make me feel this way? You smell like a goa’o in heat!” Victorio was snapped back to reality as Xa’baar reached into his robe. He pumped Victorio’s shaft, pulling his hand out and towards his open mouth, tasting him. Victorio shuddered, unable to hold back any longer. Their lips found each other first, and then their bodies. Before he knew it, Victorio was naked and panting underneath Xa’baar’s body. He spread his legs instinctively as Xa’baar slide down on his belly. His mouth engulfed Victorio’s much smaller cock, clutching his muscular ass, as Victorio cried out. It was like his husbands were trained in the art of giving and receiving pleasure, better than the best whore in any brothel. Xa’baar’s mouth was too hot to handle, and his tongue did things to Victorio he didn’t know was possible. Victorio’s head flew back, fisting Xa’baar’s longer hair as he fucked his mouth. Soon, the moon Delnon came into view, as massive as Deltrax, and a brighter white-blue in color than a burning comet. On either side of Delnon, two large illusions loomed, and Victorio realized what the Tri-Lunar
Festival was referring to. Victorio had never witnessed anything as beautiful as a triple moon, made even more lovely by the fact that Victorio felt as if he was floating among the stars. He came so hard his body shook, and Xa’baar drank his fill. As his physical body faded back into the furs, Victorio wasn’t even sure if he was real anymore.

  “Beautiful…” Victorio flinched, brought back down into his body from an astral post-come high. His eyes widened as he saw Haltrax standing inside the doorway, his silver robe parted fully as his stroked his stiffening cock, the head already dripping wet with come. He crossed the room slowly, never breaking eye contact with Victorio. For the first time, Victorio wasn’t afraid. He wanted to feel what he just felt again, and receive even more pleasure if it were possible. He opened his mouth, and Haltrax took up his invitation, filling his throat to the brim with his black cock. Haltrax wasted no time on foreplay, as Xa’baar was sucking on Victorio’s sensitive nipples, and fingering his ass. Haltrax forced his hard cock in and out of his new mate’s throat with abandon, and Victorio was sure he would never be the same. As Haltrax burst, and Victorio drank his green seed, he feared the feeling inside of him chipping away at his reason. He couldn’t abandon Nova for two masterful cocks. He was on a mission, and being tied down by two space cop husbands wasn’t apart of the plan!

  As they all sunk onto the bed, Victorio pushed his conflicted feelings away. He would deal with them sooner than later. For now, he wanted to bathe in their auras, and find happiness in his post-sex haze. Nova was strong, and they would be stronger together. All he had to do was get pregnant, and everything else would work itself out, he just knew it. Victorio’s hard life had taught him patience. One day, he would allow himself to bring back the memories of his fling on Deltrax with Ba and Trax when he needed jerk-off material. For now, he chalked up his incessant need to be fucked by them as a side effect of their atmosphere.


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