Blood and Forest: A Vampire Novel

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Blood and Forest: A Vampire Novel Page 32

by Raven Stone

  The wolves followed me into the loft. I put down water bowls for them and hit the shower. When I got out, I toweled myself off and changed into a soft tank top for bed. I made sure the door was locked and then went to hit the lights. My hand hovered over the switch.

  Both wolves were asleep on the bed. I sighed. I could try to get off of the bed, but frankly they were large, and I was tired. And it had been nice sleeping next to Max before. Surely another wolf would be twice as nice.

  I slapped off the lights and crawled between the two of them. With just a bit of pushing, I managed to move them enough that I could get under the covers. For a moment, I had a flashback of sleeping between Max and Tyr, and something tightened in my chest.

  That was never going to happen again.

  I pushed aside the thought and fell asleep within minutes.

  A FEW DAYS LATER, I got a call from a trainer named Marisol. We set up a time to meet at the loft, so we could decide if we wanted to work together.

  Unfortunately I was late for the appointment, and by the time I got to the loft there was a woman standing outside with Max. She was around five nine, with naturally blonde hair, sky-blue eyes, and a golden tan. She had an athletic body, and an easy smile.

  “Marisol?” I asked.

  “Yes. Nice to meet you, Fiona.” She shook my hand.

  “Nice to meet you too. Come on up.” I led the way up the stairs and let everyone in.

  “Nice place.”

  “Thanks. I’m sorry I’m late.” I shut the door.

  “It’s fine.” She smiled.

  I noticed she carried a gym bag, just like Tyr had, and I shoved the thought aside.

  “Feel free to put your bag down.” I went into the kitchen and filled up a bowl of water for the wolf. I put in on the floor and joined her in the living room.

  “You said on the phone that you have a requirement before we can get started?” I crossed my arms, concerned that the requirement was going to include a certain number of situps, or, God forbid, burpees.

  “I don’t like living a lie, so all of my clients have to know the truth about me before agreeing to work together. And I require complete confidentiality,” she said.

  “Okay.” I bit my lip. “You’re not a serial killer or anything, right?”

  She laughed. “No, nothing like that, I assure you.”

  “Okay then. I’ll keep whatever you tell me confidential.”

  She searched my face for a few moments, then gave a brief nod.

  The air surrounding her shivered, and her body blurred. I rubbed my eyes, but it didn't help. Then the air shivered again, and a giant wolf stood in the place that Marisol had stood moments before.

  “Holy shit,” I said.

  The wolf was beautiful, with sky-blue eyes, white fur, and a bushy tail. That tail moved slowly, back and forth as the wolf looked at me. Then the air shivered and blurred again, and Marisol stood in front of me again, only this time buck naked. I blushed, but she didn’t seem to care about her nudity.

  She nudged Max with her foot. Max whuffed. And then the air shivered and blurred around him too. When it calmed again, a man stood in Max’s place.

  “Holy shit,” I said again, sounding stupid to my own ears.

  He was tall – easily a few inches over six feet – and broad. He was heavily muscled, and in a way that came from hard work and necessity, instead of a gym. At first I thought he was scarred, but as I took a step closer, I realized he was actually tattooed with a white ink that shifted colors as I watched.

  And, I realized, he too was as naked as the day he was born. I blushed and quickly moved my eyes above his waist.

  “Max?” I asked.

  He nodded.

  My mind brought up a series of moments we shared; some of them sweet, some of them wonderful, and some of them embarrassing.

  “Oh my God, the things I’ve done in front of you,” I said.

  He grinned.

  Marisol rolled her eyes and handed Max some clothes. She’d already put on a sports bra and some shorts from her bag. “As you’ve probably gathered, we’re werewolves. Are you okay with that?”

  “Of course. And I won’t tell anyone, not without clearing it with you first,” I said.

