Cruel Intentions

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Cruel Intentions Page 29

by Davis, Siobhan

  “I just needed to do this,” he says before smashing his lips against mine. He ravishes my mouth as he locks the door and pulls down the blinds. Then he spins us around, pressing me up against the wall, and I melt against him. He rocks his hips against me, and I’m whimpering into his mouth as we devour one another with our lips and tongues. He kisses me like he never believed he’d get to do it again, and I barely have time to draw air into my lungs, but I’m not complaining.

  Kissing him is something I’ll never tire of.

  His lips move from my mouth to my ear, and he nibbles on my earlobe as he grabs one leg, pulling it around his waist. Stars explode behind my eyes, and I grab the bottom of his shirt, tugging it out of his pants so I can slide my hands underneath.

  His skin is warm under my fingers as I inch my way up his back, and he flinches at my touch, trailing his lips down along my neck, loosening my shirt so he can press kisses along my collarbone. I’m bucking against him as the throbbing between my legs grows more insistent.

  My breath hitches in my throat when he slides his hand under my skirt, his fingers dancing slowly up my thigh. I cry out when his hand brushes against my damp panties. “Are you still sore?” he whispers in my ear.

  “No. I’m good.” I pant.

  He lifts his head, his seductive eyes swallowing me whole, and his lips are glistening from our hot kisses. “I want to make you come.” I bob my head enthusiastically, and his lips tug up at the corners. His mouth descends on mine again the same time he slides my panties aside, pushing one finger inside me. “Fuck, baby. You’re so wet.”

  “More. Faster,” I demand, shamelessly riding his finger. He inserts a second digit and moves them up and down inside me, while his thumb draws circles on my sensitized clit. I drag my lip between my teeth, stifling my moans, as I thrust against his hand, panting into his mouth, my chest heaving.

  Pressure builds in my core, spiraling and spiraling, and when he curls his fingers inside me, hitting my G-spot while his thumb presses down on my clit, I explode in a colorful burst of sensation, my limbs sagging as the most amazing waves of pleasure wash over me in fast succession. He continues pumping his fingers until I collapse against him, sated and deliriously happy.

  Slowly, he draws his fingers out of my body, bringing them to his mouth where he licks my essence in exaggerated swipes of his tongue.

  It’s one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen, and my mouth is dry, my panties the complete opposite. It’s dirty as fuck, and it makes me want to climb his body like a monkey. “I could get addicted to this taste,” he purrs, his voice dripping with lust.

  I slide my hand down the gap between our bodies, cupping his hard-on. “I want a taste of my own,” I say, crouching down, but he stops me, pulling me back up and wrapping his arms around my waist.

  “I’ll take a rain check.” He kisses me so sweetly I feel like crying. “We’re already late.” He smacks my butt as I slip out of the room first, and his devious laughter follows me all the way to class.

  I offer to cook dinner for the guys once we’re back at the house after school, but they insist I rest up, ordering from my favorite Thai place, and who am I to argue with three bossy gorgeous guys?

  Charlie shows up later while Cam and I are lounging in the living room, arguing over what to watch on TV. Jackson has gone for a run, and Sawyer is at football practice.

  “You’re early,” Cam says, not even lifting his head up to look at Charlie.

  “I wanted to talk to Abby before the others arrive.”

  “We’re having a meeting?” I ask, pinning Cam with accusatory eyes. He hasn’t mentioned a word about anyone coming over.

  “Yes. We need to discuss next steps.” Charlie sits beside me on the couch, his face softening as he turns to me. “Trent came over to my house, demanding to see you.”

  Tension cords my stomach into knots. “What did he want?”

  “I don’t know. He wouldn’t say, but he was throwing his weight around, shouting at Dad, making threats if we didn’t get you.”

  “Does he suspect I’m not living there?”

  “I don’t think so, but we need to be more careful. From now on, I think I should bring you to and from school.” He glances at Cam, challenging him to disagree.

  Cam leans forward in his chair, a resigned, unhappy expression on his face. “I hate to agree with anything that comes out of your mouth, but I won’t jeopardize Abby’s safety.” He looks to me. “That means you’ve got to stay indoors too. It’s too risky otherwise.”

