Omega Lost (The Rogue Pack Book 7)

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Omega Lost (The Rogue Pack Book 7) Page 7

by Samantha Cayto

  There was no fighting the knot, though, or biology. They were sealed together and would remain so until Bard’s balls emptied. The mere thought of filling the omega with his seed sent Bard over the edge. Once again, his vision dimmed. The climax robbed him of breath and thought. He clenched his eyes and fingers with the power of it. Nothing he’d ever achieved on his own compared to orgasming inside another.

  And, amazingly it wasn’t only his body that rejoiced in this claiming. Loki’s struggling stopped as if a switch had been pulled and after uttering a small gasp, he went abruptly silent. His body flopped limply beneath Bard’s, flattening in a boneless way that left a tiny amount of space between them. Bard closed that gap without thought, peppering the boy’s slick, salty skin with opened-mouthed kisses. At this moment when his guard was down and the object of his desire for so long was acquiescing to him, he could finally show his love.

  Loki stuttered out a tiny sigh, and bucked his trapped hips. The small motion reminded Bard that pleasure was not his alone. He raised up enough to slide a hand underneath Loki. He found a sticky trail up the boy’s chest, testament to how he had also come. It was simple biology, and yet the knowledge of it gratified Bard. His fingers searched and found Loki’s softening dick. Clasping it, he tugged a bit to milk any remaining cum. Loki’s hole spasmed in response.

  Loki’s body knew what it wanted and Loki’s wishes be damned. The clenching ring egged Bard’s cock to reanimate. Not that it had flagged much, nor had the knot deflated. But, there was a bit of room for Bard to fuck the omega’s ass with shallow thrusts. He jerked the boy’s cock at the same time, bringing it back to life.

  The pleasure of truly mounting someone was exquisite. Bard smiled for the first time in forever with unfettered joy. Soon, however, another climax crashed over him, sending copious amounts of cum deep into Loki. The overflow leaked past where they joined to tickle the root of Bard’s dick. Knowing that he produced such a large amount of seed only spurred his body on. Yet another orgasm roared through him before the second one had truly finished.

  The dick in his hand swelled and jerked. Hot cum coated his fingers as he brought the boy along for the ride. This time, Loki uttered a long groan. No matter his wants, the omega couldn’t resist his own relentless need to come now that we was filled with a dominant’s cock.

  They were made for this, he and Loki. Bard would continue to fill the omega’s ass with seed, and would be welcomed for it. Somewhere deep inside there was an egg waiting to be claimed and invaded the same way. They were both helpless until it was.


  Loki’s pain had fled. He no longer writhed and howled in agony, desperate to escape his own body. That part of the storm had raged through, leaving in its wake an ache that he almost enjoyed. Almost. He rolled over in the tangled mess of covers and grimaced. He felt sticky and gross, and the smell of dominant cum made his nose wrinkle. At least it was all old, remnants of a mounting that he barely remembered. He knew he was alone. For the moment. That wouldn’t last long. His heat wasn’t over, merely in a lull.

  He dared to crack open his eyes to confirm he was still in the healer’s room. She was nowhere to be seen, either, although light showing around her curtains confirmed that it was daylight. He had no idea how much time had passed since his outburst at lunch, but he thought he hadn’t lost more than a day. He was hungry, not starving, and had no memory of eating anything since stuffing his face at the beginning of the doomed meal.

  A murmur of voices caught his attention. Shifting his ears, he cocked his head to listen in. There were happy sounds in large numbers coming from the direction of the great room. It must be meal time, or no, perhaps something else. He let his ears go back to human, not interested enough to figure out what he was missing. What difference did it make anyway? Soon Bard would return, flip him over and breach his hole. He would have no say in it, and fighting had proven useless. Of course it had. An omega’s puny strength compared to a gamma’s? No contest.

  His memory of being mounted was fuzzy. His heat had been overwhelming at that point, making him feel as if he’d been dying. Which he supposed he had been. To lie in heat without being bred was a fatal condition for an omega. He hadn’t wanted to court death, yet not even the fear of it had allowed him to push aside his irrational opposition to being claimed. He remembered struggling against Bard, kicking him, maybe biting and scratching, too. It was hard to say and didn’t matter, in any event. There was no undoing the past. Bard would breed him, and then he’d probably punish him with an endless moratorium on sweets.

