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The Calling (The Andovia Chronicles Book 1)

Page 16

by Tiffany Shand

  A man rounded the corner. His long hair was wild about his shoulders and his eyes were dark, almost black. Sharp claws covered his hands.

  What now?

  Redcap, a voice whispered in her mind. Odd, was she hearing someone’s thoughts? She didn’t think so. It sounded like her own inner voice. Nyx had no idea what it meant.

  Blood must have blood. The creature wore a cap on its head that had gone brown – was that blood on it?

  “Back away slowly,” Nolan told her.

  “I’m not about to let a tasty morsel get away,” the Redcap said, and lunged for her.

  Nyx dodged his swipe, spun and kicked out. Her foot missed its intended target.

  Darius had warned her not to use her influence on anyone. She would have to make do without a sword.

  I don’t have time for this. Nyx kicked the Redcap away before its claws had the chance to make contact with her skin.

  He used his other hand to make a grab for her again. His claws passed inches from her throat.

  Nyx grabbed his wrist to stop him and power slammed through her before she had time to react. The energy reverberated through her into the Redcap. The force of it made him stumble backwards. The Redcap screamed, clutching his head.

  “What the?” Nyx gasped and fell to one knee. Not again. She couldn’t believe she’d lost control of her power. She hadn’t wanted to use it. She had only wanted to make him stop.

  “By the spirits, you’re a soul seer,” Nolan breathed.

  The Redcap screeched as if in agony. Nyx had never seen anyone react to her power that way before. “What’s… what’s wrong with him?” She scrambled up.

  “You projected onto him.”

  “I did what?” The druid had not mentioned anything about projecting— whatever that meant. “What is a soul seer?” Nyx hated how everyone seemed to know more about her powers than she did. She had to get Ambrose to start teaching her and get this damned magic under control.

  “Your magic can cause great suffering when you choose to project your emotions onto others. Your influence can bend someone to your will and make them suffer depending on your intentions,” Nolan explained. “A soul seer is an old term for what they now call a mind whisperer. Incredible. I thought everyone with that gift had been wiped out a generation ago.”

  “My intention was to get him away from me,” she growled. “I didn’t mean to do anything to him.” The druid would scold her for this no doubt. “How do I undo it?”

  Nolan furrowed his brow. “That’s difficult. How well versed are you in your powers?”

  “Not much, judging by him.” She inclined her head towards the Redcap. “How do you know so much about my curse?”

  “Curse?” Nolan’s frown deepened. “You were born with an incredible gift. You should be proud of that.”

  “I wouldn’t call my power a gift, would you?”

  “Of course. A talent such as yours is rare. I know of soul seers, but I don’t know everything about them.”

  Nyx’s heart sank. Why couldn’t anyone teach her to control her curse?

  The Redcap slumped to the ground, unmoving. His screams had ceased.

  Nyx grimaced, bending to roll the Redcap over. Glassy eyes stared back at her, and a trickle of blood dripped from its nose. “Oh, gods.” Nyx put her hand over her mouth. “He’s dead. How can he be dead?” Gods, she couldn’t believe her powers had killed someone. Had Harland died this way?

  Had Harland known this would happen? He must have known about the attack given his snide remarks. Only now she had sent someone else to death instead of going there herself. How much more blood would she have on her hands before she got her power under control?

  “What are you doing?” Armed men swarmed in around her and raised their weapons, and Nyx wondered how she would get out of this one.

  This can’t be good. Nyx took a step back and raised her hands in surrender. Why had she not sensed them coming? She always sensed people approaching.

  No thoughts came from their minds; she realised it must be because they were shielded like the druid. Darius had been right to warn her about them. Her influence would not work on them either.

  How would she explain this to them? If they realised what she had done, Gideon would find out the true extent of what her power could do.

  “I am the servant of Lord Darius Valeran. I was…running an errand for him.” Nyx hated how pathetic she sounded. She didn’t even know if she had gotten Darius’ title right.