  “Good. Thank you. And one more thing. I know you’re a vampire, Fiona, so you don’t have to hide that from me, and you don’t have to hide any reason for why you want to fight. And we won’t tell anyone either,” Marisol said.

  “Thanks. I appreciate that.”

  “So do we have a deal? Would you like to train with us?” Marisol asked.

  “Absolutely. When do we get started?”

  “Now,” she said.

  “Great. Just one more thing.” I held out my hand to the wolf I knew as Max. “What’s your real name?”

  “Dakari.” His voice was deep, just like I would have imagined it, if I’d ever thought my wolf could talk. “Pleased to meet you.”

  WE TRAINED FOR TWO hours, and I hit the mat more times than I cared to admit. The werewolves were fast, and incredibly strong. They were just what I needed.

  “Okay, that’s enough for tonight.” Marisol grabbed my hand and helped me up. “You did well for your first time.”

  “Thanks. Would you like some water?”

  “Got my own, thanks.” She grabbed a bottle out of her bag. “So next week, same time?”

  “That’ll work.” I nodded.

  “Great. I’ve got to go. See you next week.” She waved and headed for the door. Dakari was close on her heels.

  “No. Uh-huh,” I said, grabbing his arm, “we need to talk.”

  Marisol shot him a sympathetic smile and closed the door behind her.

  I crossed my arms.

  “That was you the last day at the meadow, wasn’t it? Right there, before we reached the road?” I asked.

  He faced me with surprise in his eyes. “Yes. How did you know?”

  “I’m guessing you were in wolf form then, and you were in wolf form the day we met on campus,” I replied.

  “Good guess. Gabriel asked me to watch out for you. You liked running so much I figured you wouldn’t mind some company.”

  “He did?” I asked, feeling my chest warm.

  “Yes. In the beginning, he was terrified for you.”

  “And now?” I asked.

  “And now I think he’s in love with you,” Dakari said softly.

  “That’s only fair. I’m pretty sure I’m falling in love with him.” I sat down on the couch. I hadn’t told that to anyone, not even Mel.

  “Good,” he said simply.

  He joined me on the couch. His heartbeat was different, but everything else about him was familiar. I found it comforting. I automatically reached for him and stopped shy of touching his arm. I’d been about to pet him.

  “This is very confusing,” I said.

  “It’s okay. You can touch me.” He gave me a gentle smile.

  I let myself touch his arm, feeling the silkiness of his skin and the hard muscle beneath. All of my senses said this was Max, just in a new way. I leaned into him and put my head on his chest.

  “You must think me a very silly girl. All of those times I told you my troubles.”

  His arm wrapped around my waist and hugged me close.

  “No. I thought you were very kind to a stray wolf.” He kissed the top of my head.

  “Thanks,” I said softly.

  “You know this is rare, right? Vampires and wolves getting along?”

  I glanced up at him. “No, I didn’t know that. But you and Gabriel are friends, right? Or is he your King, and he commanded you to be here?”

  Dakari threw back his head and laughed. “No, Gabriel isn’t my King. He’s my best friend. We’ve feasted together, shared women together, shed blood for each other. We’ve saved each other’s lives countless times. I’m here because he asked me to do him a favor as a friend.”

  “How long have you been friends?” I asked.

  “For cent
uries,” he replied.

  “So wolves are immortal too?”


  “What was he like when you first met him?”

  He smiled. “Much like he is now. Driven, a bit of a control freak, but caring and passionate too. And loyal.”

  “How did you two meet?” I asked.

  “That, my friend, is a tale for another time.”

  “I’m your friend?” I asked. “I wasn’t sure, since you’re here as a favor.”

  “At the start I was here as a favor, but that’s been over for a while now. I’m here because I know you and like you. And I’ll be your friend, if you’ll have me.”

  I hugged him. “Gladly. I’m honored to call you my friend.”

  He hugged me back and kissed my head. Then he sniffed me. “You do smell good, even in this form.”

  “What do I smell like?”

