My Boyfriend's Best Friend

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My Boyfriend's Best Friend Page 11

by Pixie Perkins

  Delanie hits my arm. “Shut up!”

  “Ow, Del,” I whine, rubbing my arm, “jeez!”

  She ignores me and turns her attention to Liv. “Liv, did you hear that?”

  Liv looks up from her magazine. “Something about someone?”

  Del rolls her eyes again, clearly frustrated. “Zach’s single! He and what’s-her-face broke up!”

  Liv raises an eyebrow. “So?”

  “He’s free!” Delanie practically shrieks. “Up for grabs, available…completely boundless!”

  At that, Liv shakes her head and goes back to reading her magazine.

  Del closes the lid of her sunscreen. “You obviously don’t know a cute guy when you see one.”

  Liv flips a page in the magazine. “No comment.”

  Delanie raises her eyebrows, then slips a pair of sunglasses on before leaning back in her lounge chair and I sigh in contentment, glad that we’re done discussing Zach.

  This is so nice…just relaxing by the pool, hopefully getting a tan.

  Of course—my mind won’t shut up though.

  For instance, Derek didn’t call or text me last night, which is weird considering he’s been calling me every night.

  It’s probably no big deal, but considering how strange and awkward things turned out yesterday I can’t help but—

  “So what would you guys think if I got a belly button piercing?”

  I stare at Delanie with wide eyes. “You haven’t, have you?”

  “No…” she trails off, “not yet anyway.”

  I wince at the thought of having a needle shoved into my skin.

  My parents had my ears pierced when I was little and I’m so thankful for that, because I wouldn’t have the guts to get them pierced now.

  Let alone my belly button.

  “What do your parents say?” Liv asks, looking up from her magazine.

  “I haven’t talked to them about it.” Del shrugs. “I think I’m going to guilt them into letting me do it for my birthday.”

  Liv turns her attention back to her magazine. “Good luck…”

  Delanie is used to getting pretty much whatever she wants, so if she wants a belly button ring—she’ll probably get it.

  But then again, even though Del’s parents spoil her and Chelsea like crazy…they are strict.

  So, she might not get one.

  There’s a fifty-fifty chance, I guess.

  “Huh,” Zach says, coming out of the house with a glass in his hand, “you guys allergic to water or something?”

  Delanie tips her sunglasses down and slowly studies his bare upper body before smiling. “Hey, Zach.”

  Oh, for crying out loud…

  “Hello, Del,” he teases, “enjoying yourself?”

  She nods as she puts her sunglasses back on. “Mhmm…”

  I almost gag.

  Seriously, what’s with my best friend and my brother flirting?

  I cross my arms. “What are you doing out here, Zach?”

  He shrugs. “What, can’t a guy just hang out with his lil’ sis and her friends?”

  While I reply, “No.”, Del has the nerve to say, “Yes.”

  Zach turns to Liv. “What do you think, Liv?”

  Liv shakes her head, not looking up. “Don’t ask me.”

  “Come on, Britt-Brat.” He looks back at me. “I’ll behave. I always do.”

  I snort. “Name one time you’ve actually behaved.”

  “Easy.” He tilts his head up. “Nana’s house.”

  “That doesn’t count!” I let my arms drop. “She bribed you!”

  He places a hand to his heart. “Hurtful, Britt.”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah, right…”

  “Oh come on, Britt.” Delanie pushes her sunglasses on top of her head. “Let him stay.”

  “Fine,” I grumble, grabbing a magazine off the table in between us, “he can stay.”

  “Yay!” Del squeals. “Zach, Britt says you do the best cannonballs.” She tilts her head with a playful look. “Show me?”

  Okay, I so don’t remember ever saying that.

  He grins. “It’d be my pleasure.”

  Zach sets his glass of water on the table and winks before jogging around the pool to the deep end.

  Delanie sits up some as he backs up for a running start, then he runs and hugs his knees in midair before hitting the water—resulting in a huge splash.