  A tall, dark-haired man who appeared to be the leader scoffed at that. “You expect me to believe that? You are trespassing here on this island.”

  “Lord Darius is here. Didn’t any of you see him arrive on his dragon?” Nyx put her hands on her hips. “There’s nothing to see here.” Nyx hoped she wouldn’t be signing her own death warrant, but acting authoritative worked for the druid, so perhaps it would work for her as well. None of these men would want to risk Darius’ ire since he was the Archdruid’s son.

  The dark-haired guard stepped forward and pointed a staff at her chest. “Explain yourself right now or you will die, girl.”

  Panic whirled in her chest and her heart pounded so hard she thought it might break through her rib cage. Gods, she had to do something before she risked losing control of her power once more. Only this time, it would cause her death and not to any of these men.

  “If you don’t believe me, I will call Lord Darius out here then.” Nyx didn’t know what else to say or do. She had been Darius’ servant for less than a day and although she didn’t want to admit it, she needed his help.

  Chapter 18

  “Why is nothing working?” Darius said, more to himself since he doubted Lyon could hear him. He got up from where he had been crouched on the floor and paced up and down. There had to be some way to drain the dark magic out of Lyon’s body. He just needed to find the right way.

  Have you tried a cleansing spell? Ambrose asked, breaking him out of his racing thoughts. Try one of the more powerful ones that you learnt from your parents. That should be more effective.

  Yes, I tried. Darius gritted his teeth. It didn’t have any effect. His mind continued to race with more spells, many of which he had already tried. Darius searched his memories for something he had learnt from his parents. As well as teaching him how to use high magic, they had also taught him how to reverse its effects. His mother had always been insistent about that in case anything ever went wrong.

  How are you getting along with Nyx? How is she controlling her powers?

  She has…gone off to look for the darkling. He didn’t mention the fact that he was glad to have her out of the way for a while.

  You let her go off alone? What were you thinking? Ambrose sounded incredulous. What if she loses control again? I thought you had more sense than that, boy. You know how unpredictable her powers are. You have to keep her strength a secret. Letting her roam around on her own, you might as well be announcing her to the entire upper realm.

  Her powers won’t work on the guards, Darius pointed out. I can’t be with her every minute of every day. I’m trying to save an innocent life here. Isn’t helping Lyon more important?

  They will still arrest her if she loses control. Go and help her, Ambrose insisted. Now.

  What about Lyon? I can’t leave him, Darius protested. There isn’t anyone else here who can watch him. Nolan went with Nyx.

  Help Nyx then come back to help him.

  Darius could not believe what his mentor was suggesting. Saving an innocent life always came first, at least that was what Ambrose had always taught him. Why did Nyx come before that? Even if she was somehow a part of the prophecy and could help fix the tear in the veil, he was not about to let this man die.

  I could use your help here, Darius snapped. Is there no other way you could get here? Use a glamour spell if you must. The ones I showed you that were taught to me by my mother should be enough to shield you from the guards.

  Um, druid, I have a slight pro
blem, Nyx’s voice rang through his mind.

  Darius’ head throbbed from having to maintain a mental link with two people. One he could do, but two at the same time proved impossible. Ambrose’s presence all but disappeared from his mind.

  He sighed. What is it? He should have known Nyx would get into trouble. Did you find the darkling? If she had managed to find it, he would have to go and help her.

  No, a Redcap, and now he’s dead. I’m in trouble. There are guards here, and they say they’re going to arrest me. What should I do? I can’t hear any of their thoughts, and I’m trying really hard not to use my powers.

  Darius clenched his jaw. A Redcap? I can’t leave you alone for one moment, can I?

  Nolan needs your help. The guards are threatening to arrest him for killing another fae. So, come out here. Unless you want me to use my powers?

  He rubbed his aching temples. By the spirits, what had he done to deserve being stuck with her? The Great Guardian must have lost her mind to think they could work together. How did the Redcap die? He groaned. You killed it, didn’t you? Please tell me I’m wrong.

