Blood and Forest: A Vampire Novel

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Blood and Forest: A Vampire Novel Page 37

by Raven Stone

  “Ugh, you guys weren’t facing the camera. I said, let’s all take a picture together. That means facing the camera.” Mel complained.

  She raised her phone above her head, and her date leaned into the shot while I put an arm around Fiona’s waist.

  “Cheese,” Mel said, and then the camera flashed. She turned the phone and looked at it. “Much better.”

  “Put down the phone, Mel,” Brad held out a champagne flute to her, “live a little.”

  She smiled and took the glass. “Okay.”


  We were back at the loft. Celebrating done. And Fiona was all mine again.

  I unzipped her dress, and it pooled at her feet. She stood before me wearing black lace panties, a black strapless bra, and the ruby gleaming at her throat.

  “You’re beautiful,” I said.

  She put a hand on my chest and stopped my advance. “How come you’re not short? Aren’t people from that long ago supposed to be short?”

  I sighed. “Probably not as much as you’re thinking, but yes, if I was a human then I’d be shorter than the average man of this time. But I’m not human, Fiona. I’m a vampire and I’ve been feeding on humans. Vampires who drink from humans grow and adapt with them. As they get taller, so do we. As their bodies, skin, bones, and hair changes, so do ours. We will always adapt to them. Otherwise we would stand out. The species that stand out, that don’t adapt, are extinct, or driven away, like the Fae.”

  “The Fae are real?” she asked with wide eyes.

  “Yes.” I smiled. “They just don’t visit very often anymore. Industrialization was hard on them.” I slipped a finger under the strap of her bra, causing it to fall to her arm.

  “We have four hours of night left,” I continued, “and when we wake up, we’ll have to head to our meeting with the White Guard. Do you want to spend those four hours talking, or doing something else?”

  I raised her wrist to my mouth and gently nibbled at her skin.

  She inhaled sharply. “Something else.”

  “Good.” I picked her up and carried her to the bed.

  MY BODY CAME FULLY awake the second the sun slipped below the horizon. Fiona was still asleep next to me. I quietly crawled out of bed and took a shower. I got out, and I was toweling myself off when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror over the sink.

  I went still.

  Six months ago, I hadn’t recognized myself. I’d been ragged, low on power, and low on confidence.

  I’d lost myself.

  Tonight, my face was completely different. I looked refreshed and energized. Full of power. My eyes shone.

  There was the man I knew and then some.

  Because I didn’t just have myself back. I’d grown. Fifty years ago I never would have contemplated sharing power with anyone, and now I was building a council that would help me rule. Something that would give me the ability to enjoy more of my life while keeping me and my people safe.

  I laughed softly. Six months ago I never would have imagined that I would be standing here like this. That my decision to leave the palace and travel the country would turn out greater than I’d imagined, and would change me for the better.


  I glanced at the door, hearing Fiona’s voice.

  Yes, I’d had a hand in the changes in me, in the decisions I’d made. But so had that woman out there. In six months, Fiona had helped me heal. She’d reminded me that I was desirable all on my own; even without my kingship. She’d shown me what it felt like to be seen as a person again.

  I didn’t know what was about to happen with the White Guard. But I knew I would fight for her.

  I opened the door.

  Chapter 138


  Gabriel stood in the bathroom, dressed only in a pair of black pants that were buckled at the waist. His hair was still wet, and my mouth went dry at the sight of his bare chest.

  I licked my lips and found myself in the bathroom before I knew what I was doing. I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck and raised my lips to his. I plunged my tongue into his mouth, and he backed up. He hit the wall, but neither of us cared. He grabbed my waist and pulled me to him.

  I felt him hard against me, and I moaned.

  “We don’t have time for this,” he whispered.

  “Fast. We’ll be fast.” My hands were on his belt.

  Gabriel’s hands cupped my face, and he shoved his tongue into me. His kiss was deep and full of want. Heat pooled between my thighs.

  Then he tore his lips away.

  “Cyrus,” he panted. “It’s Cyrus picking us up, not Martin.”

  “So?” I asked.

  “Do you genuinely want Cyrus knowing that we had sex right before he walked in?” He rested his head against the wall.

  “I don’t care,” I said, reaching for him.

  He smiled, and his eyes cleared. “I do. Martin, I wouldn’t mind. But Cyrus, I do.”

  I leaned against the sink. “What is it between you two?”

  He shrugged.

  “It’s some sort of guy thing, isn’t it?” I asked.

  “I guess.”

  “Okay,” I brushed his lips with mine, “then let me take a shower. I’ll be right out.”

  He nodded, and I closed the door behind him. I took one of the fastest showers I’d ever taken, since I’d forgotten to pack. I dressed quickly and stood in front of the dresser with a frown.

  “What should I bring?”

  “I don’t know how long this will take, so bring a couple of changes of clothes. Jeans, t-shirts, nothing fancy. And this,” he removed my necklace, “stays here.”

  He pooled the necklace in my open hand. I put it back in the jewelry box and hid that under some clothes in the bottom drawer. Then I filled a gym bag with two changes of clothes.

