Away with the Faeries (Get Your Rocks Off Book 1)

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Away with the Faeries (Get Your Rocks Off Book 1) Page 26

by Sam Hall

  “Been waiting to get my hands on these. You were so damn ripe in that bloody dress, but now…”

  “Now I’m damned to back pain and FF cup bras?”

  “I’ll spend the rest of my life finding only the prettiest bras to cup these. If you had any idea of the dresses I dream of putting you in…” He felt me stiffen under him. “But you want to break my heart. OK, love. For you, I’m gonna push the damn envelope, look at every so-called innovation grunge brought to fashion, and see what I can tailor to suit you.” He looked down at where my nipple puckered. “Or I keep you bare and chained to the bed. The three of us, we can keep you satisfied around the clock. Someone tugging on these…” His mouth engulfed my nipple, sending a sharp jolt of pleasure through my body, and my clit throbbed in sympathy. “Make them perk up so nicely. Sucking on them until you ache, then stroking you until you ease a little, then sucking a little more.”

  “Fuck, I’d be satisfied with a small percentage of that right now,” I gasped as he did as he said in earnest now. My hands went to his skull and raked through the short crop of his hair, wanting to urge him on and push him away all at once. It felt like his tongue was buried between my legs, even as I felt the cool brush of air on my sodden folds as they parted. “Marlow…” I panted. “Marlow…”

  He chuckled when he pulled away, leaving brush like kisses on my ribs and stomach.

  “You’re needy. We’ve made you be so patient, so I’ll speed things up, but you promised me days with just lube and Gatorade.”

  “I’d just about promise you my first-born child for your cock right now,” I said as his hands trailed up my inner thighs.

  “Be careful of that with us faeries,” he said as he settled down between my thighs. “Fuck…look at you.” A single finger slid through my wetness. “Love, you’re aching.” I could only nod, my entire focus on where he stroked, like my body didn’t exist except for where he touched. “I should take pity on you.”

  “Yes, do that. Get the lube.”

  “But I won’t.” He heard my groan of frustration and ran a finger lightly over the hood of my clit. “I’ll never get this back, the first time with you. I’m selfish enough to want to make you remember me forever.”

  “I promise…”

  I couldn’t finish the sentence as his finger moved in tiny little strokes, just shifting the hood the slightest of amounts but enough to send the sweetest of burns through me. He kept that up, a gentle, persistent little stroke as his thumbs spread me slowly but surely open and then stroked the outer edges. The lack of direct, brutal contact had me dripping. I was slick for him, so much so that I was starting to think the lube was going to be entirely unnecessary. His thumbs slid back and forth, moving slightly deeper, until my hand snapped out, landing on the flat of his skull.

  “Marlow, I can’t… I need…”

  “Got you,” he said, reaching over and placing the gentlest of kisses on my mouth as his fingers slid in.

  He swallowed my groans and rode my shifting body into the bed as I tried to get away and force him deeper at the same time. “So sweet,” he said when he drew back. “But I need sweeter.”

  He pulled away, and my whole body tensed as his tongue swiped along my most sensitive of flesh. He grunted into my skin as his lips and tongue tasted every part of me, forcing its way inside me and flicking at my clit until my cries came in rapid little stutters. His fingers soon joined his mouth, sliding deep inside, one, then two, then three. I felt stretched tight around him as his hand started to move.

  This is what’ll feel like when he puts that monster in, I thought randomly as my cunt squeezed his fingers, a fluttering foreshadowing of what was soon to come. He hooked them up, dragging the blunt points across something that fucking bloomed inside me. I called to God, Jesus, any deity of your choice as he pushed me higher and higher, until finally, he drew back and I just lay there gasping. When I gathered my senses, bringing myself back to the room, I saw him kneeling in front of me with some lube in his hand that he was working onto his dick.

  “Fuck this,” I said, and grabbed him, slamming him down on the bed. He laughed as I clambered over him and planted my hands on that perfect chest with its inscrutable writing. I felt like I didn’t understand anything about him, this tug between us, or why someone like him would be into me, but that didn’t stop me from moving my hips so I hovered over the cock he held out for me.

  “Take it,” he commanded. “You’re a queen, and I’m your fucking indentured servant, given to you by my lord. Take me, Kira.”

  There was a strange lilt to his words and a burning intensity to his eyes.

  “You’re so much more than that, Marlow, and I don’t know how that’s true, but it is. This…this is just our bodies joining, but there’s something already tying us together.”

