Theirs To Defy: a Reverse Harem Romance

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Theirs To Defy: a Reverse Harem Romance Page 22

by Stasia Black

  Jonathan was many things to David—his second in command, his confidant, chief strategist, best friend, and yes, maybe a surrogate for the brother David had lost.

  He knew Jonathan worried about it sometimes—that David only saw him as Kevin’s shadow. Jonathan asked him straight out one night when he was extremely drunk. Do you even see me? Or am I just Kevin to you? David’s only response was to grab the bottle out of his hand and help him back to his bunk. They both pretended it hadn’t happened the next morning.

  David didn’t know if it was true or not.

  All he knew was that what he wanted more than anything in the damn world was for Jonathan to be happy.

  Maybe it did all come back to Kevin, dammit. Because the day David had come back to the house to check on their sick mom and found her dead and Kevin upstairs in the bathtub, wrists slashed—what the fuck was the point to any of it after that?

  No matter how big a part of him wanted to grab the razor blade Kevin had used to join his brother and mom, it just wasn’t in him. So David was stuck living, and the Army was the only thing he’d ever known. Dad was military and they’d moved around every few years his whole life. It had been a given that David would attend West Point, just like Dad.

  So David went back to soldiering. You could do it without thinking, mostly. It was a system that rewarded being more machine than man, especially after the world went FUBAR.

  David rose quickly in the ranks that were barely hanging together in the chaos. Half the troop units were so undisciplined, the soldiers joined in the looting and mobbing instead of working to restore order. Not to mention the huge numbers of deserters just walking off base and going AWOL in the middle of the night.

  David didn’t put up with any of that shit.

  There were rules. Order. Law.

  The Army was the only damn thing that made any sense after The Fall, if you asked David. So maybe he clung a little harder than most to rules and regulations than might have been strictly healthy.

  But David never stopped to worry about shit like that. If people accused him of being a robot, that was their damn problem. There was too much to get done in a day to bother sitting around wasting time on head-shrink BS.

  He never put the barrel of his Sig Sauer in his mouth, so he figured he was doing just fine. So what if he slept for shit most nights? Who didn’t after seeing all they had? He wasn’t one for overthinking things.

  Which was why he didn’t stop to ponder the situation too long before leaning in behind Drea to sweep her hair off the back of her neck.

  Her dreadlocks were unexpectedly soft. He wasn’t sure what he had expected, but the soft, frizzy locks weren’t it. They smelled good, too. Faintly of coconut.

  David leaned in and skimmed his nose down the back of her neck. The barest touch and already his cock was swelling in his boxers.

  His mouth went dry as he lifted his hand for his first real touch. First just the pad of his index finger, tracing the same path his nose had taken. Her shiver of response made his chest expand and the hairs on his arm stand on end.

  More. He needed more. And he needed it now.

  David massaged her neck, then ran his hand down the nubs of her spine.

  She let out little pleasured noises as Jonathan fucked her and she arched her spine into David’s hand. David watched in fascination, hand still on her warm skin.

  She was so… soft was the only word he could think of. Her skin, and her body was soft in all the places where men were hard.

  But it was more than that. She was nothing like he’d assumed when he talked to her over the sat phone that first time. Or even earlier today when they’d tangled in front of everyone in the central cavern.

  Back then she’d been granite. All jagged, cutting edges.

  But here she was now. Cotton candy soft as she wrapped herself around Jonathan and yawned backwards into David at the same time.

  So fucking responsive.

  Although, she hadn’t been like that at first, had she? No, she’d tried to keep hold of that hard shell around herself in the beginning, but Eric hadn’t let her. He’d drawn this vulnerability out in her.

  And it was one of the most astonishing transformations David had ever witnessed.

  He’d agreed to the marriage for Jonathan’s sake. Jonathan needed this for so many reasons, David couldn’t even count.

  But as David leaned in and inhaled the clean, sweet aroma of Drea’s scent, it came at him clear as if it was written on the cave wall.

  David needed this too.

  He hadn’t been with a woman since before The Fall. And touching a woman like this? A hot-blooded, responsive woman—his wife no less, not some paid whore—his cock was so stiff he barely managed to shove the elastic of his boxers down.

  His wandering hands gripped her hips and his forehead dipped to her back. He had to shift with her, back and forth as Jonathan fucked her.

  Did she love it? Having Jonathan’s cock so deep up inside her? Her noises said she loved it. So did the eager way she shifted her hips on Jonathan’s lap with his every thrust.

  The way she and Jonathan were positioned, her on his lap, neither of them could get long, deep strokes. Instead it was more of a shallow grinding, both of them moving their hips in sync to get the most friction possible.

  David wanted to know what it felt like to be buried that deep inside her. To the hilt. The second Jonathan was done, he wanted to do exactly that.

  It was all he could think about as he went up on his knees so he could rub his throbbing erection against her spine. Only after he’d ground himself against her for a good ten seconds did it register that—shit.

  What the hell was he doing? They were still relative strangers and here he was, just rubbing his dick against her back for friction. What did he think was going to happen? That just because they’d gotten married tonight she was down with a train?

