In Dreams He Came

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In Dreams He Came Page 13

by Trina Lane

  There was a high-pitched squeal, and Nick whipped his head to the right to look out the windshield. A brown haired pixie stood in the driveway, bouncing on her toes.

  Gabe laughed. “That’s Lauren. Come on, I’ll introduce you.”

  Gabe turned off the car and they climbed out. Gabe immediately had an armful of young woman. Nick watched in amusement as Gabe spun Lauren around. When everyone’s feet were back on the ground, Gabe stood next to his twin and slung his arm around her diminutive shoulders.

  “Nick, I’d like to introduce you to my sister Lauren.”

  Nick stepped forward and held out his hand. “Nice to meet you. Gabe’s told me a lot about you.”

  Lauren rolled her eyes. “I can only imagine what my little brother has been telling you.”

  Nick raised an eyebrow at that comment. Lauren stood a foot shorter than Gabe and had delicate features and build. The only things that showcased their familial relationship were the matching green eyes and short brown hair.

  Gabe shrugged. “It’s true. She’s twelve minutes older than me.”

  Nick smiled. “I never doubted that my prince had demonstrated his courtly manners since birth.”

  Lauren’s nose scrounged up and reminded Nick of a little bunny.

  “Is that some inside joke thing?”

  Gabe squeezed his sister’s shoulder. “Not really a joke. It goes back to when we first got together. Nick calls me his prince, and I’ve always thought of him as my knight in shining armor. And I think his comment was a reference to the ‘ladies first’ concept.”

  Lauren stepped out from under Gabe’s arm. “Wait, he calls you his prince?”

  Nick walked over and put his arm around Gabe’s waist. He placed a chaste kiss on Gabe’s forehead. “My sweet prince, actually.”

  Lauren giggled. “Princes and knights? This has to do with your obsession for history, right?” Gabe shrugged. Lauren looked up at Nick. “So what does he call you?”

  “He’s simply Nick,” Gabe responded.

  “No pet name? Ace? Babykinz? Love muffin?”

  Gabe snorted and shook his head. “He doesn’t need one.” Gabe looked up and met Nick’s eyes. “No artificial name could have more meaning to me.”

  Nick’s lips touched Gabe’s. “And I like the sound of my name on his lips.”

  “That has got to be the sweetest and most nauseating thing I’ve ever heard in my life.”

  “Hey, you kids! Get inside, it’s freezing out there.”

  Nick looked up and saw a woman standing in the doorway who had to be Gabe and Lauren’s mother. Lauren started to walk away, and as she reached the concrete steps leading to the recessed porch, she bent over then scooped up a wad of snow. Nick turned to warn Gabe when his sweetheart fired his own snowy missile. The snowballs struck their intended targets, and twin sets of laughter echoed through the towering evergreens surrounding the house.

  Nick pulled Gabe close and brushed off the snow that covered Gabe’s chest. He kissed Gabe’s cool lips and took Gabe’s hands between his to warm the chilled skin. “I think I like your sister.”

  THEY gathered their suitcases from the car and headed toward the wood and stone structure. The wood was painted an attractive green that blended in with the forest and the colors in the stones used as part of the foundation mimicked the land around them.

  Gabe pushed open one side of the large cedar doors. They entered into what was obviously the great room. A massive stone fireplace that matched the stonework around the foundation crackled in welcome. Large windows lined one side of the room. The wide panes of glass stretched up to the second story and offered unencumbered views of the lake and forest surrounding them. The warm-colored hardwood floor in front of the fireplace was covered in what appeared to be a soft Oriental rug. The cozy area begged a person to sit in the overstuffed club chair or lounge on the sectional sofa, stretching their toes out toward the fire.

  Outside there was a wide deck that appeared to wrap around the exterior of the house. Nick thought it would perfect to sit on for evening meals during the warmer months, or to watch the sun set on the lake with Gabe snuggled in his arms on a chaise lounge. Nick managed to tear his eyes away from the view and looked around the rest of the room. The great room led directly to the spacious kitchen, where Gabe’s mom had her head stuck in the oven. Whatever was inside smelled delicious, and Nick’s stomach rumbled in appreciation.

