The Marine's Holiday Harbor

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The Marine's Holiday Harbor Page 19

by Kirsten Lynn

  Footsteps on the stairs draw my attention and Brynn leans over the banister. “Hi Brian.” Before he can answer, she turns to me. “Hey, Caleb, can you come up here for a second? I need your help.”

  “Absolutely.” I wave to the counter. “Help yourself to coffee.”

  I don’t wait for him to respond but take the stairs two at a time. I stop short as I step across the threshold to our bedroom. Brynn is shimmying off her jeans. “Shut the door.”

  I comply. “What—”

  “Sex. Come on, we don’t have much time.” She kicks her jeans and panties over and shoves her hand down the waistband of my sweatpants. “I love you in gray sweatpants, by the way, almost as nice as greenies. Now strip, Marine.” When she grabs my cock, I step back.

  “What the hell, Brynn? Your brother and the kids are right downstairs.”

  “Yes, and Brian will keep Ella occupied. Michael is watching an Avengers movie. We just have a few minutes to jingle your bells. It’s been three days and nights with one or the other child needing something. Three. Days. And nights. I’m burning up. So, start shedding those clothes and give me a present.”

  She’s not the only one. I thought running in the freezing cold earlier helped, but the second I saw her on the stairs I needed to ice down my junk. This is a better option.

  She yanks off her sweater and bra. My gaze rakes over her and I snap out of my funk and start stripping. Why the hell was I arguing about having sex? Don’t fight the fuck, it’s my number one rule. Well, it wasn’t until right now.

  Brynn cups my face and brings my gaze down to hers. “Stop thinking and get to fucking.”

  Digging my fingers into her hair, I crash my lips to hers and drink from her like we’re back in the desert. I turn her and press her against the wall, deepening the kiss. There’s nothing gentle in the way I stroke her tongue or bite her lips. But this isn’t about feelings or intimacy, this is about getting off. It is exactly what we both need, and because of who we are to each other it transforms into something about the most intense feelings and most profound intimacy.

  Tugging her hair arches her neck, and I drag my mouth down the sensitive column. She’s pumping my cock, and I grip her hip and hold it high on mine, opening her for me. “Take me in, Brynn.”

  Her groan as she guides my cock inside her tight, wet heat is one of the purest sounds I’ve ever heard. There’s no artifice, it’s all lust and need, and I’m the only one who can sate that lust and meet that need.

  Her eyelids flutter and she ropes her arms around my neck before her mouth curves in a smug smile. “That hits the spot.”

  I chuckle, then grip both hips lifting her. When her legs wrap around me, I flex my hips, filling her over and over with demanding strokes. Her sex instantly starts sucking and pulsing around my cock, and her panted breath and moans work to bring me to climax.

  She runs her tongue over her lips and I devour her mouth once more before I continue to give her what she begged for. I feel my body tighten and I’m going to blow my wad before I want to, but the feeling of her growing tighter and hotter has me teetering on the edge. When my gaze clashes with hers and all the golds, greens, and browns are on fire, it sends me over and I drive deep, emptying myself with every throb.

  Reaching between us, I stroke her clit until her eyes roll back and her body shudders. The sound she makes is like a wail trapped in her soul, and she sinks her teeth into my chest, her scream of pleasure entering my heart.

  Our breath comes in short pants, and she runs her tongue over her teeth marks on my chest, before she presses kisses, healing the pain. I hold still, as if I can stop time and feel her mouth on me and her sex around me forever.

  She reaches up and kisses my neck, and I squeeze the thighs I’m holding. Finally, I ease my cock from her and smile at the hitch in her breathing. Lowering her legs, it’s my turn to trace her lips with my tongue and replace pain with tenderness.

  Resting my forehead on hers, I chuckle. “Fa, la, la, la, la, Brynn. You got any more chores up here you need help with, because I am one thousand percent in the bell-ringing mood. Or, I could just deck the halls with you again.”

  She laughs and there isn’t a carol with more emotion or joy. She skates her palms up and down from my chest to my abs and then back. “Mission complete, Marine, stocking stuffed. Plus, I’m sure we’ll be missed soon.”

  “You could shower with me.”

  She rests her head against the wall. “What no Christmas reference?”

  “Nope, not even a chimney metaphor. Just want you in the shower wet with me.”

