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Beck Page 15

by Jessie Cooke

  “What were you doing in a bar when you were eighteen?”

  He laughed. “That’s what the judge asked. They charged me with underage drinking too. I got six months in county. But I got in another fight in jail and they sent me to prison for that one for five years.”

  “Five years in prison for beating up an inmate?”

  “It was pretty bad. I almost killed him.”


  “I told you, not a nice kid. I had a lot of rage.”

  “What changed? I mean, I don’t doubt you can hold your own or better in a fight, but I don’t see rage or a lot of anger. Hell, I’m angrier than you are,” she said with a laugh.

  He laughed too. “Well, you know how I told you about fucking those guys up...the ones that tried to rape Rosie?”

  “Yeah. The fuckers that cut you up.”

  “Yeah...” He sighed and then said, “I killed two of them.” Beck raised an eyebrow and he said, “Make you lose respect for me?”

  “Who said I ever had respect for you in the first place?” She smiled and winked at him. He smiled and shook his head.

  “So anyway, that time I actually ended up with a good lawyer. He convinced the jury that I did what any good brother would do and that I had suffered too, thanks to getting cut and almost bleeding to death. I had to go through four surgeries and I was all scarred up for life...anyway, the jury bought it, for the most part. I didn’t have to do any jail time, but I did have to do anger management and counseling.”

  “Damn, and it worked? I’ve been through that shit so many times since I was twelve, and nothing.”

  Jace laughed out loud. “You’re something. I guess it helped because I knew Rosie needed me and the only way they would ever let me take care of her was if I pulled my shit together. I met this guy in my anger management class who taught me how to work on bikes and went to work for him at his shop. He died two years ago and left me everything.”

  She pulled her eyebrows together and said, “What do you mean, ‘everything’?”

  “Three custom bike shops, a house, six custom Harleys, a boat....”

  “Well, I’ll be damned. You’re fucking rich?”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, I guess.”

  “I’m getting dessert.”

  Jace seemed almost exhausted by talking about himself, so Beck changed the subject. While they finished their meals they talked about her “test” and what she had left to do. When the waiter came to ask them if they wanted dessert, Beck said no but Jace asked for a chocolate volcano. She was getting impatient again. Dinner had actually been nice...but she was horny.

  When dessert was served, Jace asked for a second fork and then suddenly hopped over to her side of the booth, pushing her over with his body and handing her one of the forks. “I’m really stuffed,” she protested.

  “Just try it,” he said. She was going to argue that, but then she felt his lips on the side of her neck and his hand on her bare thigh. Her body shuddered and she dipped the fork into the mound of gooey chocolate in front of them. She put it into her mouth just as his hand slid all the way up underneath her skirt and he slid his fingers down the thin crotch of her panties.

  “Oh shit!”

  “Told you it was good,” he said, mouth still against her neck.

  “Mm...yeah...” His fingers were working their way underneath the leg of her panties and she gasped slightly when they touched her bare pussy. Jace reached over with his free hand and took the fork out of hers. He dipped it back into the chocolate volcano and brought it to her mouth. He pinched down on her clit, making her gasp and shoved the fork into her mouth. With a mouthful of chocolate, she sat in the booth of a fancy-ass restaurant while he masturbated her. Every time she started to react too much or get too loud, Jace put another bite of the chocolate into her mouth. He had slid down the strap of her dress and he was kissing and nibbling at her shoulders. She was getting really into it...almost too into it...when he whispered, “Drop the fork.”

  “Huh?” She was in a lust-and-chocolate haze.

  “I said, drop the fork, under the table.”

  She frowned, but she let go of the fork. It hit the corner of the table before going under. She saw Jace take a look around them and then slide down on his knees under the booth. “What the fuck are you doing?” she whispered, not looking around herself. No one seemed to be looking; they were the furthest booth in back...but what if the waiter walked up? “Jace, seriously...oh fuck...” His face was between her legs and his tongue was pressed into the soft crotch of her panties. “Jace...?” With his face pressed into her panties still he said:

  “I would have thought you were more adventurous.”

