A Sweet Man

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A Sweet Man Page 31

by Jaime Reese

  With the blanket tucked under his arm, Gabriel gave him one of his thousand-watt smiles. “Did you like the fireworks?” he signed, finally having enough light to use their hands rather than their phones.

  No, he hadn’t liked the fireworks.

  He grabbed Gabriel’s hand and tugged him, pulling him through the crowd in the park and out to the row of parked cars three streets over. Gabriel followed, keeping up with him as they made their way to the last parking spot. When they had first arrived, he had cursed the distant walk, his own fault for delaying their departure from home. But now, he welcomed the privacy and isolation as he snatched the keys from Gabriel’s pocket and pressed the unlock button on the fob.

  He jumped into the back seat, thankful Gabriel didn’t question him and quickly followed. The warmth of Gabriel’s chest against his back made him groan as the SUV’s interior light dimmed. He glanced over his shoulder as Gabriel pressed the lock button on the fob and tossed it into the cup holder for safe keeping.

  Ben smiled and dug into his back pocket to retrieve his wallet. He pulled out the small lube packet he kept stashed for emergencies and slapped the packet into the palm of Gabriel’s hand. He pushed his ass against Gabriel’s hard groin, reveling in the way Gabriel bit his lip, fighting for control. He reached back and dug his fingers in Gabriel’s hair, tugging him close, covering his mouth with a kiss as he rubbed his backside against the only man who drove him this wild with need and desire and want for everything life offered.

  He groaned into the kiss as a large hand slid into the front of his jeans and covered his growing hard-on. Ben pushed away Gabriel’s hand and fumbled with the button and zipper of his jeans, needing to free himself with an urgency that had his hands shaking. He peeked over his shoulder, smiling as Gabriel quickly pulled down his own jeans, freeing himself before grabbing a hold of Ben and pulling him close.

  A moan slipped from Ben’s lips when hard heat pressed against his backside.

  Or was it a whimper?

  He wasn’t sure, but a smile definitely pulled at his mouth, knowing the desperation was mutual.

  Slick fingers entered him. Screwing his eyes shut, he let his head fall back against Gabriel’s shoulder. He reached behind, gripping Gabriel’s hair, guiding his face near and sealing their mouths in a kiss. He pushed back, then forward into the fingers stretching him, his body matching the seductive slide of Gabriel’s tongue alongside his.

  He broke away from the kiss, stealing a breath when Gabriel finally pushed inside him.

  Ben turned his head to his side and his lips were captured again. He kissed Gabriel with everything he had as he pushed back into his body, needing his heat, the closeness, wanting to meld their bodies together. Hard or soft, slow or fast, every second with Gabriel was sheer perfection and another chance this man used to show Ben how much he loved him.

  He clasped on to Gabriel’s forearm across his stomach for leverage, deepening the kiss, thankful each and every day for this blessing of a man who put up with his junk-food eating habits, endless eye rolling, and his unyielding requirement to have Gabriel taste test every cake variation he attempted to bake.

  He reached up with his shaky fingers, touched Gabriel’s jaw, and then traced his finger down his neck.

  I love you.

  A split second later, he gasped with the powerful thrust into his body, filling him.

  He grabbed the edge of the seat with one hand and reached behind with the other, grabbing Gabriel’s ass, bracing himself against the force of Gabriel’s pistoning hips.

  This was what he had wanted earlier, to spend the night in a sweating heap of a mess with Gabriel suffocating his senses. But after the fireworks, every sense was heightened and every slide into his body more significant. It hadn’t been the lights in the sky or the vibrations resonating in his chest with each explosion that made tonight special. It was this man, his thoughtfulness, his heart, his generous soul, his goofy grin, and teasing smirk.

  Gabriel always made him feel cherished.


  He gasped, whimpered, maybe even recited the alphabet. He wasn’t sure what sounds were rumbling up his throat and leaving him.