  Talk about FUBAR.

  David started to pull back, disgusted with himself. This wasn’t him. When his men got stupid, thinking with their dicks, it was usually him slapping sense into them, so what the hell was he—

  “Christ!” he all but shouted, looking down.

  To where Drea’s firm hand gripped his shaft, holding him in place.

  Not for long and she didn’t do much more than give it a brief squeeze but it was enough to get her point across. All the while kissing Jonathan like she was starving and he was her last goddamn meal.

  Well shit. Looked like she did want him exactly where he was.

  Sweat broke out across David’s forehead even though the cave was cool.

  Maybe this was all just par for the course for her. This was normal where she came from, right? Lottery brides and five husbands and all the rest of it?

  So normal in fact, that when Eric nudged David’s shoulder a moment later and handed him a small bottle, he only had an encouraging look on his face.

  “Baby,” Eric said, running a hand down Drea’s hair, “you want David to play with your ass?”

  Drea broke from kissing Jonathan long enough to tip her head back on David’s chest and nod.

  David’s heart felt like it was going to bust out of his chest at her nearness.

  Or maybe it was the fact that at this angle, he could see down her front to her plump breasts—and even further below to the spot where Jonathan entered her.

  David’s hands immediately moved around to grasp her breasts. Shit but she was hot. And she gave definition to the word supple.

  And then, finally, it fully registered what Eric had asked and she’d nodded so eagerly to.





  Did that—

  Eric handed him that bottle.

  Were they—

  David had dropped the little plastic bottle on the ground beside him when he went for her tits but now he eagerly picked it back up. He opened it and didn’t waste any time.

  He squeezed a little bit of th
e scented oil—was that lavender?—on his finger and then dropped his hand down to her back side again.

  Play with her ass.

  Play with her ass.

  In the position she and Jonathan were in, her in his lap on the floor like that, the sex wasn’t about fucking. It was too close for that. Too intimate.

  She and Jonathan were making love.

  And David loved that for Jonathan. No one deserved it more than him. And judging by the blissed out expression on Jonathan’s face, he was loving it too.

  But David was going to take it to the next level for Drea.

  And for himself.

  Because he was done pretending he could be a robot. He wasn’t a machine. He’d had his years to mourn the loss of his brother. It was time to be a man again.

  So he slipped just the very tip of his oil-drenched forefinger in Drea’s anus, all the while studying her every inhale and twitch. He wasn’t disappointed either. She definitely felt it even in spite of all the sensation Jonathan was giving her. There was a slight tightening of her muscles. Her biceps flexed as she drew Jonathan’s head to her chest and she dug her fingers into his hair.

  David wasn’t in a hurry. Now that he had her beneath his hands, he wanted to linger in every moment of the experience. So he teased her. Ever. So. Slowly. He pushed in her tight, dark hole up to his first knuckle. He met resistance there so he stretched and teased at her entrance, bobbing in and out, swirling around constantly. Then, even when she’d loosened up so that he could push deeper, he kept his intrusion shallow until he could see her back heaving from short, quick gasps.

  She was edging closer and closer to coming. But every time he withdrew now she let out a little disappointed whine.

  David smiled and withdrew again, teasing at her rim.

  That was when Drea turned to look over her shoulder at him, blue eyes flashing fire. “More. Deeper. Fucking now.”

  David grinned. Aha. So the sharp-tongued she-devil was still in there after all. David wasn’t sure why, but the realization had his cock going even harder. Something he wouldn’t have even thought possible, but goddamn, he was pretty sure his hard-on could punch through walls.

  “Yes ma’am,” he said, finally pushing his well-oiled finger all the way up her ass.

  She cried out and gyrated even more energetically on Jonathan’s lap.

  “Another,” she called, chest heaving. “Another finger. Stretch me. I need it. I need it now.”

  It was David whose breath caught this time. She wasn’t going where he thought she was going with this… was she? David’s cock throbbed almost painfully but he didn’t reach down to touch it.

  No, he just oiled up another finger, knowing he’d never be able to smell lavender again in his whole life without remembering this moment and getting a hard-on. And being completely fucking okay with that fact as he tried to squeeze a second finger in beside his first.

  With no luck. Drea’s little anus was just so damn tight.

  “You’re doing so good, baby,” Eric said. “But you’ve got to let us in. Let us all the way in.”

  It didn’t sound like Eric was just talking about her ass, either.

  “Relax,” Eric went on. “Let him in.” He stroked her hair away from her face. “Take a breath. Jesus you’re so hot. Ride that pleasure, baby. Fucking ride it. I can see how close you are to coming. I can fucking smell it. I can smell your honey, you’re so turned on right now. So let David in. Let us fill you up completely.

  Drea’s whimpers escalated just like they had earlier when she’d come with the two other men. There was no doubt she was going to climax again.

  David worked at her asshole even more insistently. How much more pleasure would she feel if he could fill her ass with two fingers instead of just one?

  And even as he had the thought, finally, magically, his second finger slipped inside as she relaxed her sphincter. David didn’t lose any time working his second finger up her ass right beside the first.