  “We could get arrested...”

  “You’re such a girl.”

  She had to laugh at that. “Fuck you.”

  “Soon,” he said, sliding a finger under her panties and tearing the crotch. The next time she felt his head between her legs, she also felt his tongue against her bare pussy. She sighed and settled back into the booth. It felt too good now to resist. She was soaking wet as his tongue slipped around the outside of her swollen clit and then ran down her slit, trying to wiggle its way up inside of her.


  “Good, baby?”


  She felt him smile against her lips and then she felt more pressure as he dove in, pressing his face into her and licking and sucking on her pussy. She had to bite her bottom lip almost to bleeding to keep herself from making noise. She reached down and ran her fingers through his hair and then pushed his face in deeper. He brought up a hand and while he licked at her clit, he worked a finger up inside of her. She was wriggling around in the booth, breathing hard, and her eyes were half closed when the waiter suddenly appeared at the edge of the table. He looked at her strangely and said, “Is everything okay? Can I get you...?”

  “No! I mean, yes. Everything is fine. But no, we don’t need anything else...thanks.” The waiter damned well knew what was going on and Beck held her breath for a second, waiting for him to call them out on it. Instead, though, he bowed slightly at the waist again and then scurried away. Beck reluctantly pulled Jace’s face and hot, sweet, sexy tongue out of her sopping pussy. “This is hot, but unless you want me to pull a When Harry Met Sally right here and now, we have to go.”

  “Pull a what?”

  “Seriously? Meg Ryan? Billy Crystal? Orgasm scene in the cafe?”

  “Huh-uh,” he said, sucking her clit into his mouth. Beck let out an almost orgasmic cry and he froze.

  “See, I’ll only get louder.” She heard him laugh and seconds later he appeared on the other side of the booth, wiping his mouth with his hand.

  Cubbie was waiting for them in the van when they got out front. Jace helped Beck inside and then closed the door. He was talking to Cubbie, but she couldn’t hear what he was saying. A few seconds later, Cubbie went around and got into the driver’s seat and Jace pulled open the back door again and got in next to her. The van had two bucket seats in front and then two bench seats. As soon as Jace pulled the door closed, he surprised her once again by getting up and moving to the far back seat. He crooked a finger at her and shaking her head, she got up and joined him. As soon as she was next to him, he put his hand on her face and pulled her in for a kiss. For a few seconds she forgot Cubbie was least until the van started moving. They were pulling out of the parking lot when she pulled out of the kiss and whispered:


  “I told him to keep his mouth shut.”

  “And how do you know he will?”

  “Because he told me he will.”

  “Shit. Okay. he going to watch?”

  “I told him to keep his eyes on the road,” he said with a crooked grin. Beck grinned too and climbed up into his lap. She looked over her shoulder and met Cubbie’s eyes in the rearview mirror. She blew him a kiss and then reached down between her legs and unbuttoned and unzipped Jace’s pants so she
could pull out his cock. It was rock-hard and he moaned as soon as she touched it. She lifted her hips and let him snake up into her soaked pussy. Cubbie knew damned good and well what they were doing, but he couldn’t see anything. Beck was somewhat of an exhibitionist, and the idea of Cubbie listening to them fuck sent a thrill running through her. She moaned and moved back and forth on Jace’s cock. He reached back, lifted her dress, and cupped her ass cheeks in his hands. She couldn’t see Cubbie any longer, but she got the feeling that his eyes were locked on that sight in the rearview mirror. She only hoped he paid some attention to the road or pulled over and stopped if he couldn’t.

