Omega Lost (The Rogue Pack Book 7)

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Omega Lost (The Rogue Pack Book 7) Page 18

by Samantha Cayto

  Bard chuckled as he deftly brought the two shafts together and jerked them both. Oh, the feel of that silky heat sliding against his own. A bit of pre-cum eased the way, but it still wasn’t enough.

  Digging his nails into Bard’s shoulders, Loki pleaded, “Take me now. Please don’t make me wait.”

  “Such a greedy boy,” Bard chided with a quick bite at Loki’s lower lip. “I would give you anything and everything you want.”

  With that, the gamma stood, taking Loki effortlessly with him and keeping his grip on their dicks. He strode into the bedroom, or least Loki assumed he did. He kept his eyes closed because Bard had once more taken control of their kisses. He left Loki breathless and dizzy from the attention.

  Then Bard stopped and he squeezed both their cocks and Loki’s ass. “Oh, baby, it’s beautiful.”

  Opening his eyes, Loki followed Bard’s gaze to the quilt. “You like it?”

  “It’s home.” Bard swallowed visibly hard and he blinked rapidly a few times. “What home used to be, rather, because now it’s wherever you and our pups are.” He turned his moist eyes on Loki. “I love it. And, that’s us in the middle, isn’t it?”

  Loki nodded, feeling choked up himself. “Yes, and there’s room to add our pups as they come. I’m glad it pleases you,” he added.

  “You please me. I can’t believe you belong to me.”

  Loki gave him his old sly smile. “Not yet, I don’t.”

  Heat blazed sudden and hot in Bard’s gaze. “Allow me to rectify that.”

  Letting go of every part he held, Bard slid Loki to the floor. He flashed a grin when Loki whined in protest, then crouched down to carefully fold up the quilt. He placed it on top of the cubby. “I would not want to tear this in my haste.”

  Before Loki could ask him what he meant, Bard ripped his own clothing off with partially shifted claws, mindless to the havoc he caused in them. He took slightly more care with Loki’s clothing but nevertheless had him naked and on his back with a speed that left Loki gasping. The gamma loomed over him with a serious expression.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t think I can take this slowly now.”

  “I don’t want you to.” The very idea that he aroused Bard so fiercely sent another pulse of slick out of him. His hole winked spasmodically, waiting to be filled.

  Bard captured Loki’s mouth one more time for a hard kiss before turning him over. “Hands and knees, baby.” The gamma’s breathless command stirred Loki’s body to even greater arousal.

  He scooted up with Bard’s help then gasped as the gamma’s thick cock breached his hole in one long plunge. Bard paused for a brief moment, grinding his pelvis against Loki’s ass before he began to drill him with fast, hard thrusts. He wrapped his fist around Loki’s hair once again and held it up.

  Bard snapped his hips, the smack, smack of their flesh connecting reverberating around the room. Each pass of the dick stimulated Loki’s prostate. Already primed from the long bout of kissing and petting, he felt the orgasm ripping out of him without any hand jerking his shaft. He clenched his jaw and hole simultaneously while clawing at the bedding. He shoved his ass back to meet Bard’s thrusts.

  As the first of the cum pulsed over Loki’s glans, Bard tugged him upright by his hair and grabbed Loki’s cock to pump it. At the same time, he sank his teeth into the back of Loki’s neck. The sudden bite of pain goosed the pleasure. Loki screamed and froze for a second before slumping forward. He would have landed flat on his face, except Bard controlled the descent. He kept all of his holds—on cock, neck, and hair—until they both landed softly onto the pallet.

  A deep, triumphant howl echoed inside Loki’s head. His wolf pranced and yipped, then howled in joyful response. It was done. They were mated.

  Bard seized up with the intensity of the moment. With his dick still embedded in Loki’s ass and his teeth still sunk into the omega’s neck, he could only stay as he was, shivering with the emotion of it all.

  The cum spurting out of his dick was the least of it. An orgasm, so what? It was as satisfying as any other, the pleasure of having his balls drained a welcome relief. But it was nothing compared to the taste of his mate’s blood, the welcoming call of his wolf.

