The Calling (The Andovia Chronicles Book 1)

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The Calling (The Andovia Chronicles Book 1) Page 17

by Tiffany Shand

  Darius shook his head. “Nyx isn’t trained in magic. It’s safer if she doesn’t use it.” He didn’t want Nyx using any magic again. “I can’t risk anyone else coming here either or it will cause another scene with Radek.” He motioned for Nyx and Nolan to follow him. “Come on. We need to get back to Lyon.”

  They trailed back towards the shack. He had hoped getting out of there for a while would have cleared his mind enough for him to find a solution, but it hadn’t.

  “Can’t you use those transportation circles somewhere off the island?” Nyx suggested as they approached Lyon’s shack. “Like somewhere in the air or on the water?”

  Darius rubbed his chin. “I don’t know. It’s usually cast upon something substantial. Air and water aren’t soluble, but runes may be cast upon it. It might be worth a try. Nolan, go inside and keep an eye on Lyon. If he gets any worse, call for Nyx in your mind – she should hear you.” Nolan nodded and headed inside. “Nyx, let’s go.”

  Darius and Nyx headed off in the opposite direction, past several shacks and the watchful eyes of the guards and the other slaves.

  “Where are we going?” Nyx asked.

  “To test your theory and to see if I can create a transportation circle somewhere off the island.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “So I’m helpful then?”

  Darius opened his mouth to deny it then nodded. “Maybe.” He left it at that. He didn’t want her to think she was too helpful. Darius still didn’t like the idea of working with her, but he would have to find a way to endure it. The Great Guardian was not one to get things wrong.

  Darius pulled out a stylus — a marker used to draw magical symbols with — and traced each rune for a transportation circle.

  Nyx frowned. “How do you know it will work?”

  “I’ll test it first.” Darius knew he couldn’t risk sending anyone through unless it was safe. He still didn’t know how far Gideon’s magic expanded. It might cover more than just the land on the island itself.

  He picked up a rock and tossed it into the glowing circle. The stone passed through and dropped into the sea with a loud thunk. The glowing runes fizzled out.

  “Damn it, whatever magic my brother used extends around the island,” he groaned.

  “Could I do it?”

  Darius frowned at her. “What?”

  “Cast a circle. Nolan says I have magic, so maybe I should cast it.”

  “You don’t have any training. There’s no telling what your magic might do.”

  “Then show me. I’m a fast learner. I can do it.”

  Darius hesitated. He didn’t want to give Nyx the perfect way to escape, but they were running out of time. They had to figure out a way to save Lyon before he succumbed to the dark magic coursing through his veins.

  “It can’t be that hard. You draw them, and then you step into it, right?” Nyx arched an eyebrow.

  Darius shook his head. “It may look easy to use, but it’s all about timing and precision. Any number of things could go wrong.” He rattled things off using his fingers. “Weather conditions, energy, location — all of these things come into play.”

  “Show me what to do.”

  Darius’ mind raced. Everything in him told him this was a bad idea. But what other choice did they have? “How do I know you won’t use the circle to escape?”

  Nyx scoffed. “Where would I go?”

  “Back to Joriam. You said you want to be back with your sisters more than anything.”

  “I — I do, but I won’t. Not this time.” Nyx shook her head. “I want to help.”

  Darius didn’t believe her, but decided he had no choice. He pulled a spare stylus out of his tunic and gave it to her. She drew a couple of symbols as he had done and gasped when glowing lines appeared then fizzled out. “Not bad,” he observed. “Try again. You have to be accurate.”

  “How can I? I feel the energy here wiping away mine.” Wait, Nolan is calling me.” She touched the side of her head. “He said guards are on their way. They found Lyon and are saying he is poisoned. Poisoned or infectious slaves are burned. Good gods, are they going to kill him?”

  Darius muttered an oath. He had suspected Radek might interfere again. He hadn’t expected it to be so soon. Spirits curse him!

  “We need to get out there.” He grabbed her arm. “Let’s go and follow my lead.”

  Together they ran back towards the shacks. Darius checked inside the one Lyon had been left in and found both he and Nolan were already gone.

