Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection

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Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection Page 94

by Rebecca Royce

  He just pursed his lips at this.

  “Her favorite color is sky blue,” he declared after a moment.

  I raised an eyebrow at him. “How do you know that?”

  “She told me when we were walking once, she saw a sky blue dress and wanted to buy it, but she didn’t have the money. She said it was her favorite color,” he said, looking rather chuffed with his memory.

  “She doesn’t own many dresses.”

  “Only the emerald one. She likes green too, I think because it matches her eyes.”

  I smiled at how much notice Creeper had taken. He was always watching and listening, taking things in. You’d never know until moments like this, because he never mentioned it.

  “We should ask her on a date,” Creeper murmured as we drew closer to the dining hall door.

  “We will. Separately, and when the time is right. She likes all of us, but we don’t want to scare her off,” I nodded.

  “We should let the others know.”

  “Agreed. I know we were all going to focus on our duty to her, to protect her, but I think this would be beneficial,” I said. Sure, it would bring us closer which was better for our duty to protect her. But it was also for selfish reasons. I wanted things between us to be something more.

  And the others felt the same, although they didn’t speak about it, it showed in their actions.

  “Right,” Creeper smirked, seeing through me easily, but he didn’t say anything.

  We entered the hall, finding that we were only waiting on Paris and Wayne after us.

  We took our seats with the other two and Lily, and I could feel her sneaking me glances. Too bad Chumley was on one side and Diane on the other.

  I wanted to sit by her and hold her hand once more, to feel her soft fingers in mine. Just the touch of her sent a spark through me, igniting my soul and making me want to hold her tight.

  I gritted my teeth as my thoughts set off a reaction in me, and I shifted uncomfortably as my jeans tightened.

  Creeper sniggered beside me, arching a brow at me as I scowled at him.

  Thankfully, Xander came to my rescue, asking about Lily’s newfound strength. She explained to him that when she focused, she could draw upon some kind of power inside her.

  This drew everyone’s attention, even Dezikiel, and we explained how she’d sent me smashing through the wooden barricade.

  I knew the hooded figures would have it repaired by tomorrow.

  Dezikiel was quite intrigued by this, and watched Lily closely as she laughed and spoke with the others about some shows and the news.

  She asked if anyone had Facebook, to which the resounding answer was no. No one had it, as it was forbidden for demonics to have a social media presence. They were targets already, best not to make it any easier. But everyone had a phone, and Lily had exchanged her number to the others if they needed it.

  She mostly just texted Diane and Hadley, sometimes Paris.

  Dinner was uneventful otherwise, and when it came to a close, I found myself pulled aside by Dezikiel with Creeper.

  We followed him to his office, and Creeper and I exchanged glances.

  Dezikiel stepped into his office, coming to a standstill before his desk and turning to us.

  “I have a mission for you both. Demons have possessed some vampires in Pittsburgh. I think you two would be the best candidates for such a task.”

  I gritted my teeth as Creeper sighed.

  Guess wooing Lily would have to wait.

  “Here’s everything I have on them so far,” Dezikiel said as he handed me the file.

  I flicked through it before handing it to Creeper. Five vampires inhabited by demons. A harsh mix and not easy to kill. Vampires alone were strong and fast, but with demons taking over their bodies, they couldn’t be slowed down with standard methods.

  “You leave tonight, I have a plane booked so you’ll be there tomorrow. Take time in surveying the mission. We need them all put down. Combined with vampire strength, they are causing quite a stir and mess,” Dezikiel sighed.

  I nodded as Creeper closed the file.

  “Guess we better go pack.”

  We left Dezikiel’s office, and my mood darkened at having to leave. At least Chumley and Bug would be staying behind to take care of Lily.

  “Should we say goodbye to Lily?” Creeper asked.

  “No. Better if we don’t, she’ll find out we’re gone. No need for her to ask us questions,” I murmured.

