Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection

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Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection Page 181

by Rebecca Royce

  “Ready for some payback, love?” He asks, pointing to the tallest platform set out over the sea. My pussy clenches and I nod. I’m definitely ready for something. If they make me work for it, so be it. I can take it. We aren’t leaving this beach until all of us are satisfied.

  Santos scoops me up and flies me to the little platform hut, landing us smoothly on the balcony. The view from here is incredible. When he reaches down to grab my hand to lead me inside, I stop him, reaching up on my tiptoes and pressing a sweet kiss to his lips.

  “I know you guys will probably torture me until I beg, but I want you to know something. I’ve wanted you for so long and the idea that you might finally touch me turns me on so much, I’m already wet.”

  He smiles down at me and leans down, cupping my cheek with one hand.

  “Sweetheart, there’s no probably about it. We will take as long as we need to make you ache for us, to beg for us, to feel just a tenth of what you made us feel with your little games.”

  He presses a sweet kiss to my forehead and then pulls me inside. There’s no furniture other than a giant platform bed. I shiver in anticipation.

  “Kneel in the center and await the others,” he orders. This version of Santos has an edge. He’s commanding and authoritative.

  Eager to obey, I scramble across the vast bed and find the center, kneeling as instructed.

  “Good girl,” Santos praises, sending a direct shot to my pussy with his words, “Lift your hands above your head for me?”

  As soon as I comply he shoots two bands of golden light towards my wrists, creating cuffs. I am quivering in excitement. “Lower your hands.”

  I can sense the moment Dmitri enters the room, followed by Thane. I remain in my kneeling position but I smile when I hear Dmitri growl in approval at my submission. When Thane claps his hands with glee, I smirk. It’s hard to resist the urge to stick my tongue out at him.

  We are going to caress your body and your mind until you cannot think of anything except us. You will ache for us and beg for permission to come. When we are done, you will belong to us the same way we belong to you: mind, body, and soul. With this, we claim you.

  Dmitri speaks directly to my mind, and I get a full-body shiver. I already ache for them. To know that I am at their complete mercy is intoxicating. Taking a deep breath, I nod my head in acknowledgement and let my body relax.

  Dmitri’s blue flames shoot out and lazily meander across my body, warming me and teasing me. They make me want to purr. Testing the bonds in my head, I playfully zap them all with a shot of my arousal. When they all collectively growl at me, I giggle. Two can play this game, or rather, four. I wiggle a little bit in victory.

  “Brave girl, playing with fire again. Perhaps you need more heat?” Dmitri shoots another blue flame at me and it hovers over my pussy, flickering and heating me just enough to drive me crazy. I squirm, trying to shift my body in a way that gets the flame exactly where I want it while still kneeling.

  All three of them join me on the bed, prowling around me but not touching me yet.

  “Close your eyes, Kyrie,” Santos orders. I pout but do as I'm told, reaching out through our bonds to try and track my mates as my sight is taken away.

  Each of them take turns sending me images of what they plan to do, and with each flare of the matesbond, I feel slightly more desperate. Santos sends me an image of his face buried deep in my pussy and I actually pant, arching my back and pushing out my breasts in anticipation. Dmitri chuckles, and then sends me an image of me bent over the edge of bed, his long, thick cock buried deep inside me. I gulp and flex my hands, trying to get control over myself. When Thane sends me an image of me restrained and spreadeagled on the bed, hot wax being dripped over my nipples while a remote control vibrator hovers over my clit—I actually moan out loud. It’s too much.

  Each image they send is packed with a shot of arousal straight from the sender. It builds and builds, overwhelming me until my body is screaming for release. It’s impossibly intense and they haven’t even touched me yet.

  I try to fight back, sending as much of the emotions they create in me back through the bond. But it’s no use. They quickly block my ability to send and force me to hold all the arousal in my already overly sensitized body. It’s like being hit by a tsunami-wave of want and need. I can’t fight it, I just have to roll with it.