  “What are we going to do?” Nyx asked.

  “We are leaving.” Darius whistled for Sirin.

  Her mouth fell open. “What? We can’t leave. Lyon needs our help, and Nolan could be put to death if we don’t do something.”

  “Nyx, I chose to trust you when I taught you those runes. Now I’m asking you to trust me, can you do that?” Darius gave her a severe look. Nyx hesitated, then nodded. “Good, now we have to leave.” Sirin swooped down and landed beside him. Darius scrambled up onto her back, and Nyx reluctantly climbed on behind him.

  Sirin screeched and spread her wings as she took flight once more. Cold air hit their faces as the dragon rose higher above the island.

  “Okay, you asked me to trust you. So, what do we do now?” Nyx demanded. “We can’t just leave both of them behind to die.”

  “Agreed and we’re not going to. Are you confident you can cast that circle?”

  “Yes. What are you planning, druid?”

  “I have a plan, but it’s mad.”

  Nyx chuckled. “I already think you’re mad, so that doesn’t surprise me. Whatever it is, I am on board. What you need me to do?”

  “I need you to be the one to open the circle. I will go and fetch Nolan and Lyon with Sirin and fly them back towards you. Do you think you can do that?” Darius asked her. “It has to be a big circle, large enough for us to fly through. I’ll drop you off down here.” He motioned to the cliff below them. “You can hide there.”

  “But what are you going to do? How can you get to Nolan? He says the guards already have him.”

  “Let me worry about that. Hide under the cliff. The guards may come searching for us again.” He quickly cast a glamour over her.

  Nyx flinched as the magic flashed over her body. “Are you sure you can help them?”

  Darius hesitated. Nolan was his contact in the resistance on Doringa. He couldn’t afford to lose someone so valuable, let alone a friend. Nolan had done nothing wrong but help him. He didn’t deserve to die. “I will do everything I can to help him,” he promised. “Now go.”

  Nyx spread her wings and jumped from the dragon with a small cry of alarm as she flew towards the cliff. Then, she disappeared from view.

  Sirin. Darius reached out to his dragon with his mind. Hurry.

  They flew off towards the keep where most of the Dragon Guard were stationed. It loomed below a giant building of dark stone meant to intimidate and withstand any attack. Darius’ mind raced as they flew. Darius felt glad he had only given Nyx symbols for a single-use transportation circle. It could only be used once and would never work again. It could be used over longer distances and required a lot more energy, but given Nyx’s strength, he didn’t doubt she could do it.

  Nolan, where are you? Darius reached out for his friend in thought, but he didn’t spot any sign of Nolan below. It had always been harder to talk to Nolan mind to mind because he had no active magic, which made for a weak mental path to each other.

  No reply came.

  Darius heightened his senses and scanned the area below. He activated the glamour around himself then activated the runes he had inked onto Sirin’s skin so it would shield them from view and from the guards’ senses.

  Nolan, where are you? Darius called again.

  You’re breaking my concentration, druid, Nyx grumbled.

  He sighed. I can’t find Nolan or Lyon.

  They are close to a large stone building.

  That must mean the keep. Rig
ht where he had planned to make his diversion. They must have used a transportation circle. Radek could never have moved or dragged Lyon’s body away so fast. Thanks. How can you sense them so far away?

  I can sense every mind on this island.

  Be ready. He cut off the connection to Nyx and urged Sirin onward.

  A few moments later, a mass of guards dragging along the body came into view.

  Damn Radek. He did not know when to leave well enough alone.

  Stay quiet, girl, he told his dragon.

  Sirin swooped lower and circled the guards. Darius knew he could end up in big trouble for this. He sensed the energy of another dragon nearby. Untamed, unbroken, and hot with fury.


  Darius guided Sirin around. I must be out of my mind.

  His father would kill him if he found out his involvement. That was why he had made a show of him and Nyx leaving earlier so there would be witnesses. As far as the Dragon Guard was concerned, he and Nyx had already gone.

