Beautifully Hurt (Beautifully Broken)

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Beautifully Hurt (Beautifully Broken) Page 3

by Michelle Heard

  “Any time.” Smiling at him, I start the engine. “Call me if they come back.”

  Jason glances toward the road. “With a little luck, they’ll look for trouble elsewhere.”

  “Later,” I say as I put the truck in gear.

  When I reverse out of the parking area, I murmur, “Seat belt, Quinn.”

  She nods quickly, pulling the belt over her and clipping it in. Her eyes dart to mine, and then I realize this is our first time alone together.

  Chapter 3


  The cab feels too big, and I wish I could scoot closer to Eli without making it obvious I’m trying to get closer to him.

  Remembering how badass he looked when he hit and kicked the guy who wouldn’t leave me alone makes my body hum with overwhelming desire, unlike anything I’ve felt before.

  I don’t condone violence, but those guys deserved what they got.

  I sneak a glance at Eli as he turns the truck up my street. He looks relaxed, and you wouldn’t think he was just in a fight. My eyes dart to his right hand, and seeing the red swelling on his knuckles, I ask, “Is your hand okay?”

  Eli flexes his fingers, glancing down at his hand. “Yeah.”

  “Still, we should put some ice on it,” I say as he comes to a stop in front of my house. It’s only then I realize I didn’t tell him where to go.

  Eli knows where I live.

  The thought makes a smile shoot to my face. I glance at the dark house, then back to Eli. “Want to come in?” Realizing how presumptuous it sounds, I quickly add, “For ice.” I gesture to his hand.

  Eli nods. “Sure.”

  My heart skips a beat as I push the door open, and climbing out of the truck, I dig my keys out of my bag. When Eli follows me to the front door, I have a ridiculously happy grin stuck to my mouth.

  Pushing the key in the lock, I have to wiggle it to get it unlocked because it’s been sticking.

  “No porch light?” Eli asks.

  I shake my head and finally get the door open. “It went out last week. I’ve been meaning to get it fixed.”

  We step inside the modest house I share with my dad, and I switch on a light, then walk to the kitchen. Grabbing a towel, I open the freezer and load some ice into it.

  Turning around, the sight of Eli Jackson standing in the middle of my kitchen robs me of my breath. For a moment, I can only stare at him because it feels surreal.

  Eli tilts his head slightly, the corner of his mouth lifting. “What’s that look for?”

  I shake my head and gesture at the table. “It’s nothing.”

  I sit down, then watch as Eli pulls a chair closer to me before taking a seat. He glances down at the redness on his knuckles. “It’s really nothing. It will be gone by tomorrow.”

  I reach out to him but then hesitate. It takes more courage than I thought I had to wrap my fingers around his palm. Instantly a spark shoots up my arm, making my body shudder from how good it feels to touch him.

  Gently, I press the towel to the back of his hand.

  “Is that okay?” I ask.

  “Hmm.” The sound comes from deep in his throat, sending goosebumps rushing over my skin.

  At this rate, I’m going to pass out from all the overwhelming feelings.

  Eli glances around the kitchen, then asks, “Your dad travels a lot, right?”

  “Yeah.” I shrug. “The life of a truck driver.”

  His eyes lock on mine, and the intensity makes me squirm in my chair.

  “Are you okay alone?”

  I lower my eyes to his hand, taking in how much bigger than mine it is. “Yeah, sometimes I stay with Katie and her family, but I’m okay alone.” I glance around the kitchen. “I like it.”

  Silence falls between us, and it begins to feel intimate. I dare a glance up at Eli’s face, and I’m immediately lost in the soft blue of his irises.

  I don’t even realize we’re staring at each other until Eli lifts his left hand, tucking some of my hair behind my ear. It feels as if something is shifting between us, but before I can try to figure out if it’s real or just my imagination, my phone starts to ring.

  I’m so caught up in Eli, I startle and almost drop the towel. Setting it on the table, I reach for my bag and pull my phone out.

  “It’s my dad. He’s checking in.”

  “Take the call,” Eli says, his eyes not leaving me.

  I get up from the chair as I press the device to my ear. “Hi, Daddy.”

