A Sweet Man

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A Sweet Man Page 38

by Jaime Reese

  A hand to his cheek pulled him from his thoughts. Gabriel’s lips twitched as he signed. “Whatever you’re beating yourself up about, stop. It’ll work out.”

  It damn well would. He wouldn’t miss the chance again.

  “I’ll be quick.” Gabriel finished signing and held Ben’s face, pulling him in for a tender kiss right there in front of everyone.

  He rolled his lips into his mouth when Gabriel slowly pulled away.

  “Don’t do that,” Gabriel signed. “Or I’ll kiss you again and forget about going to the shop.”

  Ben bit back a smile.

  “I’ll text Nat so she works on slicing these cakes while you prep the icing for the ones I’m bringing.”

  Ben smiled and touched his fingers to his temple and gave Gabriel a two-fingered salute.

  “Smart-ass,” Gabriel said, shaking his head and pulling out his phone as he walked away toward his SUV parked on the side of the field.

  Barely a minute had passed before Natalie jogged over to their makeshift baking area, Wooky trotting at her side. “Gabe said you had cakes ready?”

  He pointed as she grabbed the slicer and got to work while Wooky stood guard, hoping for a slice of cake to tumble to the ground.

  Within minutes, Natalie was serving the hungry crowd. Ben’s eyes rounded as the group of attendees circled the table, each grabbing a small plate for another helping.

  He jumped when his phone vibrated in his back pocket. I’m on my way back. Have the icing ready. He bit his lip at Gabriel’s text. It was as if Gabriel had an all-seeing eye. Ben shoved his phone back into his pocket and finished the last batch of icing.

  He mentally kicked himself again for that morning’s missed opportunity.

  It wouldn’t happen again.

  After the event, they dropped Wooky off at home and returned to the shop. By the time midnight crept close, they had prepared enough cakes and treats to feed a small army. A requirement for the day after catering a large event when sales and referrals usually spiked.

  “I think that’s the last of it,” Gabriel signed. He walked over to the large sink and washed the rest of the mixing bowls. Natalie had given up a while ago, offering to open the shop the next morning rather than attempt to stay upright any longer that night.

  He and Gabriel couldn’t have agreed fast enough.

  Ben clasped his hands and stretched his arms above his head, feeling the pull in his limbs. He was definitely ready to call it a night.

  Gabriel finished wiping everything down and stood in the doorway. There was something about his stance in that precise location, coupled with the way he looked at him that threw Ben back into a memory.

  It was the same expression from that first day when they had met over a year ago. Gabriel standing, in that very spot. That teasing smile and spark in his eyes that was reserved only for Ben now, was the same that had appeared on the day they had met.

  A smile broke through Ben’s exhaustion.

  Gabriel had known.

  Whether he had realized it or not, that spark between them had spurred Gabriel on to take a chance and approach him. But everything else that had followed had been at Ben’s speed. He had set the pace for their relationship.

  And he wasn’t missing another opportunity.

  He reached into his pocket, his fingertips grazing the metal he had kept stored away in his pocket for the last two weeks while waiting for the perfect moment—for that special memory piece they would always remember.

  Gabriel cocked his head, questioning.

  Just like that first day, there was so much circling in Ben’s mind, but the signs and words wouldn’t come. His eyes burned. He wasn’t going to screw this up. He wanted everything to be perfect.

  This was what he had wished for growing up—having someone he loved who would love him in return, a family, and a place to call home. But with each failed milestone and smack of reality, the dream had faded. Until a large bull had sauntered into his life and pushed him to dream even bigger.

  Gabriel was the first to make him feel as if he wasn’t a burden.

  The first who let him be him. Gave him time to figure out his place in the world, at his pace. Always supporting and accepting his decisions. Never pushing or trying to change him.

  Gabriel was his first love. His first everything.

  He gave Ben a home, a family, and so much love he often felt the need to just hold on to Gabriel and never let him go for fear that it was all just a dream.

  Gabriel took a step forward and cupped his face. He pressed their mouths together in a chaste kiss. “Breathe,” he said, the words leaving those full lips slowly, gently. “Whatever it is, just breathe.”

  Ben pulled out the ring and then held it up between them.

  Gabriel stilled when he glanced down and saw the ring. His gaze shot up to Ben, a million questions racing across his face. His lips parted as his gaze skipped between the ring and Ben’s eyes.

  With his hands trembling out of control, Ben slid the simple ring onto Gabriel’s ring finger. A perfect fit. Just like Gabriel. Just like them. He kissed the ring on Gabriel’s hand as a tear escaped.

  Damn, he probably should have asked.

  Maybe he should have gotten down on one knee.

