Cruel Intentions

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Cruel Intentions Page 31

by Davis, Siobhan

  “This isn’t about caring or not caring. It’s about controlling all the moving pieces. He still needs me for something, and that’s the only reason he’s eager to find me. Thank God, I snuck in last night and your mom doesn’t know I’m here; otherwise, she’d never have been able to lie convincingly to his face.”

  “And thank God for Xavier’s mad tech skills. If he hadn’t rerouted your cell signal, I’m sure Sawyer would’ve already traced you to here.”

  “Have you heard from Drew yet?” I ask, wondering if he’s done lashing the guys for their double cross.

  “He just texted me. Him, Charlie, and Xavier are holed up in Charlie’s place trying to figure out where the new elite may have stashed the paperwork. He said they’re refusing to hand over anything.”

  “School on Monday should be fun,” I droll. “We’ll be drawing more new lines in the sand.” I glance at the time. “We need to go if I’m to make my appointment on time. You’re sure you’re okay to drive me to the doctor’s?”

  “Of course.” She snatches her keys up. “Let’s go.”

  An hour later, I stumble out of the building in a daze as a new layer of horror settles on my chest. Tears pool in my eyes, and strangled sobs rip from the back of my throat as I scan over all of Cam’s missed calls and texts.

  He sounds so genuine, and the panic in his voice seems real, but I don’t know what to think or who to trust.

  I’m wandering toward the place where Jane parked, too trapped in my mind to pay attention to my surroundings, when a hand clamps over my mouth and a damp cloth is pressed against my lips. I’m dragged backward, my feet scraping the ground as panic bubbles up my throat. My assailant keeps one arm tight around my waist, and the other holds the cloth tight to my mouth so I can’t breathe.

  The last thing I register is a sweet-smelling concoction before I pass out.

  When I wake, I’ve lost all concept of time. Darkness bathes the room, and it’s clear I’ve lost hours. I sit up, rubbing my bleary eyes, cursing out loud when I take in the familiar surroundings of my bedroom.

  Nothing is out of place since I left here five weeks ago. I stagger past the open window as nightfall encroaches on my private space, traipsing into my en suite bathroom to pee. When I return, I close the drapes and grab my bag, searching heedlessly for my cell because my fucking father has taken it. Thank fuck, I have a retinal scanner and passcode set up on that cell too.

  A superior smile slips over my mouth as I open the secret panel in my bag, extracting my burner cell. The battery is low, and I don’t have my charger, so I waste little time tapping out a text to Drew and to Jane, explaining what’s happened. I open up the message Xavier sent two hours ago.

  I’ve found out something you need to know about Camden Marshall. Meet me at the warehouse at nine. I need to show you this in person.

  It’s almost nine now, so I tap out a text telling him I’m on my way. I check my bedroom door, and it’s locked. No big surprise there. But I don’t need to exit that way to get outside. I dress warmly and then head into the secret tunnel.

  I emerge into the woods, shivering as the haunting sounds of an owl hooting resonates all around me, lifting all the tiny hairs on my arm. I jog toward the shed, to collect my bike, with blood thrumming in my ears.

  I unlock the door, screaming when I’m confronted by Louis pointing a gun at me. “Going somewhere?” he sneers, urging me back a few steps.

  “Oh, my God. You startled me.” I slap a hand over my chest, giggling. “What are you doing here?” I attempt to downplay it because Louis isn’t the sharpest tool in the box.

  “Attempting to flirt your way out of this won’t work,” he says. “I’ve a long memory,” he adds, roughly grabbing my arm. “And you’ll rue the day you blackmailed me.” He drags me back through the woods. “Tell me how you’re getting out of the house, and I’ll plead with your father for leniency.”

  “Screw you.”

  “I would’ve been down for that,” he snarls, yanking me harder. “And I’ve been dreaming about that tight pink pussy of yours since the doctor gave me a free viewing, but even I’m not that stupid.”

  Mercifully, he stays mute the rest of the walk back to the house, and I don’t put up a fight, because I don’t trust him not to shoot me.

  He opens the back door, prodding the gun into my back and forcing me inside the house.