  Darius? Ambrose called out, but his voice sounded far away. Overwhelmed by Nyx’s presence, no doubt.

  I’m on my way. Darius flinched as pain stabbed through his head as he ended the connection with Nyx. Nyx is in trouble. Again, he told his mentor. She should stay on the island away from anyone until someone can teach her how to control her powers.

  What about the infected victim?

  Darius groaned. I can’t leave Lyon to die to go and rescue Nyx. The guards have Nyx and Nolan.

  Don’t risk Nyx using her powers on them. The guards will kill her— if Gideon and your father don’t find out how powerful she is first. Ambrose’s voice grew urgent. Go and help her.

  But what about Lyon? Can’t you come here and help him?

  Put Lyon under a stasis spell. It might slow down the rate of infection. And no, I can’t come there. You know Radek would arrest me for trespassing.

  I'll do what I can. Darius ended the connection and stood. He raised his hand and muttered the words of a spell. He had no idea how long helping Nyx would take. Light pulsed from his hand and Lyon groaned. He hoped the stasis spell would slow down the dark magic inside his body. Darius cast his senses out again. At least the dark magic had stopped moving.

  He hurried outside. Holy spirits, what had he done to deserve Nyx? She had been nothing but a thorn in his side since he had laid eyes on her. He had only agreed to let her search for the darkling so he could concentrate on helping Lyon. Her pacing had distracted him along with the feel of her energy. She was like a conduit.

  People sent curious glances his way as he ran past the houses and up the hill.

  Darius gasped for breath when he finally reached the top. To his surprise, Nyx and Nolan still stood surrounded by Radek and three other men. They each had the dark armour and red cloaks of the Dragon Guard. Wonderful, it had to be Radek himself. How he despised the man who enjoyed making others suffer.

  “What’s going on?” Darius forced his face to become impassive and stopped panting for breath. He took in the sight of the Redcap on the ground: yet another fae thought to have been banished from these lands a generation ago.

  “These two killed this strange creature.” Radek, a tan-skinned man with long black hair, sneered. He motioned to the body of the Redcap. “What have I told you about bringing outsiders to my island, Valeran?”

  “We didn’t kill anyone.” Nyx raised her chin. “We found him like this. Something else must have killed him.”

  Radek snorted. “I’m sure a few lashes will loosen your tongue. Take —”

  “Wait.” Darius stepped in front of the commander. “This girl is my servant. She and Nolan were running an errand on my orders.”

  Radek’s sneer turned sinister. “You have a servant now?” He scoffed. “A scrawny girl at that. I’m sure you could do so much better. If you need a more hard-working and durable slave, I’m sure one could be found for you.” He motioned to one of his men who heaved the Redcap up. The fae’s glassy eyes were empty. “Does this look natural to you?”

  “It looks like he has been infected the same way as another man I’m here to help.” Darius didn’t flinch at the sight. He had seen more corpses than he cared to remember. It would take more than that to bother him.

  Radek’s smile faded. “You’re here helping slaves again? I warned you —”

  “No, I’m investigating to find out what is killing these people. Another slave has already been attacked and infected with dark magic.”

  “That’s not my concern.” Radek shook his head. “My only concern is keeping this island in order. Which I can’t do if people keep interfering —”

  “I sent my servant to look for what might have attacked the man I’m treating,” Darius cut him off. “If there’s a killer on the loose on these islands, you should be concerned. It could go after the guards too and kill hundreds of slaves– faster than you can bring any more here.”

  “Who is this killer? And how are they killing?” Radek demanded. “Why have I not been informed of this?” His hands clenched into fists. “I outrank you, so I should be informed of anything that might be a potential threat to my —”

  Darius almost lost his façade but took it in stride. “Because my father doesn’t want panic spreading. Only those in his close circle know the truth. And no, you don’t outrank me. I am the son of the Archdruid and brother to the fae prince. You are little more than a lowly foot soldier. Now, release my servant. I have more important matters to deal with than you.”

