Those Who Wait

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Those Who Wait Page 42

by Haley Cass

  Charlotte gave her a puzzled look that seemed so genuine, it alleviated some of the weight that had been sitting on her shoulders. “Why would you say that?”

  Okay, with Charlotte giving her that concerned, confused look as she walked closer to her phone, Sutton maybe felt a little stupid.

  She blushed, shrugging, grateful that the only light in her room was from her phone. “It’s just – you didn’t really seem in the mood to talk to me. Texts or calls or anything, even though we’ve basically talked almost every day ever since we became friends, so . . . I thought; well, I already told you what I thought.”

  She decided not to mention the affectionate nicknames that she’d been missing, too.

  Those big, brown eyes looked at her and even though they were miles away, in different regions, she swore she could feel the concern in them. And maybe what she thought was regret, before Charlotte shook her head and closed her eyes for a moment, as if gathering herself.

  “You did nothing wrong, Sutton, you’re honestly – perfect,” Charlotte told her, and she sounded so sincere and looked so serious that Sutton couldn’t not believe her.

  Especially because Charlotte said the word perfect with this sense of exasperation, which Sutton didn’t understand at all.

  “The best friend I’ve ever had,” Charlotte murmured. She gave her a small smile before shaking her head, a small crease appearing between her eyebrows. “There was simply something on my mind that I was dealing with, and I seem to have dealt with it in a manner that inadvertently hurt you. I promise, it’s not about y–” Charlotte bit off her sentence, inhaling sharply, before she amended, “I promise that it’s nothing you are going to have to know about.”

  That wasn’t as reassuring as Sutton would have liked, and she knew that her doubt was showing on her face – because she could see her face in her little camera box.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” She offered, and really hoped Charlotte would.

  But Charlotte shook her head before saying, “I have it handled. It wasn’t as big of a deal as I was making it. Thanks, though.”

  She was receiving that look Charlotte gave her, that affectionate warm one, so she supposed maybe it really wasn’t that big of a deal after all. Besides, Charlotte was one of the most capable people Sutton had ever met – she imagined she could handle most anything.

  “All right, but if you did need something, I’d be here to listen,” Sutton couldn’t help but add.

  Apparently to Charlotte’s amusement as she grinned, her eyes dipping to the floor before looking back up into the camera at Sutton. “And that is why you truly are the best friend I’ve ever had.”

  It was that comment that for some reason made her think about her own issue from earlier in the day; her mother – and siblings, now – knowing that Charlotte actually wasn’t her girlfriend but was more than her friend.

  Biting the inside of her lip, she debated telling her. It wasn’t like she wanted Charlotte to know that anyone in her family knew about their . . . arrangement. Because Charlotte hadn’t reacted that well to Alex’s finding out, having fled her apartment immediately afterward.

  Sutton’s mom knowing? That was a whole other thing. And she had Charlotte here with her – in a manner of speaking – for the first time in basically a week. For the first time in a week, she felt like things were normal for them.

  But she felt this guilt lodged low inside her stomach at the thought of not telling her when she knew that it was probably something Charlotte should know. Especially before Charlotte walked into the party.

  It was common courtesy, right?

  Groaning quietly at herself, Sutton rubbed her hand over her forehead, for once wishing that her brain would just be quiet.

  “Not to, um, add to your stress or anything, but just so you know . . . my mom, well, she sort of knows that we’re more than – that we’ve slept together.”

  She twisted her blanket in her hand as she quickly added on, “Not that I think she’s going to say anything to you. Actually, she’s said that she won’t. But, she invited you to the party and I wanted you to . . . know,” she finished lamely.

  But instead of the look she was worried she would be met with, not that she’d ever seen Charlotte ever looked panicked, Charlotte was just giving her a quietly patient stare. Her eyebrow lifted slightly, with a small smile on her lips.

  “I figured,” was all she said, with an easy shrug. “It’s all right.”

  “You figured?” she asked, incredulous. “It’s okay?” She’d worked herself up over that for nothing?

