A Sweet Man

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A Sweet Man Page 34

by Jaime Reese

  And that man had taken Gabriel and had somehow vanished into thin air.

  Ben had numbly stared as people came and went from the penthouse. Some were part of Aidan’s team, others wore polished government-issued suits or service uniforms. He gave up reading lips some time ago, instead relying on Cal for updates.

  So many resources. So many people. Each with their own agenda.

  Some wanted to rescue Gabriel, others aimed their efforts at the bullseye on Viper’s son’s back. Knowing both were together, Ben just hoped the combined efforts worked to find Gabriel in time.

  Ben had asked Julian to go back home to Matt. As if sensing his desperation, Aidan had asked for phone or text updates from people rather than a visit. Good. The fewer people staring at him with worried expressions, the better. Having Cal at his side was about all he could handle.

  Even the plush bull couldn’t comfort him.

  Ben blew out a deep breath and sat on the small couch…waiting as time ticked away.

  Aidan was trying, but the man they only knew as “Viper’s son” had done a fabulous job at covering his tracks. Brown Shirt Guy had been a ghost as well, employed by a shell corporation and released with the help of some high-powered attorney back in Chicago. The rest of the men arrested that night on the roof had all been killed weeks later by random…accidents. Loose ends. All tied up nice and pretty.

  Even in the movies there was something to go by. Some lead. Some mystery person or clue.



  Ben sighed. Real life sucked.

  He had gotten a shitty hand for most of his life, and it was getting really old really fast. He was ready for his happily ever after dammit. Paid his dues and then some. He wanted Gabriel.

  Right the fuck now.

  He closed his eyes and took another deep breath. So much death and pain had been revealed during their research. The only thing worse than the monster was likely his quest for vengeance. Ben couldn’t imagine the pain Gabriel would endure.

  Or the potential grief of losing him.

  He refused to let that thought take root.

  Gabriel would come back to him. He had to.

  His eyes shot open when the couch shifted. He glanced over at Cal, sitting on the edge next to him. “Do you need anything?”

  I need Gabriel. Ben shook his head. He followed Cal’s line of sight as he glanced up at the door. He straightened when Natalie entered with Frank trailing a few steps behind.

  “I’m sorry,” she signed. “I told him what happened, and he wanted to be here.”

  Frank wrung his hands, ducking and raising his head as he scanned the room.

  Ben signed, “It’s okay.”

  “Anything new?” Natalie asked.

  Ben shook his head as another stab of pain squeezed his heart and burned his eyes. A tap to his shoulder drew his attention. “Aidan wants me to run downstairs for something he’s expecting. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Ben nodded. He watched Cal leave the penthouse as Natalie and Frank approached.

  “I’m going to make some coffee,” Natalie signed. She peeked over her shoulder at her father, then back to Ben. “He wanted to see you.” She turned and nudged her father forward as she stepped away.

  Frank stood before him, his eyes shiny. Funny how the man seemed imposing the last time Ben saw him, but now, he appeared fragile and ready to break. “Natalie said you found some clue,” he signed. “That there’s a chance they can find him because of you.”

  Ben motioned toward the couch, encouraging Frank to sit with him.

  “Thank you,” Frank signed. “I know Gabriel doesn’t believe me, but I do love him. I just…don’t understand him.” He stopped signing. He shook off a thought that seemed to race through his mind. “But I want to. He’s my son.” The sharp movements of his hands as he signed let Ben know how deep Frank’s emotions ran.

  Ben would give anything to have Gabriel there, in that very moment, hearing those words he so desperately needed to hear from his father. Ben didn’t dwell on their last encounter or the anger and frustration of that night, instead, he threw his arms around Frank’s shoulders and pulled him into an embrace.

  After a second of shock, Frank buried his head against Ben’s shoulder, his body shaking as he sobbed. Ben held him tight, refusing to release the man suddenly falling apart in his arms. He felt oddly protective of the older man as he glanced over at Aidan. Aidan tapped away at the computer, ignoring the display of emotion. But the hint of a smile tugging the corner of his mouth was enough proof he was aware of his surroundings.

