Make Me an Offer

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Make Me an Offer Page 2

by C. Morgan

  “We’re going to need that help.”

  I smiled. “So, is that a yes?”

  And when she nodded, my pelvis churned with delight.

  “Yes. Thank you. That’s—your offer is incredibly generous. Thank you so much, mister…”

  “James. Tyler James.”

  She paused. “T.J. Toys.”

  I nodded. “Uh huh.”

  “Tyler James?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She cocked her head. “Are you the store owner?”

  I smiled. “The one and only.”

  She snickered. “Well, Mr. James, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Melody Sinclair, and you’ve just made my son one very happy birthday boy.”

  “I’m glad I could help.”

  I stuck my hand out and shook hers. A jolt of electricity shot up my arm.

  Her touch lingered. The handshake went on for a second longer than usual. Even after she dropped my hand, her warmth stayed with me. That sizzling energy buried itself into the marrow of my bones. Her eyes slid over my body before she turned toward her son, and it took all I had not to reach out and pull her back for more.

  “Really, Mommy? It’s mine?”

  “It’s yours, honey. This nice man’s going to help us get it in the car. You ready to take your birthday present home?”

  “Yeah! Thank you so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

  Her son was overjoyed. I watched him throw his arms around Melody, and my heart soared. I slid the massive box off the shelf and carried it out to their car, trying to find a way to get it in. I ended up getting some bungee ties from my truck. I opened her trunk and slid it in, then bungeed the trunk closed, enough to keep the toy stable but not enough to crush the box.

  And it gave me a good look at her car.

  The damn thing was a rust bucket, held together by spit and glue practically. It was very clear to me that the fifty bucks she’d tried giving me would go a much longer way for her than myself in the first place. Thank fuck, I’d decided not to take it.

  “Mr. James, thank you so much for this opportunity. I promise you won’t regret it.”

  Her voice pulled me from my trance, and I grinned.

  Oh, I know I won’t. “It’s my pleasure. I’ll just need a number to reach you at in order to work out your schedule alongside your waitressing.”

  “Of course. Yes. Let me find a pen.”

  “Are Saturday nights good for you at all? Maybe this Saturday for your first shift?”

  She dipped into her car, rummaging around. “It should be. I don’t see why it wouldn’t be. I’ll definitely be here Saturday night. When do you guys close?”

  I was about to tell her we closed on Saturdays at seven in the evening until a thought crossed my mind.

  Wait. Shit. That After Dark Market thing.

  “Usually seven in the evening, but there’s a special event Saturday night I’ll need help with,” I said.

  She handed me her scribbled number. “Well, just give me a call and we’ll work it out. I promise.”

  I grinned. “Perfect.”

  As I waved them off, watching them drive away with the toy in the trunk, a full-blown smile crossed my face.

  Staying open for Market After Dark might’ve been the best damn advice Colt had ever given me.

  Chapter 4


  “All right, eat your dinner, honey,” I said. “Miss Patty will be over here soon enough.”

  “Is she gonna spend the night?” Austin asked.

  “She’ll be here until after you go to bed, yes.”

  I kissed the top of his head and rushed off to my room. I had an hour to shower and change before I needed to be at the toy store. Miss Patty, my neighbor, had been kind enough to offer to sit with Austin until he went to bed. Free of charge!

  I wanted to give her something. I wished I could have. But all my tip money from my shift today had to go to the power bill.

  Otherwise, it’d get shut off come morning.

  Does it ever get any easier?

  “Vroom, vroom! Mayday, mayday! The dinos are loose!”

  I smiled at Austin’s voice as I dried myself off in my bedroom. The truck was much too big to actually drive around the apartment. But he was content simply discharging the dinos from the cage and rushing to go get them. The radio made sounds. Lights on the front of the truck flashed. I hadn’t seen Austin this excited about anything in ages.

  If you could give him more, he’d be like this more.

  I shook the thought from my head and threw on some clothes. Some days, I felt like a terrible mother for not being able to give him more. But rationally, I knew I was doing the best I could. He was in love with that truck, and I’d gotten it for him. No matter what it cost me. That meant I was a good mother. A steadfast mother. One that cared for her son.


  I really hope so.

  His happiness was all I wanted. Even if it meant not seeing his adorable little face for a few more hours this month. Yesterday, he’d played with it so hard, he fell asleep inside the truck. Upright. With his face pressed against the top of the wheel. He’d taken his nap in the truck!

  Those moments were worth the sacrifice. Those smiles were worth my tears at night. And his laughter was worth the constant worrying over bills.

  Though, I wanted that particular part to end sooner rather than later.

  I smoothed my hands over my shirt before braiding my hair back. I let a few wisps fall into my face, then decided to put on some makeup. Not a lot. But enough to accent my eyes. Maybe put a little glimmer on my lips. I had to admit I was excited to spend time with the owner of that toy store. He was handsome and had a very nice smile.

  And I didn’t mind him looking my way every now and again.

  This isn’t why you’re taking this job.