  Once he comes up, Del actually claps and cheers for him. “That was amazing, Zach!”

  Give me a break.

  He laughs some as he gets out of the pool and then shakes his dark hair out, spraying me with water.

  “Zach!” I whine, wiping the droplets off my legs. “Go get water on someone else!”

  At that, a mischievous grin appears on face. “Okay, how about Del?”

  “No, don’t!” Delanie gasps. “My sunscreen has to fully sink in.”

  “All right, then how ‘bout I throw in...” He turns to Liv. “Liv.”

  Liv looks up. “What?”

  Zach motions to the pool. “How’d you like to go for a swim, Roberts?”

  She seems to be contemplating the suggestion, and then nods.

  “Okay.” Liv stands up and sets her magazine aside. “Let’s do this.”

  Zach scoops Liv up bridal-style and to my surprise, she doesn’t even protest. She actually laughs. Is she really okay with him just throwing her in there?

  Del raises an eyebrow and I watch with wide eyes as Zach carries Liv around the pool to the deep end before tossing her in.

  I have no words. I don’t—

  “There,” Liv says, getting out of the pool and smoothing her hair back, “no biggie.”

  Zach grins at her and I find myself wrinkling my nose…what did I just witness?

  “So who’s next?” Zach asks, coming toward Del and me.

  He starts to reach for Delanie but then suddenly picks me up.

  “Zach! No!” I protest, pounding my fists on his back. “Put me down, loser!”

  “Your wish is my command, Britt-Brat!”

  Knowing what’s coming next, I quickly hold my nose as he throws me into the pool.

  “You jerk!” I exclaim once I come up from being underwater. “Help me out!”

  Laughing, he extends his hands to pull me out and I grab them before moving aside as I yank him into the pool.


  Point for Brittany.

  I smile in triumph while Del and Liv clap for me.

  “Thank you.” I take a playful bow. “I have defeated the—”

  I gasp as Zach begins tickling me from behind and I try to pull his hands away from me. “Zach, no—stop!”

  “What was that?” he asks, still tickling me. “I can’t hear you!”

  I try to elbow him while laughing and shrieking when I’m suddenly sprayed with water and the tickling stops.

  “Britt!” Zach exclaims in between getting shot by our water guns. “Call your friends off!”

  “Hmm…” I shake my head. “Nah—sic him, girls!”

  And with that, I get out of the pool and watch my best friends drench my brother without mercy.

  That is, until they run out of water, leaving them defenseless and then Zach gets out of the pool…seeking revenge.

  First he throws a cursing Del in the pool, then Liv, and then me. And to make things worse, he cannonballs—splashing all of us.

  Of course, we have to splash him back in order to defend ourselves…well, except for Del who’s complaining about her wet hair.

  And for the first time since our breakup, I’m not even thinking about Blake.

  Oh wait…never mind.


  On Monday morning, I’m slowly taking down the pictures of Blake and me from my locker, one by one.

  It feels so weird, so…wrong.

  I sigh as I stick them all in an empty folder then carefully set the folder in my locker.

  I’ll deal with them later.


  I turn to see that Derek is standing beside me. “Hey.”


  His expression immediately turns to one of concern. “You okay?”

  “Uh-huh,” I assure him before motioning to my locker, “just silly emotions…that’s all.”

  “Want a hug?”

  I look at him as if he just said the most bizarre thing ever.

  Is he serious?

  “What?” His eyebrows crease. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “No, nothing,” I say, shaking my head, “thanks for the offer…but um—I’m good.”

  “Okay then…” he trails off, “so how was your weekend?”

  Why does everything have to feel so awkward?

  “My weekend was fine.” I nod. “Well—except for the part where I accidently kicked this guy I know.”

  Might as well try to lighten the mood…

  “Guy, huh?” he plays along. “Do I know him?”

  “You might,” I keep it up. “He looks a lot like you.”