  “Hey, my girl,” he says, sounding tired. “How was your day?”

  “Good. I just got home.”

  “Yeah? Did you go out with Katie?”

  “Yes.” My eyes dart to Eli, and not able to keep things from my dad, I add, “But… ah… Eli brought me home.”

  “Eli Jackson? Why?”

  “There was a fight at the bar, and he was kind enough to make sure I got home safely,” I quickly explain.

  Dad lets out a relieved breath. “Oh, good. Thank him for me.”

  “I will.” Needing to change the subject, I ask, “How’s work?”

  “I’m held up in Utah for two days.”

  My shoulders slump, “Which means you’ll be gone longer.”

  “Sorry, my girl.”

  I shake my head. “It’s okay, Daddy.” I glance at Eli, then say, “Uhm, Eli’s still here. I’ll call you tomorrow?”

  “Don’t let him stay too long,” Dad warns me, being overprotective.


  I end the call then give Eli an apologetic smile. “Sorry.”

  He shakes his head as he stands up. “No worries.” He gestures to the door. “I should head home.”

  I nod and walk him to the front door. Eli stops to inspect the lock, then he says, “I’ll stop by tomorrow with a new lock.”

  “Oh no,” I exclaim. “It still works. My dad will take care of it. I don’t want to put you out.”

  “I offered.” Eli lifts his hand, and then his fingers wrap around the side of my neck, and I’m pulled into a hug that ends before my heart can even start to hammer in my chest. “I’ll fix it tomorrow,” Eli says, his tone clearly stating it’s not open for discussion.

  I nod. “Thank you.”

  “Lock behind me,” he murmurs, his eyes drifting over my face.

  I nod again before saying, “Thank you for everything today.”

  “You’re welcome.” Eli steps out onto the porch, then he gestures at the door. “I’ll wait until you lock the door.”

  A shy smile tugs at my mouth as I begin to slowly push the door shut. “Drive safely.”

  “G’night, Quinn.”

  “Bye,” I whisper. I lock the door then stare at it as I listen to Eli’s footsteps walking away. I keep standing on the spot until I hear his truck drive off, and then I turn around and lean back, a wide smile blooming on my face.

  Tomorrow I’ll see Eli again.


  After I’ve closed the hardware store, I cross the road to The Green Leaf.

  The bell jingles as I step inside, and Quinn glances over her shoulder from where she’s standing behind the counter.

  “Hey,” I say. “I thought I’d give you a ride home so I can fix that lock.”

  “That’s so sweet of you,” Katie says as she appears in the doorway that leads to the back room.

  “Need a ride home?” I ask Katie.

  “No, I have to stop at the supermarket.” She smiles at Quinn. “Go, I’ll lock up.”

  “Sure?” Quinn asks as she reaches for her handbag.

  “Yeah, I’m sure.”

  “I’ll call you later,” Quinn tells Katie as she gives her a quick wave.

  Smiling at Katie, I say, “Later.”

  Quinn nervously glances at me before we walk out to where my truck is parked. As I open the passenger door, she says, “You really don’t have to fix the lock.”

  I nod to the inside of the cab. “Get in, Quinn.”

  When she does as I say, I shut the door, and
walk around the front of the truck.

  I remember last night and how close I came to asking her out. Part of me is glad I didn’t, because I don’t want to scare Quinn off. She’s like a skittish deer you have to handle with care. I’ve decided to just be her friend for a while so she can get used to me before I push for more.

  I slide behind the steering wheel, and shooting Quinn a smile, I pull away from the curb.

  During the drive to her house, Quinn’s teeth keep tugging at her bottom lip. She’s wearing a pretty pale green summer dress with sandals, her toned legs on display.

  I try to think of something we can talk about and end up asking, “Were you busy today?”

  I know they weren’t busy, because I looked at the damn flower shop every couple of minutes.

  Quinn shakes her head. “But we got an order in for the church, so at least tomorrow won’t be as quiet.”

  “That’s good,” I murmur as I bring the truck to a stop outside Quinn’s house. I don’t drive past here often, and seeing it in the daylight, it’s clear there’s a lot of work that needs to be done.