  “Look who I found trying to escape,” he says, shoving me into my father’s study. “And she had this on her.” He pulls my burner cell from my pocket, holding it out.

  My father gets up from behind his desk, puffing on a cigar as he walks toward me, taking the cell from Louis. He swipes at the screen. “What’s the code?”

  “Fuck. You.” I’ll take that code to my grave. He’s not getting into that phone and finding any connection to Xavier.

  He raises his hand to slap me when Mr. Barron speaks up. “Michael, don’t. We can’t have her face marked. It will look suspicious.”

  I glare at Charlie’s father, wondering what his deal is or if this is some new angle he’s playing.

  Has my father been aware I haven’t been at his house this whole time?

  I don’t believe it because there’s no way he’d leave me with the new elite if he knew I was there. So, I don’t get it. Behind my father’s back, Charles Barron Senior, mouths at me to say nothing. I keep my lips closed, but only until I’ve had time to think this through.

  “You’re right,” my father huffs. “You disappoint me, daughter.” He grips my chin, and I see the effort it takes to be gentle. “But you have a way to redeem yourself now.”

  My eyes narrow to slits. “How?”

  “All will be revealed tomorrow. In the meantime, you will stay in your room. Don’t escape again, because you won’t succeed.” He looks at Louis. “Take her back upstairs, and make sure she stays put.”

  Louis attempts to take my elbow, but I shove mine in his ribs, enjoying the grimace that appears on his face. “I can walk upstairs without you manhandling me.” I hold my chin up, staring impassively at my father. “I’ll do whatever it is you want me to do without argument,” I lie, “once you tell him to stay outside my room.”

  My father’s sharp gaze swings to Louis. “I haven’t touched her, boss,” Louis rasps. “She’s just trying to cause trouble.”

  I eyeball my father with confidence. “He stayed in the room the entire time the doctor examined me, and he just told me how much he enjoyed the show. He also told me he wanted to fuck me, so excuse me if I don’t trust him to keep his hands to himself.”

  My father examines my face for a few minutes before picking up his phone and calling the head of security. “I want another man assigned to watch over my daughter at night,” he barks into the phone. “Fine. Send Maurio to my study now.” He slams the phone down.

  He’d have zero issue if it was any of his rich, pervy friends sleazing over me, but Louis is an employee. A commoner. Lowest of the low in my father’s eye, and I knew he’d balk at him leering at me.

  In some ways, he’s utterly predictable.

  But it’s all the ways he isn’t that worries me.

  “And you.” He points at Louis. “You’re lucky I’m not firing you. My daughter is off-limits. From now on, you’re reassigned to my son.”

  “No problem, boss,” he says through gritted teeth, and I smother my gleeful smile.

  The smile is long gone from my face the following day though. He has locked me in my room with nothing but my e-reader, the TV, and my panicked mind for company. Xavier must think I stood him up, and Drew hasn’t darkened my door even though he has to know what’s going on.

  He’s now permanently on my shit list.

  When the door opens in the early evening, I swing my legs off the bed and stand, my trepidation mounting as the strange woman and man enter the room. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Ava, and this is George,” the gorgeous redhead says, while the gaunt-looking man with the slicked-back blond hai
r wiggles his fingers at me. “We’re here to do your hair and makeup.”

  “What’s the occasion?” I ask, my nerves instantly spiking.

  “Oh, we’re sworn to secrecy,” Ava says with a glowing smile as if it’s some wonderful big surprise.

  My mind churns relentlessly as they work me over, and my panic spirals to new heights with every passing second. When they’re done gushing over how gorgeous I look, Ava disappears for a few minutes, reappearing with a strapless red dress, and a layer of stress lifts from my shoulders.

  The dress is stunning with a frill over the bust, and it stops just above my knees, showcasing my slim legs encased in gorgeous black Jimmy Choo heels. “Your father said not to wear any jewelry and to come to his study when you’re ready.” Ava air kisses me on the cheek. “You are breathtaking. Have a wonderful night!” She claps her hands with glee before they exit my bedroom.