  Gabe softly chuckled next to him. “Hungry?”

  “Hey, I’m used to snacking all day during training. Last meal we had was before we left the resort. That was a whole four hours ago.”

  “Well, we can’t have our guests starving to death. Come sit, have some nibbles. Dinner should be ready in about an hour.”

  Gabe led Nick into the kitchen and greeted his mom with a kiss to her cheek.

  “Mom, I’d like you to meet Nick Jackson. Nick, this is my mom, Melody Mason.”

  Nick held out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Mason. Gabe’s told me a lot about his family. It’s nice to finally put a name with a face.”

  Melody accepted Nick’s hand and gently squeezed. “Nice to meet you as well, Nick. Please call me Melody. When Gabe told us he was bringing you home, he couldn’t stop talking about you.”

  Nick looked over at Gabe and smiled at the blush that stained his cheeks.

  “Gabe, why don’t you call for your father. I’m sure he’d like to meet your young man.”

  There was a definite tone to Melody’s suggestion, but Nick couldn’t figure it out. It didn’t sound as though he should prepare himself for a confrontation. Gabe had never said anything about either one of his parents having an issue with his sexuality. Her tone was almost conspiratorial, and when Nick looked back at Gabe it was obvious he was the only one out of the joke.

  Gabe went over to a closed door and pulled it open. He stuck his head inside and yelled, “Dad! We’re home!”

  Gabe closed the door and then stepped back, and with a suspicious smirk, folded his arms and waited. Nick squinted at his boyfriend, trying to read his behavior. There was definitely something hinky going on. Gabe had that same look when he and Phil were trying to one up each other. The sound of feet running up a set of stairs could be heard coming from the other side of the door. Nick looked over at the closed portal, but was clueless as to how to prepare for whatever was about to happen. The door swung open, and a man Gabe’s height and build with blond hair stepped through.

  “Welcome home, I take it we finally get to meet your young ma―”

  The man stood there staring at Nick. His mouth hung open, and Nick was tempted to make sure that his fly wasn’t open or something. Finally the man shook his head slightly and then came toward Nick with his hand stretched out.

  “Nicholas Jackson! It’s an honor to meet you. Congratulations on your wins in Dubai. Those were some impressive performances. Gold in the two hundred back and free, silver in the four hundred individual medley, and let’s not forget the silver in the four by one hundred freestyle relay. That was quite an anchor leg you pulled out.”

  Nick looked over at Gabe and saw that both he and his mom were snickering softly. He vowed to get even for the ambush, even if it was a pleasant one.

  Nick took Mr. Mason’s hand. “Thank you, sir.”

  “No need for the formality, son. Please call me Scott.” Scott looked over at Gabe. “I don’t understand, I thought you were bringing home your boyfriend, not a swimming super star.” He looked back at Nick. “No offense meant. It’s a real honor to have you with us.”

  “None taken, Scott. You were correct in your assumptions.”

  Scott tilted his head a little, and Nick saw the exact same expression on his face that Gabe held when he was confused about something. He looked over at his boyfriend to see how Gabe would play this out. Obviously his prince had orchestrated this scenario ahead of time. Gabe slowly walked toward Nick. The look in his eyes was part laughter and part seduction. Nick couldn’t hel
p but be willingly drawn in to whatever game was afoot.

  Gabe sidled up to Nick and pulled Nick’s head down into a kiss. Their mouths remained closed, but the ardor between them couldn’t be disguised. By the thoroughness of the kiss, Nick assumed that Gabe had no compunction about displays of affection in front of his parents. By the clapping coming from the island where Gabe and his mom had stood, and the soft “I’ll be damned” coming from Scott in front of them, it appeared the couple wasn’t offended.

  The kiss was broken by a loud wolf whistle echoing in the vaulted ceiling above them. Nick looked up and saw Lauren leaning over a catwalk, which obviously connected the two sides of the house together on the second story.

  Lauren disappeared, and Nick heard the sound of running feet overhead. He followed the thundering to his right and then watched as Lauren came sliding down the banister to land with a perfect dismount.