  Lily and Xander were not caught up to date on what the Academy’s true purpose was. They were usually informed after their first year, and we were under strict orders to not tell them.

  I hated keeping her in the dark about it, but it was for the best apparently.


  I sat in my room with Chumley and Bug, wondering where the other two had disappeared to.

  “Do you know where Jack and Creeper went?” I asked as I flopped onto my bed.

  Chumley sat on the end of it while Bug circled and sat on a chair at the desk.

  “No clue, probably studying and playing piano,” Chumley shrugged as he flicked the TV on. I’d agreed to one more episode after dinner of ‘Stranger Things’, since I was rather hooked on it.

  I’d hoped I could catch Jack after dinner. All I could think about was our kiss and the way I felt with him.

  And I was a little bummed I hadn’t caught him. I’d noticed him looking over at me a few times throughout dinner.

  “What’s your favorite book?” Bug asked as he pulled out the fantasy book from his back pocket. He was lucky it was a small book, otherwise he’d struggle.

  “The first Harry Potter book. I read it when I was in primary school, it made me think of all the magic in the world and how much I wanted to be a part of something bigger and better,” I answered as I pulled my ponytail out and ran my fingers through my hair.

  “Want a brush?” Chumley asked as he noticed what I was doing. I just shrugged, but he stood up and headed over to my dresser to grab it for me.

  “Awesome. Are the movies any good?” Bug asked, his book resting on his lap as he shuffled his chair closer to the bed and stuck his feet up. He’d taken the liberty of removing his shoes though, and I found it funny that they all wore black socks.

  “I liked them,” I said. Watching them now, you could see how far CGI had come over the years, but they were still a wonderful adaptation of the stories I loved.

  “I should watch them sometime. I’ve watched the odd movie in the cinema, but I prefer books. Helps keep my mind active,” Bug smiled as he glanced down at the book in his lap.

  “Hey, who restocks everything? I noticed this morning that I was running low on toilet paper, and after lunch it was all topped up again,” I asked, curious as to who was sneaking into my room.

  “The hooded people, creature things,” Chumley said, frowning as he tried to think of what to call them. “They restock any supplies that are getting low.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  How strange. I’d read more about those hooded creatures. They were creations of angels for the Academies all over the globe. Servants that weren’t sentient. They just carried out their tasks, no questions asked. They weren’t living, just a type of magic that took on a hooded figure appearance in order to blend in.

  They also couldn’t be seen by humans.

  “I’ve been watching quite a few cooking videos too. After this episode, we should go to the kitchen. I’ve been visiting it some afternoons to try out some recipes. I’m getting better. Dezikiel caught me once, but he didn’t care. Even said once I get good I can help out with the mealtimes if I want,” Chumley beamed. “I made something for us for dessert.”

  “But we already had dessert,” Bug mused as he turned the page of his book.

  “Second dessert,” Chumley retorted.

  “Sure, after this episode,” I chuckled.

  I shuffled up the bed and nestled into the pillows on the side closest to Bug. I felt completely at
ease with the pair of them, and as Chumley scooted up to sit beside me and start the episode, I found my heartbeat quickening at his closeness.

  God, I was terrible. They all sparked reactions in me when they were close.

  I tried to ignore it and focus on the episode instead, and after a few minutes, I was immersed into the show once more.

  By the end of the episode, Bug was asking us questions, having been unable to focus on reading and started watching. We were a few episodes in, but we filled him in. And from the way he wanted to see what happened next, I could only assume we had another Netflix buddy.

  He also didn’t have any of his twitches as he watched the show, which I noted.

  Guess he was too caught up in the storyline.

  “You’re sure we’re allowed in here?” I hissed as Chumley pushed through the doors in the dining hall.

  I’d never been into the kitchen before.

  Even if I was thirsty or wanted a snack, all I had to do was ask one of the hooded figures floating around the mansion and they’d bring it to me in less than a minute.

  Slightly creepy that they could move like that, but I was getting used to it.