  That was the last thought she had about least for a while. Jace started thrusting his hips up and she bounced and flexed her hips to meet each one of his incredible thrusts. She fucking loved the way his cock filled her up. She loved how his cock was so fat that she could feel it throb inside of her. She felt Jace reach up and grab a handful of her hair. He tangled his fingers up in her curls and pulled her head backwards, and then he reached up and covered one of her breasts with his free hand. He squeezed, massaged, and molested her breast, ripped at the roots of her hair, and fucked her like a wild man until she came all over his cock. Seconds later he was exploding inside of her. They were both panting, gasping, and moaning and it was only when Beck felt the van slow down and come to a stop did she remember Cubbie. She twisted her neck around and saw that they were stopped at a red light. She caught Cubbie’s eyes in the rearview mirror, smiled and winked...and watched his face turn bright red.


  Wolf was dead asleep, at last, when suddenly, he wasn’t. He sat straight up in bed and a confused and startled Blair sat up next to him. “What’s wrong, baby? Are you okay?”

  He rubbed his beard and looked at the clock. It was five a.m. He’d been asleep for six hours already. Too long...he needed to get back to the office and get back at it. “Yeah,” he said, putting his arm around Blair and pulling her up against him. She was so warm and she felt so good...all he wanted to do was lie back down next to her. “I’m okay. I’m not sure what woke me up.”

  “Poor thing,” she said, cuddling into him tighter. “You’re exhausted. Your brain is working too hard.”

  He gave in and lay back down, pulling Blair down with him. They lay there in silence for a while and then he said, “Baby...I don’t know what else to do or where else to look. If Coyote made over $150K on those guns, I have no clue where the money went.”

  “This was after your mother passed away, right? So, not on her medical bills?”

  “Yeah, she was gone for a while already and he had that all paid for. He didn’t give any to Sabrina or her mother. First off, they didn’t even know he was dead, and Sabrina’s mother told me that day when he left her house he planned on talking to Granite and setting something up for her, but he never did. I think he died before he got around to it. Since no one knew about Sabrina then, though, it would have been easier to just give her cash, if he had it.”

  “ least you know your father wasn’t stealing from the club.”

  “Yeah, that’s a good thing, but the other part of this is that if Morrison had ended up with those guns, there would have been a deposit into one of the club’s accounts for 75K, and there wasn’t. I know Coyote wouldn’t have given them up without getting his money.”

  She sat up and said, “You want to know what doesn’t make sense about any of it to me?”

  “Sure, baby.”

  “You were all least most of you, right? Coyote obviously told you all he was cutting ties with Morrison after the rape allegations came out.” Wolf nodded, and she said, “He didn’t talk about what he planned to do with that gun shipment when it came in?”

  Wolf sat up again and rubbed his temples. “He said he was going to shove it up Morrison’s ass,” Wolf said with a chuckle. “That was even in the minutes from church, in quotes. The weird thing was that it was never mentioned again. I didn’t have anything to do with the money back then, that was all Dad and Granite. I guess I just assumed they completed the deal, and everyone else did too.”

  “Granite can’t tell you anything?”

  Wolf frowned. “You know, it’s weird. Granite is like a fucking elephant, he doesn’t forget anything. But this particular deal, he claims all he knows is what’s in the minutes.”

  “Wolf, you don’t think...?”

  “Granite? No, baby. No way. He would have never stolen from the club.”

  “I’m sorry. I like Granite. He and I bonded that day when Mouse tried to kill us both. If not for him I probably would be dead. I’m just talking out loud, trying to help.”

  Wolf pulled her back so they were lying side by side again. He kissed the side of her face and said, “I know, baby.” She turned her face up to his and he kissed her lips and then suddenly, he sat straight up again. “Mouse! Payroll! Fuck, might be on to something.”


  “I think you just figured this out. I’m sorry, baby, I have to go.” Wolf was out of bed already and reaching for the pants he’d taken off the night before. Blair sat up again.

  “Damn, I don’t get like...a reward, or anything?” Wolf pulled on his jeans and with a smile he leaned over the bed and kissed her lips again. He would give his right arm to climb back in bed and give her a “reward.” But it wouldn’t be fair to her to do it now; he’d be too distracted. As soon as he got this figured out, he was going to fuck her all night long.