  “Lauren Elaine! What have I told you about running in the house? Not to mention sliding down that rail?” Gabe’s mom scolded from the kitchen.

  Lauren smiled brightly, and Nick saw that it had the same wattage and effect as one of Gabe’s smiles.

  “To make sure I do it with the epitome of grace?”

  “Very cute, young lady. The only reason I’m not going to punish you is because I’ve missed you too damn much to send you to your room.” Gabe’s dad gathered Lauren in a hug, and Nick almost choked on his laughter when he saw the exaggerated wink from Lauren.

  “The little minx always got away with everything,” Gabe mumbled next to him.

  “And I suppose we’re to believe that you were a perfect angel?” Melody asked, raising her eyebrow.

  Gabe put his hands on his hips and scowled at his mom. “Hey! I always served my time.”

  Melody nodded solemnly. “Yes, for those crimes you were convicted of, but I have circumstantial evidence for many more infractions for which you were never prosecuted.”

  Nick chuckled. It was good to see Gabe bantering with his family. It seemed that they were open and loving, a cohesive unit. Nick was thankful for every moment he shared with his dad, but it would be a lie to say he never once wished he couldn’t have grown up in an environment such as this.

  Gabe looked back at Nick. “Don’t listen to her. I was a quiet boy who stuck to my books and daydreams.” He pointed at Lauren. “She was always the little instigator. More than half the times I got in trouble was because I was covering for her!”

  Lauren smiled and shrugged. “Guilty. But I couldn’t resist. I had to give my little brother some life experiences. Otherwise I feared life would devour his innocence too harshly.”

  Nick leaned down and placed his lips right next to Gabe’s ear and then whispered, “No, I believe that was me, and it has been by far the best thing I’ve ever experienced in my life.”

  Gabe’s face turned an adorable shade of pink, and his head tucked into Nick’s neck. Nick wrapped his arm around Gabe’s waist and held him close.

  “See, Mom, I told you,” Lauren said.

  “Yes, dear, as always you are correct.”

  “Correct about what?” Scott asked. “Why is it that half the time I have no idea what anyone in this house is talking about? It’s as if you all speak in code.”

  Melody came over and kissed her husband softly. “It’s not code, honey. You’re a dreamer like your son. Half the time your head is stuck in your books. It’s when you pop up and look around at the real world that you get confused.”

  “I thought you liked that about me?” Scott frowned.

  “I do, love,” Melody said softly.

  Watching the obvious love between Gabe’s parents was a balm to Nick’s heart. It was now clear why Gabe didn’t have any problem with demonstrating their love for one another. His parents had obviously served as living examples of open affection between couples.

  Melody turned to Gabe and Nick. “Gabe, go ahead and take Nick upstairs. You two can get settled in your room, and I’ll call you when dinner is ready.”

  “Okay.” Gabe stepped forward and hugged his mom and then his dad. “Thanks, both of you.”

  “We love you, Gabriel,” Scott said.

  Nick heard not only the love for his son in Scott’s voice, but deeper emotions as well. Pride, respect and a healthy dose of earnestness. It was the last one that really caught Nick’s attention. A curiosity of a father with a desire to understand the man his little boy had become.

  “Love you too, Dad.”

  Gabe took Nick’s hand and led him toward the stairs. They paused to gather their bags sitting beside the front door and then made their way up the steps. When they reached the top, Gabe turned right, and Nick found himself crossing over the same catwalk he’d spied Lauren standing on earlier. The railings were wood stained the color of ebony and the floor was the same hardwood that was on the lower floor. Carpet runners that matched the area rug in front of the fireplace would warm the surface for bare feet. Nick looked over the edge and saw Lauren lounging on the sectional with her laptop. She gave him a little wave and he smiled back. This high, Nick was able to see the detail that went into the wood-paneled ceiling.

