Dark Oblivion: The Vampire Prophecy Book 3

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Dark Oblivion: The Vampire Prophecy Book 3 Page 2

by G. K. DeRosa

  I pulled her toward the blankets laid out on the floor and sat down. Solaris crawled into my lap and rested her head on my shoulder.

  A lump clogged my throat. Gods, what was I going to do if this poison consumed her? How was I going to go on without her?

  A furious throb radiated through the blood bond, telling me I wouldn’t last long.

  Her lips pursed, feeling my emotions swirling through our link. “Kaige, what—”

  I cut her off with a shake of my head and then sank my fangs into my wrist. “Just drink a little, okay?”

  Her eyes landed on the two drops of glistening crimson. “Okay.” Her mouth brushed against the sensitive skin and latched onto my wrist.

  I clenched my jaw to keep the moan of pleasure from slipping out. I didn’t want to feel happy about this. Solaris was sick. She was trying to be strong for me, but her life was fading with every passing second.

  Images of her slumped over the controls of the Collective plane flashed behind my eyes. The first time I’d seen her I was overcome by the scent of her human blood, but that craving transformed quickly into something else. I’d been kidding myself from day one. I was a fool to ever believe I could walk away from her.

  Solaris was the only person who could see behind the layers of ice surrounding me. The moment I barreled into the cabin to find her balancing on one leg and holding a gun, she owned me.

  My heart and my soul were hers.

  If she died, she’d take them with her.

  When I pulled my wrist away, her gaze was cloudy and her breathing was ragged. The light flush coloring the apples of her cheeks sent my heart skipping. Maybe my blood could help her after all.

  She licked scarlet stains from her lips, her lids half-closed. “Thank you.”

  I pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Thank me when you’re better.”

  Her fingers traced circles on the back of my neck, spawning hot tingles down my spine. “I didn’t know if your blood would actually make me feel better. I just wanted to make sure you couldn’t compel me for the next few days.”

  A halfhearted growl vibrated in my chest as I fought back a smile. “I should have known.”

  Her laughter—while it was still weak and raspy—was a soothing balm to the fear flowing through my veins. “If I had known—” Solaris’s body suddenly jerked, and a wave of sickness slammed into my gut.

  Chapter 3


  I flew off the pile of blankets and grabbed a tin bucket, thrusting it under Solaris just as a stream of crimson liquid poured from her mouth. My fingers quickly pulled the blonde strands of hair from her face. Every drop of my blood emptied from her stomach while pain lashed her torso.

  A hard lump fisted in my gut, mixing with the agony Solaris was feeling from the sickness. If she weren’t with me, I’d have purged my own stomach. The relief I’d felt only moments ago shattered like brittle glass.

  My blood was of no use to Solaris. It only made her worse.

  Her quiet sobs were sharp knives stabbing my chest. “I’m sorry, Kaige.”

  “Hush,” I whispered, wiping tears from her face. “You have nothing to be sorry about.” I held her in my arms, pressing her against my chest.

  Her labored breathing echoed through the shed, pounding against my skull. Her fever was rising.

  “You’re burning up,” I mumbled into her soft hair.

  “I’m okay.”

  My nostrils flared. She was anything but okay. The urge to rip this entire shed apart sped through my muscles.

  She groaned and pulled away. “I’m gross.”

  “No, you’re not.” I surveyed her sullen cheeks and the purple bruises beneath her unfocused eyes.

  She didn’t look well. Not at all.

  I grabbed a bottle of water. “Here.”

  “Thanks.” She poured some in her mouth, her hands trembling, and then spit it out in the bucket. “I have to get out of these disgusting clothes.” She pinched her shirt and brought it to her face, her nose wrinkling. “I stink.”

  “Not to me.” She smelled like heaven. Always.

  Her lip curled. “Either your sense of smell is broken or you’re seriously demented.”

  My brows dipped. Only Solaris would joke at a time like this.

  She crawled toward her bag, pulling out a change of clothes. Her gaze shifted toward me, one brow arching. “Do you mind turning around? I know you want to see me in all my naked glory, but maybe another time.”