  Darius had always had an affinity for Dragonkind. He kept it secret even from his parents. Ambrose had been training him to become a dragon sorcerer which allowed him to communicate with Dragonkind and withstand their fire.

  Can you hear me? Darius reached for the other dragon’s mind.

  It took time to be able to communicate with them. Some didn’t know how to communicate with words. It had taken him months to teach Sirin how to speak in the common tongue with her mind.

  I hear you, the dragon growled.

  Why are you talking to him? Sirin sounded irritated. He’s angry. We should leave him be.

  Hush, Sirin. Darius focused on the other dragon. Would you like the chance to be free?

  The dragon’s anger turned to curiosity. You will help me?

  Only if you agree to help me, Darius said. I need you to serve as a distraction. He guided Sirin over to the cage.

  The ridgeback roared. It might not see them because of the glamour, but it still felt their minds. What do you need?

  If I release you, I need you to swoop down and distract the guards approaching the keep so I can grab two prisoners. You can’t kill them. Agreed?

  Sirin scoffed. You feel his hatred. He should not be trusted.

  Agreed. The ridgeback clawed at the bars of his cage. Free me.

  Think about this for a moment, Sirin said. Imagine how he’ll wreak havoc if he goes free.

  Everyone deserves to be free. Darius raised his hands and said words in the ancient dragon tongue.

  The door burst open and the ridgeback shot up into the sky. Its roars echoed around them as the ridgeback flew over the keep. He and Sirin flew close behind. The guards fired their staff weapons the moment they caught sight of the dragon.

  Nyx, are you ready?

  And waiting. Hurry up, I can’t keep hovering in one place. She sounded impatient.

  Is the circle big enough for us to fly through?

  I think so. I spread it out over a wide area.

  Good. I’ll be with you soon.

  Darius urged Sirin down as the ridgeback surged at the guards, knocking them to the ground and thrashing out with its tail.

  I told you not to hurt them, Darius snapped.

  They deserve nothing less.

  Nolan took cover by the fallen stretcher on which Lyon lay.

  The ridgeback sent plumes of fire at the guards. They raised their shields. Darius hoped it would be enough to keep them safe. He didn’t want anyone to die because of him.

  Sirin swooped lower and circled around. Darius waved his hand and conjured a protective ward. Nolan, if you can hear me stay close to Lyon. The runes took a moment to set, then the ward flared to life.

  Nolan ducked lower, using his body to shield Lyon.

  Down, Sirin! Sirin circled around. Nolan, hold on.

  I can’t see you!

  Dragon, keep firing at them! Darius grabbed hold of Nolan and pulled him onto Sirin’s back as the ridgeback pounded the shield with fire, masking their escape. Together he and Nolan yanked Lyon up too. Sirin, get us back to Nyx. Darius glanced over at the ridgeback that still pummelled the guards with flame.

  You’re free. You leave them! Darius called out as Sirin rose above the chaos.

  I will have revenge.

  Darius held out his hand and gripped the ridgeback with his magic. I said leave them, he commanded. Leave now or they will capture you again.

  The ridgeback roared then took to the air. I won’t forget this, the dragon growled and soared into the distance.

  “How is this possible?” Nolan clung to Darius as they struggled to keep hold of Lyon’s body between them.

  “I couldn’t leave you to die,” Darius replied. “Now we have to get somewhere safe. I hope the guards were fooled when that shield burst.”

  Nyx, are you ready?

  I’m ready. She sounded impatient.

  “Are you flying us to Eldara?” Nolan asked.

  Darius shook his head. “No, that’s too risky.” He hoped the place he had in mind would be safe.

  The cliff came into view, and Sirin swooped down. Nyx hovered underneath the ledge. The runes glittered in a vast circle.

  Darius’ mouth fell open. The circle shimmered with crackling green fire. How had she done it?

  Nyx spread her wings and flew over to them. The runes flared with more powers than he could have imagined along with other symbols he had never seen before.

  Nyx waved then flew over and clambered onto Sirin’s back. Sirin buckled under the weight of her four passengers. Then Sirin dove into the growing circle and light exploded around them.

  Darius closed his eyes and braced himself for whatever came next.

