Theirs To Defy: a Reverse Harem Romance

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Theirs To Defy: a Reverse Harem Romance Page 12

by Stasia Black

  “Drea, what the fuck is he doing to yo—”

  Drea swung her head to the door where, through the haze of her climax, she saw Garrett and Billy standing at the doorway, jaws slack.

  Eric gave another pump and then stilled inside her, head bowed to her chest. She felt the tense of his body and the rush of heat inside her as he spilled.

  She clenched around him even as she reached out a hand toward the door.

  “Wait! Don’t go.”

  Billy had staggered several steps backward but he froze at her words. Garrett was as still as a statue in the doorway.

  Eric lifted his head from where he’d buried it in her chest at her words, too.

  All three pairs of eyes were on her now.

  Three men.

  Was she crazy for thinking what she was thinking?

  But in the haze of her orgasm that had barely finished peaking, she just blurted it out. “I want you.” Selfish, crazy or not, there it was.

  She was looking at Eric when she said it, but then she turned to Garrett and Billy. “I want all of you.”

  Eric’s body tensed over hers. God, did it hurt him to hear her say that? She had to make him understand. She cupped his cheeks with both hands and looked deep into his eyes.

  And then she did something so rare for her she felt more bare than if she’d stripped completely nude and run down the street in front of her worst enemies.

  “The Marriage Raffle … If it just gave women a choice, I always thought there was a lot of good that came from it. I was even… jealous sometimes.”

  She dared opening her eyes at this and Eric could not have looked more shocked if she’d said she was a blue-winged fairy come to transport him to an alien planet.

  She dropped her hands from his face and tried to push him off her. “Jesus is it so hard to believe that I might want a family of my own? A clan?”

  “Stop trying to get away from me, dammit,” Eric growled, pinning her as well as he could with his legs and one arm, his cock still hard inside her. “So let me get this straight. You want me—us,” he gestured at Billy and Garrett standing silent just inside the doorway, “—to be your clan?”

  “What’s a clan?” Garrett’s usually gravelly voice all but cracked as he asked, it came out so high-pitched. When Drea glanced over at him, she was surprised to find his eyes locked on her face and not her breasts. They’d only ever been friends growing up, but she hadn’t missed the way he always checked her out. Pretty much from puberty on, his eyes had been perpetually locked on her chest until her boyfriend beat him up for it once when Garrett was fifteen.

  She’d thought it was romantic at the time. More like she should have realized what a fucking psychopath her twenty-year-old boyfriend was to beat up a fifteen-year-old, no matter the reason.

  So yes, she knew Garrett had had a crush on her growing up. But it was only this week watching him with both Billy, Eric, and even the women downstairs that she’d realized what she’d been missing in front of her the whole time. Yes, Garrett might not be obvious leading man material, but he was solid. He was the kind of rock steady, good man she’d never spent time with in her entire life.

  So she looked him directly in the eyes when she said, “A Clan is a woman and several men who agree to be a family. They live in the same place, support each other, and work together as one unit.” She dipped her head and blinked up at him through her lashes, “And they fuck. A lot. So, Garrett, do you want to fuck me?”

  Chapter Twelve


  Drea ‘Belladonna’ Valentine had been the subject of Garrett’s wet dreams ever since he’d been old enough to start having them.

  She was two years older than him, though, and when you were growing up, those two years might as well have been twenty. He told himself that was the only reason she never looked at him as anything more than a little brother, anyway.

  Plus she was always too dazzled by Thomas to pay much attention to anyone or anything else around her. The fact that Thomas was a bastard jackhole? Drea didn’t see it until it was too late.

  If only Garrett had done things differently.

  If only he’d stood up to his dad. If only he’d gone to Drea and told her what was really going on. He hadn’t known everything—but even the little he did know…

  If only he could have just convinced her not to confront them directly— If only he’d been able to show her what Thomas was really like.

  If only he’d done literally anything other than what he did… which was nothing at all.

  If only.

  But she’s back now.

  And she wants you.

  Finally. She finally wants you.

  And when she eventually finds out all you’ve done? Back then he might have been mostly innocent. But in the years since? He’d been neck fucking deep in all of it. Dad made sure of that. The few girls he’d saved here and there could never make up for all the bad he’d done. All the evil he’d been a part of.

  A better man would turn around and walk out the door.

  But he’d never been the better man.

  So he was across the room in three fucking strides and in the next second, had a knee on the bed, dragging Drea up and into his arms.

  Shit but she felt like fucking heaven. Her skin. The heat of her. He’d fucked a few whores in his day—never any of the women the club trafficked—but still, he’d swear on the damn Bible he’d never kissed a woman before. Because when his lips touched Drea’s, it felt like nothing before had in his whole damn life.

  She wasn’t timid. She didn’t kiss him like she was hoping to please him. Or like she was drunk or high or like she wished she was anywhere else.

  She was right there, present with him.

  Drea Valentine.

  Eric had moved off to the side of the bed and Garrett moved over Drea to take Eric’s previous position.

  But Drea just shook her head with a devilish grin and shoved him off her.