  I relished the flare in his eyes, hope maybe, as I worked the head of his cock against me and then slid down.

  “You’re OK, you’re OK,” he crooned as I felt my body split open in a way that was terrifying and lovely all at the same time. It was a totally foreign feeling, being completely filled up with more besides below me if I could take it. “Just rock on it, let your body adjust.” His hand slid between us, and his thumb started rubbing slow circles against my clit. My head and my body found the rhythm, proceeding slowly and gingerly at first, then as a hidden, dark power pulsed deep inside me, spreading a heavy languorous pleasure through me, I grew braver. His breath caught in his chest as I planted my hands on his pecs and my hips moved faster. “That’s it. You feel like a velvet glove around me. So tight and sweet. So good, Kira.”

  It was a lazy thing, which was weird, due to all the longing and mooning about we’d done, but it was as if in this room, time didn’t matter. I could feel the heavy weight of him pushing up inside me, the throb of his dick, the steady burning flame in my clit. I felt my cunt spasm around him, drawing increasingly harsh gasps from Marlow as his hands went to my hips. The pace drew out, rocking faster and faster.

  He rolled us on the bed, my legs falling off the edge, and we briefly disengaged as he grabbed my leg and held it against his chest before he slotted back in.

  “Fuck…” he groaned. “I can’t hold back much longer.”

  “Don’t,” I said, feeling an answering desperation. I reached out my hand, and our fingers tangled as he shoved himself inside me.

  It all became a blur, of skin, of motion, of caresses and kisses and the sweet bloom of Marlow filling the room. My head spun and my body burned with an incredible lightness as the pleasure built. “Look!” he rasped, and my eyes snapped open. The burn wasn’t just metaphorical, our skins glowed bright as we clawed at each other, so much so that I had to jerk my gaze away or go blind. Instead, I looked into his eyes and watched the way we destroyed each other entirely, glowing brighter and brighter and brighter until…

  He collapsed down on me, and our arms went around each other as it smashed into us. Waves and waves of pleasure, coloured by surprise and awe and simple need. He sobbed into my ear as he emptied himself into me, my body fluttering around him.

  Orgasm was just the herald of what was to come. My eyes opened to let the tears that formed there slide away. My heart swelled, aching with a great cloud of tenderness that forced everything out until there was only me and him.

  Seeing it in his face when he pulled back, seeing the same shine in his eyes was fucking terrifying. I’d just met the guy. He’d dressed me in some cool shit and helped me adjust after I’d transitioned. He seemed very nice and someone worth getting to know more, but this? Where did this come from? His own face, wiped blank of everything but awe told the same story. He rolled us to one side, pulling me into his arms and holding me so hard, I wanted nothing more than to wear the imprint of his body against mine until the end of time.

  I wasn’t sure how long we lay there. It didn’t seem to matter. Occasionally, one of us would try to draw back, but if they moved even a hair’s breadth, the other would drag them close again. I
t took a serious case of cottonmouth, a pressing bladder, and a hip gone numb from lying in the same spot to finally prompt me to move. I rolled up into a seated position, my hand going to his chest and his hand covering mine.



  We laughed, but only a little, at our attempts to talk over each other. Those green eyes looked raw, naked, and I could only imagine mine felt the same. They each made to the other long, eloquent declarations that the rest of us were too afraid to make.

  “I need to go to the loo,” I said finally.

  “Of course. I’ve got some sweats for you, in your own size. That’s what you want, yeah?”

  “Perfect. I don’t know about you, but I feel like I need to put myself back together. I’m not sure if that’s the usual thing with faerie sex, but that decimated me.”

  “I’ve done a lot of shit. Fucked a lot of people.” He snorted ruefully at that. “Not the right thing to say right now, but I just wanted you to know…” He glanced up at me. “I’ve never experienced anything like that before. Go and get dressed, because I’m holding myself back by a thread from seeing if lightning will strike twice.”

  Aen was waiting in the lounge room, the lamps turned down low, the curtains drawn, and nursing what smelt like an expensive Scotch. His smile was sweet and well-worn and bursting with some bittersweet twist of something I didn’t yet understand.

  “Here,” he said, conjuring cups of tea and blankets when we sat down on the couch. “Hold her close. She’ll need a lot of skin to skin. You both will.”

  Marlow moved to do so, and something settled inside me as soon as he did. Aen nodded, his eyes becoming heavy hooded and sleepy as he regarded us.

  “She’s so precious. We have to keep her safe. All of us do.”