  One thing went through his mind. What were those runes Nyx had cast? And how had she known them?

  Chapter 19

  Nyx screamed as Sirin landed with a thud. She fell from the dragon’s back and hit the ground, hard. The air left her lungs in a whoosh. Nolan fell too, and Darius struggled to keep hold of Lyon.

  “Did it work?” Nyx scrambled up and checked herself over for any sign of injuries. She found none.

  Nolan got up and he and Darius eased Lyon down. Sirin huffed at them.

  “Sorry, girl,” Darius told her. “And yes, Nyx, it worked.”

  The keep and the rest of Doringa had vanished. Instead, grass spread out before them in a large field.

  “Where are we?” Nyx brushed the dirt off her arms.

  “Migara. How did you know how to draw those runes?” Darius frowned at her.

  “What runes?” She had hoped he wouldn’t notice those extra symbols that she had drawn in the circle.

  Darius rolled his eyes. “Those strange ones you made. I thought you had never been trained in magic?”

  “I haven’t been.”

  “Then how did you know what to use?”

  “I don’t know,” Nyx admitted. And that was true. She had no idea what those symbols meant. They had popped into her head and somehow felt right. If only the druid hadn’t noticed.

  “You must know,” Darius insisted. “How else could you have known what they did?”

  “Shouldn’t we focus on helping him?” She motioned towards Lyon.

  Lucien appeared in a blur of light. “You called?”

  “I did. Nyx and I smuggled two slaves away from Doringa.” He struggled to keep hold of Lyon. “We need to put him somewhere safe.”

  “You’re smuggling slaves in daylight now. Have you gone mad?” Lucien scoffed.

  “We didn’t have a choice. Lyon was attacked by a darkling and Radek was going to put both him and Nolan to death.”

  Lucien came over and lifted Lyon into his arms as if he weighed nothing. “I’ll take him to Alaric’s. The healing house would draw too much attention.” Lucien inclined his head for them to follow him and trailed off. “Come, Nolan. We’ll find you somewhere safe to stay.” Nolan trailed after Lucien.

  “How did you know those symbols?” Darius hissed at her as
they trudged through the field after Luc.

  “I already said I don’t know.” She scowled at him. “I have no idea what they even mean.”

  “And you expect me to believe that?”

  “Believe whatever you like, druid. I don’t know how those symbols came to me.”

  Darius didn’t look convinced and stalked ahead in silence.

  Nyx held back and realised this was a chance to flee. The opportunity she had been waiting for. Where would she go? Even if she made it back to Joriam somehow, there was nothing left for her there. Would her sisters even be there? She knew Habrid would sell them as soon as she got the chance. She sighed. Freedom would come when she had a decent escape plan in place. Flying off now would do no good. Nyx needed supplies and money ready, along with a destination in mind.

  Up ahead stood a sizeable stone-built house with a spiral tower and ivy covering the walls. The place looked a world away from the splendour of Avenia and the sweeping forests of Eldara.

  Lucien headed up the steps and carried Lyon inside.

  Energy crackled against Nyx’s skin as she ran to keep up with the druid. “Now, where are we?”

  “Alaric lives here.”

  More energy washed over her. The very air crackled with static.

  Darius led her into a large sitting room. Books were everywhere along with shelves covered in crystals and strange devices Nyx had never seen before. Some had sparks flying around them.

  “Alaric lives here?” Nyx whispered.

  Darius nodded. “He likes collecting technology from other races. Some of these are ancient. Others are Silvan technology.”

  Lucien carried Lyon into a room with a large fourposter bed in the centre.

  Alaric himself came in. “You’re putting us at risk with your antics, Darius.”

  Darius glared at him. “I wasn’t about to let him die; this is the first victim we found still alive.”

  “Still, there are other ways of helping slaves.”

  “The resistance can’t get anywhere near Doringa. Our usual methods would never have worked.”

  Nyx slipped back into the sitting room. She had already guessed Darius worked with the resistance. Maybe her first impression of him had been wrong. She would never have thought a Valeran would be involved with the resistance, much less save slaves.


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