  Wha— Was she just fucking with him? Calling him over just to laugh at him?

  But then she spun around on the bed, going up on her knees and looking over her shoulder at Garrett, waving her delectable creamy white ass at him.

  Garrett had no words.

  Fucking literally because all blood flow had gone south. His dick was so fucking hard he was about to bust the damn seam on his jeans.

  He reached down and pulled the buckle free and undid his button if only to loosen the pressure on his aching shaft. But when he saw Drea’s eyes zeroed in on what his hands were doing?

  Holy fuck, was she trying to kill him? This was so much crazier than any of his fantasies. Even in those she only fucked him because she was bored or high and he was the only one around.

  But this, this active wanting?

  He yanked his pants down and lifted a trembling hand to her backside. So beautiful. So perfect. Was she really here? Was this reality?

  “For fuck’s sake, Garrett, I’m not made of glass. Are you gonna fuck me or what?”

  Fucking hell. She never swore like a sailor in his fantasies either, but fuck was that hot.

  He stretched the last couple inches and grasped a handful of her ass. And she was a handful. Goddamn. She couldn’t have been more perfectly designed for him. He was an ass man all the way.

  And when he saw her wave Billy over and position him in front of her mouth— No way, was she going to—

  Jesus fucking Christ. When she bobbed down and swallowed Billy’s cock, Garrett thought he might blow his damn load before he even got his dick inside her.

  She was so fucking dirty, and wrong.

  And his. He was about to make goddamn sure of she was his.

  Garrett grabbed his shaft and stroked himself hard up and down once. And then he couldn’t wait another goddamn second. He lined himself up and shoved himself in. No fanfare. No teasing. He just needed to be buried so deep inside her she never forgot who it was that was fucking her.

  Eric might fuck her rough and domi
nant and Billy looked like he was out of his damn mind with bliss, but Garrett would worship her.

  He’d make her addicted to him. So she’d never get enough.

  Which meant he couldn’t come in three minutes like a damn teenager.

  He bit down hard on the inside of his cheek and reached around her waist to tease her clit. Focus on her. Her pleasure is all that matters.

  She bucked back against him as soon as he touched her and the gratification shot through his chest and straight down to his cock.

  The way she was bucking against him, she wasn’t looking for soft and sweet. That was fine with Garrett. He’d give it to her that way sometime. He wanted to give her everything. But right now she wanted it hard and dirty, goddamn he’d give it to her.

  He slapped her luscious ass and fucked her harder. She screeched around Billy’s cock and Eric reached over from the side underneath her to tweak her nipples.


  Garrett pinched her clit and he felt the moment she came. She shuddered around his cock and gripped him like a vice.

  He’d never felt anything like—

  Oh shit—

  No, not yet, he wanted to give her another—

  “Fuuuuuuuuck!” he roared as he slammed in one last time and shot his load inside her. Inside Drea.

  Drea fucking Valentine.

  He pulled out and shoved back in again, even more cum spurting out.

  In that moment, everything was perfect.

  His life was everything it was ever meant to fucking be.

  No ugly fucking past. No future.

  Just Drea. And his cock buried so far up inside her.


  She was his. Like she was always meant to be.

  Fucking perfection.

  But soon, all too fucking soon, the rest of the world came intruding again. The sound of Billy’s heavy breathing. Billy apologizing for getting cum in Drea’s hair. Eric saying they should get her to the shower to clean her up.

  Shut the fuck up! he wanted to shout at all of them

  He slumped over Drea’s back and rolled her sideways onto the bed so they were spooning. He still had his arm around her waist and he continued playing with her pussy and clit. Little aftershocks ran down through her legs every so often and he smiled against her back, inhaling her skin.

  He never would have moved. Ever.

  But an insistent ringing from the other room had Drea tugging away from him and swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

  “Is that the Sat phone?” she asked Eric.

  He nodded, frowning. “I just talked to Sophia, though. We don’t have another call scheduled till next week.” He jogged out of the room.

  Drea pulled the bed sheet around her and followed him.


  Garrett climbed off the bed too. Shit, he never even pulled his jeans all the way off. He stumbled several steps while he dragged his jeans up his legs. And by the time he got to the living room, it was to see Eric with a tense look on his face and Drea demanding he hand her the phone.

  “Where?” Her mouth became a hard line and shit, did her face just go a little pale? “How long ago?” she snapped into the phone.

  Then she swore.

  “Thanks. We’ll evac now.”

  Fuck. That had to mean—

  Drea clicked the phone off. “Scouts watching Black Skulls in San Antonio saw a faction ride out. Maybe thirty bikes headed our way. And some trucks. All heavily armed.”

  “Shit,” Billy said, raking his hands through his hair.

  “How long ago did they leave?” Eric asked.

  “Last night. They got pinned down and only just got back to the caves to report.”


  “It’s fine, we knew this would happen sooner or later.” Drea said, striding back to her bedroom, dropping the sheet and barking out orders as she went.

  “Everyone, get dressed. Then Garrett, go downstairs and tell Gisela what’s happening. We don’t have much time but she knows what to d—”

  Bang bang bang bang.