  Did that mean – something? Did it mean that it was okay that them being more-than-friends was more of an openly known thing?

  Charlotte tilted her head, seeming a little amused, as she placed her phone back down on the bedside table. “Yes, I thought it was somewhat of an odd thing to get an invitation, especially given that you said you weren’t responsible for it. And, well, she’s your mother. It’s not like she’s going around discussing your sex life with people.”

  Sutton couldn’t help but let out a short, disbelieving – at herself – laugh, as her head fell back onto her pillows. Her eyes closed slightly as she blew out a short breath. Of course Charlotte had already put it together; who did Sutton think she was talking to? And of course Charlotte had already pegged her mom as discreet.

  Okay. Well, that solved that.

  That really was a weight off of her shoulders. Because if it wasn’t the party, then Sutton could truly not name a reason for anything pertaining to her that might have caused Charlotte to avoid her. She supposed it really was something that Charlotte was just dealing with.

  “You know,” Charlotte began, and Sutton picked her head up from where she’d dropped it back against the headboard. “I called earlier because I was thinking about you on my way back from celebrating with Dean and Caleb at their favorite bar, and I wished you would be here.”

  For a moment, Sutton’s heart warmed at the words because: Charlotte wished she was there.

  But then she registered the low tone Charlotte was using, one that she recognized from when they’d had sex. It was low like when Charlotte would say her name, when Charlotte would tell her what to do to her. Harder, faster, more, God yes – that voice.

  She couldn’t exactly see Charlotte’s eyes clearly because she was standing a few feet away, but she knew the look on her face.

  And she flushed, feeling the blush deep in her cheeks as her stomach clenched. “You – yeah?”

  God, her throat was already dry and she had to clear it just to get that word out.

  “I’m having this energy right now,” Charlotte informed her, her tone still a little low, a little breathless as she reached her hands up behind herself. “And I’ve been feeling it ever since I won the debate. Just – this rush of adrenaline. Excitement. Then we were at this little private club the boys have gone to, and the drinks and the dancing . . . mm, well, that only made me feel even more wanting.”

  “Dancing, um, at a club?” Sutton’s mouth went dry as she heard Charlotte pull down the zipper of her dress. Even though the thought of Charlotte out dancing, dancing with other women in a club, didn’t sit evenly in her stomach. Not when she knew that was how Charlotte had previously found the women she’d had her hookups with.

  “It was one of my interests listed on the app on which we met, Sutton,” Charlotte’s teasing tone had her gulping. Or maybe it was the way Charlotte moved her arms and let her dress fall in one, sleek motion to the floor.

  They’d had more sex by now than she could individually recall. But with Charlotte standing there on display, unreachable, wearing only a matching strapless bra and a tiny, lacy thong . . . Seeing her never got old.

  “Fuck,” she breathed out, barely biting back a whimper, because Charlotte didn’t even look like she was real. She looked – she looked like she was some sort of pinup, and Sutton squeezed her thighs together subconsciously, trying to get some friction.

Charlotte’s hands slid up to rest on her own hips, and Sutton’s eyes were glued to the motion as her own fingers twitched. Wishing she could touch those hips, the ghost of the feeling of that warm, soft skin under her hands.

  Charlotte sighed, running one of her hands up her stomach and pausing at her throat, the other moving to hook her thumb into her panties, moving lightly against the skin of her hips. “I was there, dancing, and getting worked up, and I just kept thinking about how much I wanted to come home and have you make me come.”

  “You did?” Sutton was still breathless, her hand grabbing tightly at her blanket. “You wanted me? Even . . . while you were out?”

  Charlotte’s chuckle was low and skirted over Sutton’s body in this way that shot right through her body. It shouldn’t be possible for a single sound to make her wet, but she could feel herself.

  Her eyes were glued to her phone screen as Charlotte reached behind her and fluidly undid her bra. Her nipples were already hard, and she slid her hand forward again, pinching at one.

  Sutton knew by now just the way to suck and nip with her teeth to feel Charlotte’s back arch, and the whimper that would escape her throat. The way her hands would slide into Sutton’s hair and hold her there.