  “I can’t stay cooped up in here all the time. I’ll go stir-crazy.”

  “It won’t be forever,” Charlie says, instantly agreeing. “Just until we figure this out.”

  “My father won’t let me stay at your place indefinitely. Especially if he discovers I’ve taken sides with the new elite.”

  “He won’t do anything to rock the boat while he’s isolated. He’s still at loggerheads with Christian over their deal, and he knows my father is disgusted with him for the way he treated you. He’s on his own for now, so he’ll let it go.”

  “For now.” My worried gaze bounces between the two guys.

  “It buys us some time,” Cam says, opening his arms. “Come here.”

  I go willingly, curling myself into his lap, where I stay while we chat and aimlessly watch TV until the door chimes, signaling the others have arrived. I crawl out of his lap, happy when a scowl appears on his face. “I don’t fully trust my brother,” I admit.

  “I’m with Abby,” Charlie says. “Drew’s been acting off lately.”

  My brows knit together as I stare at him, wondering what kind of behavior he’s noticed and what it means exactly.


  “I don’t understand why I can’t go,” I fume after the meeting has ended, stomping my way around Cam’s bedroom. “It’s not safe for me around here, so a trip to New York makes perfect sense.”

  “We don’t trust the guy, Abby, and they could be walking into a trap. He’s agreed to teach them how to use the safecracking technology, and we’ve paid him a small fortune to rent the hardware, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t sold us out to a higher bidder. This weekend trip is fraught with risks, and none of us want you exposed. Our main priority is keeping you safe, and that means you stay here with me this weekend.”

  I pull spare bed linen from the closet as he walks up behind me, pressing the length of his body against mine. I hate how badly I want to melt into his arms, but I’m frustrated enough to resist. “Look at the positives,” he whispers, nuzzling against my neck. “We have the place to ourselves all weekend.”

  I spin around, glaring at him. “If you think that’ll appease me, think again.” I narrow my eyes, making sure he gets the message. “I hate being babied, and it’s completely unfair. You should’ve stuck up for me.”

  “This is me sticking up for you. It’s not my fault you’re acting unreasonable.”

  My nostrils flare as I shove the pillows and blankets at him. “Try this for unreasonable. You’re sleeping on the floor.”

  I feel a teeny bit vindictive the following morning when I wake from a comfortable sleep to find Cam curled at an awkward angle in the chair with the covers halfway off his body. But then I remember all the shit he’s pulled on me, and all sympathy evaporates.

  I’m in the kitchen, finishing my eggs and bacon, when Cam saunters in, rubbing the back of his neck. “Have the others already left?”

  “Yes.” I gesture toward the note on the counter. “They were gone by the time I came down.”

  “Something smells good.” He props his back against the counter, sniffing the air.

  I pop the last bit of bacon into my mouth, grinning. “It was.” I pat my full tummy, gloating.

  “Any for me?” he inquires, looking around, and my grin grows wider.

  “I’m not your slave.” I point at the refrigerator. “Knock yourself out, champ.”

  His eyes darken, but he says nothing
as he forages yogurt, fruit, and oats, slamming the cartons down on the counter.

  It takes colossal effort not to ogle his naked chest as he fixes his breakfast. The ink on his body fascinates me, and I wonder if the designs have any special meaning. My eyes home in on the sharp V-indents on both of his hips, and I automatically lick my lips.

  Now I’ve seen how religious he is about his daily two-hour workouts in the state-of-the-art home gym in the basement, it’s no wonder his body is so well defined.

  Boy, does he take his fitness seriously.

  “See something you like, babe?” he asks in a smug tone, and I stick my tongue out at him.

  “I was just daydreaming into space.” I shrug, getting up with my plate. “Don’t go reading into it.” I just love throwing his own words back at him.

  I place the empty plate and dirty silverware into the sink to rinse them, shrieking as his hands dig into my hips and he pulls me back against him. His morning wood digs into my ass, making me instantly hot and bothered. “I think you get off on pissing me off,” he growls into my ear.