  I glance at my reflection in the mirror, conceding they did a great job. My makeup looks natural even though it feels like it’s caked on. My eyes are smoky, rimmed with a subtle layer of black eyeliner and lashings of thick, black mascara, and she painted my lips in a nude color with loads of gloss on top. Ava tried to persuade me to go for statement red lips, but that’s too cliché. George has styled my hair in soft bouncy waves that cascade down my back.

  I might enjoy feeling like a million dollars if I wasn’t so anxious. I half-expected them to hand me a white wedding dress, and I sagged with relief when it wasn’t that, but it’s only taken the slightest edge off my nerves.

  My father is up to something, and instinct tells me I won’t like it one little bit.

  I’m wound up tighter than a ball of yarn as I leave my bedroom with my purse in hand. Maurio walks alongside me without saying a word.

  We have just entered the long corridor leading to my father’s study when the distinct sound of gunfire outside halts both of us in our stride. Maurio speaks into his mouthpiece in hushed whispers, nodding his head as if the person on the other side can see him. “Stay here, Miss Abigail. I won’t be long.” His boots make a loud noise as he runs toward the rear of the house.

  An arm jerks out from the nearest door, and I’m yanked into the bathroom before I’ve had time to scream. Cam covers my mouth from the front with his callused palm. “Don’t scream. We don’t have long.”

  I pull back away from him. “What the hell are you doing here?” I snap, eyeing him warily.

  His eyes darken, in a familiar way, and he’s on me so fast I don’t have time to preempt his move, startled when his lips press against mine.

  It feels like weeks, instead of days, since he last kissed me, and my body instantly forgets I distrust him, melting into his arms. When my brain finally reengages, I shove him away, hating how badly I’ve missed him and how much I wish things were different. “You don’t get to do that anymore. Not unless you’re here to tell me the truth.”

  “I’ve been trying to reach you since you ran away to tell you everything.”

  “My father kidnapped me, and he locked me in my room without my cell. I tried to escape, but his bodyguard caught me and brought me back.”

  “Fuck. I didn’t know. I’ve been sick with worry.” He rubs the back of his neck, and, for the first time ever, Camden Marshall looks terrified. “I shouldn’t have pushed you away, and I want to make it right. You deserve to know the truth.” He caresses my cheek. “I wanted to talk to you before this went down, but we’re out of time now.”

  He reels me into his arms, holding me tight. I squeeze my eyes shut, desperately wanting to believe him, but I’m so confused.

  “I didn’t want you finding out like this, and it’s my fault because I was scared.” He tilts my chin up, pecking my lips briefly. “You’ll hear some stuff that’ll shock you, but please give me a chance to explain. Come home with me tonight, and you can ask me whatever you want. I’ll tell you everything.”

  A noise outside startles both of us.

  He releases his hold on me. “You better go back.”

  “Did you do that?” I ask as realization dawns.

  He nods. “We needed a distraction so I could get you alone.” His lips crash down on mine in a brutal claiming, and he wraps his arms around me, holding me close. “You look so beautiful,” he says in a breathless tone, his gaze roaming over my every curve as he nudges me toward the door. At the last second, he takes my hand, stalling me. “You’re my everything, Abby,” he chokes out. “Don’t forget. And no matter what you hear, know that what we share is real.”

  I don’t have time to respond because Maurio shouts out my name, so I dart out of the bathroom, without uttering a word or even looking back at Cam, closing the door behind me. “I needed to pee,” I say before he can ask, slipping my lip gloss from my purse and touching up my mouth. “Is everything okay?” I ask as we walk.

  “False alarm,” he says. “Some idiots set off fireworks at the back of the garden, but they ran off before we could apprehend them.”

  I bet that was Jackson’s idea, and I purposely cough to disguise my laughter. Maurio is a man of few words, and we don’t talk again while he escorts me to my father’s study. He opens the door for me and then leaves.

  “Charlie?” I query, arching a brow as I step toward my friend. I wasn’t expecting to see him here, but I’m grateful for the friendly face. He looks incredible, dressed in a sharp, fitted black suit with a blinding white button-down shirt and a red silk tie. His hair is styled back off his handsome face, and his jaw is clean-shaven.