  “So, what did you make for dessert?” I asked as Chumley scampered over to the fridge with excitement.

  There were three fridges side by side, and two large chest freezers. The kitchen reminded me of a commercial grade one in a restaurant, with stainless steel benches and everything kept in pristine clean conditions.

  “Never been in here,” Bug murmured as he glanced around the kitchen, tapping his foot as Chumley emerged from the fridge.

  My face broke into a wide grin as he set the large chocolate mud cake on the counter.

  “Cake!” he declared as he stood before it proudly.

  I stepped closer to get a better look, taking in the carefully designed frosting swirls.

  “You made this?” I breathed, impressed with how well it had turned out.

  “It’s my fifth attempt at it. I’ve been practicing frosting. It’s a belated birthday cake for you!” he said, turning to me and showing me his perfectly white teeth in a broad grin.

  “It’s incredible,” I said honestly. “It looks delicious.”

  “I’ve got chocolate sauce too for us to heat up and pour on it,” he added as he spun around and shot across the kitchen.

  He returned with plates and a knife, and I stepped back as he began serving it up.

  Then they were into the microwave one by one, followed by the bowl of sauce, which he poured over them.

  He made us wait as he added some strawberries and cream to it, and then he finally handed the plates over.

  “Your presentation is on point,” Bug stated as he drew in the sweet steaminess of the cake and sauce.

  “Thanks. I took your advice, Lily. Maybe I could be a chef. It’s quite fun!” he said as he delved into his cake.

  We all stood in the kitchen, leaning on the counters as we ate.

  And by God, it was incredible. So smooth and moist, bursting with chocolatey goodness. The cream, strawberries and sauce only enriched it, and I savored the rich cake.

  “This is fucking amazing, Chum. You’ve found your calling,” I moaned through a mouthful of a cake.

  “She’s not wrong. This is even better than the one the hooded guys made,” Bug added.

  Chumley puffed up with pride at this.

  “Jack and Creeper need to try this,” I mumbled through another mouthful, unable to stop shoveling it into my mouth. It was utterly delicious. I was so glad he’d taken the initiative to start cooking and testing out his skills.

  “How many cooking videos have you watched?” I asked once I finally swallowed. I was glad he’d gotten us spoons instead of forks as I scooped up the warm sauce.

  “A lot. Few hundred, maybe a thousand. We don’t sleep, so I’ve been doing a lot of studying,” Chumley said as he finished his slice off with ease.

  “You have to start cooking for everyone, they’ll love it. What else have you been practicing?” I asked after I’d downed a scoop of the sauce.

  “Roasts are fun, I like to play with herbs and marinating sauces for the meat and vegetables. I’ve been trying a few more gourmet meals too,” he said, clearly excited and happy to talk about it.

  He began listing off some dishes he’d been practicing with, and I had to remind myself that because he didn’t sleep, he had a lot of extra time to do all this. Half the dishes I didn’t even know what they were, but he was so animated and alive as he spoke that it made my heart soar.

  Even Bug looked quite elated at his clear delight, and we both listened to him telling us all about the methods he was practicing and what other recipes he wanted to try.

  He wouldn’t even let us help tidy up as he washed up and put the remainder of the cake in the fridge. He’d bring it to dinner tomorrow night for dessert, but there wouldn’t be enough for everyone, so it was first come first served.

  Chumley said he wanted to stay and work on a new recipe, which he’d hopefully have mastered by the morning and it could be included in the breakfast menu.

  He’d go find Creeper and Jack to let them try the cake too once he’d checked to make sure he had all the ingredients he needed.

  I offered to hang around and watch his process, but he glanced at the clock in the kitchen and shook his head, saying I needed my sleep.

  Which was true, but I just loved feeling the energy and zest rolling off him. It made me beyond happy.

  Bug and I left him, walking back to my room quietly.

  “I’m glad he’s found something he loves apart from TV. We need to keep watching ‘Stranger Things’,” Bug said as we walked.