  “What’s going to happen?” I asked.

  Gabriel shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve never been through this before. I imagine they’ll have some questions. The key is to be honest. Don’t try to trick them, don’t try to give them the answer they want, and don’t embellish. They’ll ask if they want further clarification. Just answer simply and honestly. And Fiona, no matter what happens, realize that they are in control. Do what they say, without any arguments and without asking why. Above all, stay calm. Understood?”

  “Understood. But I don’t like this.” I blew out a breath.

  “Me either.” He pulled me into a hug, his arms warm and comforting. “But we’ll get through it. Just stay calm, no matter what they do or say. Even if they hurt me, or I say things that hurt you, okay? We can always talk about it later. The key is to get through it, no matter what.”

  I wrapped my arms around him. “Do you really think they might hurt you? Or get you to say awful things?”

  He was silent for a moment, his fingers stroking my hair. “I’ve seen the best and the worst of vampires. I’m not sure what this situation will bring out in them, but I do know the wrong decisions on their parts can endanger us all. They won’t take this lightly, and neither should we. I’m not trying to frighten you, Fiona. I’m just trying to prepare you.”

  “Okay.” I gripped his shoulders and did my best to ignore my racing heart. I didn’t like the idea that they might hurt him.

  There was a knock on the door.

  Chapter 139


  The snowy landscape outside of my window was beautiful, but unfamiliar. “Where are we?”

  “Near Cedar Rapids. We share a training facility with Queen Madelon’s White Guards. Both sides have realized it’s a great place to bring novens and their lataris for their six month evaluations. It’s isolated, large, and quiet,” Cyrus said.

  “What will happen tonight?” I asked.

  “We’ll separate you both and run some tests. Then we’ll bring you in front of a panel consisting of White Guard members from both courts. They’ll hear the findings and issue a ruling.”

  “A ruling?” I prompte

  “Yes. The majority of the time it’s for another six months of novenship.”

  “And the rest of the time?”

  Cyrus shrugged, then turned away and looked out of his window. Gabriel caught my eyes and shook his head, urging me to be quiet. I bit my lip, but did as he asked.

  Twenty minutes later we turned into a giant compound that was enclosed by chain link fencing. We drove through a gate and followed the road to the back of the compound. We parked in front of a large white building that reminded me of the administration office at college.

  Martin waited for us just inside the door. He flashed me a smile, and his expression turned serious again.

  “If you’ll come this way,” he said, leading me to the right.

  Cyrus led Gabriel down a hallway to the left. I waved goodbye to Gabriel, and he winked. Then a cold, arrogant look washed over his face, and he turned away.

  Chapter 140


  Cyrus led me down a quiet hallway. We turned a corner, and he knocked on the first door to our right.

  “Come in.”

  He opened the door and gestured for me to go in, then closed it behind me.

  The room was small, with a countertop and sink on one side, and a couple of plastic chairs on the other. A woman stood at the counter with her back to me.

  “Please sit down,” she said.

  I chose a chair at random, and she turned around.

  Her eyebrows rose. “Oh, it’s you.”

  It was the doctor from Chicago.

  “Doctor Miller, it’s nice to see you again,” I said.

  “Nice to see you too.” She smiled, then grabbed a black stool from under the counter and wheeled it over to me. She moved a metal cart closer as well, and sat down on the stool.

  “How are the vampires from the basement?”

  “The majority of them are back to full physical health. That last one on the end will take a bit longer though,” she replied.

  “He looked to me liked he’d been starving for about a year?” I prompted.

  “Two actually. But at least he’s speaking again.” She smiled and put on a pair of disposable gloves. “Okay, I’m going to take five vials of your blood, and give you a shortened version of a vampire physical. Then you’ll get some nice warm blood to drink while I look at your noven. Let’s start with that arm you injured in Chicago. Roll up your sleeve, please.”

  I did as she asked. “It healed just as quickly as you said it would.”

  She ran her hand over my arm. “That’s good. Any lingering pain? Any twitches?”

  I shook my head.

  “Okay. Make a fist for me.” She sterilized my arm and put the needle in me. “Good,” she said softly as she filled the vial.

  I watched her as she put the vial full of blood in a tray beside her and started filling a new one. “What do you do with the blood after you’re done with it?” I asked.

  Her eyes met mine. “You’re an old one.”


  She smiled. “Yes. Only vampires over a thousand years old are concerned about what we do with their blood.”

  “I guess the term is a matter of perspective.” I conceded.

  “How old are you?” she asked.

  “Can you tell from the blood?” I parried.

  “No. I’ll be able to tell your power level, but not your age,” she replied.

  My mouth went dry, and my heart raced. I did my best to slow it down, without taking any obvious deep breaths.

  “Who are you going to tell about my power level, doc?” The words came out in a cold, dangerous tone.

  Her eyes probed me.

  “No one,” she said softly. “It’s not even a part of the test, and I don’t even tell the panel about it. It’s merely an interesting side result.”

  “My power level is a strategic advantage, Dr. Miller. My kingdom could fall if that knowledge gets into the wrong hands. Those parties would have no qualms about hurting whoever they need to in order to get written evidence of it; the kind of evidence that could appear as a side result,” I said.

