Wild at Heart

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Wild at Heart Page 1

by Rhonda Laurel

  Table of Contents

  Look for these titles from Rhonda Laurel

  Copyright Warning

  ~ Dedication ~











  ~ About the Author ~

  ~ Also by Rhonda Laurel ~

  Look for these titles from Rhonda Laurel

  Now Available

  The All or Nothing Series

  Hard Target (Book One)

  Second Chance at Love (Book Two)

  Family Matters (Book Three)

  Love at Last (Book Four)

  Covert Affairs (Book Five)

  Restless Heart (Book Six)

  Hot Pursuit (Book Seven)

  A Taste of Romance (Book Eight)

  Wild at Heart (Book Nine)

  The Blake Boys Series

  For the Love of the Game (Book One)

  MVP (Book Two)

  The Blake Legacy (Book Three)

  Texas Heat (Book Four)

  Love Notes and Football (Book Five)

  The Perfect Storm (Book Six)

  Slow Burn (Book Seven)

  Cowboy’s Heart (Book Eight)

  Tempting Fate (Book Nine)

  Executive Desires (Book Ten)

  Meet the Blakes (Book Eleven)

  The Final Play (Book Twelve)

  Stranded in Paradise (Book Thirteen)

  Slap Shot (Book Fourteen)

  Off Season (Book Fifteen)

  Worth the Wait (Book Sixteen)

  Leap of Faith (Book Seventeen)

  Begin Again (Book Eighteen)

  Playing for Keeps (Book Nineteen)

  The Hollywood Heat Series

  Star Crossed (Book One)

  Hollywood Rush (Book Two)

  Double Exposure (Book Three)

  Ebb Tide


  Wild at Heart

  All or Nothing Series Book Nine

  Rhonda Laurel

  Copyright Warning

  EBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared, or given away. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is a crime punishable by law. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to or downloaded from file sharing sites, or distributed in any other way via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the publisher’s permission. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000 (http://www.fbi.gov/ipr/).

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Published By

  Etopia Press

  1643 Warwick Ave., #124

  Warwick, RI 02889


  Wild at Heart

  Copyright © 2018 by Rhonda Laurel

  ISBN: 978-1-949719-07-9

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Etopia Press electronic publication: October 2018

  ~ Dedication ~

  To Chance and Shannon, thanks for making every second count.


  Chance McGill swirled the scotch around in his glass as he nestled into the fancy leather seat of the private plane and watched the cloud formations as they moved past the window. This mode of transportation was definitely more luxurious than hitting the open road on his motorcycle. This was the life. Flying in private planes. The flight attendant was a pretty young lady who kept smiling at him. In a few short hours, he’d be in Texas to spend time with his family.

  After the hectic week of networking at the outdoor recreation tradeshow for his store, catching up with his extended family seemed like a good way to wind down. When Leigh informed him that she and Isabelle were throwing a birthday bash for Tate, he knew he had to be there.

  A year ago, he never would have agreed to attend a business trade show. But in the past, he didn’t have the benefit of getting business advice from retired business tycoon John Jacob Blake. The long talks they had when he visited the ranch inspired some soul-searching about what he wanted to accomplish in his life. Sure, his store, Call of the Wild, was doing great. It was the best of both worlds, selling outdoor recreation gear and facilitating outdoor adventures like whitewater rafting and hiking expeditions. He believed in the products they sold, and had two great business partners in Porter and Theo. They didn’t mind that he’d rather be out in nature instead of counting inventory and balancing the company ledger.

  In addition to catching up with his sister Leigh, he was looking forward to seeing his precocious nephews. It didn’t seem odd anymore that he had not only had a big brother who was a famous country western singer, but he also had three adorable nephews who had the same sense of adventure as he did.

  “Mr. McGill?” the flight attendant said as she approached.


  “Is there anything else I can get you?” The flight attendant took his empty glass. “We’ll be landing shortly.”

  “No. I’m good.”

  A half hour later they were landing. He gripped the arm of the chair as the plane touched down smoothly onto the tarmac and rolled toward the main hangar.

  Rafe, who was supposed to pick him up, was nowhere in sight. Which was odd because Rafe was compulsively on time, and it drove Leigh nuts. Once the plane stopped, he unfastened his seatbelt and stood.

  “I hope you enjoyed your flight and that you have a pleasant stay in Texas.” The flight attendant stood by the door with a radiant smile.

  “Thank you. I always do.” Chance returned her warm smile as he walked down the steps.

  As soon as he reached the bottom step, his eyes immediately went to the ravishing brunette standing next to a sleek silver convertible. She wore a blue and ivory dress with a plunging neckline that accentuated every curve she had. Suddenly Rafe being tardy would work in his favor. He wanted to say something to her. Even if it was just to tell her she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

  He smiled at her, but she didn’t smile back. Which was a shame because he knew those dimples of hers would deepen and make her prettier, if that were possible. If he was going to get any semblance of a pleasantry from her, he’d have to earn it.

