
Home > Paranormal > Open-Haunted-House > Page 5
Open-Haunted-House Page 5

by Viola Grace

  Chapter Seven

  Two hours of phone calls and conferences later, Hannah had an appointment with Imara to go and visit the house on the following day. She pressed her hands to her forehead and leaned forward.

  “What do you need?” Neekil asked as he stroked a hand down her back.

  “I need to turn my brain off.” She groaned.

  “I believe I can help with that.” He moved close to her and closed her computer.

  She looked at him, and his gaze was direct. She smiled at him and stroked his cheek. “Can you help with that?”

  He got out of his chair and pulled her to her feet, lifting her high enough that she could wrap her legs around his hips. Their kiss sent shockwaves through her, and he carried her up the stairs to her bedroom.

  He stood at the edge of her bed and leaned forward until her back hit the sheets. He leaned over her and raised his head. “Are you distracted yet?”

  She shook her head. “Not yet.”

  He grinned. “Then, I need to apply myself.”

  He slid one hand under her short top and cupped her breast through her bra. She shivered and blushed as he brought both his hands under her shirt. He was standing on the floor, and her legs were draped to either side of his.

  He smiled and eased her shirt off over her head; he lifted her and unclasped her bra. When the bra was gone and her dark skin was exposed, he smiled as he took in the dark red tips.

  Her skin had a heated flush that manifested as a darker grey.

  “No more teasing?”

  She blinked and wrapped a hand around his neck. “Did you want me to? I mean, I could put on something less revealing and harder to get off.”

  He smiled. “No, I think getting off is important. At least for you. I can wait until I have a better assessment of my own control with you.”

  She felt a flicker of disappointment until he kissed her, and her thought process slowed and ground to a halt. His chest was pressed to her breasts, and as he kissed her, she rocked against him. Hannah ran her hands down his back and up to his shoulders.

  He smiled against her mouth and rolled to his back, pulling her against him.

  She was surprised and then mortified when he scooted her up his chest as he took one nipple into his mouth for a slow stroking with his tongue, and then, he moved to the other. Being on display with light filtering through her windows wasn’t something she was comfortable with.

  She braced her hands next to his head, and she was mortified when her hips started to rock in time with the suction. He slid a hand between them and rubbed against her clit through her exercise leggings. She could easily feel how wet she was. Now, so could he.

  His fingers rubbed against her, and the tight fabric added a level of irritation that made her mind blank completely when the few light strokes tipped the days of teasing over the edge. She shuddered and gasped as the low pulse in her sex sent her into a slow collapse. She let her body do what it wanted, and what it wanted was contact with him.

  He smoothed his hands over her back and pressed a kiss to her temple. “Was that distracting enough?”

  She lifted her head and pushed herself up enough to lower her lips to his. “It was not enough, but it will have to do.”

  He groaned and wrapped his arms around her, stroking her back. She kissed him sweetly and moved slowly against him.

  He shuddered. “Don’t start.”

  “Did you remember to stop at a pharmacy?”

  He blinked and winced. “No.”

  She kissed him, and then, she sat up. “Too bad, but good job. I have been sufficiently distracted out of my funk.”

  She moved quickly and pushed herself off and back, landing on the floor. He had just been about to close his arms around her. She walked to her closet and got a set of jeans and a shirt then grabbed some fresh underwear from a drawer. He got to his feet, and she stopped him. “You are not invited.”

  He sighed and grabbed his own shirt off the floor. “I will be back in a few minutes.”

  She was surprised. “Where are you going?”

  “To find a pharmacy.” He headed down the stairs with tense shoulders.

  Hannah stifled a laugh as she walked into the bathroom to clean up and change. Once feeling more normal and less shaky, she headed back to her closet for a different change of clothing. She put on a wrap skirt and a shirt that showed more than her collarbone instead of the jeans and tee.

  She frowned at her reflection. She was going to need more contrast in her wardrobe. Her white blouses and navy suits were fine, but her skin didn’t go well with her current wardrobe. She was going to have to shift into pastels.

  When she headed downstairs, she pulled on a pair of calf-high boots. Everything was covered, but there were fairly easy access points if you knew where to look. She was a little embarrassed at how eager she was to jump Neekil, but they slept in the same bed every night. Now that she had confirmed that her body was in functioning order, there was no reason to hang back. She was in a relationship whether she had planned to be in one or not. She was choosing to be in one.

  Hannah brushed her hair and studiously didn’t look into the file that she had compiled. Sable had disappeared, and no one had noticed for days. She was dead. There was nothing to be done, at least not today. Her spirit or spectre was occupying that house, and it wasn’t going anywhere.

  This evening was for going out with the Ar-Thuat brothers and having a nice night.

  She was nibbling at a bowl of carrot sticks when Neekil returned. He had a plastic bag with a suspiciously large box in it. She looked him over and said, “What’s in the bag?”

  He peeled out the box of condoms and tossed it to her. “As I said, I went to the pharmacy. It should last us a month or so.”

  She gave him a stunned look. “A month?”

  “You think not? I can always return for more.” Neekil walked toward her, and she backed up against the edge of the couch. She pinned the box to his chest to stop his progress.