  Even so, I wanted to look good for him. Well, better than I usually did. I wasn’t sure why. Especially since I hadn’t been in a relationship since I’d figured out I was pregnant. After Austin’s father promised me the world, he graduated and left me high and dry three months into my pregnancy, with no other option than to drop out of school, get a job, and raise my boy before crying myself to sleep at night.

  You’re being foolish. A nice man like him doesn’t want a broke single mother.

  And unfortunately, that was pretty much the truth.

  “Miss Sinclair?”

  “Miss Patty!” Austin exclaimed.

  I smiled as I made my way out of my bedroom.

  “Miss Patty, thank you so much,” I said. “You have no idea how much this means to me.”

  She waved her hand in the air. “Oh, it’s fine. You know this little boy’s welcome in my place anytime.”

  “And you’re welcome over here anytime. Even if it isn’t to watch my son.”

  “Miss Patty, can we make brownies?” he asked.

  She laughed. “How about you show me this new toy of yours? Then, maybe we can convince Mr. Patty to come over and help us.”

  I smiled as I walked over and kissed my son goodbye. I hugged Miss Patty, whispering to her that I’d find a way to pay her back somehow. I wanted to. Even if I couldn’t right now. And as she shoved me out the door, I made my way for my car.

  As I made my way back into town, the traffic got worse. Streets were blocked off, and I had to take backroads in order to get to the toy store. Luckily, I saw Tyler standing in a parking spot, reserving it for me, right beside his truck. Right at the front door of the toy store.

  I smiled at his presence, and the action warmed my heart.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  I got out of my car, and he came around to greet me.

  “It’s called Market After Dark,” he said. “It’s why we’re open later than normal today. Thank you for agreeing to help.”

  “There’s a massive crowd.”

  “And it’s only going to grow before it dies down. Come on. I’ll show you what I need from you to

  His smile was kind. He held out his hand, ushering me into the toy store. He paved a way for us as we made our way into the back room. I heard the hustling and bustling of people just outside the door. He sat down at a computer and typed away for a couple minutes. I resisted the urge to peer over his shoulder. And after he was done typing, he stood up and held the chair out for me.

  “There’s a video you legally have to watch before you start working,” he said. “It comes standard for the state of Iowa. After that, I’ll put you on a register. Have you worked a register before?”

  I nodded. “I have. Usually at the restaurant I work at.”

  “Good. My register is very easy. All you have to do is scan, hit total, then have them swipe a card or cash out the money they hand you.”

  “I can do that.”

  “Get this video started, and then tap Buddy on the shoulder. He’s running the register right now, and he’s due to leave at the top of the hour.”

  “Then, I’ll get right on it,” I said.

  Chapter 5


  I watched from the corner as Buddy and Melody changed positions. Then Buddy headed out of the store to go man the booth I had set up down the block. The store was booming tonight with business. Layaways with down payments. Cash flying around as if it were candy. But none of it mattered.

  Because the beauty at the register kept distracting me.

  All week, I’d fantasized about her. Seeing her standing there with that bright smile and those voluptuous tits? Shit, it had my cock aching for her already. I kicked myself for not suggesting some sort of a quid pro quo arrangement. One that involved us between the sheets. I got her body, and she got her son’s toy. And together, we got a bit of pleasure out of the arrangement.

  With dinners, of course.

  Cool it, Tyler. You’re in a crowd of kids.

  It actually shocked me how many parents had their children out past their bedtime for this event. But it worked in my favor. Parents who brought their children into stores like this with them spent, on average, forty percent more than usual. Which would do wonders for my bottom line. Kids got what they wanted, parents got a bit of peace, and I got a cash register full of money to help my business grow.

  She never would’ve gone for that plan, anyway.

  Somehow, my mind found her again. Melody. The angel with the blond hair and the dazzling, deep-blue eyes. I licked my lips and walked down the aisle. I drew in some deep breaths. I rearranged toys on the shelves and went back into the stockroom, bringing boxes out for children to gasp and scream over.

  You know you want more with her, Tyler. More than just sex.

  I growled at the voice and forced it aside. I didn’t know why the hell that thought kept taunting me. I had a business to run. A life to upkeep. Financial goals to hit. I had no time for a relationship.

  That was why hookups treated me well. One-night stands fit better into my busy schedule. I was in this shop, day in and day out. Trying to raise our bottom line and bring in new toys to fly off our shelves. The last thing I needed was a distraction. A woman to take care of.

  You’re taking care of her now.

  I busied myself until the frantic activity of the shop slowed. From seven to nine thirty, things were rampant. Children ran about, and the line was out the door. The shelves cleared themselves as quickly as I could stock them. But once ten o’clock hit, things slowed to a trickle.

  Until there was no one left.

  Parents whisked their kids home, and the streets of uptown began to hush. I walked over to the front doors and stood outside, looking around to see if there were others I could entice into the shop. But all that remained were some straggling customers coming out of Colton’s restaurant and a few teenagers running through the blocked-off streets.

  I decided to lock up.

  “We closing down?” Melody asked.

  Her voice prickled the hairs on the nape of my neck.