  He strokes his chin. “Oh really?”

  I find myself smiling some. “Mhmm.”

  “Well,” he drawls, “he must be one good-looking guy then.”

  My smile fades at that.

  It’s not that Derek isn’t attractive or anything, it’s just—he’s not Blake.

  “Yeah,” I reply half-heartedly as I turn to my locker, “I guess so.”

  I want Blake back.

  What we had.

  Not this.

  “Britt,” Derek says in what’s probably supposed to be a comforting tone as I pull my books out, “it’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not!” I close my locker door and then turn to him. “It’s not okay, Derek…I’ve been living a lie!”


  “Lying to my family, your family, my friends…everyone.” I run a frustrated hand through my hair. “I don’t think I can do this anymore.”

  “Britt, listen.” He grasps my shoulders. “I know it’s hard…but it’ll be worth it.”

  “How?” I sigh. “How do you know that it will be?”

  “You gotta trust me, Britt,” he says, his gaze becoming intent. “It’ll all work out, I promise.”

  “But how—”

  “Because it will,” he interrupts me, “no matter what, I’ll make sure everything turns out okay. All right?”

  I feel like I should protest again, but I just nod instead. “All right.”

  “Okay.” He smiles some before draping an arm over my shoulders. “Come on…let’s get you to class.”

  I let him lead me toward the classroom and even though I said “all right,” I’m still worried.

  How is he so calm? And not worried?

  What’s going to happen?

  What if…what if Blake doesn’t want me back?

  What if he never asks me to be his girlfriend again?

  What then?

  What am I going to do?

  Chapter 18: Public Displays of Affection


  “Britt,” Liv says in a gentle tone, “what’s wrong?”

  I put on my best smile. “Nothing’s wrong.”

  “Are you sure?” she asks, looking unconvinced. “You seem kind of sad.”

  “Uh-huh…” I nod. “I’m fine.”

  “I got paired with the cutest guy today in class!” Delanie announces, sitting next to Liv. “And his name is Keith.”

  I eat a spoonful of my yogurt and half-listen as Del describes “Keith.”

  “Oh gosh,” she gushes, tearing off the plastic from her spoon, “and his eyes? They were just so…”

  I could hardly focus during classes this morning.

  A: Derek kept glancing at me during second period.

  And B: I kept thinking about the whole situation that I’ve gotten myself into…

  I still haven’t been able to come up with any kind of solution.


  I look up to see Derek sitting down next to me. “Hi.”

  Delanie’s chattering stops and her gaze goes from Derek then to me. “Are you guys in the middle of a couples’ quarrel or something?”

  “No.” My eyebrows crease. “Why would you think that?”

  “Well…” She opens her bottle of flavored water. “I haven’t seen a lot of affection going on between the two of you.”

  My eyes widen at that.


  This is bad.

  “Delanie,” Liv scolds, “it hasn’t even been—”

  “Britt just doesn’t feel comfortable with PDA,” Derek says as if it’s no big deal.

  I don’t mind public displays of affection, just not with him.

  “Really?” Del asks, as if taken aback. “I’ve seen her and Blake kiss in public countless times.”

  Why is she bringing this up?

  What’s the point?

  Plus, Blake and I did not kiss that much!

  Derek shrugs. “Well, I’m not Blake.

  No, he is not. He is definitely not Blake.

  I would gladly kiss Blake.

  “You know…” Delanie trails off, picking up her water bottle. “I’ve been wondering just how the two of you ended up dating in the first place anyway.”

  For being one of my best friends, she’s not acting like it…

  What am I supposed to say though?

  Derek and I didn’t talk about this.

  “How’d you end up with your ex-boyfriends?” Derek asks her in a challenging voice, causing Del to scowl at him. “That’s none of your business, Connors.”

  “Right back at ya,” Derek retorts, opening his can of soda, “so let’s just drop the subject.”