  When he stopped acting as if he were a gawking tourist, he saw that Gabe stood at the end of the walkway, looking back at him with a happy smile. Gabe nodded to the right toward an open door and went in. There was another door straight at the end of the hallway and one to the left. Nick followed the unvoiced direction and found himself in a pleasant room, which was mostly occupied by a black queen-sized sleigh bed. The walls were a warm sand color and the floor was once again hardwood, covered with soft area rugs, surrounding the bed. But his gaze was drawn to a set of sliding doors. Right outside their room was a covered porch, which looked straight out onto the lake and surrounding forest.

  He stepped up to the glass and looked out. The snow that slowed their journey from the north hadn’t dropped a fresh blanket in this part of the state. Giant white puffy clouds floated over the steel gray lake, and the hillside was frosty with snow from the most recent storm to blow through.

  Nick turned to Gabe. “Can we live here? I mean eventually?”

  Gabe stepped up to Nick and wrapped his arms around Nick’s waist. “You like it?”

  “Are you kidding? I love it!”

  Gabe smiled and went up on his toes to kiss Nick. “I’m glad, but let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves.”

  Nick frowned. “What do you mean? I thought we wanted to be together.”

  “Oh, love, that’s not what I meant! I do want to be with you, more than anything. But we’re young. We may find somewhere else to call home. Besides, as much as I love my adoptive home town… the property costs aren’t exactly conducive to a new graduate’s salary.”

  Nick walked Gabe backward toward the bed. The mattress was thick and high off the ground. Even with his height, Gabe had to give a little hop up onto the bed, his feet ended up leaving the floor, and his shoes made a thud as the hit the wood floor. Nick toed off his shoes, and climbed over Gabe’s prone body, settling into the welcoming space between Gabe’s spread legs.

  “I have news for you, sweetheart. Those endorsement deals I have? They pay for more than my training costs, and a couple of those titles I’ve won came with prize money nobody would sneeze at.”

  He leaned down and kissed Gabe, letting their lips linger as their bodies rubbed together. “I’ve been investing my winnings since I started competing at the junior level. Now I’m no Bill Gates, but we’ll be able to live comfortably.”

  Nick rolled, pulling Gabe with him. Nick ended up on his back and Gabe’s head rested on his shoulder. Gabe’s hand came up and rubbed Nick’s stomach before Nick captured it and held it against his chest.

  “I don’t love you for your money, Nick. If we intend to make a life together, it’ll have to be an equal partnership,” Gabe said, quietly.

  “I know, sweetheart, and I love you all the more for that. We’ll find a way to make things work. I simply wanted you to kn
ow that stressing about our income is one obstacle we’ll be able to avoid.”

  They lay quietly in the bed until Nick felt his eyes start to drift close. Gabe’s breathing had slowed and evened out beside him. His sweetheart was cuddled up beside him, and Nick reveled in the warmth of their shared body heat. Gabe’s lax muscles draped over him made Nick wish they were skin to skin, but he’d cherish every intimate moment with his prince life offered them.

  Chapter 11

  GABE lay on the sofa with his head on Nick’s lap after opening presents on Christmas morning. Nick’s hand slowly moved over the top of his head and down his neck. The mini massage felt wonderful and relaxed Gabe further into a compliant pile of goo. They were both dressed in flannel sleep pants and long-sleeved T-shirts. The soft fabric against Gabe’s cheek made him want to nuzzle deeper into Nick’s lap, but he thought that might look a little obscene and restrained himself.

  So far their visit to his parents house had gone as well as Gabe could have hoped. His mom mothered Nick as if he was another child of her womb, and his dad had eventually gotten over his initial star-struck behavior. He and Nick were currently discussing Nick’s schedule for the coming months.

  Last night Nick had tortured Gabe into a haze of sexual desperation in retaliation for the little joke. Hours of touches and kisses lifted Gabe higher as Nick drew out the moment of climax till they were both frenzied for fulfillment. When Nick had finally slid deep inside Gabe, the pure bliss had been even better than their first time together. Gabe’s orgasm was so intense he’d actually blacked out for a moment. He’d never been happier that his parents’ master suite was on the other side of the catwalk. The experience had been well worth the giggling looks from Lauren that morning.

  Gabe’s eyes drifted closed as tiredness from their exertions the night before and pent-up exhaustion from the long semester overtook him.


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