  I couldn’t stop the smile from melting across my mouth. “I won’t lie. I’d definitely love to see that.” I pressed a kiss to her clammy forehead. “But I’ll try to keep my eyes averted.”

  “I’ll hold you to that, prince of darkness.”

  I left Solaris to clean up and leaned against the far wall a few feet away. My heart crashed against my ribs, treating it like a battering ram. How could this be happening? How could my little human be dying?

  Because of Xander, that’s how.

  My fingers balled into fists so tight that my knuckles threatened to burst out. At the coronation, the moment I realized Solaris had been poisoned, I spun around and lunged at Xander. To say he was shocked was an understatement. My parents never told him Solaris and I were linked through a blood bond.

  He had no idea I’d literally see the fruits of his labor.

  I would have killed him with my bare hands right then if Zabrina hadn’t been there. I shoved him away and ignored my father as I stormed off the stage. Murmurs of confusion spread through the crowd and for once the nobles and taranoi were equals in their bewilderment. Neither group knew what the hell was going on.

  My lids snapped open at the pounding on the door. Solaris was sound asleep on my chest, her breathing deep and even. Her honey and jasmine scent swirled around me, and if I wanted to, I could pretend she wasn’t dying.

  The knocking echoed again, this time more persistent.

  A growl clawed up my throat. Gavin had to be the one on the other side of the door. Who else would shatter the few moments of peace we were having?

  I gently slid Solaris off, careful not to wake her, and rolled off the lumpy mound of blankets. Before I could stand, the door creaked open.

  A curse flew out of my mouth, and I shot into the shadows as a shaft of bright sunlight streamed in behind Gavin. Just because it wouldn’t kill me didn’t mean I wanted to bake in it.

  “Shut the door, idiot,” I snarled.

  Gavin jumped at the sound of my harsh voice. It took him a second to react, then he slammed the door and cut off the beam of light. “What are you doing here?” He crossed his arms against his chest, his eyes narrowing. “I thought you had a coronation to attend, Prince Kaige.”

  My nostrils flared as I slithered out from the darkness. “It’s King Kaige now.” The sudden slackness of Gavin’s jaw was gratifying.

  “Oh, well. Whatever.” Gavin awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. “I didn’t expect you back this soon.” His gaze darted to Solaris, a line forming between his brows. “She’s still sleeping?”

  When Gavin stepped closer, my hand shot out, pressing against his chest. His body jerked, resisting the urge not to stumble away from my touch.

  “Be careful,” I warned.

  The young soldier scoffed. “I wouldn’t hurt her.”

  “I’m trying to protect you.” The sickness Solaris carried could infect Gavin if he came in contact with any bodily fluids. Just one sneeze could make him sick.

  He shook his head. “I don’t understand.”

  I licked my lips, my mouth full of sand. “She’s been poisoned.” Each word was another stab to my heart. “And her sickness is contagious.”

  “Oh my god.” He yanked the cap off his head and dragged his fingers through his buzzed hair. “By who?”

  Bands of invisible iron wrapped around my body, constricting my breathing. “My brother.”

  Gavin tossed his hat across the shed, creating a dull thud that reverberated along the wall. “That basta
rd.” He shook his finger at me, his hazel eyes blazing. “That creep Xander should die for everything he’s done to her.”

  “Agreed.” Clearly, Solaris had told this particular human more than I’d have liked.

  He peeked over my shoulder, ignoring the physical contact between us this time. “But she’ll be okay. I mean, she’ll get better after it runs its course?”

  My eyes averted to the ground. “No, not without a cure.”

  Gavin’s gaze felt like a thousand needles penetrating my skin. “There’s a cure, right? Something in Draconis?”

  “Not yet.”

  A long, palpable moment of silence thickened the air. Gavin’s pulse slowly began to elevate, and angry heat radiated from his body. My gaze was still focused on the ground as I felt the heavy weight of guilt. Just then a fist slammed against my jaw.

  Not many people had managed to catch me off guard, and this human soldier was now one of them.