  I set my elbow on the table and then rest my head against my hand—unbelievable. All I wanted was a calm, drama-free lunch.

  Delanie mutters something incoherent while Derek watches her as he takes a swig of his drink and Liv—she’s just eating quietly.

  Sometimes I think she’s the only normal one.

  I look around the cafeteria, then see Blake walking toward a table and our eyes lock for what feels like forever until he sits down next to her.


  A phone suddenly buzzes and I check to see if it’s mine, but it turns out to be Del’s.

  “I have to go,” she says, looking at her phone as she stands up. “I’ll see you guys later.”

  After she walks off, I look at Liv with curiosity. “Who do you think texted her?”

  She shrugs. “My guess is Darren.”

  Darren? But she and Darren are supposed to be over…

  “Don’t worry about her.” Derek sets his can down. “Just be glad she’s gone.”

  I give his arm a light swat. “Be nice.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replies with a teasing grin.

  Just once, I’d like to go a day without blushing.

  I glance at Liv, who’s watching us…wistfully?

  Oh, Liv.

  There’s nothing wistful about this relationship.

  Trust me. You need a real relationship.

  What is a real relationship anyway?

  I thought what I had with Blake was real…obviously it wasn’t.

  Scooping another spoonful of yogurt into my mouth, I watch as Savannah laughs at something Blake says before she kisses him.

  I wrinkle my nose in distaste, and to think that I was just kissing him last week.

  He clearly kisses her back and I look down at my lunch tray, starting to feel sick.

  This is too much.

  I take a few sips of my water and then set the bottle back down on the table.

  “What’s wrong?” Derek whispers, leaning in.

  I inch away some for my own personal comfort and eat another spoonful of yogurt as Liv suddenly picks her tray up and Del’s before standing.

  My eyes widen. “Where are you going?”

  “I’m done,” she states with
a shrug, “and besides…it looks like you guys need to talk.”

  Liv, no! Please don’t leave me here with him!

  But she does.

  She leaves.

  “Now will you tell me what’s wrong?”

  I ignore Derek and stir my yogurt carelessly as I look back at where Blake’s sitting.

  Thankfully, they’re not kissing now—they’re just feeding each other grapes.

  Please, how cliché.

  Oh, shut up, Brittany.

  You’ve done the same.

  Don’t remind me.

  I hate my mind sometimes, it’s so mean.

  “Britt,” Derek singsongs, “what’s going on?”

  Can’t he take a hint?

  I don’t want to talk to him. Am I not making that clear enough?

  He scoots closer to me and sadly, if I move away again, I’ll end up on the floor.

  “Brittany.” He exhales loudly. “Come on. Talk to me.”

  “I don’t want to,” I mutter, staring at my yogurt.

  It’s actually a really pretty color…a light pink, like bubble gum.

  But it’s strawberry—not bubble gum.

  So it should technically look like strawberry.

  “Did I do something wrong?” he asks, sounding hesitant. “Is it about what Moore said?”

  Still staring at my yogurt, I reply, “I don’t know.”

  “Stop muttering!” he hisses.

  “I can mutter if I want!” My head snaps in his direction. “You’re not the boss of me!”

  “I didn’t say—”

  “You’re acting like it,” I cut him off, “telling me what to do.”


  “That’s all you’ve been doing,” I continue in a rather bold way. “Britt do this…don’t do that, now—no, later.”

  “Britt,” he says in an annoying, calm tone. “Relax, okay?’

  “You see?” I point an accusing finger at him. “Bossing!”

  He runs a hand through his short hair, clearly frustrated. “I’m just trying to help.”

  “Help schmelp.” I roll my eyes. “You—”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see that Blake is watching us…so I shut up and do something totally crazy.

  I kiss Derek.

  Chapter 19: Five Little Words


  Now, let me just say that there’s nothing romantic or enjoyable about this kiss.

  It’s awkward, it’s fake, it’s weird, it’s—well in short, it’s awful.


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