Family Ties

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Family Ties Page 3

by KB Winters

  There was no response necessary, so I stuck my tongue out and closed my eyes, grateful for the rough hairs that covered his sac because they provided a barrier between my tongue and his skin. He grunted and growled as he fucked my tits, harder and harder. His hands gripped my hips and then I felt the scrape of his five o’clock shadow against my thighs, his tongue invading my pussy.

  A reluctant moan escaped at the feel of his cool tongue on my clit and Roadkill laughed. “Yeah, I’m gonna make you come, bitch.” There was a hint of darkness in his words which could mean trouble under the wrong circumstances and I tried to focus. “Lick my balls!”

  I licked them and sucked them, sliding my tongue back and forth on that sensitive spot between his nuts and his asshole. Although he pretended to hate it, it would end this sooner rather than later. He thrust harder between my tits while he ate my pussy, sucking my clit before sliding his tongue deep inside my cunt until I was wet and creamy.

  His body tightened, and I knew he was close because Roadkill pulled back and shoved his cock down my throat. I opened my throat as much as I could and gripped his ass the way he liked, moaning as though I loved sucking him off because that was what he wanted.

  “Oh, fuck!” His words vibrated around my pussy and another moan sounded, spurring him on. He licked and sucked and finger fucked my pussy until my legs trembled and my pussy flooded uncontrollably.

  “Oh!” That was it, one reluctant word to acknowledge that Roadkill had achieved his goal, but it was enough. His body tightened and I prepared myself for the rush of come down my throat, but it never came because he jerked his cock free and stood.

  “Dirty fucking whore, I knew I could make you come.” He grabbed me by the hair and forced his tongue down my throat. “You taste that dirty pussy? It belongs to me. Remember that.” Then he tossed me face down on the bed and pulled me up by my hips until I was on all fours, both holes open to him. “Such a wet little cunt. Such a tight little ass. Which will I fuck first?”

  The answer came soon enough as one finger slid deep into my asshole at the same time his cock shoved its way into my still pulsating pussy. I let out a loud low moan I knew he would enjoy, and Roadkill rewarded me with a hard smack on my ass.

  He fucked me hard for five, maybe seven deep strokes before the warmth of his come landed on my ass and dripped over the finger still inside me. “Next time, this ass is mine.” He gave it another smack and pulled his cock free. “Clean me up, bitch. I gotta go. Club meeting.”

  As if I gave a shit where he went. He threw a familiar bag on the bed and, like a well-trained pet, I turned to face him and licked his cock until it was clean, and he was satisfied.

  “Fuck, I wish I could just chain you up in my place and fuck you all day. Every fucking day. You got that magic mouth.” He gave my left tit a hard smack and walked away, whistling like he’d just gotten a nooner from a willing woman, instead of a Sunday night fuck from an unwilling whore.

  As soon as the roar of Roadkill’s bike faded away from my hotel room, I filled the tub with scorching water and sank into it, ignoring the way my skin rebelled against the heat. I could drown myself right now and this would all be over.

  I could also try to make my escape, jumping out the bathroom window and start a new life somewhere else. But where would I go with no money? Who would I be if I wasn’t Savannah Rhymer, heiress apparent to Father’s evil empire?

  The truth was, I didn’t know anymore.

  Instead of thinking about an impossible future, I slid down until I was fully submerged in the water, staying there well beyond the point of needing oxygen, daring myself to take that last breath that would end it all.

  Chapter Five


  On my way to visit the Ashby's place, I decided to satisfy my curiosity about the fire at Maisie’s wedding caterer. It just seemed too fucking coincidental to be an accident, especially considering the attack on Emmett and his girl last month. Why the fuck they’d choose to burn down a catering shop was beyond me, but I stopped anyway.

  The fire had done too much damage to be an accident. Black soot was everywhere, making visibility a problem. I couldn’t see much of anything but the back door. It was half melted, making it was easy for me to slip inside. There were obvious signs that someone had torched the place and the fire investigator had already seen and noted them.

