Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection

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Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection Page 200

by Rebecca Royce

  Then she nodded. “Yes. I will. Let’s go.”


  After a decent run, Darren had decided to return home, but Billy and I weren’t ready to stop. So we ran through the woods, and instinctually moved towards the human town, the complete opposite direction to what I had planned.

  And in direct opposition to Council recommendations.

  The closer we ran to the human town, the more likely we were to be spotted, hunted. But I didn’t care at this point.

  Now that I was in my wolf form, I could feel the strength of the mating bond, as though something had changed within me. There was something tying me to the earth. Calling me home.

  And home was now Ruby.

  I jumped over a log, dashed around a tree, and focused on my wolf. On the tickle on the back of my spine, feeling the crescent moon’s power in the sky. The dirt beneath my paws. The scent of pine, and earth, and magic in the air.


  I slowed down, tilting my head towards the strange feeling. I looked towards the woods, deeper into the trees, past the town.

  Was that where the church was? The coven’s hallowed grounds?

  I itched to run that way, to explore and spy on what they must be getting up to on Halloween night. But I didn’t There was something else calling to me now.

  An itch on the back of my neck made me stop, turn, and howl to the moon. Billy stepped up next to me and howled alongside me.

  Our mate was on her way. She was travelling, and she was heading towards our town.

  We ran, our paws turning up the dirt in the dark.

  We galloped along the border of the town and I could smell her. Distantly. But she was coming.

  We arrived at my house, jumped the fence, and shifted back into human form. My black fur disappeared, and I was able to see color once again with my human eyes.

  I panted from the run, my skin slick with sweat.

  Billy was transforming next to me, his eyes shifting back to their normal color. He looked straight at me. “You sensed her too?”

  I nodded. “I did.”

  We rushed inside and pulled on our clothes. I should have had a shower, but I didn’t want to miss out on seeing her.

  “Where do you think she is?” I asked aloud.

  Billy shrugged as he tugged on his shirt. “No idea. Would she know where to come? Who to ask for?”

  “No idea. But considering it was her mother’s magic that sent us back here, maybe she can follow it. Or something.”

  I couldn’t stop myself from grinning. We didn’t know anything about witches, or magic. The crap we’d been told about the other bloodlines came from our Council and our parents, w encouraged us to keep everything pure. Untainted.

  Well, Fate had different plans for us.

  I pulled on my boots and grabbed my phone. “Let’s go.”

  We went for the front door and a tremor of unease worked through my belly. What was my father going to say when he learnt that my mate was not only a witch, but I would have to share her with two other men?

  I shuddered at the thought. My father hated the fact he wasn’t a full wolf shifter, and he’d worked hard to make up for his lack of strength and speed by breeding with my mother. A daughter born to an Alpha wolf. It had meant that my brother’s and I were strong in a way my father never was. And he’d hate that I was diluting our blood lines once again.

  Billy and I headed into town, my nose lifted in the air, looking for the scent of the red-haired witch who I knew would soon capture my heart.

  But what sort of future was there for us, really?


  After I returned from my short run, I’d gone back to my parents’ house and explained to them what we’d found and who we’d met with.

  As expected, my father was less than impressed with the situation, but my mother smiled, knowing I was happy with this development. With increasing the magic my children would have.

  Assuming I would be the one to sire a child with Ruby, of course. Or two. I’d always thought two would be good.

  But with three men, how would that work exactly?

  I frowned as a premonition awareness flowed over me. She was coming. She was almost here.

  I got to my feet. “I’ve gotta go. I think she’s on her way here.”

  “Here?” my father demanded, his brow lowering with anger as he jumped up from the couch.

  My mother grabbed onto his arm. “Calm down, sweetheart.” She looked at me. “Go. We’ll catch up with you later.”

  I smiled my thanks at my mother and raced out the door. Where would Ruby be coming from? A car? Or would she be travelling on foot? Would she magic herself into the town the way her mother had forced us back here?

  I started walking along our road, around the block, and down the main street. If I was her, I would head for the few shops in town that were still open.

  I sniffed the air, a faint scent of Ruby’s distinct smell on the breeze.

  I kept walking, towards the edge of town. There were no car sounds, no engines, no lights heading for us.

  Then I saw her, and my heart began to pound. She was still wearing that gorgeous green dress, and her long red hair flowed down over her shoulders as she walked down the street towards me.

  Adrenaline coursed through my veins, and I jogged towards her.

  I got within touching distance of my beautiful mate and couldn’t stop the smile that stretched across my face. “Hey.”

  Ruby smiled back, her green eyes lighting up, even in the darkness. “Hey, yourself.”

  “So, you found us.” I grinned, reaching over and grabbing her hand. “Wanna walk into town?”

  She nodded and pressed her body close to mine as we began to stroll back towards the light.

  “I’m so sorry my mom sent you guys back here,” she burst out with straight away.

  I chuckled. “It wasn’t a big deal for me. I’ve travelled via magic before, or did when I was younger. But Billy and Jackson were pretty sick afterwards.”

  I tried not to grin too much. Part of me enjoyed seeing the two powerful wolf shifters wiped out by something as small as a transportation spell.