  Which was apparently the last straw for her.

  Eric had to put a hand over her mouth to muffle her screams of pleasure that echoed off the cave walls as she thrashed up and down on Jonathan like a wild woman.

  But David, Christ, it was David who got to feel every response and shudder of her orgasm as she clenched down so hard on his fingers in her ass.

  He felt it the moment Jonathan stopped thrusting, too, no doubt coming as well.

  And it was one of the most powerful moments of David’s life. Being included in this intimacy. Being wrapped up in Drea’s flesh, being united not only to her but with Jonathan too, in the most real sense there was.

  David never stopped moving his fingers, though.

  Even when she was clamped like iron around him in the heights of her orgasm, he kept working his fingers, swirling them around, scissoring them when he could, moving them in and out—basically stretching her in every way he could think of apart from using a toy or other tool.

  She liked it, too, if the way she shifted restlessly even as she kissed Jonathan sweetly was any indication. David loved that she was still giving Jonathan her full attention. Giving all of herself like Eric had demanded at the beginning.

  When Eric first said it, David frankly thought it was too big of an ask. There were five of them and only one of her.

  She had to be exhausted already. She’d come twice and—

  Apparently Eric had been thinking along the same lines because he asked, “You want to rest, baby?”

  Good. It was basic leadership skills 101. You pushed your troops to perform harder than they thought they could—but not past what they actually could. Their health and the well-being of the unit as a whole was always of primary importance.

  After all, this fledgling little clan—that was what they called these families created by these multiple-partner marriages—their clan had the rest of their lives to explore this. However long or short a time that might be.

  But, before David could even withdraw his fingers all the way, suddenly Drea’s hand shot out and wrapped in a death grip around his wrist, holding him in place.

  “It’s my wedding night,” was all she said at first, and then, several heavy moments later, “And I want all my husbands. Tonight.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Even as the words came out of Drea’s mouth, another part of her was shouting, what the fuck are you doing???

  She’d had a plan coming into all this tonight. All right, so it hadn’t so much been a well-thought out plan as… well, an intention.

  Relationships were transactional by nature. This for that. Tit for tat. She wasn’t the naïve girl she’d been so long ago.

  Everybody wanted to fuck. Even her on occasion. More than that, though, she wanted a cohesive team she could rely on. Well, she’d never rely on anyone completely. Trust was something she was just incapable of. Not after Dad. And especially not after Thomas.

  But marriage was the best solution given the situation. She’d have her team and they could all let off some steam. Most people needed sexual release of some kind or other and a marriage was a good, safe place for them to find that release. But it didn’t have to be more than that.

  Sex was just sex. It was the unevolved drive of the human animal that still required feeding. An appetite like any other.

  So she’d approached her wedding night as more of a… team-building exercise than anything else.

  But then there was Eric.

  Eric fucking Wolford, who could never leave well enough alone.

  He had to go poking and prodding at her. He just had to whisper in her ear, his breath stirring the hair at her temples which ridiculously sent her heart rate through the roof. Because of course that was the thing that turned her on, before he’d ever touched her. Even though she had Garrett’s hard cock bobbing at her lips, no, it was Eric’s whispered voice, Eric’s breath on her ear that had her soaking her underwear.

  God damn that man.

f he would have just let her do it her way, where she played the part of the seductress and they all reached climax at least once, then they could get a good night’s sleep and wake well-rested and focused and—

  David’s fingers shoved in deeper and twisted and yet again, for the millionth time that night, all rational thought left Drea’s head just like that.




  They were supposed to be the ones lured in by her. She was supposed to be the one in control. But as she threw her arms around Eric’s neck and pulled him in towards her, hiking her leg up to wrap around one of his hips even as she landed a punishing, devouring kiss on his lips, she felt anything but in control.

  Which pissed her the hell off.

  She took it out on Eric’s mouth.

  And David’s fingers continued their torturous work in her ass. Stretching her. Preparing her. Because as she bit down on Eric’s bottom lip, she knew where all the anal play was going to lead. Where she wanted it to lead.

  Eric only jerked back slightly at her rough treatment of his lips. For a second she worried she hadn’t been careful enough of his hurt arm. But the next second it was his teeth nipping at hers and she forgot the feel of everything but him at her front and David at her back. Her lips, Eric’s tongue, Eric’s teeth—biting and releasing, biting and releasing—always keeping her riding that knife’s edge between pain and pleasure while David did the same to her ass.

  Oh God, had she ever felt this fucking alive in her whole life? She’d never been this aware of her own body, that was for sure. Who knew the nerves on the inside of her elbow connected straight to her sex?

  Drea knew. At least she knew now. Because when Eric kissed and nibbled down her arm, biting on the shallow, soft place, she gasped and arched like never before, not even when Billy was fucking her earlier.

  Which was just totally insane. She’d already come twice. That was usually her limit, at least when she touched herself.

  Eric fell back against a low shelf of rock, immediately widening his stance and grabbing his heavy cock with his good hand, ready to feed it into her aching cunt.


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