  “You don’t look like any insurance investigator I’ve ever seen.” I turned at the sound of the sarcastic voice and found a woman with black braids that framed a heart-shaped face, and a scowl staring back at me. Suspicious as hell, not that I blamed her given the circumstances.

  “I’m not.” I flashed a friendly smile that told the woman I wasn’t a threat. “My cousin hired you for her wedding, and she’s freaking out because she needs to find a new caterer on short notice. She’s kind of a drama queen, so I figured I’d stop by to check things out for myself.”

  The woman spread her hands wide with a long, frustrated sigh. “This time, she wasn’t overreacting.” She shook her head, thick black braids swinging gently. “I don’t even know what the fuck happened, and now the investigator is telling me it was set on purpose. Why?”

  It was too much to hope this woman had pissed off the wrong people, but I could be a hopeful kind of guy when I needed to be. “An angry ex?”

  She scoffed. “That would require him actually to give a damn which he doesn’t, so no.”

  Shit. “Sorry.”

  “Yeah, me too. I’m looking into renting a place, but that won’t help your cousin. Unless she wants to postpone the wedding.” She gave me a long, what the hell are you still doing here look, and I took the hint.

  “Yeah, not happening. Good luck. With everything,” I told her and made my way back to where my bike sat at the side of the building. I didn’t have an answer for who, but I headed to the Ashby mansion with the knowledge that the fire was deliberately set.

  I pulled up to the mansion gates and gave my name to the big ass security dude with the serious expression. I smiled as the gates closed behind me because I couldn't believe that by the end of the week, Maisie would be legally married to this rich fucker. I was happy for her, but it was just so different from how we grew up. The Reckless Bastards, in Mayhem and Opey, had more than enough money to go around, but we didn’t live like it. We lived simple lives, always having more than we needed but never living like…this.

  Maisie was happy, and that was what mattered. At least that was what my mom kept reminding my old man and his brother. They were happy to work with the Ashbys when necessary but remained, as always, suspicious as fuck of anyone who wasn’t part of the MC family.

  Thomas opened the door with a small smile on his face and took a step back. “Welcome back, Charlie.”

  “Thanks man, looking sharp.” I didn’t know exactly what he did for Sadie, but the man dressed like he should be the one issuing orders around here.

  “Sadie and Jasper are in the office.” I knew where it was, but I waited for Thomas to guide me down the long, dimly lit hall and into the dark study that looked straight out of a political thriller. “Charlie to see you.”

  With those words, Thomas closed the door and walked away, as unobtrusively as he’d entered.

  “Charlie, what brings you by?” Sadie asked in that simple, non-threatening way she had, but she and Jasper eyed me carefully. “Drink?”

  “I’m good thanks,” I told her and took a seat in one of the black club chairs with the buttery leather that probably cost a fortune. “I stopped by Maisie’s caterer.”

  Jasper frowned. “Why?”

  I shrugged. “Call it intuition. With all the shit happening around here, what are the chances the fire was accidental?”

  “Do you have any proof or are you just bored?” Jasper could have a prickly tongue, but I didn’t let it bother me.

  “Caterers don’t work at three in the morning, not typically. If they left something on that caused the fire, it would’ve happened a lot earl
ier in the day. Besides, the owner was there and confirmed my suspicions. It’s being investigated as arson. It’s clear from just a quick look around the place that it wasn’t an accident.”

  “What wasn’t?” Virgil’s deep growl sounded from the doorway, and I turned, shocked at how quietly the big man moved since I hadn’t even heard the door open. “Well?”

  “The fire at the caterer’s,” Sadie offered up with an exhausted sigh. “Charlie spoke to the owner, and it looks like it was arson.”

  “Fuck,” he bit out and dropped down on the sofa situated right underneath an oil painting of Sadie. “I was afraid of that. Maisie is freaking the fuck out about finding a caterer who can get the job done by the end of the week.”

  “That’s the main reason I’m here, actually. Mom put in a call to a friend. Said to tell Maisie to call and ask for Jessa. Tell her Jana sent her.”

  Virgil accepted the business card with a frown. “She can do this in such a short time and she’s available?”