  When Frank’s body finally stilled in his embrace, Ben pulled away, holding the older man’s shoulders steady.

  Frank sat back and swiped away at the wetness on his cheek. “Sorry,” he signed.

  Ben shook his head. “No sorries. Especially when you’re telling me how much you love him.”

  “I was wrong about you. I see that now. I just wish…”

  He wants to understand.

  Ben placed his hand on Frank’s shoulder, stopping him and pulling his attention. “Sometimes, when we try to understand something or someone, we fill in the blanks with guesses. Make judgments, compare things to what we know and understand so that it makes sense to us. But sometimes, the guesses are wrong.” He stopped when Frank cocked his head, the gesture an obvious sign of his willingness to listen. “Your father was deaf?”

  Frank nodded. “He lost his hearing when he got sick in his early twenties.”

  “He didn’t read lips?”

  Frank shook his head.

  “Gabriel learned sign language because of your father?”

  A smile pulled the corner of Frank’s mouth as he signed, “I think he signed and spoke his first words at the same time. My father spoiled him and wanted to spend every moment with him. They spent so many weekends together I lost count.” His smile widened. “Dad loved him so much.”

  “From the stories Gabriel has told me, he loved your father very much.” He reached out and squeezed Frank’s arm before resuming his signing. “When your son and I became friends, I didn’t sign this much.”

  Those thick gray eyebrows twitched in surprise, maybe confusion.

  “I was much better at reading lips and writing a note on my phone than I was at signing. But Gabriel didn’t judge me. He didn’t assume I couldn’t understand him because I couldn’t hear. And he didn’t assume I could sign because I was deaf. Do you know what your son did?”

  The eagerness in the older man’s expression was unexpected.

  “He was signing so fast I could barely understand half of what he was trying to say. But he didn’t push me to fit his speed, instead, he slowed down.”

  Ben inched closer on the couch, hoping to emphasize how important his next words were. “I believe you want to understand your son. But rather than seeing him for the man he is, you’re trying to push him to fit into some version of who you think he should be and criticizing everything that isn’t a match to your vision. And that hurts.”

  Frank lowered his brow and his lips thinned.

  Ben waited for his words to sink in, then resumed signing once Frank made eye contact again. “Gabriel is very smart and generous. He’s patient, and his heart is so big I don’t know how it fits in his body.” He stopped and took a few breaths, feeling a sudden swell in his chest and burn in his eyes. “I love him. With everything that I am, I love him and will do anything for him. So if that means asking you to leave so there are only happy thoughts here, then that’s what I’ll do. So you tell me, do I need to do that?”

  Frank vehemently shook his head. “No. Please.”

  “I know you love him. You being here tells me that. I’m asking you.” Ben stopped signing and shook his head. “No, I’m begging you. Please. Life is too short to be angry. You’re lucky to still have each other. You’re lucky to love each other enough to care about what the other thinks. Accept him, as he is, for who he is. Your son.” Ben swip
ed at a tickle on his cheek. “Stop trying to force him to fit into who you think he is. Stop guessing and making judgments. There’s no one like him. So take the time to get to know him.” He clenched his hands as his heart raced. “When he comes back…because he will come back. You’re going to be a part of his life. You’re going to tell him how much you love him because he needs to hear that from you. And then you’re going to get to know all the amazing things about him you’ve missed. And you’ll discover the million little qualities and habits you both share. You’re going…”

  He stopped signing when Frank pulled him into an embrace. He screwed his eyes shut and took a few deep breaths as his heart feverishly drummed in his chest and pounded in his ears. He hadn’t realized how much he was spiraling until Frank had stopped him from falling into the abyss.

  He had to be strong. Steady. He searched for that inner warrior but the elusive bastard hid behind rocks of fear and worry. He needed Gabriel, his strength, his confidence and faith.