  “You do too,” I retort, placing my hands on the counter.

  “Everything about you gets me off. I’ve been on a permanent boner since I arrived in Rydeville, thanks to you.” He thrusts his erection into me, simulating sex, and my legs buckle.

  “What about Rochelle?” I snap, the image of her blowing him suddenly popping into my mind. “Did she give you a permanent boner too, or you just fucked her for shits and giggles?” I shove my elbow back into his gut, pushing him away.

  “I should lie and really piss you off,” he says, sounding a little winded, “because that was unnecessary, but I guess I deserve it, and it’s not like I haven’t pulled shit on you.”

  I squeal as I’m unexpectedly lifted. Cam places me on the counter, nudging my legs apart and situating himself between them. He grips my hips, staring earnestly into my face. “The only permanent thing Rochelle gave me was a headache, and I didn’t fuck her.”

  I snort. “Don’t lie. I saw your little orgy.” Bile travels up my throat and I avert my eyes.

  He grips my face, forcing it back to his. “I had a momentary lapse in judgment, and I let her blow me that one time. It was your fault anyway, for winding me up about Trent.” His eyes darken. “But I never let her touch my cock again. I never even kissed her. It was all an act to piss you off.”

  “You let her paw at you and say nasty shit to me every day at lunch.” I narrow my eyes, and he grips my chin harder.

  “There’s so much you don’t understand, Abby. Things I want to tell you but can’t. Not yet.” His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat. “I’ve no basis for asking you to trust me, and you’re smart, so I know you don’t, but I’m asking for a chance.”

  “What kind of chance?”

  “A chance to prove that the guy you met on the beach in Alabama is the real me.”


  “Why what?”

  “Why do you want a chance? You don’t even like me.”

  He smirks. “Oh, I like you, and I think you already know that.” He thrusts his hips into me, drilling his point home.

  “Just because you’re hot for me doesn’t mean you like me. Sex and like is the same as sex and love in that regard.”

  He brushes his thumb across my cheek, sending a flurry of tingles across my skin. “I’ll prove it to you.” His eyes bore into mine and he seems genuine. “And I regret the shit I pulled. You’re not who I expected you to be.”

  “What does that even mean?”

  He sighs, dragging a hand through his tousled hair. “It will all make sense soon. I promise.”

  He leans in, kissing me, and I run my nails gently through the shorn sides of his scalp. “Does this have special significance?” I ask, running the tip of my finger along the cross inked on his skull.

  “It’s a reminder.”

  I arch a brow, peering deep into his beautiful eyes. “A reminder of what?”

  “That we’re all persecuted in some way.”

  We spend the day hanging out in the garden. I whip his ass at tennis—much to his disgust—and after lunch, we cool off in the pool. The day is overcast, but the temp is still warm enough to swim. “You’re a good swimmer,” I observe as we swim lengths of the pool side by side.

  “I spent a lot of time in the water as a kid.”

  “It must’ve been lonely growing up an only child.” I’m fishing on purpose, holding my breath as I wait to see if he takes the bait.

  He swims to the side, placing his arms on the ledge with his back to me. “I got by, and I had Rick and the guys.” He turns around, stretching his arms out behind him, his abs and biceps bulging in the process, and I know my mouth’s hanging open.

  He is hot as fuck, and there’s no way I can’t stare when all that naked skin is tempting me. “Come here.” Lust glints in his eyes as I swim toward him. He brushes his thumb across my mouth. “You had a little drool there.”

  He smirks, and I shove his chest. “You’re an ass.”

  “I think we’ve already determined that.” He lowers his hands into the water, pulling me into him at the waist. “And yet, here you are.”

  “I’m an idiot with you,” I truthfully admit, sliding my hands up his wet chest.

  “And why is that?” he asks, toying with the strings on the side of my bikini bottoms.

  “Because my hormones overrule my brain every time.”

  “If it helps, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head since we met.”

  I tilt my head to the side as his hand slips into the back of my bottoms. “Why?”