  Loki is mine.

  The enormity of it, having finally obtained that which he’d desired for so long, left him teary with gratitude. And love. So much love. This was his life now, his world—the omega and the pup growing inside him. The others that would follow. How could he have lived without this bond?

  Shaking as a visible demonstration of his feelings, Bard carefully retracted his teeth and licked the bite marks closed. His wolf curled up in contentment and chuffed at the omega wolf to do the same. The sweet thing yipped back in compliance. Bard inwardly chuckled as he realized that Loki’s brattiness didn’t extend to his wolf.

  He carefully slid his dick out of Loki’s ass, gasping at the way the swollen channel made his journey difficult. Then he turned his boneless mate over. His heart skipped a beat when he saw tracks of tears.

  “Loki, baby, are you all right?” He carefully cradled the omega’s head with his hands.

  Loki’s eyes fluttered open and he smiled. “I’m fine.”

  “You’re crying.” He thumbed away some of the evidence.

  “From happiness. And so are you.” When the boy reached up to touch Bard’s cheek, he realized that was true.

  “From happiness,” he confirmed.

  Loki shook his head slowly. “Nothing anyone has ever said could prepare me for it. It was almost like dying and being reborn.”

  The words alarmed Bard. “But you feel all right, yes? No lingering pain?”

  Loki smiled. “I don’t think I could be any better than this. Honestly, the only thing is that I’m so drained. I can hardly move.”

  Bard grinned with relief. “That’s normal. We’ll rest now and maybe have some dessert later?”

  “Hmm.” Loki’s eyes popped open. “Oh!”

  “What?” Bard bolted to a sitting position, ready to scoop up his mate and take him to the healer.

  “I felt it. The pup. It fluttered right here.” He placed his small hand on top of his abdomen. It might have been wishful thinking, but Bard could swear it was no longer quite as flat as it once had been. “Maybe it was just gas,” Loki added with a giggle.

  “No.” Bard shook his head as he bent over his mate. Taking Loki’s hand in his, he lifted it to expose the spot. Then he pressed his lips against it. “Hello, little pup. I’m your sire, and I can’t wait to meet you.”

  Loki’s giggles had him raising his head again. He couldn’t resist kissing his mate before sliding down beside him and gathering him close. The way Loki clung to him assured him more than anything that the mating had gone well.

  “I feel different,” the boy confessed. “I truly do. And it’s not only because our wolves can communicate now. It’s me. I’m not simply resigned to my life. I’m sincerely happy for it.”

  Bard hugged him tighter. “I can’t tell you how much it means to me for you to say that. I’ve still worried that you agreed to mate with me because I seemed like the best choice and nothing more than that.”

  “You are everything to me, Bard. You have been for some time. Pride and stubbornness made it impossible for me to acknowledge it. But with the truth out and this mating completed, I can honestly say that if I had my pick of mates, I would still choose you.”

  “And you are all that I’ve always wanted.”

  “Huh, listen to us, stupidly happy.”

  “Not stupidly but completely, yes.” Bard took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Already he wanted to mount his mate again. That would have to wait. His love needed rest.

  “Boy or girl?” Loki asked after a few seconds of quiet. “For our first pup.”

  “It matters not.” That was true. So long as Loki and the pup weathered the whelping safely, he would be content.

  “Do you think it will be an omega?”

I expect one of our pups will be.”

  “And, he or she will be allowed to choose a mate, right?”


  Loki raised his hand to caress Bard’s cheek. “Please, Bard. It’s important to me.”

  “Then yes. So long as that mate is worthy of our pup and will be good and caring.”

  Loki stretched to kiss the place he’d been petting. “Thanks. You are so good to me.”

  “Always and forever. Now go to sleep so that when you wake, I can tire you out again,” he added with a grin.

  “Yes, Bard, whatever you say. You’re the boss.”

  Bard sighed. “If only, brat. If only.”


  “Don’t be afraid, baby. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  Loki leaned into his mate’s side, taking comfort as he always did by his embrace. “I’m not. I know you’ll protect me, but it’s hard not to flee in the face of so many strangers.”