  “Just you wait, baby.’re going to get a big, fat reward.”

  She sighed and gave him a little smile. “Okay, but hurry. It’s been a while.” Wolf felt bad. He had been neglecting his woman. He felt just as bad for himself. He was horny as hell, but if he didn’t figure this shit out, he’d be neglecting her for a long time while he sat in prison. He still wasn’t sure if figuring out who sold the guns would even help things...but he didn’t know where else to start.

  “I’ll do my best, baby.”

  Wolf didn’t even bother with his bike; he jogged over to the clubhouse. He was almost there when he ran, literally, into Beck. For her, it had to be like hitting a brick wall and Wolf was impressed that it only knocked her back slightly. “Jesus Christ, Wolf, you nearly gave me a fucking heart attack.”

  “I’m sorry. You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m alright,” she said. Then, suddenly even in the dim light coming from the club, he could see that cocky grin spread across her face. “You okay?”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, I’m good.”

  “Where’s the fire? Or are you joining me in this test?” She winked when she said that.

  “You ever just suddenly remember something that you should have remembered...a long time ago?”

  “All the time.”

  He nodded. “Be careful out here in the dark. I’ll see ya later.”

  “Today’s the riding test.”

  He was so tired and distracted he couldn’t even remember what day of the week it was, but he nodded as if he remembered and said, “Yeah, I’ll be there. Good luck.” The guys would be out setting up the course for her as soon as the sun came up. He’d like to get up there before it was time and check it out. He didn’t think any of them would do anything to purposely cause her harm, but sometimes they didn’t always use their heads. They were determined to see her fail, and he was determined to see that she made it through this unharmed if not victorious. Coyote had seen something in her; maybe it was that bond people talk about the first time they look into the eyes of their child. She wasn’t Coyote’s blood, but his brown eyes had been the first ones she looked into and that had obviously meant a lot.

  “Wolf?” He had phased out. He had to give himself a little shake before he said:


  “If I pass this test, you’re going to keep your word, right?”


  She smiled. She was completely stripped of anything that would make her look
feminine and yet she was so genuinely beautiful when she smiled. “Thanks. You have a lot of Coyote in you.”

  Wolf laughed at that. It was hard to decide if that should be a compliment or not, even though he knew she meant it as one. “Thanks. I have to run. Be careful out here.”

  “I will.” He felt her eyes watching him curiously as he made his way into the club. He probably looked crazy, running around in the dark with his hair sticking up and his eyes wild. But somehow, he was sure that Rebekah had seen worse in her lifetime.

  He unlocked the back door of the clubhouse and slipped inside, closing it behind him and going straight to the office. When he got there, he unlocked the filing cabinet and took out the ledgers from 2013 and 2014. He took them over to the table, underneath the light, and sat down. He thought back to that day, again. It was the day he met Blair...the day his life changed for the better. But that morning he’d been sullen and horny and the last thing he’d wanted to pay attention to was invoices and money shit. Manson was bent on sharing it whether Wolf wanted to hear it or not. He had been trying to prepare for an IRS audit...and they hadn’t been able to get a hold of Granite, who was the master of all their finances back then. They didn’t know yet why they couldn’t reach him...but once they found out, so much happened that they’d both missed the significance of what they’d actually found that morning.

  Wolf felt guilty as he thought about it now because Blair and her violet eyes had been a huge part of why he hadn’t done what he should have done back then. He should have taken the time to figure out where all the money that was missing from the ledgers had gone. He suddenly remembered it like it was yesterday. Manson was sitting at the desk when he walked in, surrounded by paperwork and looking pissed off. He’d teased Wolf for a while about how pissy he was and how he needed to find a new woman and get laid. Finally, Wolf had sat down and said:

  “So, what’s all this shit?”

  “Payroll receipts,” Manson said. “We’re paying out more money than we’re claiming to have made.”


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