  My head droops and my breathing is labored while I try to ground myself. Rough hands reach behind me, squeezing my ass cheeks and giving me a little slap before running up my spine and burying themselves in my hair. I gasp when my head is pulled back and soft lips find their way to the tender side of my neck. I arch my back, pressing as much of me into the bites and nibbles as I can. Another set of hands trace the lines of my legs, dipping just slightly towards my aching pussy but always darting away just before they reach my clit. I moan in protest but before the sound even escapes me, hot lips are on mine, ravishing my mouth and demanding a response. The heat of the flames caressing my body increases and I feel myself being tipped backwards to lie on my back on the cool mattress.

  Slowly, one of them spreads my legs, exposing my aching pussy in full view. Another image from Santos appears in my brain, this time it’s of my mouth wrapped around his cock. I let out a breathy little whimper. The lips that have been driving me crazy move south, latching on to my pebbled nipples. Someone else strokes the inside of my thigh, moving their way up to my core with alternating kisses and nibbles. The combination of sensations make me almost arch off the bed. Dmitri’s flames are operating on their own and I can feel their tickle pressing down, closer and closer to the apex of my thighs. My limbs no longer feel solid. I am floating from sensation to sensation as six hands caress my body, touching every part of me except my pussy. Pleasure rises in me with each stroke of my skin, nibble on my nipple, and soul-shattering kiss, but whenever I get close to falling off the edge, they all stop. It’s almost unbearable. After the fourth time of bringing me to the edge only to let me drop back down, I feel a tear on my cheek.

  “Please,” I beg hoarsely. “Please, I’m begging.”

  They all immediately stop touching me, leaving my body buzzing with electricity and need. I can hear some rustling around, but my eyes are still shut, and I have lost track of where everyone is.

  “You will come when we tell you to, do you understand, zvezda?” Dmitri’s voice echoes in my mind and I nod vigorously.

  The entire room is silent except for the gentle lap of the waves on the yellow sand outside. I am shaking with anticipation, the only thing touching me is the persistent heat of the blue flames. I am teetering on the edge, yet still they play, keeping me in suspense. I squirm again and then sensation explodes through my matesbonds like white-lightening, traveling down my body. All three of them send the full weight of their arousal at me through the bond and I almost levitate from the power coursing through me. There’s no time to ask permission or wait for a signal. My body detonates and I scream as pleasure rips through me, wave after wave hits me I fear I might come apart. As the aftershocks rip through me, I feel a hand reach down and slip a finger, then two, into my pulsating core. They stroke me hard and fast and my hips move, riding his hand with wild abandon. The sensations are overwhelming and they haven’t even fucked me yet.

  “Give me your cock, please?” I beg and I hear at least two chuckles from somewhere near my head. “Eyes open, sweetheart.” Santos orders and my eyes fly open. All three of them are clustered around me, naked with their cocks jutting out. My golden cuffs spring free and I reach to stroke Dmitri and Thane. Santos smiles down at me, removing his fingers and lining up his cock with my entrance.

  I have waited millennia for you. He whispers into our matesbond before driving into me in one deep thrust. I arch up to meet him as he sets a punishing pace.

  Thane moves to straddle my chest and I eagerly accept the cock he shoves in my face, angling my face to take as much of him as I can while still stroking Dmitri.

  Watch wh
at my flames can do for you now. Dmitri’s flames roll across my body and meet at my clit. They flicker and bite, and I squirm as the sensation builds in me.

  You are my everything. Thane’s sweet words set me off again. The climax rips through me, taking Thane and Santos with it. Dmitri pulls himself from my grip and moves to the end of the bed, trading places with Santos. As the last aftershock pulsates through me and Thane climbs off, he flips me over onto my knees and pushes me forward.

  “Face down, ass up, zvezda.” he growls before thrusting into me so forcefully I slide forward on the bed a bit. I take everything he gives me and my body aches for more.

  You are MINE. Every one of you. I scream as pleasure runs through us both, wrecking me for the upteenth time. As soon as he withdraws, I collapse onto the bed in exhaustion.

  “We are yours and you are ours, sweetheart.” Santos curves his body around mine, spooning my back, while Dmitri comes up to snuggle on my front. Thane sits with his back against the wall and pulls my head and shoulders into his lap.