  It wouldn’t happen again.

  A growl snaked between my teeth, and silver swirled through my irises, reflecting in his. “Don’t try that again.” His friendship with Solaris didn’t give him a pass. I’d still break his bones if he tested me.

  “This is your fault,” he hissed. “Your psycho brother did this because he has jealousy issues.” He motioned toward Solaris. “She’s going to die because of you!”

  A raging fire burned in my veins. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  Gavin lunged at me.

  The human was no match. I easily sidestepped his attack, and he stumbled into the window.

  “I’ll kill you for this.” He whipped out a gun, training the barrel at my chest.

  I flinched at the sight of the cold steel, recalling the feel of bullets penetrating my flesh when Solaris and I were running from the Collective. It was possible to kill me with that, and if he did, I couldn’t take Solaris to Draconis for a cure.

  I zipped toward him and snatched the gun away. My other hand pressed into his chest, shoving him into the window again.

  Gavin cursed and reached out to grab hold of something to steady himself. The only thing nearby was the long, thick curtain covering the glass panes. He clutched it, yanking the material from the tacks that held it up as he fell.

  I bent and wrapped my free hand around Gavin’s neck, hauling him to his feet. “You idiot,” I growled. “If you kill me, there’s no chance of finding a cure.”

  “Oh my god, Kaige!”

  Naturally Solaris picked this very moment to wake up. All she saw was me on the verge of choking her friend. Why couldn’t she have woken up when he was pointing a gun at me?

  Fate was never a friend of mine.

  “Everything’s fine, Solaris,” I ground out, “I’m not going to kill him.” Yet.

  “Um, that’s not what I’m talking about.” She scrambled off the floor. “Aren’t you in pain?” She flicked her hand toward the window.

  The exposed window.

  Golden sunlight streamed around Gavin and me, pouring over my bare arms and face.

  Chapter 4


  All aglow in the warm light, Kaige looked like an angel. The sun’s rays highlighted his smoky navy eyes, setting off the bright blue specks and accentuating his jet-black hair, giving it an almost electric blue tint.

  He stared wide-eyed out the window for a moment before spinning toward me. “It must be your blood.” He ran his hands over his bare arms. “I don’t feel a thing, not even a twinge.” Moving closer to the window, he let out a breath. “It’s incredible.”

  “This is great and all,” said Gavin, breaking the trance Kaige and I had fallen under, “but what’s the plan here?”

  Kaige cleared his throat and moved by my side, pulling me into the crook of his shoulder. “The plan is to get Solaris’s father out of whatever godforsaken hole he’s being kept in so we can get out of Imera as soon as possible. We need to get her back to Draconis and under the care of an alchemist.”

  Gavin’s jaw twitched.

  “Please, Gav.” I took a step toward my friend, but Kaige’s arm around me tightened, holding me back. “I know I’ve asked a lot of you lately, but this is the last thing. I promise.”

  He crossed his arms against his chest, his head shaking. “I don’t know, Solaris. It’s going to be tough.”

  “It won’t be.” Kaige steeled his expression, and his eyes turned icy, reminding me too much of his twin. “I can compel all the guards if I must. I’ll get Malcolm out of there if I have to carry him out myself.”

  A chill rushed down my spine at the force of his words. Or maybe it was the fever breaking.

  “Then there’s no reason Solaris has to go.” Gavin trained his gaze on me.


  “What?” Traitor! These two could barely be in the same room together and on this they agreed?

  Kaige slipped his hands up my shoulders, turning me to face him. “There’s no need for you to be there. Gavin and I will go. I promise we’ll get him out.”

  “No way. I need to be there too. What if something goes wrong?” My stomach roiled as visions of the two of them captured and tortured flooded my mind.

  “Nothing’s going to go wrong and besides, you’re only going to slow us down in your current state. I won’t be able to concentrate on your father if I’m worried about you. Plus we can’t risk you spreading the pathogens.” His eyes softened, and the slew of comebacks I had prepared evaporated from my lips.

  Dammit. He was right.