  Nyx’s eyes widened, and for a moment, she looked almost impressed. Then her usual scowl returned.

  “But — but I have a right to know,” Radek snapped. “I am the general here, and I oversee this entire island. Archdruid son or not, you are only a Captain.”

  “Take it up with my father then.” Darius pushed past the commander and grabbed Nyx’s arm. “I’m taking possession of the body too. All you’re doing is preventing my servant from carrying out her duties.”

  Radek’s jaw tightened. “Don’t give me orders, boy. I still outrank you.”

  “I’m part of the Forest Guard, not the Dragon Guard. Like I said, take your grievances up with my father. Or should I call him here and tell him how you’re interrupting my duties?” Darius knew Radek would never want him to call Fergus here, not over such a petty matter or else he would be stripped of rank and made a laughingstock. His father had killed men over less if they displeased him.

  Radek’s mouth opened and closed like a fish. His face turned bright red.

  “Give me a hand with the body, would you?” Darius motioned to the other guards. “Bring it back to the village.”

  “This is your problem, deal with it. One dead slave is not my concern.”

  Darius gritted his teeth. “It will be when hundreds start dying.”

  Radek and his men marched off.

  Darius waited until they were out of sight before he blew out a breath. “Holy spirits, I can’t leave you alone for a moment, can I?”

  “I was looking for the darkling. He attacked me.” Nyx pointed at the Redcap’s body

  “She is telling the truth,” Nolan agreed. “She has little control over her power. You can’t scold her for that. Besides, it’s no loss. You know how vicious Redcaps are.”

  Redcaps had been another kind of fae thought to be long extinct. Redcaps were not usually slaves either, so it seemed unusual to find one here on one of the slave islands. They were vicious killers, so naturally Fergus had recruited them as warriors until they had turned against him.

  Darius sighed. “I’ll call Sirin and get her to take you back to the island.”

  “I came here to help with the darkling problem. Let me do that,” Nyx protested. “If people didn’t keep trying to kill me, this wouldn’t be an issue.”

  Darius muttered the word for fire. It wasn’t his strongest element, but a ball of flame appea
red in his hand. He tossed it at the body and it turned to ash.

  Nyx gasped. “Why… why did you do that?”

  “We don’t have time to bury him, and the other fae would scavenge his remains. We have to get Lyon some help. I think the only way to do that is by getting him back to Eldara.”

  “You said yourself, we can’t do that unless you fly him back.”

  Darius shook his head. “He’s not well enough to fly. Doing so might make him worse than he already is.” Darius paced back and forth once again. “There has to be another way we can get him back there. Nolan, are you sure none of the tunnels we used are still accessible?” The tunnels were not the fastest route back to Eldara, but they might be one of the safest. Darius knew most of them had either collapsed or been filled in by the Dragon Guard.

  “Yes, all of them collapsed when the guard caught one of our last raids on the island. There is no possible way to use them to escape from here now, not unless you have crystals that could grow a new tunnel,” Nolan replied. “Why can’t you use magic to transport back to the island? You must have learnt things from your parents to transport from one realm to another.”

  Darius didn’t want to go anywhere near some of the dark magic that his parents used. Creating portals took time and required a lot of energy – energy that didn’t exist here on this island. His mind raced with possibilities. He didn’t have any crystals that he could use to grow new tunnels. Even if he did it would take too long to construct a usable tunnel and to drag Lyon back to Eldara.

  “I don’t have the power to use some of the things that my parents use to transport between different realms.” Darius resumed pacing.

  “Come on, druid; there must be something you can do. You have magic, don’t you?”

  “As do you,” Nolan pointed out to Nyx.

  “My magic can’t help the situation. All it does is cause trouble.” Nyx shuddered. “Good gods, I don’t want anyone else dying because of me.”

  “Of course you can help. You are still fae, and your powers are unbound.” Nolan frowned. “I know you didn’t mean to kill the Redcap, but it’s just as well you did. If you had not, it would have killed us both.”


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