Tearful Reign

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Tearful Reign Page 8

by V L Friends

  I hadn’t noticed how angry Caleb was until he grabbed Lucian by the collar. I guess he was doing well to hold his composure around me.

  “You have some nerve thinking you can treat her like that even if you say it was a test. If you plan to stay here and help, then you will treat her with the utmost respect,” Caleb retorted as he released pretty boy’s collar. “Now, you told me you were sorry for how you frightened her… now tell her or I will banish your incubus butt from ever coming back here.” Caleb’s teeth gritted with his words. It surprised me, hearing Caleb’s rough tone. I had never witnessed him being anything but kind to everyone… well, except to Julian.

  “Fine,” Lucian growled.

  Lucian turned and sat in the chair next to me. His face turned soft and his eyes looked up to meet mine. I gasped at the sudden realization of his beauty. His eyes were a mesmerizing bright blue and there was the silver sparkling again, along with his dimples on both cheeks appearing with his bright grin. His flawless sun-kissed skin seemed to glow. I tried to look away but was captivated. I could stare into those eyes forever.

  “You had better not be using magic to entice her and gain her compliance,” barked Caleb.

  Lucian flinched. “Wouldn’t dream of it, cousin,” he said.

  When I blinked my sudden desire to crawl into his lap was gone. Yep, he had tried to compel me. Why had his attempt to compel me worked for him but not for Caleb or Julian?

  “Anaya, I truly am sorry for upsetting you earlier. I didn’t want to do it, especially after our meeting on the mountain over the waterfall. You were so gentle and lovely… but Julian insisted it was for your own good.”

  “What did you just say?” I demanded, giving Lucian a death stare.

  “I am sorry?” he said again with a questioning look.

  “Not that… the meeting part. What do you mean?” I demanded.

  Understanding lit up his eyes but he seemed reluctant. “Oh, that. I– I met you in my animal form.”

  “Animal form?” I asked, stunned. Was he messing with me again?

  “You were the...” My face was getting hot again.

  “Panther,” he nodded. “That is my animal shape I can transform into. I am both a shifter and a mage.”

  I looked to Caleb with horror, looking for some sign he was messing with me again, but Caleb only nodded with annoyance to confirm.

  Lucian gave me a wicked grin and leaned into me. “You are quite the talker. I think my animal is in love with you though. And I am very relieved that there is a part of me that you do actually like,” he said then winked.

  My face was blushing. I felt the twinge of humiliation once again. I told that cat things I had never told anyone! Without warning, I pounced at him. We fell together as he and his chair landed backwards with me on top. My hands were at his throat. Caleb was quick and snatched me off Lucian by the waist and subdued my arms as I continued trying to punch at the blond figure.

  “Anaya, calm yourself!” Caleb yelled as I tried to kick back at him to release me. I stopped and instantly felt badly that I was kicking Caleb.

  Caleb put his hand on my forehead and then seemed to be checking my face.

  “She is burning up!” Caleb sounded frantic.

  Lucian, seemingly indifferent to my charging him, got up slowly with a serious expression as he approached me. He seemed to be looking right through me. His hands went out and gently pulled my face into his hands.

  “Stop touching me!” I yelled as I tried to push away, but Caleb was holding me tight to him.

  “Quiet, child,” Lucian’s voice was soft as his eyes continued to search mine.

  “She has been hit by some kind of poison spell,” Lucian said.

  “Can you identify the source? Can you heal her?” Caleb asked.

  “Look for any scratches on her,” Lucian said and began searching my skin. “This seems like a very mild poison. It will most likely pass through as her fever burns it off.”

  Lucian stopped as he identified a scratch on my wrist.

  “It looks recent,” he assessed. “She probably got it in the woods.” He rubbed his thumb gently over the scratch. “It is definitely the source. We need to check your woods for plants that are poisoned. This is especially a danger to humans. I would not be surprised if a witch planted it there with a spell on purpose.”