  As if reading his mind, she started toward him. She walked like a model strutting down a catwalk. With each seductive sway of her hips, he was amazed at how effortless she made it look walking in those four-inch heels she was wearing.

  When she got close, he could smell the beautiful, delicate scent of her perfume.

  “Chance McGill?” The woman impatiently flipped her air over her shoulder.

  A broad smile flashed across his face. It must have been his lucky day. “That’s me.”

  “Come with me. I’m here to pick you up.” She turned and started back toward the car.

  “Hold on a sec. I need more details before I go off with a stranger. I don’t let just anybody pick me up.” He raised an eyebrow. “Where’s Rafe?”

  “Rafe was called into an unscheduled meeting, so I was chosen to pick you up from the airport.” She impatiently huffed.

  “How do I know you’re not a crazy woman?” He couldn’t resist having some
fun. She looked so serious. He was determined to coax a smile out of her. “A man can’t be too careful these days. Lunacy comes in all forms.”

  “Why else would I know your name?” She folded her arms across her chest.

  “You could be one of those fatal beauties who kidnap handsome men from private airports for nefarious purposes.” He flashed a wicked grinned. “If that’s what you had in mind, forget about it. I can’t do handcuffs. I chafe easily.”

  She squinted at him. “You’re in no danger of being kidnapped, except maybe at a Tate McGill look-alike contest.”

  “Ouch.” He clutched his chest, feigning offense. “Below the belt. But we both agree I’m handsome.”

  “I didn’t say you were handsome.”

  “You didn’t say I wasn’t handsome.”

  “Are you always so difficult?”

  “Only on days that end with Y. My feelings are hurt. I do not look like Tate.”

  She moved closer to him. “You’re right. Tate would never sport that rug you call facial hair. Can we go now?”

  “I don’t know if I want a ride from you.”

  “Let’s try this again.” She took a deep breath and extended her hand. “My name is Shannon Stanton. I work at Regency. I’m Sam’s assistant.”

  “A formal introduction.” His hand tingled when he touched her soft hand. “That’s more like it. I’m Chance McGill. Can I get a smile with those nice words?”

  “Are you serious?”

  “I never kid about something as serious as a smile from a beautiful woman.”

  She flashed a quick smile. “Happy?”

  “It’s a start.”

  She started to walk again. “Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to get you settled. I’m technically off the clock, and I have plans this evening.”

  “Lead the way.” Chance trailed behind as Shannon sauntered over to the sports car.

  She opened the trunk with her key fob so the baggage handlers could put his things inside. “I hope you don’t mind. I like to keep my top down.”

  “Excuse me?” His eyes widened.

  “My convertible,” she cooed. “I like to feel the wind in my hair.”

  “Oh.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Yes. I do too.”

  “What did you think I meant?” She smiled genuinely this time.

  He saw the hint of challenge in her eyes. She’d assumed his mind had gone right into the gutter. She was right. “You were talking about the car, of course.”

  “Then get in.” She slipped on her sunglasses and got in the car.

  Chance tipped the baggage handlers, then hopped into the passenger seat and fastened his seatbelt. As soon as Shannon put the car in drive, she stepped on the gas pedal with her pretty, pedicured foot and zipped toward the exit. Within minutes they were on the freeway, and she whipped that convertible through traffic like a NASCAR driver.

  She had fancy written all over her. She was beautiful, and she knew it. She had a confident air about her and wasn’t flustered by the appreciative looks he was sending her way. She was the kind of woman who led a man on a never-ending chase, but he didn’t mind because he knew if he finally caught her, it would be well worth the trouble. And she was trouble wrapped up in expensive clothes, scintillating perfume, and a very expensive car.

  She was just his type.

  * * *

  The second Shannon saw Chance walking down the airplane steps, she knew she was in trouble. Volunteering to pick him up had seemed like a great way to show initiative while Rafe and Sam attended a last-minute meeting. She didn’t expect him to be such a handsome devil. The photos she’d seen of him didn’t do him justice. He was every bit as sexy as his big brother Tate, with those sparkling blue eyes and enigmatic smile. But Chance had more of a rascally, rough-around-the-edges look, with the dirty blonde hair that was more straight than curly and a full beard.

  It was important that her dad believed she was taking the job of being Sam’s assistant seriously. After the scrapes she’d had over the past couple of years, she knew why her dad wanted her to put aside her wild ways and be more responsible. Which meant getting a job and staying out of trouble. Her kidnapping in Paris was a wake-up call for the entire family. Unfortunately, it made her father’s fears magnify, and he watched her every move. Hence the job at his company working for Sam. It was no coincidence that she was working for the fiercest, most independent, and successful woman in the company.