  “Mine,” I whisper before I surrender to the blissful sleep of one who has been thoroughly fucked within an inch of their life.

  Chapter 7

  Between claiming my mates, training to capture this mysterious rogue soul, my school responsibilities, and planning the Homecoming Spectacle with Beta Beta Mu, I live in a state of permanent exhaustion.

  If there were a way to hook me up to a continuous coffee IV drip, I would have already started it.The days fly by marked only by the changing of the leaves and the appearance of all things pumpkin spice in the stores. We fill the nights with training, research on the rogue souls, and the continual exploration of our matesbonds in a variety of creative positions.

  There’s a chill in the air that wasn’t there before and before we know it, I am facing down the last week of October and the prospect of a very literal do-or-die task ahead of me.

  Santos has finally consented to allowing Dmitri to start my shifting lessons. Thanks to a few false starts and an accidental detour trip I made to Southwestern Georgia instead of the grocery store, my angel stays far away from me when it happens. Apparently my shifting ability makes him anxious.

  Thane is my ever-present companion, and his ability to always find me has made him especially useful to my other mates. In just a few short months, we’ve become a dysfunctional family. We are a unit and I refuse to see us destroyed. Failure is not an option.

  “Do you have your scythe and your shield?” Santos is fretting, circling me with a critical eye and reaching out to fix little bits of my outfit. I smile patiently. “Of course. I double-checked.”

  Dmitri is watching us with smoldering eyes. Normally, I would assume that meant I was about three seconds from being unceremoniously tossed into the bedroom for the next hour and a half, but this smolder is different. He’s analyzing our plan, trying to pick holes in it, trying to make sure that I will be safe.

  “You guys get to come with me. That’s what Aunt Perri said. My shields won’t work, but I have my matesbonds to call on. I really think it’s going to be ok.” I try to sound upbeat, but it just earns me three matching scowls.

  “The in-between is a lawless place. It is not to be underestimated, sweetheart,” Santos drops a kiss on the top of my head and moves to stand next to Dmitri and study me.

  I look like something out of a video game.

  Thane and Dmitri designed a utility belt for me that rivals Batman’s, complete with first aid, self-defense, hydration, tracking beacon, and a scythe-carrying loop. Santos designed a protective vest for me, modeled after human kevlar. It’s forged by Angelfire and I am fairly certain I could face down a charging rhino and still live. I’m as ready as I am ever going to be. Dmitri insisted on adding two short swords to my arsenal, so I strapped them to my back like some badass soul pirate and dropped a knife into my boot for good measure.

  All three of them sigh and then nod, a silent, masculine acceptance of our fate and what is. Throwing my arms open wide, I smile at them. “Team huddle, come on!” Begrudgingly, they all move in and crowd me, allowing me to force them into a group hug. Dmitri breaks the awkward silence by slapping my ass and making me squeal in outrage. Thane and Santos laugh, and the tension of the moment is broken.

  “Let’s go capture some rogue souls, shall we?”

  Together, we shift to the mausoleum at the cemetery that has served as our staging area. Dmitri and Santos both stand on either side of the portal site. Dmitri calls his blue hellfire and Santos calls his golden Angelfire. Aiming at the base of an old oak tree, they shoot at the same time and the air around us instantly shimmers and strains under the pressure. A small rip shows and as they pour their fire and light into it, it gradually gets bigger and bigger until it’s about the same size as a person.

  Both Dmitri and Santos are red with the effort of keeping it open, so Thane and I hurry to the edge and peer in. I’ve never seen a tear in the veil between planes before. Looking inside, it resembles photos I’ve seen of galaxies. All I can see is inky black darkness and thousands of small pinpricks of light.

  “Let Thane enter first and then you go. We’ll follow.” Dmitri grits out, the strain of holding the rip stable showing on his face.

  I nod once in understanding and then track Thane as he hovers over the rip and then dives in. I don’t hear any screaming or gnashing of teeth, so I take a deep breath and follow him, stepping into the rip as if it were just another doorway.

  In a way it is, only this doorway has a bit of a drop off.