  “Can you get the poison out?” Caleb asked, still holding me tight to him. “She seems to be getting more and more violent and sick.”

  “I can,” Lucian nodded and gave a slow grin directed at me. “She may not like it. It will require me sucking it out and then applying some heated antidote to burn away any excess.”

  “You probably poisoned me yourself just so you could enjoy this!” I spat out viciously, trying to land a kick on him, but Caleb pulled me back so it missed.

  “You are so paying for this!” I tried to pull away to lunge at him again, but Caleb held me back.

  “Well, if you don’t want my help, it’s no big deal to me,” Lucian said, still with that smirk.

  “Just get on with it!” Caleb said with irritation.

  “Okay, hold her still. If she fights too hard I can always put her in a sleep state, although, I admit this is more fun.” Lucian gave a chuckle.

  “I can’t wait to kick your pretty boy face in!” I snarled.

  “Wait, you think I am pretty?” Lucian teased.

  “Now! Lucian!” Caleb barked.

  Lucian closed his mouth around the scratch on my wrist. I felt the sucking as he pulled poison out. When he was done he blew on the wound to sooth the stinging and sealed it with a kiss. I don’t think that was necessary but I was in no position to stop him. His eyes turned to meet mine and he moved so slowly toward my face.

  “There, now to burn away the excess…” his whisper was barely audible. I could see blue light crackling across his mouth as he moved in close.

  “Caleb! What is he doing?” I was terrified. What was this creature and what was he doing to me and why was Caleb letting him?

  “Shhh, it’s okay. I’m here. I won’t let anything bad happen to you,” Caleb whispered in my ear as he held my back against his chest.

  Lucian’s mouth closed around mine as blue fire swept down my throat. It tingled and filled me with a heat sensation.

  My ears rang at the loud screaming. My screaming.


  I opened my eyes and sat up right on my bed. How long had I been here? It was morning but I had no idea how long I had been lying here sleeping. Memories of blue flashing lips coming towards me made me shudder. That was my last memory. I don’t think it hurt; then again, maybe it did but my memory of the pain had just been taken away.

  The sound of a crow squawking through the open window caught my attention. Clarence!

  “Shoo!” I waved my hand and he tilted his head at me then turned and flew away.

  I didn’t like the idea of shooing away any animal but Clarence was just there to spy on me.

  I swallowed hard and rubbed my face with both hands. I felt groggy, not to mention there was still tenderness in my throat. I hated the idea of witchcraft being used on me to get rid of other witchcraft. I knew of many people being healed before but it was obvious that this was a different kind of power, something brandished from another witch. Lucian had to be some kind of walker/witch. I guessed. I was grateful for them helping me. They gave me what they had to work with. Nevertheless, it only made me conclude that I was out of my element. I needed to get away from here. I pushed out of bed and pulled my suitcase out from under where it had been stored.

  I sighed deeply, trying to ignore the throbbing in my head. I would leave Caleb a note and my number. I wanted to keep in touch with him and meet up with him or perhaps come back to visit. I had no idea where I was going. Maybe it was time for me to face Shane.

  A light tap at my bedroom door alerted me that it was Caleb. He knew I was up and he was the only one who respected my privacy enough not to come barging in. What wo
uld I say to him? It was likely that he already knew my plans. I just froze.

  The door opened as he let it swing wide. He was standing in the threshold with his arms crossed over his chest, his face bearing a grim expression.

  “Going somewhere?” Caleb said.

  “You know I am,” I said as I pushed some clothes into my suitcase and tried not to look at him.

  With a deep sigh, he ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Just hear me out, would you, please?” he said sitting on the end of the bed now.

  I stopped packing and sat down next to him on the bed.

  Caleb brushed my hair away from my face affectionately.

  “Give me more of a chance to show you that you belong here and if you still want to go, I promise I will run away with you. The thought of you out there on your own with the threat of walkers, witches, and supernaturals now beginning to learn who you are is too much. The danger you would face is more than I can bear.” The lines on his forehead gave his face the look of anguish.