  He pulled out of the embrace as Natalie approached with two mugs in each hand.

  Thankfully, Natalie knew him well enough to call it a night soon after they finished their coffees, using the excuse of opening the shop for early morning order pickups.

  More time passed without progress. Aidan continued making calls and working on the computer while Cal sat beside him on the couch, silently offering support. Nothing worked to settle his nerves. He blew out a shaky breath as Aidan bolted up from his chair, gun ready, just as the penthouse door swung open. The tall, elegant woman entered the room as if she owned it.

  Well, technically she did. The whole damn building. Her stride steady and determined, her presence as commanding in person as on the computer screen.

  Even though he had heard much about the man, Ben hadn’t ever met Anthony, but he assumed the man trailing behind Rachel assessing every inch of space must be him.

  After a casual nod toward Ben, she turned her attention to Aidan. “You must be Aidan. The jet is on its way to pick up your friend.”

  “Thank you.” Aidan holstered his gun and took his seat again. “I’m sure hotel owners don’t usually stroll into guest rooms unannounced. I could have shot you.”

  “And Anthony would have extended the same courtesy. I didn’t want you wasting a single second on what you were doing to stop and open a damn door for me.” She ignored Aidan’s scowl and walked over to the couch, her gaze on Ben but flickering toward Cal still sitting on the edge. If Ben hadn’t been watching her closely, he might have missed the subtle way she inhaled when Cal stood and extended his hand in greeting. “Calvin,” she said.

  They shook hands for longer than what was likely expected. Cal stepped away as Rachel took his spot on the edge of the couch next to Ben.

  “You know he’s tough,” she said, her fierce and confident gaze masking the worry shining in those blue eyes.

  Ben nodded.

  “And you know he loves you and is probably doing everything in his power to make it back to you.”

  The tears stung his eyes. He nodded again.

  “And when he’s back and safe, we’re both kicking his ass for scaring the shit out of us. Okay?”

  Ben gasped a faint chuckle as a tear trickled down his cheek. He nodded again as he wiped away the wetness.

  She squeezed his shoulder and stood. Walking over to Aidan’s workspace she cocked her head as she peered at the computer monitor.

  Then she paled.

  “Why do you have a picture of my ex-boyfriend on your screen?”

  Breathing shouldn’t hurt this much. Likely a cracked rib.

  Maybe two.


  Pain meant he was still alive. There’s the silver lining. Ben would be proud of him for finding the positive in this shitty situation.


  Bull was a man of his word. And the promise he had made to the one man who mattered most was a promise he intended on keeping until the last of the air wheezed from his lungs.

  I’m not going anywhere.

  Bull lowered his head. Holding it up took far too much strength and he needed every ounce of endurance for the next wave of punishment.

  He had lost count of how many punches and kicks the men had dished out on command. His eyes were swollen, and his broken nose throbbed. Air squeezed through his throat with a wheeze and his entire face pulsated. His bound hands behind him were numb. Better than feeling the rope that had been tightened enough to tear into his wrists every time he moved.

  In his mind, he was ready for battle. Ready to unleash his own brand of kickass as he broke free and found his way back to Ben.

  But reality cackled at his warped vision. In truth, he would be lucky to survive the second beating he knew was imminent.

  Keep your fucking promise, asshole. You’re not breaking that man’s heart.

  A sound to his right pulled him from his thoughts. The swelling of his eyes blurred his vision and made it difficult to see. Footsteps neared. Strong, steady.

  A chair scraped in front of him, the sound extra sharp to his ears. A single finger under his chin thrust his head up, the sudden movement triggering a wave of nausea in the pit of his stomach. He swallowed heavily. Refusing to surrender, he met those dark amber eyes with steely determination.

  Giving in meant the bastard would win…but the pain would ease.

  It also meant a broken promise to Ben.