  I tumble and roll down a soft hill, landing in a heap in some foul-smelling mud puddle.

  “Ergh, what is that?” I grimace, brushing the sticky mud off my hands and face as best I can. Not a great start to this adventure.

  Our door is visible when I look up the hill, it glows brightly with blue and golden light. I don’t see Thane anywhere. The in-between is colder than I expected, and I make a note to request a jacket for our next mission here. Once I step out of the strange mud pit I landed in, the ground is solid.

  “Thane?” I call out, careful to whisper in case we attract too much attention. He doesn’t answer. Nervously, I look around. The twinkling lights I saw from the entrance are lanterns, and they are floating and flickering everywhere. Tiny shadows dance and play inside the flames and I am drawn to them, watching their antics with growing interest.

  “While these souls are lost, they are not the ones you are looking for,” a soft voice sounds next to my shoulder and I whirl around, coming nose-to-nose with Santos. His Heavenly Light is vastly dimmed here, and he almost blends in with the shadows.

  Thane flutters into view, his face pinched with worry. “We should wait for Dmitri. It’s not safe to venture further without him.”

  I raise an eyebrow, but Thane doesn't elaborate. Santos nods grimly, his watchful gaze scanning for threats from our mysterious surroundings. We wait for several minutes before the familiar huff of Dmitri in his Hellhound form breaks through our silence.

  His nose pushes against my hand and I scratch his ears absently, freezing only when I realize that I am giving scratchies to my demon-mate as if he were an actual dog. Whoops. Uh. Awkward.

  A little to the left, zvezda. Right by the ear. That's it. That's the spot. Dmitri’s voice in my head makes me giggle and I follow his lead. Scratchies it is.

  The wind picks up and by the time we move, I’m thoroughly chilled. Teeth chattering, I pick my way through the rocky path with my scythe out. I’m not even sure what we’re looking for. I’ve never even seen a regular soul. The only person I ever attempted to Reap was Thane and we all know how well that turned out. Dmitri and Santos have both tried to describe it to me, but I still don’t know for sure. My best guess is that I am looking for a shimmering ball of light that is bouncing around freely. Depending on how long the soul has been untethered, it may have been infected with the diseases of the in-between and thus be rotting from the inside out.

  These are the forgotten s
ouls, and there aren’t enough Reapers to pursue them all. Instead, they’re left to their own devices. If they become too rotted, they can become a risk to the mortal planes. A rotted soul feeds on healthy souls, poisoning anything and everything it touches. We must never allow them out into the mortal plane for fear of the widespread damage they can do. I grip my scythe a little tighter and creep on through the eerie mist that swirls slowly around us.

  “Be on your guard, petit chou. Remember, these spirits don’t want to be captured.”

  Thane hovers over me protectively, and I nod in agreement. We are all on edge. Several times I think I see one, but they dart away before I can be sure. Dmitri leads us through the winding paths, deeper and deeper into this strange plane. The lanterns slowly fade and bones litter the landscape. The second time I trip over a skull and narrowly miss stabbing Dmitri with the scythe makes Santos sweep me into his arms to carry me over the mess. I have to shift awkwardly to avoid stabbing him with my swords and one of them falls to the ground with a clatter.

  The badass side of me wants to protest at being carried around, but Santos is so strong and the rest of me wants to snuggle into his arms and never leave. It’s fucking creepy in here and I just want to get in, bag a soul, and get out. Just because I signed on to be a Reaper doesn’t mean I love all things macabre.

  Dmitri halts and we all freeze, watching him intently. He points his nose towards a small outcropping of bones. I stifle a giggle at my scary Hellhound mate acting like a trained hunting dog and peer into the darkness. There, hovering on the edge of the pile of ribs, is a glowing orb the color of dirty dishwater. Time, neglect, and soul rot has dimmed its sparkle, but we can still see it. Tapping Santos on the shoulder, I point towards it and push myself out of his arms.

  The guys immediately start whispering advice into my brain. It’s both sweet and annoying. I appreciate their concern, but a little faith in me would be nice.

  Zvezda, you must be fast and lethal. Hook it on your scythe quickly.


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