Chasing Fate: An Enemies-to-Lovers Romance (Dark Love Series Book 5)

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Chasing Fate: An Enemies-to-Lovers Romance (Dark Love Series Book 5) Page 18

by Kat T. Masen

  I know I have only ten minutes. I’m a selfish bastard, but I don’t want to jeopardize her career. My hands run up her dress, lifting her ass into my hands. She laces her arms around my neck, drawing me in and proving to me she feels the same way.

  Waiting is overrated, anyway.

  Her long, lean legs wrap around my waist, giving me the perfect angle to take her against the door.

  In one swift move, I unbuckle my pants, dropping them around my ankles. I bury my head into the crook of her neck, inhaling her skin. She smells like her, a scent so pure and sensual mixed with a bit of coconut. My senses are heightened, and the smell of her skin sends my body into the meltdown phase, and I haven’t even entered her yet.

  Her panties feel expensive, lacy with tiny crystals scattered along the top. I can always replace them later. That’s what money is for. And so, I scrunch them in my hands and tear them away, making sure I don’t hurt her. The sound of her gasp sends delightful shivers throughout my body. Her body arches back, and the vein, visible on her neck, invites me to kiss every inch of it, wanting to taste the blood pumping through her veins like a goddamn vampire.

  She’s ready.

  I reach down and latch onto my shaft, taming the persistent throb and teasing her entrance with the tip of my cock. She’s delightfully wet, soft, and warm. So very warm. This moment should be savored, but I’m a selfish prick. I slide myself in as her stomach shrinks, sucking in the air as she takes a deep breath and moans splendidly all around me. She chants my name, softly sounding the syllables in tune with our bodies moving.

  I push deeper, feeling her walls tighten around me. She’s almost there. I know she’s almost there. She releases her grip on me, leaning back against the door while her eyes meet mine.

  And something in the way she gazes longingly at me draws me in.

  The desire.

  The lust.

  The greed.

  With the mightiest of thrusts, I slam into her hard, feeling her pussy contracting around my cock followed by her loud cry.

  I’m done.

  I pull out quickly, releasing all over her thigh while my body jerks forward in utter delight. Breathing heavily into her neck, my vision is blindsided seeing only stars, moons, and fucking fireworks.

  What did she just do to me?

  Grazing my thumb across her thigh, I take what’s mine because I’m greedy and want her to taste me. She lifts her head and studies the way I move my thumb upward and gently slide it across her bottom lip. Her lips remain parted, tiny breaths barely escaping as her eyes, wide and full of desperation, begging me to give her more.

  “Just a taste of what’s to come,” I murmur, my mouth hovering over hers.

  She smiles wickedly, running her tongue across her bottom lip. “I’ve got quite an appetite.”

  “You need to go,” I tell her with discontent. “But don’t for one second think this is over. I’ll be here, waiting, as soon as you’re done.”

  She runs her hands down my arms, gripping onto my biceps as she frees her legs. Even now, after all is done, her simple touch is melting away at me. Her legs shake while she tries to maintain her balance, latching onto me again for support.

  I reach down and pull my pants up, leaving my belt unbuckled. After all, I expect her back here as soon as her meeting is over. Then, the real fun will begin.

  She makes a dash to the bathroom to grab some tissues. After cleaning herself up, she straightens her dress and fixes her hair. I walk to where she’s standing and position myself behind her back. Our images reflect in the mirror, and as if my heart has completely fallen out of my chest, I know only one thing.

  This feels right.

  She breaks my gaze and latches onto the door handle. I reach out for her arm, pulling her into me one more time.

  “Are we okay?”

  The silence falls between us, worrying me that something’s wrong. As the panic begins to build, she traces the bottom of my jaw. Her lips, swollen and pouty, curve upward into a dreamy smile.

  “Noah,” she asserts, rolling her tongue, seducing me with only the call of my name. “We’re more than okay.”


  He has no clue what he’s done to me.