  “Mmm…” Marlow said, nuzzling against my neck. My eyes dropped lower and lower with each brush as a crushing wave of tiredness washed over me.

  Later, I wasn’t sure how long, I heard the door open, and I cracked my eyelid for a moment to see a blurry Johnno standing before me. He bent down, brushing his hand across the cheekbone not pressed up against Marlow’s chest, then pulled the blanket up higher around me. My hand snapped out of its own accord, catching him when he went to go. I tugged him closer, until he collapsed down onto the end of the couch, and wasn’t satisfied until I felt the weight of his body as well. “Kira?” he asked, but I couldn’t reply as the velvety undertow sucked me down, but only with the feel of the three of them, could I finally let go.


  The pain that came was as familiar and as alien as ever before. I didn’t have a world to orientate myself in, lost in sleep as I was, but the distortions came anyway. I shifted, and a whimper escaped my lips as the ache began. Intense and constricting around the base of my skull, it flared bright and harsh as it spread. Pain was a flame that burned me up. My whimpers grew louder, but I couldn’t use my throat to do anything more, like scream as I needed to, while my whole body clamped down hard, bracing for what was about to come.

  And come, it did. I’d often felt like the visual disturbances and headaches were like lightning strikes in my head. Well that description was never more apt. Pain smashed into me in great shocking bolts as my dream eyes saw the world twist and turn, ragged black lines thrashing in front of me with dizzying abandon, and my guts churned as I fought the maelstrom of sensation spinning in me.

  I tried to cry out, to alert someone, anyone to what was happening. To wake me up, to get me a coffee or the meds I’d left at home, but I couldn’t move. I was forced to just lay there and weather blow after blow, until he came.

  Nothing changed, he didn’t settle any of the chaos inside my head, but he did make it so that it didn’t matter. I couldn’t see him, as my brain seemed to refuse to put that together, so all I saw was a glowing form in the shape of a man. The light streaming from him made my eyes ache, and the orbs felt like they were shrivelling in their sockets the longer I stared.

  “Ssh…” he said, and while I tried to crawl back from his touch, he reached out and placed a glowing hand on my forehead. He said a whole lot more, I was sure of it, but I didn’t get a chance to hear the words. At his touch, light exploded inside me, driving pain, pleasure, existence, everything out of me, until nothing remained.

  “Soon,” was the last thing I heard before it all fell away.

  What’s next?

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  Looking for the next Pack Heat book?

  Get Book 4 here!

  Stalk me!

  Stalk me!

  Facebook author group: Sam’s Hall of Heroines

  Come and see teasers and me explain what the hell was going on in my head when I was writing that.


  Teasers, WIPs and pictures of my animals here!


  Matt the master planner will always get first plug here. He’s stepped away from his side hustle and now is part time disability support worker, part time house husband, beating the house, kid, animals and me into shape.

  To Belle, a massive thank you for being ongoing support person. I think we’ve talked each other off enough ledges to become masters in it. Always glad to have you in my corner and I’ll always be in yours.

  Editing was done by the lovely Meghan Leigh Daigle. She’s amazing and if you’re looking for an editor, she’s your girl.

  Cover was created by the amazing team at Mibl Art

  Special thanks to Katie and Jess. Katie, you really believed in this book and as my career compass, I knew I had to dive in and write this book. To Jess, for always trying to inject a softer squishier side to my hyper analytical voice! You’re the emotional compass.

  Robin, you’re the world’s greatest cheerleader and a great reader to have keeping pace with me!

  Extra special thanks to the wonderful Samantha for sitting up with me, trying to help a white, Australia girl understand better Black American culture. You were the most amazing sounding board.

  To the amazing betas, Rebekah, Teresa, Carol and Richelle. Your eagle eyes and careful read through has made this as close to perfect as we could get it and you did it quickly, cheerfully and during a damn pandemic, so kudos, people!

  About the Author

  I grew up in that bit of Australia you saw in Crocodile Dundee. Yup, I have seen saltwater crocs in the wild, have held a koala (the 70s, when stressing wildlife for the kiddies was still cool) and have swatted an insane number of hand sized spiders (they think I am their queen and are always wherever I am!). I have a gorgeous child with ASD, a super supportive, truly awesome partner and so, so many animals. Seriously, there are double the pets to people.

  Being a little baby writer, trying to make her way in the big, crowded, world of self-publishing, reviews are our lifeblood. Seriously, we’re sitting in isolated rooms wondering what the hell we are doing with our lives, so chuck a review on Amazon or Goodreads and I will loooove you!




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