  “Since you are about to return to work, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. You are going to be working long shifts, and I am starting a new business. This is really optimistic.” She drummed her fingers on the box.

  “You think so? I suppose I will just have to prove you wrong. After five years trapped in the mantlepiece, I am not making up for lost time. After a lifetime of not knowing you, I have finally met you and have an interest in all of you.”

  She smiled slightly. “Do dark elves have an interest in all war companions?”

  “Not that I am aware of, but I have never heard of a female war companion before.” He lowered his head, and she countered with a baby carrot. He took it between his teeth and munched it.

  She exhaled in relief, and then, she felt pressure on her chest as he leaned forward and gave her the delayed kiss.

  She could feel the box pressing into her, the corners pinching. She pried it out from between them and tossed it to the couch.

  He broke away from her and leaned over. “Ah-ah. I need that.”

  She stared at him. “Now?”

  “We have an hour before sunset. I think if we cut things short, an hour should be enough.” He pressed his lower body against hers. “What do you think?”

  She grabbed him around the neck, cast a quick spell to engage all the locks on her house in case family or neighbours stopped by, and she slid her tongue along his lips. He grabbed her around the waist and sat her on the kitchen table.

  She felt her skin heat as he slid his hand under her skirt. He stepped in close, and her knees parted. Her skirt was carefully worked past her knees to the center of her thighs. Neekil’s hand moved between her thighs, and he rubbed the fabric of her panties gently.

  Hannah hissed. “Aw man, now I am going to need to change my underwear again.”

  He grinned. “Please pardon my lack of regret.”

  She gasped as he lifted her with one hand while peeling her underw
ear off her hips. He stepped aside and removed her panties with all the panache of a child’s first magic trick. Her boots didn’t help, but he left those on.

  He reached for the box and carefully slit it open with pressure from his thumbnail. He removed a few condoms and slid them into his pocket before pulling one out and setting it next to her hips.

  He smiled and parted her knees again, stepping between them. “Just to prove I know how to use one.”

  “I didn’t realize this was a challenge thing for you.” She slid her hands under his shirt in an effort to get him as naked as she could.

  “I’ll get mine; you get yours.”

  She nodded and removed her shirt, unhooked her bra, and set it aside. “I am only agreeing because your skin feels so good against mine.”

  He chuckled, and one hand was on his zipper while he eased the other toward her. Two fingers entered at an odd angle, and she grunted.

  She shifted her pelvis to change the entry point, and his fingers slid in. She groaned. He groaned.

  The packet was raised, and he shoved his clothing out of the way, leaving him and his erection exposed to her gaze.

  There was an interesting curve to his cock, and as he unravelled the condom over the length, she could finally understand the difference in some of the sizing.

  He pulled her forward, pulled her hips to the edge of the table, and he pressed his cock into her. She was staring him in the eyes as he slid into her, and she shook at the contact of their bodies.

  Her breath was labouring in her lungs, as was his. He wrapped his arm around her hips and withdrew to slide deeper. She supported her weight on her hands as he pushed into her again and again. She was rocked, jolted, and wrapped an arm around his neck to keep him close as he pounded into her.

  He kissed her and whispered, “Let me hear you.”

  She gave him what he wanted; every gasp, whimper, and moan was laid out for him. She undulated her hips against him, and he groaned and thrust harder. He bent nearly double, and he licked and bit at her jolting breasts while he continued to thrust into her.

  She felt the tightening inside her as her orgasm got closer, and when he shifted his stance slightly and thrust deep, she groaned and held him tight while her inner muscles pulsed around him.

  He paused and groaned, shuddering as he held himself inside her before he backed off and disposed of the condom.

  She lay back on the table and covered herself with her skirt before pulling her shirt over her torso.

  He returned to her and kissed her neck. “Apologies on the suddenness of it. I didn’t want to rush you but also wasn’t interested in waiting. Sadly, I want more, but with my brothers arriving within the hour, we need to be on our way.”

  She sighed. “I hate you quite a bit right now.”

  He grinned and pulled her into a sitting position, handing her her bra. “I know. I hate me just a little bit, too, right now.”

  She straightened the lace and lycra, slipping it on and hooking it. “Why do you hate you?”

  “The disgruntled look on your face cuts me to the quick. I want to remain with you until you have a dazed and satisfied expression. It is now a personal goal.” He grinned and handed her her shirt.

  She stared. “This isn’t the shirt I had on earlier.” She put on the wrapped shirt and tied it to the left.

  He grinned. “I like this one better.”

  She glared. “I am going shopping as soon as I have time, and your preferences are not on the list.”

  He smiled. “And yet, you wore a skirt I could easily get under.”

  She hopped to her feet and smiled at him. “I wore the skirt because I wanted sex, not because you did.”

  He blinked in surprise and laughed. “Fair enough. I will keep that in mind.”

  They got out of the house with relatively few stops for kissing and touching, but it was only when she was in her car that she realized... the asshole stole my underwear.

  Chapter Eight

  After his brothers stopped staring at them and finished the carving, they piled into the SUVs and headed to the restaurant.