  “Yeah. She’s one of Mom’s clients and they worked something out. I didn’t ask for details, but Maisie was bawling her eyes out the other day so everyone did what they could to find someone to help. Jessa came through.”

  I didn’t care enough to get the details. I was just the messenger in this instant because I needed to talk to Jasper and Sadie.

  “Thanks man, I appreciate this. A lot.”

  “No problem.” Since wedding talk was taken care of, I turned back to the business at hand. “You think Rhymer would torch a catering joint just to fuck with you?”

  Virgil sucked his teeth. From the look on his face, I thought he was going to spit on the carpet. He cooled whatever jet was going to blow over and said, “I wouldn’t put it past that fucker, honestly. But it could be the Black Jacks, fucking with either of us. You did take out one of their boys when you came through for Emmett and Nessa.”

  Shit, he was right. Jameson and I were displaying our patches so it was no longer a secret that the Ashby family and the Reckless Bastards had common interests. “But there’s no reason for them to know Maisie has ties to us since she grew up in Texas.”

  “Right.” Sadie nodded and opened a silver case. She lit a cigarette and continued. “But she lived with a known Bastard during college. Besides, I have a feeling we have a leak somewhere. I’m looking into it.” The steel in her green eyes was terrifying despite her petite stature and predilection for designer suits. “It will be handled, but just know that our ties are no longer a secret.”

  I sighed and nodded as I pushed out of the comfortable chair. “Noted. We’ll probably need extra security for the wedding, and the bachelorette party. If I know my cousin, it’ll be big and splashy and frou-frou.”

  Virgil laughed. “Yeah. Extra on the frou-frou.”

  “The games are canceled this week for the wedding festivities.” Jasper grunted, speaking up after a long silence. “Mace and Provo, Hulu and Evan will monitor the women. And make sure you show up to the bachelor party packing heat.” It was more of an order than a suggestion, but as the oldest son and the head of the family, I figured bossy was his default position.

  “I’m always packing,” I assured him with a grin. “Too many dickheads out there trying to take me out.”

  “Amen, brother.” Virgil stood and clapped me on the back, offering up a grateful smile before heading toward the door. “I’m gonna go give Maisie the good news. Maybe it’ll relax her.”

  Sadie laughed and called after him, “She won’t have a moment of peace until the vows have been spoken and the papers signed. Just a few more days, son.”

  Virgil’s deep laugher echoed in the narrow hall, his heavy footfalls fading until they disappeared completely.

  “I’ll walk you out,” Jasper said, his gaze as serious as always.

  “Good to see you again, Sadie,” I said, heading for the door. She gave a quiet nod as she took another drag off her cigarette, turning to stare out the window at the garden beyond.

  “She all right?” I asked in the hall after the door to her office closed behind us.

  Jasper shrugged. “She’s Ma, so who the fuck knows. She’s up to something. And she knows I’ll figure it out, but I swear, she gets a kick out of making me work for intel.” His laugh was gruff but affectionate, his expression worried as hell.

  “Whatever it is, she’s looking out for your family, right?” I said.

  “Always, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be on clean up duty later. It’s the downside of working with family, but I’m sure you already know that.”

  I hunched into my jacket against a sudden chill, looking up at a sky full of menacing clouds as we stepped outside. Night storms in the desert were common enough, but they rolled in fast and furious, leaving just as quickly.

  “Yeah,” I nodded. “It’s weird leading a family, especially parents.” I hadn’t had to do that yet, not technically, but as the President, my word was the word, whether or not Dad or Golden Boy liked it.

  Jasper laughed again and shook his head. “You can never lead them. All you can do is bark out orders and hope like hell if they ignore you, it’s for the good of the family. Ma does that, but she doesn’t always think ahead. You know?”

  I grimaced at his insight. “Yeah, I do know.” That old fight between generations would rear its ugly head once in a while, and I vowed I’d be ready when it did. I hoped so, anyway.

  “Anyway, thanks for looking into that fire, Charlie. I appreciate the heads up.”