  And I hate myself.

  For wanting him.

  For desiring every part of him.

  The moment he stepped into my office, I saw my former self. The person I used to be before I allowed myself to be burdened with the weight that rests on other people’s shoulders. I tried to resist him, but his cocky attitude got the best of me. His presence alone, sitting across the desk the first time we met, stirred this buried emotion—desire.

  A muscular build hid behind this perfectly fitted navy suit. Tall, with hair styled modern and slicked to the side, accentuating his strong jawline. And although my body instantly craved to touch him, it was his deep blue eyes that had me drowning and begging for a life jacket.

  But I have a terrible habit of screwing guys and walking away. Or at least, I used to.

  Noah Mason is a wrecking ball. He’s taking me along with him, even though every part of me tries to push him away.

  And then, without any warning, he fucked me. Against the door, challenging and full of grunt. In less than ten minutes, he’d done things to me that I’ve never experienced in this lifetime. He’s opened the doors and freed Violet Winters—a woman caged and living in the shadows of her famous sister.

  I manage to wrap up the meeting without too much trouble. Jacque offered me a nightcap in his room, which I kindly refused.

  I know Noah has difficulty expressing his emotions, but he plays the part of a jealous man to a T.

  The question remains—Do I go back up to Noah’s room or not?

  For minutes, I sit at the bar, contemplating my next move, wondering how I find myself here, why life chooses to throw this giant curveball at me as if I don’t have enough on my plate.

  And then there are no more questions.

  I quickly find myself outside his door, knocking, and the moment he opens it wearing only a towel, which he conveniently drops when he sees me, I know I can’t turn back.

  He retakes me, against the wall, this time turning me around and fucking me from behind. He has the stamina of a stallion, and although I’m utterly exhausted, he finishes by laying me on the bed and giving me everything I need at that moment—slow, dirty, erotic sex.

  My body has exerted itself—something I haven’t experienced sexually before. I’ve done many things, and many men, but he’s like some sex god attentive to all my needs. Previously, I had joked that I was a receiver. Selfish would be the appropriate word. Yeah, I’ve blown guys, but almost always, I want all the attention.

  Yet with Noah, I want to give back.

  Running my nails along his muscular, lean torso and grating his abs, his cock teases me relentlessly, standing tall and begging for attention. I don’t hold back, nor do I tease, running my mouth down his body like a marathon race until I take him all in. My lips envelop around his shaft and relaxing my back muscles, I push down as far as my throat will allow. His groan follows, deep and husky, hands messing my hair as he pushes me onto him deeper.

  My body reacts again. Although sore and sensitive from where he’s been on me, my nipples become erect, the hardening, a mixture of pleasure and pain. He begs me to stop, but I’m cruel that way, carrying on because I need all of him in my mouth.

  But his strength outweighs mine. And in just one move, he has me on all fours. My knees begin to wobble, tired and exhausted. He knows what he’s doing to me, but the selfish bastard doesn’t care. He tells me what he wants.

  All of me.




  And I want all of those things too. I want him to take me everywhere in this room and show me what he’s got. Lay all the cards on the table. Take me in every way he’s imagined in his dirty mind until my legs are no longer wobbling but paralyzed.

  But reality has a way
of knocking the fantasy straight out of you. I know I can’t stay, and I have learned relatively quickly that Noah isn’t a patient man. He demands things and doesn’t take well to his needs not being met.

  Although the hotel sits in a busy part of Los Angeles, the noise outside can’t be heard inside the four walls of this room. Dead silence, just the beats of our hearts crazily in sync with each other, the most terrifying sound you can hear. Each beat, loud and peculiar, sends chills throughout me.

  Noah runs his hands along my arm, slowly warming my skin. He doesn’t realize nor understand the complexity of the situation. And now isn’t the moment, so I do the only thing I’ve learned to do around him—run away.

  “I need to go, Noah, I have things I have to do in the morning.”