  They were already here.

  “Get down!” Garrett yelled, jumping toward Drea even as his head swung toward the window.

  He slammed into Drea right as the window exploded in a shower of glass and bullets.

  Chapter Thirteen


  No! It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.

  They were supposed to have more time. She had safeguards in place. They were supposed to have a warning so she could get everybody out with time to spare.

  You shouldn’t have stayed this long.

  What if she couldn’t get them all out? They’d be sitting ducks. And why? Because she was busy playing house with her fuckboys up in this apartment instead of doing what needed doing and getting everyone to safety.

  It was stupid of her to count on the Skulls being distracted by Travis and the raid on the Capitol. Stupid. She’d thought for sure Travis would have the Skulls out doing his dirty work, chasing down the Central Texas North and South dissenters.

  Another round of rapid gunfire had her hugging the floor while Garrett hunched over her.

  Which just pissed her the fuck off.

  Because dammit, she wasn’t some weak little girl who needed protecting. She’d taken this compound right out from under their damn noses. She’d done that.

  So maybe she’d made some miscalculations. But she would not fail these women like she had the ones in Nomansland.

  And they’d prepared. Mostly. This was not a catastrophe. Just another bump in the road. She repeated it over and over to herself as she took one deep breath in and shoved Garrett off of her.

  “Get dressed,” she yelled, reaching for her jeans that were crumpled beside the bed.

  “What the fuck?” Garrett shouted, trying to shield her but she glared at him and held out her hand.

  He must have seen in her face that this was not a moment to fuck with her or try to pull any of his macho bullshit.

  She shook the glass off her jeans as best she could and wriggled into them while still laying on the floor. The guys did the same all around her.

  And the gunfire kept coming.

  She watched the line high above the bed’s headboard where the bullets ate up the drywall. Okay, so they were shooting from below. Good. She yanked her shirt on over her head and then army crawled for the door.

  At least it was open so even if the attackers could see into the room, they wouldn’t see it move. All the guys followed on her heels. The entire apartment was destroyed. Drea stayed low in case the Skulls had snipers higher in the surrounding buildings.

  Were Bone or Viking out there? They’d been sharpshooters before The Fall. But no, Suicide usually liked to keep them close.

  She grabbed her bug out bag she kept by the front door while Garrett reached up just enough to push the door open.

  The gun fire had stopped blasting through the windows. Which meant they weren’t necessarily shooting at specific targets but taking a general shoot-the-shit-out-of-everything approach. She couldn’t even begin to fathom such a waste of ammunition. They had to know they wouldn’t be killing many people that way. More likely it was meant to scare the hell out of everyone inside. Because they thought that women would weep, tremble and surrender at such a show of force.


  She kept crawling through the hallway, only standing up after she’d pushed open the door to the stairwell.

  “What the fuck are we gonna do?” Billy shouted. His voice echoed around the stairwell as Drea started sprinting down the stairs.

  “Calm the fuck down, for starters.” That from Eric, and Drea appreciated it. She had enough to freak out about without her own crew adding to her stress level.

  Jesus, why did it take so damn long to get down three flights of stairs?

  Finally, what felt like ten years later, she threw open the door to the second floor. Maya w
as at the door to the supply closet, slinging duffel after duffel over her shoulders. She was so tiny, Drea was shocked she was still managing to stay upright.

  “Everyone else is headed for the basement,” Maya called.

  “Enough, Maya.” Drea waved her arm toward the stairs. “Come on. There’s no time.”

  “No, I still have to get the anti-virals, they’re—”

  “Forget them,” Drea shouted. “Get your ass over here, now!”

  But Maya disappeared back into the supply closet. When she came back, she could barely walk she had so many bags slung over her shoulder and across her body. But she had a big smile on her face.

  Maya was still smiling, in fact, when the gunfire started up again and the glass walls that the entire floor was made of began to shatter.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Behind the door,” Garrett shouted, shoving Drea towards Eric and Billy and then diving the opposite direction.

  Eric yanked Drea back with his casted arm and slammed the heavy stairwell door shut right as the glass began flying.

  “No!” Drea screamed, fighting against his hold. “Let go of me! Garrett! Maya!”

  But Eric only dragged her further away from the door.

  “Garrett! Let me the fuck go!”

  The door was solid and that was Eric’s only comfort as Drea started fighting like a wildcat in his arms. No way was he letting her go. Not even when his broken arm ached and she started screaming obscenities at him and digging her nails into his hands.

  “If you don’t let me go I swear I’ll never fucking speak to you again,” she shrieked.

  That was fine with him. He was a father. He’d prepared himself a long time ago for the fact that the lengths you had to go to take care of those you loved could mean losing the love of those very same people.

  It was only once the gunfire died down and moved on to a different part of the building that he even thought about letting her go.

  Even then, he was far more relieved when Billy volunteered to go out and check on them instead of Drea.

  Through the doorway as Billy opened it, they could see Garrett crouched over and shielding Maya, but he was covered in glass shards and Eric didn’t miss all the blood.


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