  “Apples, stress from the workout, and blood, and–”

  “And forest?” I asked quietly.

  “Yes,” he said simply.

  I swallowed and blinked away the tears that were forming in my eyes. Dakari rubbed my arms.

  “He does care about you, you know. Tyr.”

  “He doesn’t call. He doesn’t text.” I swiped at my eyes and buried my head into Dakari’s chest. “I miss him. Do you spend any time around him? Does he seem okay?”

  “He’s fine. He just has some issues to deal with.” Dakari stroked my arms and didn’t say anything else, seemingly content to just let me snuggle into him, just like I did when he was a wolf.

  “You’re so comforting, even now, in human form.”

  He laughed. “It is nice to do this with hands and arms. Different.”

  “Do you ever get bored, hanging around here as a wolf?”

  “No. It’s a different way of existing. You don’t get bored, really. Time isn’t the same, and your senses speak to you of things that human senses don’t. It’s a fascinating way to experience the world.”

  “And even with all of that, you can still understand what everyone’s saying?”

  “Yes, as long as I know the language.”

  My mind flashed back on all of the conversations and situations he’d witnessed, and I felt my cheeks burning again. “I’ll have to be more careful when you’re in wolf form.”

  He laughed. “Your secrets are safe with me, Fiona. And you’re beautiful. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

  I squirmed. “I just would have covered up more.”

  “That’s a human thing. Werewolves are very comfortable with nudity. We have to be, though. Our clothes don’t come back when we become human again.”

  “That’s got to be expensive.”

  “It is at first. Then you figure out places to stash your clothes.” He shrugged.

  “Like Marisol and her bag,” I said.

  “Exactly.” He patted my arm. “Are we good? I really do need to get going.”

  “Of course.” I got up and walked him to the door. “Thanks. For everything.”


  And then he was gone.

  Chapter 127


  The holidays were rapidly approaching. I had no idea what Fiona had planned for them, but I doubted I would be allowed to see her, at least not until the end of December, or the start of January.


  The White Guard would be evaluating us on January first.

  What did that mean? What would it entail?

  I doubted Cyrus or Martin would tell me.

  Every time I thought about it, a knot formed in my stomach. I knew in my bones that Fiona was fine.

  Would the White Guard?

  Chapter 128


  Finals week was rough, but I managed to pass all of my classes.

  Mel and I celebrated by going dancing, and the next morning she was gone. She’d left to visit her family, and she wouldn’t be back until right before New Year’s.

  That left me alone on a Saturday night with nothing to do. I called Cade, but he said he was in the middle of doing something with his military buddies. He did mention that he might stop by later on, which was something at least.

  I grabbed some books and clothes and headed over to the loft. Dakari and his salt-and-pepper wolf friend were already there, giving me looks that were clearly begging for a run.

  “Five minutes,” I told them. I ran upstairs and changed into my workout clothes.

  When I came back down, they were both already on their feet. I gave them a quick nod and took off running.

  They both caught up to me quickly.

  I ran hard, and fast, my body burning. I ran us to campus, through the woods, and then did another loop around campus.

  My body had started to change shortly after I’d started training with Marisol. Each breath seemed to fill me with air more than it used to, and I was gaining some muscle. My body was starting the crave these runs, and I found myself looking forward to the training sessions, in spite of how many times I hit the mat.

  I was getting stronger, and I knew it.

  Tonight, I found myself driving myself even harder than usual. My skin was slick with sweat, and I could barely breathe. Dakari looked up at me with concern in those wolf eyes, but I just shook my head. If I didn’t understand it myself, then I couldn’t explain it to him.

  We got back to the loft, and I caught my breath at the bottom of the stairs, my hand flat on the wall. For a moment I just wanted to collapse in a little heap from exhaustion. But then, after a few minutes of ragged breathing, my sweat dried and my body cooled.

  Something swept through my body, and I straightened up. I felt better. Clear headed. And all of my stress was gone.