  He screwed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth, not wanting this sweet torture to end. A split second later, his climax tore through him, twisting his body as sparks of light filled his vision in its own private fireworks display.

  The weight of the body on him and the warm wet lips pressed against his neck kept him grounded.

  Finally breaking free of the mental fog of bliss, he nuzzled closer to Gabriel, loving this man more than he ever thought possible, smiling at the goofy grin he loved so much that likely matched his own.


  Bull crossed the threshold of the penthouse and locked the door behind him. It had been another long day. He glanced around. All Davenport hotel rooms looked the same—same colors, layout, same brand appliances and fixtures. All in an effort to increase familiarity and encourage people to return to a Davenport hotel while traveling.

  It looked the same…but felt completely different.

  In place of his simple glass worktable by the window sat a sleek dining room table for six. Behind it, instead of the ocean view, the city’s downtown landscape made its presence known through the floor-to-ceiling window. The scattering of lights in the tall buildings proved he wasn’t alone in the late hours of the night.

  And yet, the weight of loneliness bore down on his shoulders.

  Two days away from Ben felt like an eternity, and he was itching to hold him in his arms again. He was a sucker for the man…and damn proud of it if it meant he had Ben.

  He emptied his pockets and set the items on the small side table, a habit he couldn’t seem to break even though he wasn’t home.

  Home. He huffed out a laugh. It wasn’t about the penthouse.

  More than a decade of never-ending travels around the world filled with once-in-a-lifetime experiences and beautiful sights didn’t compare to the comfort he felt at home because of the quiet man who waited there for him.

  He glanced over at the pristine kitchen. Not a single pan or mixing bowl was visible. Or that ceramic bunny cookie jar that housed Ben’s cookies. Everything in the kitchen was polished, state of the art, and worthy of being showcased in a designer magazine.


  Sighing, he strolled into the bedroom, unbuttoning his dress shirt and slacks. He tossed the items over the chair by the small desk in the room and headed into the bathroom for a hot shower.

  He closed his eyes under the spray of water, remembering the Fourth of July fireworks from several weeks ago—the awe in Ben’s eyes, the excitement, the emotion.

  His huge beaming smile that screamed life and happiness.

  He missed it. Missed everything.

  At least he didn’t have to worry about Ben being alone while he was away. After Calvin’s input with the building review, Rachel asked if Bull would consider working with him, mentoring Cal on what to consider with assessments and security. Bull agreed and Rachel offered Cal an entry level security position at the hotel which he quickly accepted along with the hotel staff room included in the job package. Bull was surprised at the peace that gave him, knowing Ben’s friend lived only a few floors away should he need him for something.

  Bull shut off the water and snatched the towel off the rack.

  After finally returning to work last week, Anthony had reviewed the system event logs and had flagged another system breach forty-eight hours before the building had exploded. Armed with that information, he had officially delivered an ultimatum, demanding the security protocol changes he had requested be implemented, or he would resign.

  The breach timed with the explosion left little room for argument. Rachel instantly agreed and asked Bull to fly in and help Anthony formulate a plan of action.

  Scrubbing his hair with the towel, his mind wandered, recapping his day. For the last few hours, he and Anthony had worked with IT to break do
wn the changes into manageable phases of implementation across all Davenport properties within the next two weeks. If it were up to them, they would have instantly locked down the system to avoid another incident. But the chaos that would ensue within and between the global network of over five hundred properties would have affected the entire customer experience for their guests and likely created a monster crisis for staff.

  Corporate bullshit and red tape. Just another reminder why he hated working in an office setting.

  His job was done here. Everything else could be done remotely.

  Bull hung the towel back on the rack and stepped into the bedroom. He slid into his sleep pants as he glanced over to the digital clock on the side table. With the time change, it was probably too late to call Ben. It wouldn’t be fair to wake him, especially knowing how early he started his day.