  Climbing out of the vehicle, I grab a bag and my toolbox from the back and walk toward the porch. “I’ll fix the light as well.”

  I eye the gutters that are overloaded with leaves, but not wanting to make Quinn feel uncomfortable, I swallow the offer to clear them out.

  Quinn gives me a grateful smile. “I really appreciate it.”

  I watch as she struggles to unlock the front door, and when she finally has it open, her eyes dart to me. “Can I get you something to drink? Coffee, water? There’s some soda?”

  I shake my head. “I’m good.”

  She nods then seems to hesitate before she gestures inside the house. “I’ll get out of your way.”

  She darts inside, disappearing into the kitchen, then I set down the bag and toolbox and get to work removing the old lock. It only takes me ten minutes to replace it with a new one. I test the key to make sure it works perfectly.

  Looking up at the porch light, I reach up and remove the old bulb. As I’m putting in a new one, Quinn comes out of the kitchen, but then she freezes, and her eyes drop to my abs, where my shirt has pulled up.

  I slowly screw in the new bulb while watching as she stares at me, her lips parted and her green irises darkening.

  Interesting. The attraction is definitely not one-sided.

  When I’m done, and I lower my arms, her eyes drift up to my face, and then she realizes I’ve been watching her, and her cheeks turn a deep pink.

  She takes a step back as if she wants to duck back into the kitchen, but then she pauses and asks, “Are you sure you don’t want something to drink?”

  I tilt my head, trying to catch her eyes, but she keeps glancing everywhere but at me.

  “I’m done,” I say, and it finally makes her meet my gaze.

  Surprise, and if I’m not mistaken, disappointment flickers over her beautiful face. “Already?”

  I gesture inside. “I’m just going to check all the other locks.”

  As I step inside, Quinn presses her back to the wall so I can pass by her. The urge to grab her so I can kiss the hell out of her hits me square in the gut. My muscles tense from the effort it takes to keep walking.

  Cleaning and lubricating the locks, I keep moving deeper into the house, and when I reach a bedroom that looks like it’s Quinn’s, I ask, “This room yours?”

  “Yeah,” she murmurs behind me.

  I glance around her personal space, taking in how neat everything is. The atmosphere feels quiet, just like Quinn. The bedspread and pillowcases are cream in color, and a dressing table stands against the wall. There are no bright colors, and nothing’s out of place.

  When I’m done with all the locks, I turn to Quinn. Her eyes skip nervously over me, and I wonder if it’s because she doesn’t want me to go.

  “Coffee would be nice,” I say, and when her face lights up with a glow of happiness, my mouth lifts into a smile.

  Christ, she’s like a gentle, happy breeze that has the power of a tornado to knock me on my ass.

  Chapter 4


  “It was so hot,” I say dreamily. “Watching his muscles ripple… sigh.”

  I turn my head to glance at Katie, where we’re lying on her bed.

  “You’ve got it so bad,” she chuckles at me.

  “Just as bad as you have it for Jason,” I tease her as I turn onto my side.

  Katie grins at me, her dark brown eyes sparkling. “He’s been texting me.”

  My hand darts out, and I grab hold of her shoulder, giving her a light shake. “Ooh… tell me everything.”

  She lets out a happy shriek and then begins to ramble, “Every morning, he tells me to have a good day, and before bed, he’ll tell me to have sweet dreams.”

  Just then, her phone begins to ring, and when she looks at the screen, she darts up and starts to bounce on the bed. “It’s him! Jason’s calling.”

  “Answer,” I urge her as I sit up in a kneeling position.

  She presses the device to her ear, and then she blushes hard as she says, “Hey.” Her eyes are locked on me. “I’m just hanging out with Quinn.” She listens to whatever he says, and then she grabs hold of my arm, squeezing the life out of it as she begins to nod. “Yes, ah… that would be great… okay… uhm… can’t wait.”

  Katie ends the call then lunges at me with an ecstatic shriek, wrapping her arms tightly around my neck. “He asked me out to dinner! We’re finally going on a date on Sunday night.”

  We bounce together, giggling and basking in the moment she’s waited such a long time for.