  Charlotte hummed low in the back of her throat, scratching her own hand lower, down over her stomach. “God, Sutton . . . you say you’ve never fucked a woman, but you are such a fast learner. Delightfully fast.”

  It was so heady. Charlotte’s words adding to the aching between her legs, the fact that not only had Charlotte been turned on for hours – but that she specifically wanted Sutton. Charlotte could have anyone she wanted.

  And she chose to come back home, to her.

  Her head fell back again, this time with a groan. “You’re a really good teacher.”

  “Oh yeah?” Charlotte sauntered closer to where she had the camera resting on the bedside table.

  Her breath caught in her throat, heat building in her stomach, moving down, her clit already starting to throb, with the sight of Charlotte’s body right there. Right in front of her. She had a perfectly close view of those soft, firm breasts, and the light definition in Charlotte’s stomach muscles as she leaned over to where Sutton couldn’t see.

  She bit her lip, hard, her hand not holding her phone slipping under the blankets and pressing hard against her thigh. “Charlotte, are . . . what are we doing?”

  Finally, Charlotte shifted back enough so Sutton could see her face again, close enough now that she could see her eyes. Dark, so dark, and the way her lips were wet from having sucked on them in the way she did when she was turned on.

  “I thought it was obvious by now what we were doing. I want to come,” Charlotte practically purred, the sound skittering over Sutton, making her shiver. “And I want to see you while I do. I want us both to come, just like this.”

  Sutton groaned quietly, uncontrollably, even as her eyes widened. “You – you want us to touch ourselves together? Watching each other?”

  Charlotte’s laugh was low and quiet as she settled back into her bed. Her phone was still on her bedside table, now facing her though as she laid against the pillows, and Sutton had a perfect view of her from the chest up.

  Once again, Charlotte’s hand slid up, coming into view and cupping her own breast before pinching and pulling her nipple. And once again, Sutton’s eyes were glued to the vision before her, and – God, she could hardly contain the moan that wanted to leave her throat.

  “What did you think I was getting at when I stripped in front of you, darling?” Charlotte asked, before she sighed, switching to her other nipple, her second hand coming up to tangle into her hair.

  Sutton’s mouth was ready to water at the want to be there. To suck and lick and bite Charlotte’s chest. “I, I wasn’t really thinking clearly,” she admitted.

  “Tell me, do you want to do this?” Charlotte implored, slowing her motions.

  Sutton found herself nodding, her heart thumping in her chest. “I’ve never done this before.” She knew for a fact she’d never, ever wanted someone the way she wanted Charlotte. Would never have been this aroused, this wet, just from seeing someone else she’d slept with strip for her.

  “Perfect,” came the slightly breathless response, and Charlotte looked at her in the camera, “Now. Tell me,” she rasped out.

  Sutton’s hand was digging hard into her thigh, and her thighs were still pressed together, even though she couldn’t help but rock her hips slightly. “Tell you?”

  “Touch yourself, beautiful girl, and tell me,” Charlotte repeated.

  Her eyes flew open and she knew her cheeks were dark red in a second from her blush. “I can’t – I can’t do that.”

  “You can’t touch yourself?” Charlotte’s tone dropped low and Sutton gulped, and she could feel herself dripping already.

  It had been too long without Charlotte’s touch, and she’d gotten accustomed to it. Gotten used to the way Charlotte could make her come so hard she couldn’t think, could barely breathe from the intensity.

  “Uh, no, that’s not what I’m saying.” She swallowed hard and felt almost dizzy with the intensity of Charlotte’s stare. “I just – what . . . do you want me to tell you?”

  Charlotte shifted even closer. “I want you to touch yourself and tell me how wet you are. Tell me what you want, what you wish I was doing to you. God, Sutton, I want you to just moan for me if that’s what you want to do.”

  She – okay, she could do that. Slowly, she nodded, and bit her lip as she brought her hand up a bit to dip into the waist of her pajama shorts.