  I bounded up the stairs like I hadn’t gone on a run at all. I let myself and the wolves into the loft, and put down some water for them before taking a shower.

  When I got out, I settled onto the couch with the wolves to watch some TV. I was flipping through channels when my phone rang.

  “Julie, how are you doing?” I asked.

  “I’m doing good, girl. Whoo!”

  I grinned. “How’s California treating you?”

  “Fan-freakin-tastic. You’ve got to come out here. Ooh, come visit me for New Year’s!” Julie said.

  “I can’t. I already have plans, and I don’t have the money for a plane ticket anyway. I’ve been studying, not working.”

  “But it’s going to be epic, Fiona! We’re going to this party up in the hills. Cancel your plans and get out here. You can ask Gabriel for the money. I know he’s loaded,” she said.

  “I don’t know what would make you say that,” I replied.

  “Girl, please. He flew me out here first class on a moment’s notice. And he’s paying for my apartment. And he fucking bought Bloodgame. He bought the fucking company!”

  “I didn’t know that,” I said.

  “Yes, he did. See, that’s what I’m talking about. If he bought an entire company, he can afford to buy you a plane ticket. Just ask him and come party with me!” Julie said.

  “I don’t care if he can afford it, it’s not right. He’s a vampire, not a walking credit card.” I got up to make some of my poor woman’s bloodwine.

  “He’s a hot, sexy vampire, is what he is.”

  I grinned, blending my bloodwine in a glass. “True.”

  “Just ask him,” she pleaded.

  “No,” I sat back down on the couch, “but I tell you what. If I save up enough money, why don’t I come see you for Spring Break?”

  She was silent for a moment. “Yeah, okay, that has some possibilities. So what are you up to tonight?”

  “Watching TV. My friend Cade might stop by.”

  “It’s a Saturday night and you’re sitting on your couch?”

  I sighed. “Just another exciting night as a twenty-something vampire.”

  The salt-and-pepper wolf raised his head and looked at me. I held a hand over my phone and whispered, “Do you need s
ome water?”

  He tilted his head, but I wasn’t sure if that was yes or no. I got up off the couch again.

  “So what are you doing tonight?” I asked Julie.

  “I have a date! I’ve been working with this cute vampire named Edgar, and he’s going to take me to this observatory that’s supposed to be the best in California.”

  “Oh that’s great. Have fun!” I refilled both water bowls and put them down on the floor.

  “I will! Save up that money and come see me!” Julie said and then hung up.

  I smiled and joined the two wolves on the couch again. I sat back with my glass of wine, and turned on the sound for that explorer show of Gabriel’s.

  I’D JUST FINISHED WATCHING one of last year’s romantic comedies when my phone vibrated. It was Cade, texting me that he’d be here in ten minutes. I darted into the bathroom to refresh my makeup and brush my hair. Dakari followed, sitting on his haunches and grinning up at me.

  “What, I’m vain, so shoot me.” I told him.

  I wiped a bit of eyeliner away from the edge of my eye and checked my clothes. I was barefoot and wearing my black leggings with a casual top that also was a bit sexy. Hopefully I looked good, without looking like I was trying to.

  I went back to the couch and sat down, flipping through channels until I found another episode of that explorer show. Then there was a knock on the door, and I threw down the remote and answered it.

  Cade had smudges of dirt and blood on him, and his clothes were torn in places. His eyes glittered with danger. I stepped back, letting him in, as my vampire rose, humming at the very sight of him.

  He closed the door with his foot, grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me to him. I moaned, as he plunged his tongue into my mouth.

  “Cade,” I whispered, putting my hands on his chest.

  A chest that was damp with blood.

  “Cade!” I broke off the kiss, alarmed by what I was feeling under my hands.

  “Most of it isn’t mine,” he said.

  I peeled the wet shirt off of him. It fell to the floor with a wet splat.


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