  “Yeah, I can imagine.” She sighed heavily. “Mom really shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Why did she?” I asked. “Was it because we’re a pack of wolves, or doesn’t she like seeing her daughter kissing strange men on the street?”

  I chuckled at my own joke but found Ruby going still.

  “Hey, I was kidding,” I said.

  She laughed nervously. “Well, she’s never seen me kiss… anyone, I don’t think. I don’t date much. And yeah, she was pretty freaked out by you guys being wolves.”

  Don’t date much… That was an understatement I was pretty sure by the innocent smell surrounding my mate.

  “Does she have a history with wolves? Or is she like half the paranormal population and just doesn’t like others who are different?” I asked, then realizing how judgmental I sounded, jumped in with, “And I didn’t mean for that to sound harsh. My own parents are majorly against any outside breeding.”

  “Even though you’re part warlock?” she asked.

  I grinned down at my mate. “Yes. Even though my mother is half witch, my father seems to think we need to breed it out of our line.”

  We were almost at the first major light pole in town, so I could see the emotions flickering across my mate’s face. She was chewing on her lip and looking nervously at the ground, then up at me.

  “Is that how you feel, Darren? That me being a witch is a negative?”

  I stopped, feeling the time dwindling away that I would have her on my own. The other two men would be here soon, and I wouldn’t be able to do this.

  I unlinked our fingers and slid my hands around her waist, pulling her close so that our pelvises were connected.

  “Not at all,” I said, answering her question and attempting to squash the need to shiver at the deliciousness of the contact. “I love that
you’re a witch. Any children we have will be powerful, and thanks to you, extremely beautiful.”

  Ruby glanced down, straight at my shirt where her hands now lay, near my heart. Her beautiful pale skin pinked up at the compliment, or at the idea of children, I wasn’t sure.

  “May I kiss you, Ruby?” I asked, feeling the prickle of premonition on my neck.

  She nodded, her lips turning up in a smile as I leaned down and pressed my mouth to hers. She was as sweet and sensual as I had hoped.

  I breathed her in, all while tasting only the tiniest amount of her lips. I tried to keep it gentle, but when her tongue flicked out to lick my lips, a groan rose up from within my throat and my hands tightened on her waist.

  I slid my hands down to her firm ass and pulled her into the cradle of my hips. I used my lips to press deeper and met her seeking tongue with my own.

  She moaned, and every part of me rejoiced as I recognized my one true mate. In my arms. For the very first time.

  Her hands slid up my chest and went to my neck, then moved into my hair, holding me to her as she pressed her breasts into me.

  A surge of lust ploughed through me. I wanted to snap my fingers and have her naked, in my bed, beneath me. But my magic wasn’t that strong and as I inhaled sharply, I could sense that the other two men had arrived.

  I heard a loud gasp and then the ripping of clothes.

  Scratch that. The wolves had arrived.

  I broke our kiss but held tight to her. She swayed, her eyes closed and a moan still on her lips.

  I pulled her into my side and turned her towards the road where two large black wolves stalked up. They must have just shifted because a pair of jeans were still attached to Jackson’s leg.

  My heart pounded, both from exhilaration and a touch of fear.

  I whispered to my mate, “When you open your eyes, don’t be afraid, but Jackson and Billy are in their shifter form.”

  Ruby yelped and I held her tighter as her eyes flew open. She stared at the men who prowled forward as wolves.

  She slammed her hand over her mouth, a frightened squeal emerging, though she tried to stifle it.

  “It’s okay,” I said. “They are in complete control of their shifters. Don’t be afraid.”

  Ruby nodded, though her eyes were as big as the full moon above our heads.

  Jackson moved closer, and I waved at him. “Hey, Jackson.”

  I knew him by his pure massiveness. Despite the fact that our pack tried to be modern and not judge a person by rank, the shifter genes still determined our size, our strength, and our leadership skills.

  Jackson was an Alpha through and through, with his massive body, his ability to handle any situation, and his stare that turned any pure-blooded wolf submissive.

  He stopped moving and began to shift back to human.

  I squeezed Ruby’s waist. “He’s shifting back. Watch.”

  Before our eyes, the black fur melted away, the four short canine legs became two long human legs and two muscled arms, and the man began to grow into his own huge form.

  When he was done, Jackson stood before us in full light, naked as the day he was born.

  I struggled not to stare and I almost laughed when Ruby’s hands moved up and she covered her eyes as well.

  “Hey Billy,” I called out to the second wolf as he transformed back to human form also.

  They were both huge, and muscular, and had obviously forgotten that humans and witches alike weren’t as comfortable with nudity as wolves were.

  “Shall we take Ruby back to your place, Jackson?” I called out. “Maybe grab you guys some clothes?”

  Ruby peeked through her fingers, then as she dropped her hands, her gaze went to the ground.

  “You okay with that, Ruby, or would you prefer to come back to my place where my parents can chaperone?” I asked.

  Ruby inhaled sharply and lifted her head, though I could only imagine what she was thinking. “No. Let’s go back to Jackson’s house.”

  Jackson nodded and turned away to march up main street towards his house. Billy followed, and I took Ruby’s hand to lead the way.