  He must have felt my resolve weaken through the bond because he turned back to Gavin. “When’s the best time to go?”

  “After midnight when it’s the overnight guys—a quarter of the regular team.” Gavin placed the cap tucked under his arm back on his head. “I’ll come pick you up at 11:30.”


  A bout of nausea sent my stomach into an uproar. I clutched my middle and hunched over, willing myself not to puke in front of everyone. Kaige’s strong arms held me up until the swirling stopped. I straightened and swallowed down the queasiness, brushing my hand over my damp brow. “I’m okay.”

  Gavin’s eyes drifted to mine, and the tough soldier persona melted away. “Is there anything I can do to make it better?”

  I was about to say no, that nothing could possibly make it better when I remembered Carissa. Isla deserved to know what happened to her sister, and I needed to be the one to tell her. “I have to see Isla.”

  Gavin’s light brows scrunched together. “Are you sure? Kaige said this illness is pretty contagious.”

  Kaige’s grim expression echoed Gavin’s words.

  “I’ll make her wait outside. I’ll talk to her through the door, whatever it takes. It’s urgent I speak to her.”

  “Her friend should be okay as long as she keeps her distance,” Kaige confirmed.

  “Okay. I’ll tell her to wear a facemask.” A wry grin slid across Gavin’s lips. He moved toward the door and turned back. “Take care of yourself, Solaris. Malcolm will kill me if anything happens to you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” I shot him a smile of my own, trying to infuse as much confidence as I could.

  As soon as the door shut, Kaige pulled me into his chest. “Now where were we?” A devious smile split his lips as he tugged me down to the mess of blankets on the floor.

  “Kaige—” I was actually feeling a little better, but I wasn’t sure I was ready for an intense make-out session yet.

  “What?” He pulled me into his side and ran his fingers through my hair. “I just want you to rest.”

  “Oh.” A tiny hint of disappointment unfurled in my chest.

  He smirked, and I knew he’d felt it through the bond. “Go back to sleep. I’ll wake you when your friend gets here.”

  I nodded and nuzzled into his warm chest. I didn’t know if it was simply being in his proximity, but for whatever reason the tornado whirling around in my stomach began to settle. The steady rise and fall of Kaige�
�s chest along with his delicate fingertips across my scalp lulled me into a deep sleep in no time.

  Heated fingers trailed over my cheek, slowly rousing me. Intense navy irises bored into mine as my eyelids fluttered open. “How do you feel?” Kaige whispered, his breath warm on my face.

  I ran my tongue around my parched mouth, the rancid taste still lingering. “I’m better actually.” I sat up and my head didn’t spin this time, the pounding in my temples lessening to a dull ache. My damp shirt stuck to me, but the chills had stopped.

  “Good. You look better.” He cupped my cheeks and dropped a gentle kiss on my forehead. “Your friends are here.”

  I slowly stood, using Kaige’s firm body as my personal crutch, then shuffled to the door. Cracking it open, I peered out into the night. Isla’s chestnut hair was pulled up into a messy bun on top of her head, out of the way of the blue surgical facemask that covered her nose and mouth. Gavin stood next to her wearing an identical one, the high beams from the Hummer lighting the space between us.

  I waved, and her eyes lit up. She pushed off the car she was leaning against and rushed toward me.

  “Wait, Isla! You shouldn’t.” I stepped behind the door, slamming it closed.

  “Okay, okay. I’ll stay back I promise.” Her words seeped through the old wood.

  I peeked through the opening at my friend’s raised hands.

  She pushed her glasses further up her nose. “I promise I’ll be on my best behavior. I just couldn’t believe what Gavin said—”

  “It’s all true.” Kaige poked his head out, his eyes scrutinizing every inch of my girlfriend.

  I jabbed my elbow into his side. “I need to talk to her alone. You guys can head out now.”

  His lips pressed together into a scowl, but he nodded. “Fine. Please rest while I’m gone. I’ll be back with your father before you know it.” He wrapped me in his arms, searing my lips with a scorching kiss. Heat blossomed in my chest, running down my torso and making my toes curl.


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