  She loved working with Sam; too bad most of her duties were utterly boring. Picking up Tate’s brother was the most exciting thing she’d been asked to do in months. She’d heard enough about him listening to Sam, Avery, and the other women in the Blake family. Chance was a rogue of the highest order who by all accounts had the reputation of being a heartbreaker.

  She stole a glance at him sitting comfortably in the passenger seat. She may have taunted him by saying he was a Tate look-alike, but there were subtle differences. He was sin wrapped in a baby blue dress shirt that showed off his broad shoulders with the sleeves rolled up showing his strong forearms. Jeans that clung just right to his nice ass and corded thighs. The kind of guy you’d spend a hot summer with but didn’t put any stock in having a future with him.

  “Nice car,” he said.


  “Regency must pay their assistants very well.”

  “It was a birthday present.” She kept her eyes on the road.

  “You have a very generous boyfriend.”

  “It was a present from my dad,” she corrected.

  “Ah.” He touched the novelty medallion of a crown with the word Princess underneath that hung from her rearview mirror. “You’re a daddy’s girl.”

  “Are you implying I’m spoiled?”

  “I’m not implying anything, Princess.”

  “Do I detect a note of disdain? Let me guess. You and your dad don’t get along.”

  “That is the understatement of the year,” he mumbled.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but I am an independent woman. I have a job—”

  She was ready to lay into him when the ring from the incoming call filled the cabin of the car. She looked at the display on the dash. It was her best friend, Cheyenne. Now was the time to tell Cheyenne she wouldn’t be coming to Fiona’s party.

  “Sorry, I need to take this.” She hit the button to put up the top on the convertible so she could hear, then hit the phone button on the screen. “Hey, Cheyenne. What’s up?”

  “Hi, Shannon. Please tell me you’re still coming tonight?”

  “I was going to call.” Shannon winced. “I’m still working. There was something last minute I had to do for Sam.”

  “Oh no.” Cheyenne sighed. “I knew you were going to cancel.”

  “It’s not my fault. Sam’s a pretty demanding boss.” She winced again at her own lie. Sam was not demanding. She was great in fact. But she needed Cheyenne to believe work had been the reason she’d been unavailable these last few months.

  “This is so unfair! I don’t understand why your dad forced you to get a job with his company.”

  She squinted at Chance as the smile formed on his face. He looked like he was feeling sure that he’d called that Princess crack correctly. OK. So, she was technically working for her dad. It didn’t make the work any less important. Especially being Sam’s assistant. She had to get Cheyenne to shut up.

  “Cheyenne,” Shannon said. “I will do my best to be there. I want to celebrate Fiona getting into law school.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I’m babysitting at the moment. But that should be over soon.” She smiled when she saw Chance’s smirk fade.

  “Uh! Are you kidding? You’re babysitting?” Cheyenne shrieked. “Doesn’t Sam have nannies or something? The Blakes can afford it.”

  “Sam’s particular about who she lets babysit her kids,” she replied. “They can be a handful.”

  “Well, just come when you’re finished,” Cheyenne said
enthusiastically. “The gang’s getting back together. I feel like we splintered off after we got back from Paris. You’ve even been too busy for me. That’s no way to treat a bestie.”

  “We’ve all been busy.” Shannon gripped the wheel and tried to remain focused. “But I’ve been an awful best friend.”

  “To be honest, I thought you were just taking some time after your break up with Brooks. You are over him, right?”

  “Of course. Brooks and I were never serious. There are no residual feelings there.”

  “Good to hear, because there’s something I need to tell you.”

  “OK. What’s wrong?”

  Cheyenne made a dramatic exhaling sound. “Fiona called me and told me that Brooks and Liv are dating and tonight they’ll be coming to the party as a couple.”

  “Really,” Shannon said after a moment. “Wow. How long has this been going on?”

  “I’m not sure, but Fiona thinks their getting together may overlap with your break up. I hope this doesn’t make you change your mind about the party.”

  She really was out of the loop. It wasn’t surprising Liv had gone after Brooks. Shannon could tell her nemesis wanted him from the times they were all together. But she was surprised that Brooks fell for her sex-kitten routine. But the strangest thing was that Brooks still called Shannon asking if they could get back together.

  “No. Tonight is about Fiona and her accomplishment.” She gripped the wheel tighter, trying to sound as confident as possible. Heck no, she didn’t want to go to a party where her ex was going to show up with someone else who happened to be a so-called friend. Nothing good could come of that. She’d look petty if she didn’t show and pathetic if she had to watch them all night. It was a lose-lose situation. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”


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