  “This way, beautiful.”


  Oh. My. Fucking. God.

  They were naked. Dyed in the wool, naked as a babe… naked!

  I clung to Darren’s hand and stumbled into town after the two men walking in front of us.

  They bent over to scoop up some clothes on the street, which I had to assume were theirs. Had they shifted when they’d seen Darren and I kissing?


  Silly jealous things that they were.

  “Aren’t they… cold?” I whispered to Darren, unable to take my eyes off the flex of Billy and Jackson’s muscles.

  They were absolutely magnificent to look at. So much bigger, stronger, and more defined than any human man I’d seen in real life.

  Probably the reason Mom fell for a shifter.

  The thought made me frown. What had happened to my father?

  Darren chuckled beside me. “No. They’re not cold. Shifters run a few degrees hotter than humans, so the temperature doesn’t bother them. And as far as the nudity thing goes… sorry about that. Shifters aren’t worried about exposing their bodies at any time of the day. It’s just not a thing to be embarrassed by. With us shifting in and out of our wolf forms so often, a person’s body just doesn’t have the same… reverence.”

  I nodded. “That makes sense.”

  So, I had to get used to a world where this was normal? Woah.

  “Why aren’t you in shifter form, Darren?” I asked, my gaze being dragged back to Jackson’s body. His ass was perfection: round, sculpted, strong.

  And his back. Jeez, could the guy be any bigger? He had huge shoulders, massive arms, and strong back muscles. There wasn’t an inch of fat on him and I began to worry about what they were going to think about my body.

  “Me?” Darren repeated. “Well, I shifted this evening actually and went for a run with Jackson and Billy, but I came back early. I don’t shift a lot. I’m not that comfortable in wolf form, personally.”

  I got the feeling that with Billy, he was more comfortable in wolf form.

  “So you don’t like to shift then?” I asked, just to make sure I understood what he meant.

  “I’m three quarters wolf shifter. And yet, I’m much more comfortable in human form, and if I could, I’d perform a hell of a lot more magic that I currently do.”

  “Oh?” I asked, excitement racing through me. “Can you perform a lot of spells?”

  He sighed. “Unfortunately, no. But my grandmother has been gone for a long time now, and my mother refuses to practice any magic, so maybe you, or one of your coven, could give me some pointers?”

  He sounded so hopeful, I laughed. “I’m sure we could!”

  I wasn’t sure how much magic a one-quarter warlock with little training would be able to perform, but why not try? It could be fun!

  We continued to walk through town, or what little of town there was.

  “Is this all the shops?” I asked, glancing up and down the road.

  “Yep. Pretty much. A café.” He pointed at a small eatery, “Clothes, gas store. We go into town for all the big things.”

  If that was the case, the why hadn’t I seen them more often in town? Did they shop during the night or something?

  “So, um, what’s going to happen when we get back to Jackson’s place?” I asked, chewing on my lip.

  Darren glanced at me and squeezed my hand. “Those two can get some clothes on and we can chat some more, if that suits you?”

  I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat.

  My heart was hammering in my chest and if I hadn’t been holding onto Darren’s hand and pressing myself into his warmth, I would be shaking all over.

  I’d never been so nervous in my life.

  “Why? What would you like to happen?” Darren asked as we turned left off the main road and headed down a road with new hou

  I shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  But I did. Of course. I wanted them to kiss me. I wanted my senses overwhelmed. I wanted to find out if this was the mating, the relationship, the love I’d prayed for, and called upon in the spell we’d cast last year on Halloween.

  Jackson turned onto a path, and Billy followed. They headed up to the front door and into the house.

  “Woah, is that Jackson’s house?” I asked, staring up at the two-story, modern abode that looked like it could hold a family of ten.


  We stopped in front of it and I stared up at the second floor. It was beautiful, with pretty shutters, big windows, and a welcoming blue front door.

  “Does he live here alone?”

  “He does,” Darren said and then added with a grin, “For the moment.”

  I lifted an eyebrow at him. Was he saying that all four of us would live here one day? I certainly wouldn’t mind. What an amazing house! And only fifteen minutes from my mom, and town.

  Ideal, really.

  “Come on,” Darren said, and tugged on my hand.

  I followed him along the path, up the two steps, and into the house.

  The inside of Jackson’s place was as impressive as the outside, though it was kind of… soul-less.

  Crisp white walls, flawless wooden floors. As we walked farther into the house and Darren flicked on lights, I was greeted with a fantastic modern kitchen, but it was devoid of color, warmth, or… feeling.

  But what should I have expected from a bachelor?

  My mother would have turned this place into a mess of purple and family pictures in mere minutes.

  And if I was honest, my fingers itched to do the same. To splash the walls with red, to add appliances to the countertops and pictures to the walls. Maybe some fresh flowers in vases around the place.

  I dug my nails into my palms and told myself to calm down. This wasn’t my house, and even if it was… I wasn’t sure my magic would be welcomed here.


  The deep voice behind me made me jump. I twisted around with a smile on my face. Jackson stood by the kitchen counter, now dressed in jeans and a black shirt, and a sheepish smile on his face.


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