  Loki couldn’t say he was upset with being forced into the breeding, either. Bard had ultimately saved Loki from himself, and the knowledge was a bitter pill to swallow. It didn’t make it any less true, and he wasn’t so stupid or contrary that he could deny it to himself. He didn’t want to die and did want to father pups, so the outcome of Bard’s dominance wasn’t abhorrent. It was only a matter of Loki giving up his dream of returning to the arctic and mating with that powerful and unnamed alpha that his sire had always promised him. He was Bard’s now. Except… Shoving up to a sitting position, Loki felt the back of his neck. It was as smooth as ever and if he thought hard about what had happened, he couldn’t remember being bitten.

  Bard had claimed him in body only. There had been no mating bite. The gamma would breed Loki, yet hadn’t forced him into a lifetime together. He frowned at the thought. For some reason that bothered him. What game was the gamma playing at? Didn’t he appreciate how lucky he was to have an omega who was an alpha’s pup at that? When the door opened and the gamma tiptoed in holding a tray covered with a tea towel, Loki twisted onto his knees to confront him.

  “You didn’t mate me!” He folded his arms and glared at a startled Bard.

  Cautiously, Bard shut the door with one of his bare feet and padded over to Loki. The gamma was wearing only partially zipped jeans, his broad chest and jacked arms on full display. His wet hair was neatly pulled back into a tight braid, testament to how the man had grabbed a shower before getting food. That knowledge irked Loki more, as did the way he couldn’t keep his eyes off the man’s tempting body.

  Bard placed the tray down on the floor next to the pallet. “Of course, I didn’t mate you. I would never do so without your consent.” His tone was matter-of-fact, irritating Loki more.

  Knowing that he was acting completely irrationally and unfairly, he couldn’t stop himself from leaning forward with eyes narrowed. “Why not? You mounted me without my consent. Quite the contrary, given how hard I tried to fight you off.”

  Bard flinched at the harsh reminder, which should have given Loki satisfaction, yet somehow didn’t. “That was necessary. You were killing yourself with your stubbornness, plus distressing the rest of the pack. Reed whelped early because of it.”

  That last comment took Loki aback. His eyes popped open and tears suddenly threatened to leak out. He hadn’t thought of how he might affect the pack. “Is he okay?”

  Bard gave him a reassuring smile. “He’s fine. So is the pup. In fact, everyone is in the great room celebrating the birth. The pup is still in her wolf form, which is always fun. She’s an alert little sigma they’ve named Haley. Reed seems very pleased to have his first pup be a pack member with more choices than an omega. Daniel looks like he’s still in shock over his new status as a sire.”

  Loki’s spike of worry receded. He sat back on his haunches. “That’s…that’s good.” He instinctively palmed his own flat stomach, although he knew he wasn’t pregnant. Not yet, with this heat lying low, humming in the background. He didn’t have much time to eat and clean-up before it would rise up to plague him some more.

  Bard whipped off the towel to reveal what Loki’s nose would have already told him if he’d been concentrating. The tray was piled high with barbeque short ribs and potato salad. There was also a glass of milk. Loki considered for a split second upending the glass just out of principle before squashing the impulse. He was a grown man now and nee
ded to act like one.

  Still, when his gaze lit upon the final item on the tray, he couldn’t suppress his pup instincts. “You brought me cake. Chocolate cake.” He stared across the food at Bard. “Why?”

  “Um.” Bard scratched the back of his neck. “Joey made it to celebrate Haley’s birth, and I figured you’d like the treat.”

  Loki rolled his eyes. “Well, of course I want it. The question is why you’d allow me dessert when I fought you. I would have thought that merited some punishment.” It was ridiculous to point out his transgression under the circumstances. Did he really want to suffer consequences or did he want chocolate cake? Maybe his heat was making him idiotic or something.

  Bard looked away and ran a hand down his face. “Do you really think I’d hold that against you?” He turned tired eyes on him. “Have I been so harsh and unfair with you that you believe I would categorize your effort to protect your own bodily integrity as another bratty behavior?” He sighed. “Oh, Loki, how I’ve failed you.”