  “Finally,” I chuckle as we let go of each other.

  Katie stares at me, and then her eyes begin to shine. “I’m so happy, Quinn.”

  I pull her back into a hug. “Enjoy every second.”

  She nods, then says, “Hopefully, Eli will ask you out soon, then we can go on double dates.”

  A burst of laughter escapes me as I let go of her. Shaking my head, I lie down on my back and stare up at the ceiling. “I’m not getting my hopes up. Besides, just being friends with him will be enough.”

  Katie frowns as she lies down beside me. “Really? You’ll be okay with that?”

  I shrug. “It’s better than nothing. At least he’ll care about me in some way… right?”

  “Oh, Quinn,” she sighs, giving my hand a squeeze. “I’m sure Eli already cares about you.”

  Turning my head, I give her a smile. “The BBQ is tomorrow, and you have a date on Sunday. So you’ll practically see Jason the whole weekend.”

  “Right!” she shrieks again, her excitement bubbling over and making the atmosphere feel magical.

  Mrs. Conley nudges the door open and comes in with two plates of food. “Time for dinner, girls.”

  Katie shoots up. “Jason asked me on a date.”

  Mrs. Conley smiles at her daughter. “Oh, when and where?”

  “Sunday night, we’re going out to dinner,” Katie tells her mom as she takes the two plates with homemade burgers and potato salad.

  She hands me one, and I murmur, “Thank you, Mrs. Conley. You make the best burgers.”

  “I know,” she chuckles, giving me a wink. “And I also know how much you like them. That’s why we’re having them for dinner.”

  “You’re the best.” Mrs. Conley is the closest thing I have to a mother.

  I sink my teeth into the goodness and almost groan from how great it tastes.

  Eli’s house is a good thirty-minute walk from town, but it’s such a lovely day out, I don’t even notice.

  Mrs. Conley let us take some of the potato salad, and when Katie tries to relieve me of the Tupperware bowl, I say, “It’s fine. Let me carry it.”

  Just then, the wind catches my white cotton dress, and I let out a startled chuckle as it whips up to my thighs. “Catch my dress,” I laugh, and Katie darts down to keep the fabric from flying up.

  She beg
ins to laugh as she straightens the dress, then she takes the bowl from me. “You need your hands free, or you’ll end up giving a passerby a peep show.”

  I fist the fabric at the sides of my thighs to keep it in place as Eli’s house comes into view. My eyes dance over the beautiful two-story. “Gosh, to think Eli built that by himself. He’s so talented.”

  “Hmm… wonder what else he’s talented at?” Katie murmurs mischievously.

  I nudge her with my elbow as my cheeks tinge pink from the suggestive meaning behind her words. “Hush, Katie!”

  Reaching the open front door, I curiously peek inside. Katie, being the brave one between us, just walks into the house, calling out, “Hello, anybody home?”

  I follow behind her, my gaze darting everywhere. There’s an empty space, which I guess could be the living room, and then we walk into a kitchen that has beautiful cherry wood cupboards.

  “Hey, you’re here,” Jason says as he comes in via the back door.

  “With salad,” Katie grins as she sets it down on the table.

  “Everyone’s out back,” Jason mentions, his eyes locked on Katie.

  “Everyone?” I ask.

  “Yeah, Ethan, Nina, and Alex are also here.”

  I thought it would just be the four of us. My stomach tightens with nerves as I follow Jason and Katie out the door.

  Trees border on the edge of the backyard, and to the side, Eli’s standing with his brother and father by the grill.

  “Finally, some female company,” Nina says with a warm smile.

  Alex, Eli’s dad, glances our way, and I give him a wave as I move closer to Nina. I smile nervously as I sit down on one of the chairs. “Hi.”

  Katie also sits down. “How are you, Nina?”

  “Life’s been good,” Nina replies, then she looks at me. “Eli says your dad’s still out of town?”

  I nod. “Yeah, but he comes home every couple of months.”

  She reaches over, giving my forearm a squeeze. “Just call if you need help with anything.”

  “Thank you,” I murmur. My eyes dart to the grill, and seeing Eli walking toward us, my heart flutters like crazy.


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