  “Why can’t you stay?” Anger and desperation filters through his tone.

  Questions. More damn questions.

  Every time I try to be civil, we end up arguing and getting into a fight like we’re an old married couple. And sometimes, I purposely pick a struggle because I have no idea how else to push him away. I don’t want to hurt him, and every part of me knows that every second that goes past, I’m weaving a bigger web for myself.

  “Because I’ve stayed as long as I can tonight. Please, don’t fight with me. Don’t ruin what just happened between us,” I say, keeping the sadness away from my face and replacing it with the smallest of smiles.

  He brushes his finger along my lip, hooded eyes watching me suspiciously. “Tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow,” I repeat, above a whisper.

  His cell buzzes on the table beside him. He glances over but is quick to place his cell down. I can see his expression has shifted, a look of concern as worry reflects in his eyes.

  “Is everything okay?”

  He nods, “Yeah, just a text.”

  I wanted to ask him if it was Kate. For some reason, she gets the better of me. They have this bond, this so-called friendship that doesn’t sit right with me. Noah doesn’t appear to be the type to hold friendships with women unless, of course, it has benefits.

  I’m not an emotional person, always finding some way to block the pain. And even at my mother’s funeral, I didn’t shed a tear for fear of coming across weak in front of our family and friends. It was three days later when I finally broke down driving to campus for an important exam. I never told Dad or Scarlett how my car stopped at the red light, and by the time it turned green, I couldn’t move, paralyzed with pain. The hurt hit me with such force that my catatonic state alarmed the drivers around me. When I managed to snap out of it, I drove myself to the nearest frat house and lost myself to alcohol, drugs, and sex with random guys. It was my darkest hour. An hour that lasted four days until my friend found me and physically dragged me out of the house.

  But something about Noah has struck a nerve. One that I’m struggling to hold back.

  I dress and leave him there, hurrying to my car, where I drive home in a confused state of mind.

  It’s late, just before midnight when I step inside the house and quietly place my keys on the hall table.

  “You’re late,” he says from within the living room.

  The room is dimly lit, only the small lamp illuminating a corner of the large room. I stop and keep my back to him, afraid he can see it etched on my face.

  “I had stuff that needed to be taken care of.”

  He remains silent, breathing quietly as I wait nervously for him to speak. “He asked for you.”

  And then, the guilt and shame override any happiness I felt for the past few hours. My heart almost falls to the floor, heavy and saddened by the hurt I’ve inflicted on him. Unintentionally, yet still, I should’ve known better.

  Dragging my feet, riddled with guilt, I make my way toward the back of the house and quietly open the door to his room. His nightlight is on, sitting just above his pillow. With gentle snores, I tiptoe to his bed and see him curled in a ball, holding onto his favorite train, Gordon. The oldest and wisest train that lives on the island of Sodor. I don’t dare take it out of his hands, instead pulling the blanket over and stopping just below his chin.

  Leaning in, I kiss his forehead and pull away, watching him for a few moments. He doesn’t realize how special he is. Despite the challenges he faces daily, he belongs in the hearts of so many people. Mine, utterly full of love for him, and all I want to do is protect him.

  I close the door, leaving it slightly ajar in case he calls out through the night. I walk back to my room, where he’s lying on our bed, keeping to his own side.

  “He didn’t settle well.”

  I apologize again, displaying my guilt. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here.”

  “You’re busy,” he says with his iPad in his lap. “I’ll be out of town this weekend. Will you be okay?”

  His eyes linger on mine, and I can read him perfectly. Like me, he carries his own guilt. I know he isn’t comfortable admitting it, and I’m not comfortable asking about it. I know this—her name is Jessica, and she has a knack for messaging him when he’s in the shower.

  I remove my bracelet and place it on the dresser. “Uh… yeah, I think Dad’s coming into town, anyway.”