  “I believe we are. Things have slowed, and I don’t figure they’ll pick back up. Since it’s so late.”

  “Want me to cash out the register then?”

  I locked the front doors. “Sure. Go right ahead. Just press the—”

  I heard her type in a few things before the till popped out. She typed in a few more things before a receipt printed out, and the sound made me grin. I turned around, with the doors locked behind me. Watching as she smiled at me.

  “Seems you’re learning quickly,” I said.

  “Like I said, registers aren’t foreign to me.”

  “Thank you for your help tonight. And you’ll be paid accordingly. Events like this are usually time-and-a-half for my employees.”


  I nodded. “I’ll make sure it’s noted in your hour log.” I could’ve sworn I saw disappointment behind her eyes. Bingo. “Anyway, I appreciate the help.”

  “It’s not a problem,” Melody said.

  Then, another thought hit me. “Actually, let me count the till. You can do some wiping down for me.”

  “You sure?”

  “Most definitely. It won’t take you much time to wipe down, and I’ll have the till counted and evened out by then.”

  “If you say so,” she said.

  I walked over to her, and she passed off the till. I dug out the cleaning solution and the rag from underneath the register, then showed her where I wanted her to clean. I stood there, counting money. Pulling out receipts. Watching as she started with the higher shelves.

  And the lower she went, the farther she bent over.

  My mouth went dry at the sight of her ass. Round. Thick. Juicy, and ready for my hands to explore. I kept messing up my till count. I kept jumping numbers and losing my place. I breathed deeply and forced my focus onto the money. Trying to keep my cock at bay.

  It didn’t shock me that Melody finished before me, though.

  “Still counting?” she asked.

  “I’m almost done,” I said. “Just some issues with credit card receipts.”

  “I didn’t mess up, did I?”

  “No, no. Not at all. Probably just a miscount on my part.”

  “Is there anything else you want me to do?”

  I nodded mindlessly. “Just go around and check to make sure the shelves are situated. You know, that the toys are stocked? Not sitting cockeyed or anything like that.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  My eyes flickered up, and I watched her walk away. Her wisps of hair blew away from her face, and the sight made me grin. Outside of how wonderful she smelled, it did feel nice to have help in the shop. Usually, I wasn’t this busy. So I managed everything myself with the help of my two employees, Buddy and Alexa. But even with the two of them tonight, I would have never survived it without Melody and her quick-working nature.

  She was actually a massive help.

  My eyes lingered on her as she moved from aisle to aisle. I lost my place yet again with the credit card receipts. I slowly moved off the podium, trying to find her as she disappeared into the shadows of the shop. When she came around the corner, I froze.

  She bent over in front of me. Her shirt fell open, giving me a perfect shot down the front of her shirt. The swell of her tits made me lick my lips as the world spun around me. She was gorgeous. Fraught with sexy curves I wanted to mark with my teeth.

  Just a little lower with that shirt…

  I stood so high on my tiptoes to get a glimpse, I fell over. Falling torso first into a fucking stuffed animal stand.

  “Mr. James!”

  Melody rushed over to me as I picked myself up. She helped me up and helped me pick up the toys I knocked over. We crouched and re-stocked. Crouched and re-stocked. She kept asking me if I was all right. But I was enraptured by her touch. The smell of her body. The softness of her hair and the way her eyes sparkled. Her voice sounded so far away. Every time we dipped down together, I wanted to drag her to the fucking floor.

  And when she caught me staring a
t her, I let my slow smile grow.

  “At the risk of being unprofessional, I really have never seen a more gorgeous woman in all my life.”

  Melody blushed. “Well, um—thank—thank you, Mr. James.”


  She smiled, making her look even lovelier. “Tyler.”

  The sound of my name in her voice tugged at my chest.

  “Thank you for your help, but I can take it all from here,” I said.

  “Are you sure? I’ve got another hour if you—”

  “Get home to your son. I’ll call you Monday and let you know about your schedule next week.”

  She nodded. “Fair enough.”

  I unlocked the front doors and stood there, watching her get safely into her car. I hated the way that thing looked. It was a damn eyesore, and a mother needed a more reliable car anyway. I sighed as I let the door close, chastising myself for not kissing her when I had the chance.

  Then I listened to her car as it started to sputter.

  Without actually coming alive.

  Chapter 6


  “Come on,” I murmured.

  I tried starting my car again, but all it did was sputter.

  “Piece of shit. Please.”

  And again, it didn’t start.

  “Damn it,” I whispered.

  My head fell back against the seat. I felt more defeated than I had in a long time. But a knock at my driver’s side window opened my eyes. I saw Tyler standing there, staring at me with a worried look. When I used the crank handle to roll my window down, he peered around the inside of my car.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Just starting my car. It takes a bit sometimes.”

  “You sure? It sounds like your battery’s done for.”

  “Well, maybe I can get a jump from someone.”

  “I’d offer, but my jumper cables are at home.”

  “Perfect,” I murmured.

  “Hey, why don’t you come inside? I can give you a ride home, and you can figure it all out tomorrow.”

  I paused. “That isn’t too much to ask?”


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