  Staring at the clock, the numbers blurred as he imagined Ben huddled in bed, curled on his side with the covers pulled high under his chin and his hand tucked under the pillow. Without Bull there to hold him, Ben was probably cold. He closed his eyes with a groan, aching for that cold nose pressing against his throat.

  Bull raked his hand through his damp hair. One quick call couldn’t hurt. After all, they had an understanding. On those nights when Ben worked late with Nat on large orders, Ben always woke him if he were asleep when he arrived home.

  Yeah, one quick call should be fine.

  He shook his head as he grabbed his phone and settled into bed. He was so whipped by that man he didn’t even bother to lie to himself about it. He would call. If Ben was too deep into sleep, the vibration of his phone likely wouldn’t wake him.

  He’d give it three rings.

  No, two would be acceptable…but four would be the max.

  Desperate, horny times called for rationalization and bartering.

  Three rings later, Ben’s sleepy face filled the phone’s display. He was lying on his side with his head still on the pillow as he propped his phone up against another pillow facing him. The messy hair hanging over his eyes and lazy smile shot a bolt of need through Bull’s body.

  Yup, definitely whipped.

  After a quick wave, Bull spoke and signed slowly, knowing it often took Ben a few minutes to thoroughly wake. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  Ben’s smile widened. “Yes, you did,” he signed.


  “No, you’re not,” Ben signed.

  No, he wasn’t.

  They smiled at each other, neither one signing a word for almost a full minute. Just looking at Ben loosened the tension in his body.

  “You look tired,” Ben signed. “You should go to sleep.”

  He shook his head. “I miss you. I wish I were there.”

  “You are here.” Ben reached out of view for a brief flash, then held up the stuffed bull to the camera. With a playful gleam in his green eyes, Ben wrapped his arms around the small plush toy and kissed its cheek.

  Bull scowled at that damn thing. He narrowed his eyes when Ben’s lips tightened. “You did that on purpose.”

  Ben set aside the plush toy as he rolled his lips into his mouth. He stared back at the screen, the smile fading from his expression. “I miss you too.”

  Bull’s pulse skipped a beat. “How was your day?”

  “A lot of baking,” Ben signed.

  “That’s it? You know I’m a sucker for details.”

  Ben gave him a single shoulder shrug. “But you’re tired.”

  He shook his head and motioned with his hand, urging Ben to dish out the details of his day.

  Ben’s eyes sparked to life. He loved spending time in the kitchen, baking or testing some new recipe. And Bull loved seeing that joy vibrate from every inch of Ben’s body. Bull was mesmerized, watching Ben’s hands move as they revealed his mood with every motion—each hand gesture fast and smooth, revealing the excitement of the day’s events as he swept them through the air. The smile on Ben’s face and the glint in his eye reinforcing his happiness.

  Bull was so captivated that it was likely Ben assumed he had zoned out. It was the only logical reason that would explain why Ben was now signing something random about offering up the icing for a taste test to the horse behind the shop.

  Holding back a grin, Bull kept his poker face in place and stared until a yawn cracked his jaw.

  Ben gave him a watery smile as he signed. “Go to sleep. I know you’re fighting it.”

  “Okay.” Bull nodded. “By the way…you shouldn’t give icing to imaginary horses that don’t live behind the shop.”

  Ben’s eyes widened. “You were paying attention.”


  Ben looked away, a blush tinting his cheeks. He glanced back at the camera. “I really miss you.”

  “I’ll be home soon.”

  “Good. ’Cause I’m cold. And horny.”

  Great. So much for trying to fall asleep now. His body stirred with the new video streaming in his head. Glancing back at the camera with a narrow glare, he couldn’t resist the scoff or the laugh that followed at the hint of mischief in Ben’s eyes. There was no way he could stay mad at this man. “I love you,” he voiced the words as he slowly signed them, emphasizing every word.