  Now, Loki had the urge to reassure the gamma. The man looked defeated as well as fatigued. In the short time he’d reflected on what had happened, Loki hadn’t thought of how it might have been hard on Bard, too, to force him into the mounting. He kind of felt sorry for the guy, and that was messed up. The gamma held all the power in this situation. Loki was a hostage to both his heat and his physical weakness as an omega.

  Because the unfamiliar feelings of pity and regret confused and bothered him, he thrust them aside and busied himself with the simple and more pleasurable activity of eating. He grabbed a rib and tore into it. The sweet, salty tang of sauce exploded on his tongue, piquing his hunger more than satisfying it. He chewed and swallowed every scrap of meat before sucking on the bone. He couldn’t hold back a moan. Food had always been a pleasure, but something about his current state made it that much more delightful.

  A grunt caught his attention. He looked up at Bard from under his lashes and saw the gamma’s gaze was fixed on Loki’s mouthful. Curious, he thrust the bone back and forth into his mouth, careful to make it slow. He swirled his tongue around the edges. Bard’s eyes never wavered from the sight. When Loki finally pulled the bone all the way out, he licked around the corners of his mouth to lap up stray sauce. That movement also captivated the gamma.

  In that moment, Loki fully appreciated the power he had over the man. Bard might be in a position to order Loki around and deny him the things he wanted most. But, Loki had the ability to capture the man’s attention and rule his body. A quick peek at Bard’s crotch when Loki picked up another rib confirmed that the jeans were tighter than they had been. Bard wanted Loki, that much was clear. The question was whether Loki could use that as leverage to control the gamma.

  He devoured a few more ribs and scarfed down most of the potato salad before putting his theory to the test. “I’d prefer some water to milk.” He uttered the pronouncement with as much casualness as he could muster under the circumstances.

  Bard cleared his throat. “I’ll get you a bottle once you’re done.” His hand shot out to clasp Loki’s wrist as Loki was reaching for the cake. “You can have that after you drink your milk.”

  Loki grimaced. “But, I just said I wanted water,” he replied through gritted teeth.

  “You may have all the water you want after you drink your milk. It’s good for you and the pup you’re going to breed,” he added, like Loki was too stupid to understand the need for calcium.

  And maybe Bard was right because it had been pretty brainless for him to think that after all this time, Bard would stop being sensible and caring simply because his dick was getting some action. Besides, he didn’t need to make Loki happy to mount him. Pure muscle was all that was required. He instantly regretted that thought because he knew that Bard had only forced himself on Loki out of the same sense of duty. While they’d been running feral, Bard and Carr could have ganged up and overpowered Destin, then used Loki as a chew toy. Only honor and an innate sense of decency had kept them from doing so. Bard wasn’t going to change who he fundamentally was even when he’d been given leave to claim Loki.

  Pity. Although also surprisingly reassuring.

  Weary of fighting and surprised at his new mature thinking, Loki picked up the glass and drained half of it in a few swallows. The milk was cool and refreshing and just what he needed to pair with his dessert. Then he gingerly started in on the piece of cake and alternated between the two. Bard smiled and that affirmation both irked Loki and had him smiling back. He felt at war with himself, as if his old bratty pup fought to give ground to a new mature omega who would be a father before another year passed. It was exhausting. By the time he’d finished all the food on his plate, he was yawning and tempted to lie down for a nap.

  His heat wasn’t going to give him any rest, however. Already the ache in his ass was intensifying and his hole twitched. He sighed. “Can I take a shower? I feel gross. I know I’m going to get messy again, but I’d still love to get clean now.”

  Bard pushed the tray aside. “Sure. I thought you might.” He stood, bent and held his hands out.

  Feeling suddenly shy and awkward, Loki took the proffered help and let Bard pull him upright. He didn’t stop there, however. Bard lifted him into his arms along with the sheet that had been tangled around Loki’s legs. He arranged the fabric to cover most of Loki’s body. Loki watched the effort before blinking up at the gamma.

  “Why are you doing that?”

  “Because you deserve some privacy. Going through heat, being bred, is a difficult time for an omega, especially for the first one. You don’t need anyone gawking at you.”