  She parked in a nearby lot and took the bemused and dazzled Benko and Krisfel toward the dining establishment with the attached bar. They were crossing the road when the other three appeared. They had parked on the street.

  Hannah inclined her head, and she stepped up to the podium. The hostess looked at her with a dazzled expression.

  Hannah smiled. “Reservation for six, under Lee.”

  The hostess nodded slowly, and her gaze drifted from one side to the next.

  Hannah sighed and walked up to the hostess, touching her hand. “Mistress, I would very much like to be seated for dinner; I have worked up quite the appetite.”

  The hostess was crimson when she looked at Hannah, her lips parted and flushed. “Oh, of course. Samia, I will take them.”

  The waitress nodded and stepped back as they entered the restaurant and headed to the center of the space.

  “Normally, we would have put your party in a booth, but this is one of our VIP tables. I hope you like it.” The hostess ducked her head shyly.

  “It is lovely. Thank you. I hope it will not inconvenience anyone.”

  “It is usually the mayor’s table, but he will not be in tonight.”

  Hannah smiled and nodded. The hostess held the seat out for her. Hannah kept her smile friendly and pleasant while the menus were handed out, and as soon as they were alone, she turned to her right where Neekil was seated. She whispered furiously, “Okay, what the fuck is going on?”

  His shoulders shook as he laughed silently. “You are giving off enough pheromones to get half the inhabitants of this restaurant aroused.”

  Benko nodded. “He’s not wrong. We are used to females in heat. You are definitely in heat.”

  She hissed at Neekil, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I thought you knew.”

  She snarled and waved a hand that took in her body. “This is new. How would I know?”

  “Fair enough. Hannah, you are in heat and attracting anything that is interested in females. The way you reacted with the hostess indicates that you are not unfamiliar with the sensation.”

  She laughed and picked what she wanted from the menu before closing it. “I used to work construction, and my musculature was very attractive to petite, delicate women who wanted to feel protected but still like breasts.”

  The brothers were all staring at her with a weird fascination in their eyes.

  “Sadly, that was not my particular interest.” She smiled at Neekil. “Dark elves weren’t on my list either, so I guess I am more flexible than I assumed.”

  He grinned. “I hope to test that sooner rather than later.”

  She felt her cheeks heat, and the server came over. Aside from having their photos taken from every possible angle, reporters arrived, and Neekil had to explain what was going on.

  They were nearly through with dinner and were contemplating dessert when Hannah got a text. She read it and grinned.

  Neekil whispered, “What is it?”

  “Dinner is on Mayor Matthias. Apparently, six dark elves having public dinner has sent shockwaves across the continent, and he is being bombarded with requests for visitation rights from a number of other heads of city and state.”

  Benko frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  She searched for dark elves on her phone, and images of them began to scroll along. “This is what he is talking about. Anyone awake around the world can be seeing our images right now. And videos and that short-lived food fight with the gourmet potato puffs. It is all on here forever.”

  The other guys were fascinated, so she went around the table and showed them how it worked. Her phone chirped, and it was a note from Imara.

  I have some time tonight instead of tomorrow. Can I take a look at the file?

  She paused. I am out right now at Cabera. I don’t have th
e file with me.

  She sat down, and Neekil looked over her shoulder. He murmured, “I can get it for you.”

  She glanced at him. “You can?”

  He kissed her softly. “Back in three minutes.”

  To her shocked surprise, he slid under the table. She looked into the shadows beneath, and he was gone.

  Krisfel grinned. “You will get used to it, sister.”

  She looked at them and chuckled. “I really don’t think so.”

  A familiar face came into her eye line, and out of habit, she waved.

  Benko asked, “Who is that?”

  “A friend of mine. She does a lot of custom woodwork design. She makes furniture as well.” She got to her feet and stood for a hug. “Vohar, so glad to see you again.”

  Vohar looked her over. “I like the new look. You look like a bloodied ninja.”

  There was a pale woman trailing behind Vohar, her skin one step from marble.

  “Thanks. I should make introductions. These are my new... siblings-in-law, so to speak? I am not sure. This is Benko, Morith, Krisfel, and Aberan. Gentlemen, this is Vohar and her friend...”

  “Nylki.” The woman’s voice was a whisper.

  Vohar smiled. “Nylki is a little shy.”

  Krisfel was staring at the pale woman with the astonishing curves.

  Hannah noticed that the more she looked at Nylki, the more attractive the woman became. “So, Vohar, neither of you are affected by what is going on here?”

  “The hormones? Nah, Nylki is bound, and I don’t care.” Vohar grinned.

  Krisfel growled. “Would you care to join us?”

  Vohar shook her head. “No, Nylki has to perform in a few minutes. She’s singing at the bar. I just saw you online and thought I would come by to say hi.”

  “Ouch. I didn’t think it would spread this fast.”

  “Your parents know, right?”

  A tongue dragged up her calf, and Hannah had to grip the table to hold herself steady. “Yeah, they were the first ones to see the change. I didn’t want them surprised by neighbours. The whole immediate family has seen me.”

  Fingers wrapped around her knee and stroked her thigh.


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