  She shivered as she brushed against her own waist, her fingers pausing even as her breath came a little shorter. She was surprised at how much she actually wanted to do this – wanted to come for Charlotte, with Charlotte watching. But, it couldn’t leave the back of her mind: what if she was bad at this . . . video sex?

  Charlotte was watching, though, arousal heavy in her gaze, and she seemed to understand exactly what had Sutton pausing.

  Luckily for both of them, Charlotte had no such hesitations.

  “On top of your panties at first, darling. Slide your hand down, and rub yourself,” Charlotte instructed, her voice coaxing.

  And Sutton shuddered hard, her hand sliding just as Charlotte had directed.

  Her mouth fell open as she pressed her fingers against her panties. She’d needed friction so badly, and she hadn’t even realized just how much. Just how wet she’d gotten from watching the way Charlotte had stripped for her. From hearing Charlotte tell her what she wanted.

  “I’m . . . I’m wet,” she whispered, pressing harder against herself, her hips rocking into her hand.

  Charlotte let out a quiet sound, and Sutton could see her hands still on her chest, tugging her nipples harder. “Yeah? You can feel how wet you are through your panties?”

  Sutton nodded, biting her lip, but it didn’t stop the half-moan that got caught in her throat. “I – yes.” She groaned. “I’m, my panties are wet. I can feel myself through them.”

  She rocked down harder, rubbing at her clit through her panties and sending sparks through her body, exhaling on a groan when she saw the way her words made Charlotte shiver.

  “That’s . . . oh, that’s good darling. Go under your panties, then. Go under and tell me just how wet you are.” Charlotte’s hands had stilled, but she was looking at Sutton so intensely, she thought she would explode from it.

  She followed Charlotte’s words, sliding her hand into her panties and pressing right against herself. The gasp that left her with the contact right against her clit was uncontrollable, as was the automatic continued rolling of her hips.

  “I’m – really wet. Um, oh . . .” She trailed off, sliding her fingers lower, her head falling back a bit as she rubbed over her entrance, her fingers easily slipping through her lips, coated from her wetness. “S-so hot.”

  “Fuck. Keep touching, tell me what you’re doing,” Charlotte told her, her voic
e more urgent than before. Needier.

  Sutton liked it.

  She slipped her hand up again slightly, whimpering in the back of her throat as she tried to talk. “I’m touching my clit. In circles. Uh . . . oh, God, it’s hard. Th-throbbing against my fingers,” she managed as her head fell back into her pillows completely and she rubbed her clit faster.

  Charlotte moaned in response. “Just like when I wrap my lips around it.”

  Sutton’s hips jumped into her hand hard at her words. “Yes,” she groaned out. “Just like that.”

  God, the thought of Charlotte’s mouth on her already had her clenching and she slipped lower, fingers slipping inside of herself.

  “I’m, t-two fingers inside,” she whispered, moving her hand faster, pushing in deep and feeling herself squeezing. Moving even harder, rubbing at her clit with her thumb and – she didn’t think she was going to be able to last much longer.

  “I love fucking you just like that, darling. Pressing my fingers into you, feeling the way you squeeze around me, working yourself around my fingers. Fuck, you feel so good,” Charlotte’s voice seemed to float to her, sounding almost choked with how breathless she was.

  Sutton’s eyes were closed so tightly, her body drawing up even more tense as she moved into herself faster and faster, stroking her clit even as her body started to shake. “You feel better,” she managed to say on a low moan.

  She was so close. So close to coming, she could feel her hips already jerking into her hand, her clit starting to pulse.

  “Charlotte – I’m,” she breathed, her teeth clenching as the heat coiled tightly low in her stomach, fanning out slowly. “I need . . .”

  “I need to see you come, Sutton,” Charlotte told her, whimpering, and it was all she could do to not drop her phone as her orgasm hit her with Charlotte’s words.

  The feeling hurtled through her, a strangled moan caught in her throat as she managed to open her eyes just enough to see the way Charlotte was watching her. God, her body shuddered harder, heat sparking through her for long moments as the blood rushed in her ears.


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