  “I know you do,” Ben signed. “When you get home, we’ve got a date and you’re going to show me just how much you love me. And I’m going to feel it the next day because you’re going to love me so much.” Ben’s hands moved with greater intensity and longer signs to emphasize his words.

  “For fuck’s sake,” Bull grumbled under his breath, rubbing his eyes as he blew out a deep breath.


  He froze at the sound of Ben’s uncertain voice.

  Every other sound silenced in that very moment as his hands slipped away. He stared back at the camera, always stunned by Ben’s beautiful voice. He wanted to kick the ass of every person who had ever made this man think his voice was something that should be silenced. It was thick, rich in tone, and sexy as fuck.

  “You want me to say that again, don’t you?” Ben signed, tightening his lips to hide a smile.

  Bull nodded. He would never push Ben to speak beyond his comfort level, but Bull couldn’t deny the swell in his heart each time Ben trusted him to voice a few words. Especially when the words he chose meant so much.

  Ben chewed his lower lip as he ducked his head. “Did my L sound okay?” he signed, blinking rapidly as he tried to hide the shine in his eyes.

  Bull nodded again. He wanted to crush every jerk who had ever given Ben a hard time about the way he pronounced certain words and letters. Hadn’t they realized how difficult it was to mimic a sound that hadn’t ever been heard?

  Ben made an effort of clearing his throat. He took a deep breath and wiped at his eyes. After a few seconds, the determination set in that green gaze overshadowed the worry.


  Bull’s eyes instantly filled at the love and trust staring back at him. His throat worked, fighting to control the sob trying to break free.

  A slow, knowing smile spread across Ben’s face. “More than a buffet of burgers, hot dogs, greasy pizza, and cake,” he signed.

  Bull smiled back, blinking to clear away the blur. It was completely pointless trying to contain his emotions when it came to this man.

  Ben’s smile lingered while he signed. “Please be safe. And come back to me soon.”

  Bull nodded and then disconnected the video call after a signed I-love-you.

  He stole a glance at the clock on the nightstand. It was late, but still early enough for one more call. He dialed the number and waited two rings before his call was answered.

  “Took you long enough,” Rachel said, bypassing the customary greeting.


  “You want to know if the company jet is available to fly back home.”

  Am I that transparent? “Is it?”

  “I gave the pilot a heads-up the moment you left t
he office. He’s waiting for your call.”

  He smiled. “Thanks, Rach.”

  “Give Ben my love.”

  “I will. And I’ll tell Cal you said hi.”

  “Shut up,” she said, disconnecting the call before he had a chance to respond.

  He threw off the blanket and quickly dressed as he called the pilot. Minutes later, he zipped up his garment bag and folded it over the crook of his arm. He called the front desk and checked out, leaving his keycard on the kitchen counter. He snatched his bag off the ground and headed out the door. With any luck, he would be home before Ben woke.

  And there wasn’t a chance in hell he would miss out on that promised date.

  Hours later before the sun had risen, he closed the door behind him to another penthouse. Glancing over his shoulder into the kitchen area, he smiled at the ceramic bunny he knew held Ben’s cookies.

  He set his garment bag over the back of the chair and his suitcase on the floor. He unbuttoned his shirt as he walked into their bedroom. He slid out his belt and undid his slacks as he toed off his shoes, his lips twitching into a smile when Ben stirred in bed.

  Their eyes met. Ben blinked, repeatedly, then rubbed his eyes as he sat up. A grin split Ben’s face as he knee-walked toward the foot of the bed. He grabbed Bull by the open shirt and tugged him close, pulling him down onto the bed.

  Bull quickly pushed up his body with his fists against the mattress, not wanting to crush Ben with his weight. He chuckled as Ben pushed down his open slacks with his feet, refusing to release his arms from around Bull’s neck. The man was channeling his inner contortionist, and Bull was loving every second of it.

  He stripped out of his shirt and pants as best he could without breaking their connection, and then quickly yanked down Ben’s sleep pants and underwear, ridding them of every barrier between them.


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