  I hadn’t given it much thought of how hurt he might be at my wanting to run away. Tears welled up in my eyes as realization trickled in. I figured I would let him know where I was and connect back with him somehow when I got settled. Then I thought of Shane and winced, knowingly. How horrible of a person must I be to shut out everyone who cared about me? To run away when things got hard. How selfish was I?

  “I am sorry,” I said, leaning my head on his shoulder. “I just haven’t been right since I lost my mother, and the fact that so much has been kept from me is really messing with my head. I don’t trust Julian or Lucian, but I trust you. I will stay with you… at least for now.”

  “I’m glad. I promise I will do my best to protect you and be here for you. You are my family,” Caleb said.

  We sat in silence for a while. He was easy to be with. Then a question arose from my head and I turned.

  “You called Lucian an incubus? Just exactly what is he and what is his story?” I asked.

  Caleb let out a soft chuckle.

  “He is a walker but one that has many traits. He is not only a shifter but he can also wield magic. His magic gets replenished by human emotions. I’m not sure why but sensual emotions for some reason replenish his powers faster, thus earning him the title of incubus by some. Julian called on his help for other reasons though. Lucian is also a master of disguise and a very powerful walker capable of hiding in the shadows. All witches are frightened of him, and every walker respects him. He may not look like it but he is an ancient deadly weapon, and it is fortunate that he is one of Julian’s oldest friends. I know you don’t like him but if we can manage to gain his favor and keep him around it will prove to be very beneficial. Lucian is not very fond of humans.” Caleb gave me a smirk. “He likes you though.”

  “How do you figure?” I scoffed at the thought. He showed very little sign that he liked me.

  “Trust me. I have never heard Lucian refer to any human girl as lovely,” Caleb smirked.

  “He also referred to me as a stupid human girl,” I reminded.

  “Yeah, he has a quick temper and is good at insults but never good at compliments. Listen, I want you to be cautious with him.” Caleb looked like he might say more but stopped.

  I nodded. I didn’t like the idea of him sticking around. Lucian just made me uncomfortable. Finding out that he was an ancient sorcerer helped me understand why but, more than that, he struck me as the kind of creature that played with humans for his own entertainment and this angered me.

  “Wait, so he is not your cousin?” I asked.

  “No, not related. Julian and he just call one another that. I figured it’s a private thing between them,” Caleb said. “I know you want him to go away but we came up with an arrangement that he would keep his distance and watch over you in the shadows, as he is really good at doing,” Caleb promised.

  I sat on the sofa in the parlor watching the fire sparkle from the stone fireplace, casting a glow throughout the room. Caleb and Julian chatted about the upcoming party the walker warlord, Louis, was throwing and how they would use it as an opportunity to introduce me to the others as a non-threat. It was now only two weeks away. I listened in silence as they discussed the different threats. No one else had made any attempts to harm or kill me since the poisonous plant in the woods. Julian and Lucian combed the woods to identify the plant. They found several, newly planted near the path, but they wiped them all out. Julian’s reaction to this threat had piqued my interest. His jaw had been tight with anger as he swore he would find out who did this and “they will pay!” he said. Why had he gotten so worked up? Maybe he really did care about me. He was too confusing for me to figure out.

  Out of the corner of my eye I could see Lucian watching me. He sat on the couch nearby, unmoving, arms folded across his chest, glaring. His eyes never left me. I was not as hostile in his presence anymore since the poison had worn off. I was still curious about him though. Even though he looked even younger than Julian and Caleb, his mannerisms and his facial expressions indicated he was older. He was scary.

  Julian and Caleb ignored him.

  Finally, I got up the nerve to face him off and stared back. His expression changed as he took my gaze as an invitation. He got up and walked over and crouched down in front of me. My stomach did a flip-flop. I looked nervously to Julian and Caleb but they didn’t seem to notice.

  Lucian looked through me with his sapphire and silver eyes. For an instant, I thought I could see the grey eyes of the white panther looking at me but then they vanished.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked as his hands gently rested on my knees. He was being sincere.