  Her eyes widened, and her fingers went still.

  “That particular side result doesn’t need to be written down. And just to be safe, I’ll destroy all copies of my report as soon as the panel lets me. Will that do?” she asked.

  I nodded silently.

  “Good.” Her fingers still held my arm. “I assure you, I’m not here to bring down your kingdom. I’m here to check on your health and your noven’s.”

  “Thank you,” I said.

  Her eyes searched my face again, then she gave a short nod and released my arm.

  “And my blood?” I asked.

  “We burn all blood samples. Our rules are quite clear about that. I’ll burn yours personally, as soon as the panel has given their ruling.”

  “Thank you,” I said again, relaxing back into the chair.

  She nodded and continued. Once she was finished with her vials, she checked my eyes, and my response rates, and had me breathe a few times for her.

  “Okay, we’re done. Good job,” she patted my arm, “now go across the hall and get a mug of blood. I want you to drink every drop, alright?”

  Her expression was calm and friendly, as if we’d spent the whole time talking about the weather.

  “Yes, doc.”

  She smiled and waved me out.

  Chapter 141


  I spent the next twenty minutes awkwardly watching TV with Cyrus, and then he finally led me to another room. This one had two couches facing each other, with leather chairs on either end. Bookcases lined the walls.

  Cyrus left me alone and closed the door behind him. I sat down in one of the leather chairs, figuring I’d give it five minutes before I picked out a book to read.

  Within a minute, the doctor entered the room, followed by a woman that I didn’t know. I stood up.

  “Hi, I’m Morgan,” the new vampire said. We shook hands, and she gestured to the chair. “Please sit down.”

  Morgan and Dr. Miller sat on one of the couches.

  “Dr. Miller explained that you’re an old one. When working with our older lataris, we’ve found that it’s safer and more comfortable for everyone if we include at least one familiar face during the next part of the evaluation. That’s why Dr. Miller has joined us. If things get to be too much, then just say her name and we’ll stop the interview, okay?” Morgan said.

  “I understand.” I put an ankle on my knee and gripped it. If they already felt it necessary to keep me calm and comfortable, then I already knew I wouldn’t like what was coming.

  Morgan put the palms of her hands on her lap. “I need to see your Shade. I will examine you, and lightly, lightly, touch your Shade. I won’t harm you in any way.”

  I stiffened. That made it twice now that someone had wanted access to my Shade in less than a month. Orleande was one thing; she was a known quantity. But this vampire? I knew nothing of any substance about her. All I knew was that she was connected to the White Guard in some manner, and she wasn’t one of my Court.

  I did everything to keep calm in those brief seconds. Because losing my calm would not help me, or Fiona, in any way. I blew out a breath.

  “Swear it. Swear that you will bring no harm, nor pain, nor pleasure to my Shade upon pain of your blood. None but the lightest of touches. And no word of your findings shall go past the White Guard on these premises today, and certainly not to any Court,” I said.

  Her eyes flashed at that last part. I didn’t mean to offend her, but I wanted to be damn sure of what we were both agreeing to before it happened.

  “You’re right, Dr. Miller,” she said softly. “He is an old one.” Her spine straightened. “I so swear it.” And then she repeated the whole thing, word for word.

  “Thank you,” I said, and she inclined her head.

  I took a deep breath and let my vampire rise. I let my power slowly permeate the room. Dr. Miller and Morga
n were wincing when it reached just twenty percent, which mean meant they were both relatively young. I stopped there and let my Shade rise.

  Morgan’s eyes closed and her Shade rose. She was so young and tentative, especially compared to Orleande. I’d probably scared her too. I would feel bad about that, but I didn’t know what to expect from this evaluation.

  I extended a part of my Shade, in a gesture that was very similar to a person holding out their palm. Her Shade returned the gesture, holding her palm well above mine. I could feel warmth from her and nothing else. Then she slowly lowered her hand and lightly touched me.

  “Oooh,” she said.

  Dr. Miller shot her a disapproving look, but didn’t say anything. Morgan ran the equivalent of her fingers down my Shade, and I gripped the chair in response.

  “Power,” she breathed, “so much power.”

  She ran that feather touch back up my Shade.

  “Morgan,” I said. I couldn’t keep the power out of my voice, but at least my tone was calm.

  Her eyes popped open. They were glowing. Dr. Miller reached over and pinched her. Morgan blinked, and her eyes returned to normal.

  “Right. Sorry,” she said. Her Shade retreated back into her, and she nodded at me.

  I pulled my Shade back, followed by my vampire and the power that I’d leaked into the room. Both of them visibly sagged once my power was gone.

  “Right,” Morgan said in a shaky voice. “Your Shade is quite healthy.”

  “Good. And thank you for keeping your word,” I said.

  “Of course.” Then she rose to her feet and fled from the room. The doctor winked at me and followed Morgan out.

  Cyrus came back in immediately. “We’ve probably got another half hour of waiting. Do you want to watch TV in the other room with me?”

  “Sure,” I replied.

  Chapter 142


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