  He peeked up at Gabriel and held back a smile. The yes was so clear in Gabriel’s expression.

  He traced a fingertip along Gabriel’s jaw and down his throat. His heart raced a marathon as he leaned forward and pressed their mouths together in a kiss. “I told you I wanted more than thirty,” he signed.

  A beaming bright smile split Gabriel’s face. Before he had a chance to react, Ben was swept up in Gabriel’s arms and engulfed in a huge embrace. Hugs and kisses followed, losing themselves in the moment and in each other.

  Hours later

  Ben shifted in bed.

  His eyes shot open. A faint hint of daylight spilled into their room through the slats of the blinds and lit a pattern on the facing wall. Gabriel’s familiar heat pressed against his back. He glanced down at the large hand splayed across his stomach. Taking Gabriel’s hand in his, he released the held breath when the ring captured a glimmer of sunlight. It wasn’t a dream.

  The large hand curled around his and tugged him close.

  He glanced over his shoulder at Gabriel, not even bothering to hide the ridiculous grin pulling at his cheeks. Turning in bed, he met Gabriel’s waiting lips in a soft kiss.

  Gabriel sat up in bed, resting his back against the headboard. He took Ben’s hand in his. He raised an eyebrow and gave him a cheeky grin before releasing him. “You’re missing a ring on your finger,” he signed.

  Ben glanced at his hand and shrugged. Was he supposed to get one for himself if he was the one asking? Heck if he knew what was expected. He was surprised he had finally popped the question.

  Or had he?


  “You need a ring,” Gabriel insisted.

  Before Ben had a chance to respond, Gabriel reached over into the nightstand on his side of the bed. He dipped low, down into the bottom drawer. When he straightened, he held out a small black velvet box in the palm of his hand.

  Ben stared, unable to move.

  Gabriel snapped open the clamshell, revealing a simple band, exactly the kind Ben would have chosen for himself—enough to let others know he was committed, but not enough to be a problem when baking.

  He glanced up at Gabriel.

  “Now is not the time to be Mr. No,” Gabriel said with a smirk.

  Biting his lip, Ben stared at the box…wondering. Thinking. Glancing up again, he signed the question that kept circling in his mind. “How long have you had this?”

  “For a while. I know you were nervous about the groundbreaking event, so I was going to wait until after. But you beat me to it.”

  Damn right he did. He no longer believed in a slow pace or second guesses when it came to them.

  He was grabbing his bull by the horns and not letting him go.

p; Snatching the ring from the box, he slid it on his finger and slung his leg over Gabriel’s body, straddling him and pinning him with a steady stare.

  “I want this,” he signed, pointing at Gabriel, then back at himself. “I want my forever with you.” He splayed his hand on Gabriel’s chest, above his heart, smiling at the hard and fast thump against his palm. He wasn’t alone—in how he felt or what he wanted. “Marry me?” He finally signed the question he had wanted to ask.

  He slowly raised an eyebrow at the playful spark in Gabriel’s gaze. “Now is not the time to be Mr. No,” he signed, throwing back Gabriel’s own phrase. He crossed his arms and glared down at the man he loved even though his agreement was crystal clear in those rich brown eyes.

  That wicked grin and dimple he loved so much appeared as he nodded and spoke. “Yes, boss.” He reached out and grabbed Ben’s face, pulling him into a hard and deep kiss.

  Gabriel slowly pulled away, leaving Ben dazed and confused but still lucid enough to read those full lips as he spoke.

  “A million yeses with a buffet of burgers, hot dogs, greasy pizza, and cake on the side.”

  The laughter rippled through Ben’s body at Gabriel’s response, and then multiplied when Wooky came barreling into the room and yanked the bedsheets, tugging and pulling as Ben and Gabriel joined forces in the tug-of-war.

  They both laughed as their playful pup jerked the bedsheets in their grip and drew their attention. Wooky arched his back and propped his butt up in the air in some weird doggie yoga pose, putting full effort in his attempt to win as his entire body wagged along with his tail.

  With his heart thumping hard against his chest and the tears stinging his eyes, Ben glanced over to the man he loved.

  Their gazes locked and their smiles grew, the I-love-you staring back at him was as clear and bright as the sun peeking through the window.

  Not a single word was spoken or signed.

  Or needed.

  Thank you!

  Thank you for reading

  A Sweet Man

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  About the Author

  Jaime Reese is the alter ego of an artist who loves the creative process of writing, just not about herself. Fiction is far more interesting. She has a weakness for broken, misunderstood heroes and feels everyone deserves a chance at love and life. An avid fan of a happy ending, she believes those endings acquired with a little difficulty are more cherished.

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