  “Lorcan, Finn and Daniel have done as much vetting as possible and we remain on high alert. I’m not sure I agree with our alpha about this gathering, nevertheless.” He squeezed Loki’s shoulder. “I suppose that’s the new mate and expectant sire in me.”

  Loki smiled. Yes, Bard was increasingly protective and solicitous since their mating. Loki couldn’t say he minded. The same behavior that used to drive him crazy as being overbearing, now gave him comfort. He saw it for what it was—love.

  The wind picked up and with it came the first scents of the approaching guests. The alarm had already been sounded. The Strongbloods had come in wolf form, as expected, and had entered the Rogue pack lands minutes ago. Lorcan stood out in the middle of the compound to greet them. The dominants not on the perimeter stood ranged behind him, with Bard and Carr on the porch along with many of the servient pack members.

  Lorcan had insisted that the pack put on a welcoming front, but with the more vulnerable among them close to the longhouse if retreat became necessary. Each of the dominants wore only jeans, ready to shift quickly if a fight broke out. They made an impressive display in Loki’s view. He couldn’t imagine either of the guest packs wanting to tangle with them.

  The scent of the Strongbloods was pungent, a testament to how they remained close in nature to their shifter ancestors. They moved like large shadows among the trees, and when they broke through into the clearing, there was a collective gasp.

  Bard stiffened. “Caleb warned us they were big. I had no idea the guy was prone to understatement.”

  Snuggling close to his mate, Loki watched the massive black wolves approach. They weren’t so different from the bear that had attacked him, except longer and slightly leaner. The alpha stood out most of all, naturally. He loped over to Lorcan at the head of a triangular formation with two betas behind him and three gammas behind them.

  Their pace was steady, non-threatening. Bard relaxed a fraction, which in turn, eased Loki’s tension. When he arrived within a few feet of Lorcan, the Strongblood alpha stopped, then shifted to human. He unfurled to stand a head taller than Lorcan. His skin was copper-colored and his black hair hung almost down to his waist. In that way, he reminded Loki of his own arctic people, except the Strongbloods were as dark as Loki and his kind were light. The alpha’s face held no expression.

  Loki found himself attracted to the man despite being happily mated. It was natural to desire such virility, especially given the impressive cock hanging long and thick between the man’s legs. Some of the female sigmas nudged each other and shared grins. Loki bet this guest alpha would find many willing mounting partners and might even leave a pup or two for the pack to raise.

  “I’m very glad we’ve mated already,” Bard murmured.

  Loki pinched the gamma’s side and grinned. “Don’t be silly. You are twice the shifter he is.”

  “I can’t imagine what metric you are using for that assessment, but thanks, baby.” He punctuated his approval with a kiss to the top of Loki’s head.

  Lorcan stepped closer to the foreign alpha. “Greetings, Alpha Graydon. Welcome to the Rogue Pack.”

  The Strongblood alpha said nothing in return for a few seconds, then his expression softened a hair. “On behalf of the Strongblood Pack, I thank you for your hospitality.”

  At some unseen gesture, the rest of his men shifted to stand as humans. They remained in formation, stiffly formal, disciplined, apparently. They looked just like their alpha, albeit slightly smaller. They carried nothing with them.

  Loki couldn’t help but wonder how his pack members were going to react to having huge, naked dominants milling about constantly. They would be a distraction, that was for sure.

  “We are gratified that you agreed to this gathering and look forward to forging lasting ties between our packs,” Lorcan said. “Please tell us how we can make your stay more comfortable for you. We have a feast planned for later, but if there is anything you need…”

  Graydon’s face betrayed a bit more relaxation. He might even have smiled—for about a half a second. “Your offer is kind, but as you see, we have few wants and live simply. A patch of ground within your compound that we can bed down on is all we ask.”

  Lorcan nodded. “Certainly.”

  Loki huffed quietly and rubbed his cheek against Bard’s chest. His fear had abated, but now he worried that this gathering was going to be a boring affair. So far, the interactions of their alphas had been stilted at best. It didn’t seem like the Strongbloods had any social graces and Lorcan had become used to living an isolated pack life.