  He nods, shifting his focus back to his iPad. I make my way to the bathroom and peel off my clothes. My skin is red, marked, and tainted by Noah. I close my eyes for a brief moment, running my hands along my breasts, tracing his steps. I shouldn’t want more, but my body craves it more than I could have imagined. I shower long enough to ease my sore muscles, and when I’m dressed for bed, I turn the light off in the bathroom and stand beside our bed.

  He keeps to his side, again, and I climb in—the click of the lamp echoes through the room. Then darkness falls between us.

  “It’ll work out, Morgan,” he says quietly in the dark.

  My cell beeps inside my hand. I lift it to read the text.

  Noah: Something urgent has come up. Raincheck?

  Me: Of course. Is everything okay?

  Noah: It will be.

  I didn’t have the heart to ask if that something is a someone. I have no way of controlling how I feel anymore, and no way of pulling my heart out of this game. I’m afraid the feelings, which have consumed me since the moment Noah stepped in my office, have led to one thing.

  I am in love with him.


  I stare at the equations on the screen, computing numbers in my head as Richard, our director of finance, is talking a mile a minute.

  “I’m not pleased with these numbers,” Richard declares, removing his glasses as he wipes them with some old handkerchief. “Our numbers are unachievable.”

  We’ve been inside this boardroom for over four hours. Aside from the sandwiches brought in an hour ago, I drank several coffees, and my nervous system is on the verge of combusting.

  “Richard,” I begin, swiveling my chair to meet his direction. “We’re bleeding money with these small enterprises. The funding needed to boost their capital will be better off spent on our more profitable sectors.”

  “Kate,” Richard says with a condescending smile. “My numbers don’t lie.”

  “They’re not accurate, Richard,” I tell him, frustrated for having the same conversation over and over again. Pinching my lips together, I piece my thoughts like a puzzle clicking in place before criticizing him for being incompetent. “Jonathan, in our London office, has tripled profits in our European market. How? Because he projects accurate numbers to begin with. I don’t understand why we aren’t able to replicate this here.”

  “Agreed,” Lex interjects, his face tightening while he crosses his arms. I’ve worked with Lex long enough to know he’s frustrated with Richard’s excuses. When it comes to business, Lex does not tolerate incompetent employees. “Why are we not seeing the correct numbers here? Frankly, Richard, I’m not impressed and want to meet tomorrow. Show me a better result, or we’re going to make some significant cuts.”

  Richard’s face turns beet red. The asshole better step
up his game rather than throw the blame onto everyone else and pretend like it’s not his fault. On more than one occasion, he’s gone straight to Lex to complain about my directives. He’s a chauvinistic caveman who hates reporting to a woman. His complaints hold no merit, and Lex doesn’t even question me knowing all too well I’ve done my job correctly.

  I end our meeting, dismissing the team but not before a harsh warning on what I expect from them over the next week. As the final person closes the door, I let out the breath I’ve been holding in, rolling my neck from side to side to alleviate the knots forming.

  It’s been an incredibly stressful week, and the weekend can’t come fast enough.

  With just myself and Lex in the room, it gives us a chance to discuss more private matters without the remaining executive team present.

  “I’m not happy with Richard's performance,” Lex says, placing his cell down for a brief moment. “This isn’t what I want to see.”

  “I warned you, Lex. Month after month he’s focusing on the wrong numbers. This is costing us.”

  “You’re right,” he agrees. “Let’s get HR in here. I want Richard out. In the interim, we offer Jonathan more money, and he can take over. We’ll overhaul our finance department and strengthen the team.”

  I wasn’t new to this process, having fired many employees for performance. Richard is no exception. It’s been a long time coming, and I’m just glad Lex can finally see his true colors.

  “So, I have something to discuss with you. Actually, two things.”

  Beneath the table, I cross my legs. With a nervous tap of my foot against the floor, my gaze fixates on Lex’s expression. Most of the time, the man is unreadable with the exception of when he’s angry. Whenever Lex has something to discuss with me, it ends up with me working countless hours.

  “I met with Anton Laurent last night.”


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