  “Don’t even think about. Between Maisie and our common enemies, we’re kind of family now too.”

  Family with different goals and loyalties, sure, but right now we were allies and that was what mattered.

  Jasper nodded; his gaze fixed on a point in the distance. “Fucking Rhymer is getting bolder and more desperate. Makes me wonder if he knows something about his sister that we don’t.”

  The Ashby family had been searching for the woman since she made her escape months ago, and she hadn’t surfaced yet.

  “You think she’s dead?”

  His wide shoulders lifted and fell casually. “I don’t know, and since her body hasn’t surfaced, I’m doubtful. But if she is dead, that would be best for all of us.”

  Jasper pulled a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and took a long pull that seemed to instantly relieve his stress. “It’ll give Rhymer enough confidence to make a stupid mistake, and it’ll wreck the old man enough that we can crush him.”

  “Right.” The fight between the Ashby and Rhymer family went back years, possibly decades. Cross said he wasn’t even sure, but it was a fight guaranteed to pull in the Reckless Bastards, which meant we needed to be prepared for war.

  “Why do you think her old man hasn’t been publicly looking for her?”

  Jasper dipped his head and shot me a skeptical scowl. “Because without an heir or heiress, he’s weakened from the inside and out. If any of his lieutenants are looking to take over and do away with Ronan altogether, he doesn’t want to look like a scared old man searching for his daughter.”

  “That’s cold.”

  Jasper shrugged. “It’s something you’ll come to understand now that you’re president of the club. You have to make hard decisions, no matter what you have to live with afterward. With Brendan making a play of his own, Ronan can’t afford to appear any weaker.”

  More leadership advice. “He’s weaker without her,” I said, imagining myself in Ronan’s shoes. “I’d at least hire someone to look for her, but that’s just me.” I couldn’t imagine Dad or Uncle Tate or Cross, or any of the other Reckless Bastards letting one of us rot somewhere for the sake of appearances. “Anyway, I better get going before the roads get too slick.”

  Jasper had a last word, as if here giving me a Ted Talk. “Leadership is about making the tough choices when everyone else around you won’t—or can’t. The men you’re leading now are your family, your livelihood. One day you might have to make a choice to sacrifice one of them for t
he good of the organization. It’s the nature of the beast.” Jasper gave a slight nod, letting me absorb the wise words he offered, and when I nodded, he held out a hand to me. “See you on Friday?”

  “Can’t wait. Booze and tits,” I said with a wicked grin. “Sounds like the perfect way to end the week.”

  Not much had happened yet other than getting acquainted with the responsibilities of the new patch, but it sure felt like this week had fourteen days in it.

  “You’ll get the best of both at Lucky Lopez. See you then,” Jasper said, but he looked like he had more to say.

  “What? More advice? I don’t turn down free advice, Jasper.”

  He chuckled. “Smart. Never leave home without a weapon on your hip. Invest in a good holster and always be prepared to kill someone at a moment’s notice. It’ll happen more often than not now that you’re in charge.”

  Now that you’re in charge. The more I heard those five words, the more they felt like a curse. But they weren’t. They were the truth and now that I was in charge, I’d do what was necessary to keep my MC protected.

  Chapter Six


  Two days. Two entire days without a fucking hit. Fucking Roadkill. The shakes and sweats had already kicked in. And the pain. God, the pain.

  Fucking withdrawal symptoms were the worst, which was the only reason I stayed. I’d even tried to be compliant to these assholes, but here I was, sick with nausea, shaking like a fucking leaf in a hurricane, and sweating like a pig in the desert sun.

  The only fucking thing worse than being stuck in this shithole motel with filthy men ramming their cocks into me? Being here without any chemical assistance.

  My crime? Making Roadkill come too quickly when he burst into my room, which he made clear was his room. Was it my fault he lubed me up and fucked my ass like he was man enough for the task? All I did was lay there, exactly as he had demanded in slurred words from too much H and too much booze. When he was high enough, Roadkill preferred a limp, lifeless fuck, and I gave him just that. But it turned him on a little too much, leaving me stuck here without a mental vacation.


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