  Caleb’s warning howl grabbed everyone’s attention in the next instant. The gamma was watching the road, so that could only mean the Green Mountain Pack had arrived. The two alphas turned almost as one to face the direction the other pack’s vehicles would come from. They stood looking like a united front as the first rumbling of engines could be heard. The show of unspoken alliance wasn’t lost on Loki. That Graydon had taken up a stance of protection for the Rogues without request spoke well of him.

  “I think I’m liking this Strongblood alpha already,” Bard said under his breath.


  They didn’t have long to wait for the second guest pack to arrive. A couple of minutes later, two SUVs and a small camper rumbled up in a line. They didn’t just stop, but parked next to the pack’s vehicles as if dropping by for a visit was an everyday event. Only the alpha hopped out, however, from the lead SUV, a tall, lean man dressed in rugged work clothes. His light brown hair was pulled back in a messy man bun and his tanned face sported a wide grin.

  He walked right up to Lorcan and extended his hand. “Elijah, alpha of the Green Mountain Pack.”

  After a moment’s hesitation, Lorcan took it. “I am Lorcan. Welcome to the Rogue Pack.”

  “Damn glad to get the invite, man.” The Green Mountain alpha turned to Graydon and once again held out his hand.

  The Strongblood alpha took longer to respond. When he did, he clasped Elijah’s entire forearm and shook it once before letting go. He opened his mouth, but before he could say whatever he’d intended, his attention abruptly changed to a spot past the Green Mountain alpha.

  Even at a distance, Loki could see the man go stiff and his massive chest rose on a deep breath. He tracked the alpha’s stare back over to the SUVs. The other Green Mountain delegates had gotten out. Among them, incredibly, was…

  “You brought an omega.” Graydon’s observation was issued with almost a growl.

  “Yup,” Elijah confirmed amiably. He held out his hand and the omega came trotting up to his side.

  Loki’s first assumption was that they were mated, but their features we so similar, the omega simply a smaller version of the alpha, that they appeared to be blood relatives. The only difference between the two was size and the fact that the omega had shaved the bottom third of his head.

  “This is my brother, Ethan.” The alpha put his arm around the omega’s shoulders.

  Graydon stared at the boy. “I will give you five bear sk
ins and contribute to your pack seven winters’ worth of fresh kills for him.”

  The abrupt offer caused another collective gasp.

  “Gods,” Bard murmured, “this is some old time shit going on. The council had hoped for some trading among the packs, but not this kind. Not like this, anyway.”

  If the Green Mountain alpha was insulted, he didn’t show it. In fact, he chuckled, although the sound had an edge to it. Then he said, “Sorry, man, he’s not for sale.” And that tone he used held the same sternness, reminding everyone that however casual he appeared, he was an alpha shifter.

  The Strongblood alpha didn’t like that answer. He stood even straighter than before and glared down his nose. “Then why bring him to this gathering?”

  Elijah pulled his brother in closer to his side. “Because he wanted to come.” His tone implied that the answer was obvious, no big deal, and still managed to add in a measure of warning that he wasn’t to be questioned.

  And we Rogues pride ourselves on being progressive? Who would be so foolish as to bring a mature omega into the orbit of strange alphas? That had to be the one thing on everyone’s mind.

  The boy answered the unspoken question himself. “Besides, I’m barren, so you wouldn’t want me anyway.” The information was delivered in the same breezy tone that his brother used, but Loki heard the hints of bitterness and sadness.

  “Oh, that poor boy,” he whispered. His hand went to his abdomen as it always did. With each day, he felt his pup more and more. An omega who couldn’t breed was a rare and pathetic thing.

  He’s going to need a friend. Loki silently resolved to be that for him.

  “Your brother is welcome to bed down in the longhouse during your stay,” Lorcan interjected.

  Elijah flashed a grin. “Thanks, man. He’ll be fine with us. The last man who tried to hurt Ethan didn’t fare too well, if you get my meaning. I take care of my own.”


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