  Loki snorted. “Since when do pack members do that?” The idea was patently ridiculous, especially in the Rogues where respect for all was expected.

  Instead of replying, Bard simply tucked the sheet around Loki’s waist and headed to the door. “I’ve already asked one of the sigmas to clear up the dishes and change the bedding.”

  “Oh, okay.” He hadn’t thought about any of that, actually.

  It was kind of hard to think of anything with Bard’s strong arms cradling Loki within his protective embrace. He inwardly cringed at his traitorous turn of thought. He didn’t want to want the gamma and he had every right to be angry over the forced mating regardless of the rationale behind it. Yet he still snuggled against Bard’s chest. He felt like a pup again, although only Destin had given him this kind of comfort after their mother had died. And being held by Bard was nothing like that experience.

  The trip to the communal showers was short from Andrea’s room, and ultimately Loki was happy that they didn’t run into anyone. From the sounds echoing down the hall, the celebration of little Haley’s birth continued. Loki would have liked to be there, except it was his fault that she’d come early. Guilt swamped him. It wasn’t something he was used to feeling, and it made him frown.

  “There is no point in fretting over what happened. No one blames you. They understand the pressure you’re under.”

  “How did you…” Loki frowned again. This gamma was scary in the way he knew Loki almost better than Loki knew himself. Strike the almost. “Why do you think anyone is giving me a pass for my behavior?”

  Bard actually laughed. The sound startled Loki. He wasn’t sure he’d heard the gamma do that since they’d been on the run. There had been precious little joy during that hard time. “Loki, that is all everyone has done since the moment we joined the pack. You’re adorable, so it’s easy to forgive your bratty behavior.” He paused. “And in your own way, you’re sweet.”

  Loki started to preen at the praise before remembering that he was supposed to be mad at the gamma. Or, at least indifferent to him. “You’re lying,” he muttered.

  Bard laughed again. “Why would I do that?”

  “Because…” He struggled for a reason until the sad truth hit him square between the eyes. “Because you want into my ass again and you don’t want me to struggle.”

  Bard tripped
to a stop. He peered down at him. He looked—stricken. “I can’t deny that I want you, that’s true. I would never try to trick you into letting me have my way, however.” His Adam’s apple bobbed on a hard swallow. “I will continue to do what I have to in order to save you, but please believe that it sickens me to have to force you.”

  Loki had no response to that, although he felt a modicum of shame for what he’d said. Then again, he still resented how he had no control over his body. Neither of them said anything more. Bard brought him to the shower and carefully set Loki on his feet, hovering until Loki stood stable on his own. The sheet came off and was tossed aside. Bard turned on the water and adjusted the temperature before guiding Loki under the spray.

  Oh, it was exquisite. The warmth penetrated Loki’s achy body, washing away much of the discomfort as well as cum and sweat. He stood with his hands against the wall, letting the water beat down on his back. Fingers touching his shoulders made him jerk. He relaxed a second later when he reminded himself that it was only Bard. The gamma tugged free what was left of Loki’s braid and started washing the hair.

  He wanted to insist that wasn’t necessary. He could take care of himself. Except that the feel of strong fingers massaging his scalp and working the shampoo through the long strands was too pleasurable to allow objection. It had been so long since anyone had pampered him like this. Not since he’d been a young pup, and even then, his mother’s efforts had been brusque. There hadn’t been a lot of time for tenderness that didn’t serve the greater good. Bard dug his fingers into Loki’s scalp with purpose, certainly, but the way he massaged his scalp was slow and deliberate, as if they had all the time in the world.

  Loki couldn’t hold back a groan. Bard’s touch fumbled for a second before continuing. It was the only sign that the gamma had been affected by Loki’s reaction. Loki had picked up on it, nevertheless. The fog of his heat wasn’t that strong now. He almost repeated the noise just to test whether Bard would react that same way. Something stopped him. His habit of baiting the gamma didn’t seem like fun at the moment. There was a seriousness to their relationship now. Being bred by Bard hadn’t been Loki’s choice, but that was what was happening. There was no more flippant teasing, then running away. Bard had total control over Loki’s body as well as his behavior.


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