  He had stepped rather close to me, and I could just catch his charred scent every few steps. I tried to be inconspicuous as I inhaled it deeply, loving how they all had the similar scent. Hellhound aroma. But they each were slightly different. I smirked at the thought.

  Somehow, they gave me different feelings with their scents. Jack made me think of a fire by an ocean, and I wondered if they’d ever been to a beach. Bug made me think of a clearing in a forest, quiet and secluded. Creeper made me think of the mountains, rugged and dangerous but utterly beautiful.

  And Chumley made me think of the forest while hunting. It was strange how just their scents added to them, fitting in with their personalities and creating visions for me in my mind.

  “I’ve been studying the art of writing, I think I might try to write my own book one day,” Bug said after a moment of comfortable silence.

  “What do you think you’ll write about?” I asked, turning and inching even closer. I couldn’t help it, they all had a strange pull that drew me to them.

  Even in the kitchen, I’d found myself slowly nudging closer to Chumley as we leaned on the counters talking.

  My hand had brushed his, and I’d seen the spark in his eye as he looked at me, faltering for only a moment in his animated explanations of his techniques in the kitchen.

  Was it wrong for me to be giving in to it? Especially after kissing Jack?

  I couldn’t hurt Jack by letting myself catch feelings for the others too. Although that ship had already sailed. I knew I cared for them on a deep level, and I’d been battling feelings and emotions around them since day one at this Academy.

  “I think some kind of fantasy and adventure story, maybe even with some romance. That always goes over well apparently from my studying,” Bug said as he flicked the elastic band on his wrist.

  I nodded. Romance would go over well. Sure, I loved Harry Potter with its very minimal romance, but a good romcom movie or book was always something I enjoyed.

  “You’ve read romance books, what sort of romance do you think is best?” he asked.

  I had to fight the flush that was slowly spreading across my cheeks. Why were we talking about this now?

  Oh, right, because I’d asked.

  “Romantic comedy. Something that has light-hearted, sweet romance, but is
funny as well,” I murmured.

  I could feel him peering over at me now, and we’d slowed on our walk back to my room.

  “Any suggestions for things you’d think I should include to get that kind of feel?” he asked, shifting a little as he flicked his band again. I’d gotten so used to the sound of the elastic hitting his flesh, knowing it kept him from getting too anxious.

  “Um, depends on where it’s set. If you go with fantasy, there may be some things you can’t do. But most girls love picnics, being made to feel special with small gestures. Like flowers, cards, letters, treats. They just want to know you’re thinking of them. Some guys think women only want their money and expensive stuff, but most women like honesty and just love,” I said, the words rushing out of me as I focused on the floor.

  “Hmm, okay,” Bug murmured.

  I drew in a calming breath, hating how giddy I was feeling just talking about this. But he was so close to me now as we walked, and his hand brushed mine, making my skin tingle.

  “Could someone ever like someone as anxious as me? And we’re hellhounds. I think that rules out a lot,” Bug said softly, and I glanced at him through my lashes.

  His jaw was set, and he looked genuinely worried at the thought as he flicked his elastic band a few times.

  My hellhounds were more human that they thought. He was having usual worries, something I’d gone through myself.

  “Yes, you’re still lovable. Someone will come along who doesn’t care about any of that, they’ll love you just the way you are, and they’ll help you deal with any issues that you want to overcome to better yourself. They’ll stand by your side and help you through thick and thin, and to them, you’ll be perfect,” I said, smiling at my own words. I’d always hoped I’d find someone like that. Someone who accepted my monsters and my ugly past, who understood my issues and struggles.

  Now, my monsters were so much more, and I wondered if Jack cared at all about some of my issues.

  Not that I’d even experienced a hint of a panic attack since my powers had emerged. Truthfully, I had a feeling it was more the fact that I had them now, by my side and able to talk to them, that had helped me out so much. I knew I wasn’t alone.


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