  He wouldn’t surrender to the teasing darkness waiting for him on the sidelines. He would fight. Even when he only had a micro-ounce of life in his soul, he would fight to make it back to Ben.

  “You should be dead by now, but I’m glad you’re not. I’m not finished with you.” He gripped Bull’s chin when he tried pulling away. “That first round was for my mother and the pain you caused her when you took the love of her life away from her. But you still owe me.”

  Bull focused on each inhale and exhale, holding back the wince of pain.

  “You owe me for taking my father, my mother, and her.”

  Her? He must have been hit harder than he thought.

  “I gave her a choice. Fire you or I would walk.”

  He struggled to connect the pieces through the pain screaming from every inch of his body. The breach. Her. Firing him. “Rachel?”

  A backhanded slap smacked across his jaw with enough force to throw his head to the side and send a string of blood flying through the air. “You don’t deserve to say her name!” Pain burst across Bull’s cheek and the taste of copper filled his mouth. His chest heaved as he fought another wave of nausea.

  He glared at the man in front of him. Rafe. Was that even his real name? The bastard had played the long game. Using Rachel to gain access to him. And in the process, the son of a bitch had hurt Rachel when he left her.

  Bull’s vision faded in and out, but even that couldn’t keep him from seeing the pain beneath the man’s gaze. Rafe may have started out by using Rachel, but it was clear she hadn’t been the only one hurt by the breakup.

  The memory steamrolled into his tired mind. “The building explosion.”

  “Messier than I had planned but I was running out of time and didn’t care. You pissed me off, and I just wanted you dead. I didn’t know you asked her right-hand man to step in at the last minute.”

  He thought back farther, to when things started. “The airport…” Bull cleared his throat, willing his voice to sound clearer. “That was you… I was the target, not her.”

  “That wasn’t me.” Rafe scoffed. “I wouldn’t have put her at risk.” He leaned in closer. “And I wouldn’t have missed. Those were dipshits who couldn’t follow orders. I was very specific. You alone or with a loved one so they would feel your pain.”

  Bull stared, refusing to react to Rafe’s words.

  “Any of your loved ones would do.”

  There wasn’t a chance in hell he would reveal any sort of vulnerability to this man.

  “Maybe your father.” Rafe slowly cocked his head. “Or your
sister.” He glanced upward as if plucking a thought from the air. “Natalie.”

  Bull’s pulse sprinted at the slow-growing sneer in Rafe’s expression.

  “Maybe Ben.”

  Bull tugged at the binds on his hands, the prickling on his skin awakening to the sensation of the rope burning into his wrists.

  Rafe’s eyes sparked with something dark and twisted. “Is this the part where you tell me to stay away from him?”

  This is the part where you’re lucky I’m tied down.

  “Finally. I’ve struck a nerve.”

  A shot of adrenaline spiked Bull’s blood. He twisted his hands, checking again if there was any give in the rope.

  “Ben, with the big green eyes.”

  How does he know that? He desperately tugged his hands again, his chair shifting with the efforts.

  Rafe’s laugh sent a chill up his spine. “Glad you still have some fight left.” He inched closer. “Let’s see if we can beat it out of you.”

  = ♥ =

  Ben was going to lose it.

  The fewer witnesses, the better.

  He pressed his palms to his eyes, willing his heart to calm. He hadn’t been able to shake this feeling of dread for the last half hour and he couldn’t get his heart to calm.

  Rachel’s connection had been the missing piece. It explained how the man had gained access—to their home, to Gabriel, to their world. Enraged, she had given Aidan every tiny piece of detail she could recall, and Anthony had retrieved the background check he had run months ago. Between the two missing pieces, the puzzle slowly began revealing a clearer picture. The man she knew as Rafe hadn’t lied about his name or his legitimate businesses. But she and Anthony had been more concerned about his monetary interest in her and Davenport Holdings than deep diving into family history and other connections outside of work and finances. With enough truths in the information they had, Aidan was certain Dylan and Jessie could find the rest.


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