  “Because you intrigue me. You never do or say what I expect, and you don’t take no for an answer.” He nips my earlobe. “Your strength and your fighting spirit are the sexiest things about you. I loved it every time you fought me.”

  “You helped me with that,” I say, sliding my hand down between our bodies to stroke his hard length through his swim shorts.

  “I did?”

  “That night.” I gulp, remembering how far my mind had ventured. “I had all but given up on life.” My eyes lock onto his as he palms my bare ass cheeks, sweeping his thumbs across my naked flesh.

  “I know,” he whispers, trailing hot kisses up and down my jaw. “You wanted to feel something real. To feel you were in control even if it was only an illusion.”

  “You remember.” I slip my hands under the band of his shorts, and he sucks in a sharp breath.

  “I remember every single thing about that night.” He presses a kiss to the corner of my mouth. “I remember how lost you looked. How dead your eyes were until you were writhing underneath me and you came to life.”

  He kisses the other side of my mouth. “I remember how incredible it felt to be inside you.”

  He licks a trail up my neck, and I moan as intense needs pulses between the apex of my thighs. “How wet and tight you were.” I thrust my pelvis against him, swiping my thumb along the precum leaking from the crown of his cock. He bites my lower lip, sucking it between his teeth as he devours me with his eyes. “How responsive your body was to mine, and I replay every second of our encounter every morning while I’m jerking off in the shower to thoughts of you.”

  His hand moves around to my pussy, and he slides two fingers inside me.

  “Oh, God.” I grip his cock, pumping it in my hand as my head drops to his shoulder. “That feels so good,” I whisper, as he curves his fingers inside me, and I ride his hand with abandon. “But it’s not enough.” I lift my head up. “I want you inside me again.” I kiss his mouth hard. “Fuck me, Cam. Fuck me like you did that night at the beach.”

  He doesn’t ask if I’m sure this time, ripping my bikini top away and lowering his mouth to my puckered nipples. I’m stroking him as he’s finger-fucking me while devouring my tits, and our joint mutual groans are carried away on the wind. “These are perfect,” he murmurs, licking, nipping, and sucking at my breasts before cupping them in both h
ands. I cry out at the loss of his fingers inside me. “And if you ever felt differently, I’m sorry. It was all part of the play.”

  “Let’s not talk about that now,” I deadpan, glaring at him as I remember how he taunted me for having small boobs. “Unless you want me to change my mind.”

  I squeal as he lifts me up, placing my butt on the cold ledge. He yanks my bikini bottoms down, sending them floating alongside my top. “It’s too late, princess.” His grin is feral as he parts my thighs, bringing his mouth to my pussy and feasting.

  I grip his hair, tugging on the dark strands, as he eats me out, his hot tongue thrusting inside me while his fingers toy with my clit. When he places my legs over his shoulders, I arch my back, spreading my legs as wide as I can to give him greater access. He pumps his fingers inside me, curling them up as his tongue swirls around my clit, and I explode, bucking my hips and screaming out his name as my climax hits.

  I’ve barely time to recover when he pulls me back into the pool. His shorts join the floating clothes party, and he pulls me against his throbbing cock. “You’re on the pill, right?” he asks, and I nod.

  “I’m strict about taking it, and I haven’t been with anyone since you.”

  “Neither have I,” he admits, startling me. “And I’m clean; otherwise, I wouldn’t do this.” Grabbing my legs roughly around his waist, he slams into me in one fast thrust, and I cry out as he fills me up. “Hold on tight, baby, because this won’t be gentle.”

  I grab hold of his shoulders, tightening my legs around his waist, as he slams in and out of me. Throwing my head back, I moan as pressure builds inside me again. “Kiss me,” he pants, and I instantly oblige, lowering my mouth to his. Our tongues wrangle as our bodies collide, and it’s not long before we’re both screaming as we chase orgasms at the same time.

  I collapse against him, my limbs like liquefied Jell-O. He rubs his nose into my wet hair, smoothing a hand up and down my back. “You okay?”

  “Peachy,” I murmur in a sleepy voice, and I can almost feel the smile spreading across his mouth.


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