  The only other people in the room are his parents, his younger sister, my father, and Jane and Drew. Jane pins me with sorrowful eyes, and it’s clear she knows what’s going down. Hurt lances me on all sides as I add her betrayal to the litany of others I’ve suffered, but I don’t have time to deal with that now. I need to figure out what’s going on.

  Both fathers are drinking scotch while Mrs. Barron has a glass of champagne in her hand. She puts it down on the desk, rushing to my side with a box in her hand.

  “Abigail, darling, you look so gorgeous.” She beams at Charlie while I continue to shoot him “what the fuck” looks. “And these will work perfectly,” she adds, removing a stunning diamond necklace and matching bracelet from the box. “Charles.” She glances at her son. “Fasten the necklace on Abigail.”

  I feel like I’m having an out-of-body experience. Like I’m not really here, and I’m floating overhead watching everything go down. I lift my hair on autopilot, and Charlie fixes the necklace in place, his warm fingers brushing the nape of my neck.

  Charlie’s mom kisses me on the cheek. “I’m so excited for you both,” she squeals before returning to her champagne. Charlie’s dad nods at him.

  “What the hell is going on?” I whisper, narrowing my eyes on Charlie.

  “Do you trust me, Abby?”

  “Well, there’s a loaded question.” I purse my lips, noticing my father scowling in my direction.

  Charlie hauls me into him, placing his hand on my lower back as his mouth drops to my ear. “Just follow my lead, and go with it. I promise I’ve got your back.” He presses a kiss to my temple, and I’m instantly on guard. “Smile as if you’re pleased with what I’m saying,” he whispers. “Quick, before your father intervenes.”

  I plant the biggest smile on my face, gazing at Charlie as he tenderly strokes my face, and my father retreats, the scowl on his face smoothing out.

  What the ever-loving fuck is going on?

  “I’ll fill you in on everything after. I promise,” he adds, leaning in to kiss my cheek. “Just play along for now.”

  “It’s time,” my father says, swiping the empty glasses from Mr. and Mrs. Barron. “Let’s go.”

  Charlie offers me his arm, and I loop mine through his. His mother beams at us adoringly, and I realize she thinks we’re a couple. I gulp over the burgeoning panic bubbling up my throat as we follow everyone out of the room and down to the ballroom.

  When Mom was alive, she hosted l
avish parties in this room on birthdays and anniversaries and at Christmas, but the room has seen little use since then.

  I step inside the ballroom for the first time in ages, trying not to gawk. At some point, over the last few weeks, my father has had this room redecorated. He spared no expense.

  Dazzling chandeliers glisten above glossy hardwoods floors. Ornate gold and red velvet drapes dress each window, complementing the elegant round tables covered in crisp white and gold linens, adorned with beautiful centerpieces of fragrant lilies.

  The room is crowded with families from the elite and inner circles, along with business associates of my father.

  Applause breaks out as my father leads our small group through the room, shaking hands and fake smiling as he passes well-wishers. I keep a bright smile plastered on my face as my body trembles in nervous anticipation. Charlie tightens his hold on me, reassuring me with his confident smile.

  My father steps up onto the newly constructed stage at the back of the room, and we all follow suit. We stand in a line behind him as he takes to the podium, tapping the microphone to ensure it’s working. The crowd quiets as they turn to face us.

  “Thank you all for coming at such short notice. I’m delighted you could be here with us tonight for this very special occasion.” He glances over his shoulder at Charlie and me, and my blood pressure skyrockets. “I know your invite said this was a party, but it’s actually much more than that. I’d like to ask Charles Barron the Third and my daughter to step forward.” He extends his arm, smiling adoringly at me as if he’s the proudest father in the universe.

  “Just run with it,” Charlie reminds me, steering me forward.

  The next few minutes happen as if in slow motion. The crowd gasps as Charlie drops to his knee in front of me, holding out a small black box. He pops the lid, and the large round diamond ring glints and sparkles in my face.

  My mouth hangs open in shock. Now, I understand why Charlie didn’t tell me the full story back in the study. He wanted my expression to look suitably surprised, and he knows me well enough by now to know there’s no way he would have gotten me up on this stage, without screaming bloody murder, if I knew this was an engagement ambush.


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