  “I’m better; thanks for asking,” I said. I was still suspicious of him.

  “I want you to know that whatever you said or ever say to me while I am in animal form will remain just between us,” he said softly.

  Why was he being so nice to me? Was it to throw me off guard? I blinked hard and swallowed, giving him a quick nod.

  “I also hope you and I can start over. Who knows? Maybe we can even be friends.” His smile made it seem like he was being truthful.

  “Maybe,” I shrugged. “Lucian?” I looked at him. “Why aren’t Julian and Caleb even noticing you sitting here?”

  He just stared at me with a dazed look.

  “Lucian!” I said, this time a little louder.

  “Hmm?” he said finally, never taking his eyes away from mine.

  I repeated the question.

  “Oh, yeah… well. This is not real. I have pulled you into a vision inside my mind. They still see me sitting back on the couch over there,” he said, nodding in the direction of the empty couch.

  “What?” I could not believe it.

  “Yeah,” he assured me.

  “Don’t ever do this again. I don’t like to be subjected to your magic, especially without my consent,” I said.

  He grinned, rising from his crouched position and kissing me on the forehead.

  “Your wish is my command, my little dove,” he said.

  “And stop with the sickly sweet nicknames,” I said.

  “Well, I am afraid I can’t do that. It is a display of my ever-growing affection for you. And, well, I just simply enjoy it too much to stop.” He smiled again with a wink. “I think you and I are going to be good friends.”

  My head jerked at the sound of a snap in front of my face. When my eyes focused I could see Julian’s bewildered face in view.

  “There we go. She’s back, Caleb. You don’t have to beat the hell out of Lucian after all,” Julian said with a look of semi-amusement.

  I glanced across to the other couch and saw Caleb standing over Lucian. They guessed what he had been doing.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing?” Caleb growled, getting close to his face.

  “It’s okay; he brought me inside his head and we were just talking. He won’t do it again.” They didn’t seem in the least surprised at Lucian’s
antics. I couldn’t believe I was going to his defense. From the look on Julian and Caleb’s faces, neither did they.

  The next few days seemed to drag on forever. There was so much tension in the air I could cut it with a knife. Something was up but no one was telling me much. I soon found out that Lucian’s magic, so conveniently, could block out my ability to hear their conversations. I wondered if this was one of the main reasons he was so welcome by Caleb and Julian, but I kept it to myself. Another reason blondie’s presence made me uneasy. Blondie was my nickname for him. Although I rarely said it out loud, it amused me. I had no idea what was making everyone so tense. From what I could catch and from the little they would tell me, some of the witch covens were upset by me being there. Julian was called to a meeting with them and was gone for the day. There was also a warehouse of Caleb’s that had been blown up. Caleb said they suspected it was walkers, so he was off dealing with that. They confined me to the house until after the party, so here I was stuck all day alone with Lucian. Tomorrow night I had made plans to go to the Amish prayer meeting, but I was not sure I was going to be able to slip away. I decided to worry about that later. For now, my heart and mind were set on distracting myself from the tension in the air. I decided to set up my easel on the back porch and paint. With my music playing from my iPod next to me, I happily hummed along and danced as I painted. The sky was an eerie gray all day long and there seemed to be this fog that would roll in and out, covering the ground.

  Lucian sat in a chair on the other side of the porch, watching the woods intensely. Those eyes didn’t miss a thing. Once in a while I felt his gaze land on me, quietly observing me. He kept his distance. That added to the strangeness of the experience, but I was determined not to let all of this bother me.

  An hour passed and I just continued singing to the air along with the worship songs as I danced and painted. Before I had finished my painting, Lucian came up to me, interrupting me in my creative bubble, as he stood silently waiting for me to acknowledge him.

  “What is it?” I turned to face him.

  “I had no idea you were this.” He gestured around to my painting and music with a blank expression. “Do Caleb and Julian know?”


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