  She grins. “You are so tempting, Caleb, but you know there’s going to be a tiny knock on this door in about five minutes.”

  I brush a quick kiss over her lips. “True. But damn, that was a hot fuck.” She curls her hand into my biceps when I take a step back.

  “It’s not what we dreamed…this ready-made family. You have regrets?”

  “Zero. I’m back with you. The sex is outstanding—being inside you always was, always will be—and yeah, we have to be more creative, maybe stop when all I want to do is stay in bed and inside you all day. But do I regret those kids…no fucking way. You?”

  “Never the children. But sometimes I regret…” She releases my arm. “Nevermind. Let me do a quick washup—”

  I grab her hand, stopping her this time. “You regret we didn’t marry right out of high school.”

  “Or at least out of training.”

  “I get that, and a part of me agrees, but if we had, we couldn’t have served together. And I have to admit, I loved having you at my six and seeing you every day instead of a few months a year.”

  “I’ve thought of that, too. I’m not sure I’d want someone else taking care of you. It’ll just be nice to have you officially mine.” Her mouth lifts into a smile, but the gold flecks are missing from the mix of colors in her hazel eyes.

  I caress her bottom lip with my thumb. “Marriage license or not, Brynn, I have always been yours and you have always been mine.”


  “Better go wash up—those aren’t reindeer paws on the stairs.”

  “Momma?” A light knock on the door follows.

  Brynn frowns. “Sneaky getting one more Christmas image in.”

  I wag my eyebrows. “I am firing on all cylinders, sweetheart.” I holler through the door, “Go back downstairs, Little Bit, we’ll be out in a minute.”

  “You sure?”

  “Ella.” I use my I’m-not-fooling-around voice.


  Brynn kisses my cheek, before she steps around me and into the bathroom. “Oh, I do need you to reach the box on the top shelf of the closet. It’s stocking stuffers I’ve bought throughout the year, and it slid to the back and I can’t reach it.”

  “I knew this wasn’t just about jingling my bells,” I mumble loud enough for her to hear. I smile at the sound of her laughter.

  Jogging down the stairs after my shower, I stop at the sofa, where Michael is. “How’s the arm, son?”

  He shrugs. “Mom said I couldn’t do schoolwork today. I had to give it one more day.”

  “Then that’s what it needs. Your mother knows her shi—stuff.”

  “I’m getting behind, though.”

  “Michael, you will catch up. It’s been three days…” I go by Brynn’s no-sex days count. “Don’t put so much stress on these shoulders.”

  “I’ll try. Will you play chess with me later?”


  Brynn steps from the kitchen and my smile drops at her ashen face. “What’s up?”

  “Brian brought the mail.” She holds up an envelope. “You need to see this.”

  Taking the envelope from her, I glance into the kitchen. “Where’s Ella?”

  “Brian’s building a snowman with her.”

  A rush of envy hits me. I instinctively know, I’d rather be outside with Little Bit building a snowman than reading whatever is in this letter. S
haking it off, I return to the mail and tug out the letter inside. I scan the document, rage drowning any other emotion. The sounds around me fade as I lift my gaze to meet Brynn’s.

  “The motherfucking asshole did it.”

  “Bad—” Brynn cuts off Ella’s reproach with two fingers to the little girl’s mouth. I hadn’t even heard her and Brian enter.

  Brynn’s soft warning to the little girl registers. “Not this time, Ella. Go in with your brother.”

  “This is not your fault, Caleb.”

  “Yes, it is. If I wasn’t a part of this family, he would have backed off.” I hold up a hand to stop her. “But I am a part of this family so he can suck my—” Her frown halts me. “I’m going to end this right now.” I lift my gaze to Brian. “Would you mind taking me into town?”

  “Negative. I’ve gotta come back later anyway.”


  Brynn rests a hand on my arm. “This is not your fight alone. I’m their mother and I have every right to be a part of this.”

  “You have more right. But this is between him and me, Brynn, you know it’s true. This isn’t about you, or Michael, or Ella, this is about me making a life for myself beyond his control.”

  “Then don’t do anything that means you can’t come home tonight.”

  “Roger that.” After grabbing my coat off the hook, I bend and kiss her hard and hot before marching down to the dock with Brian.

  I don’t know if I thanked Brian or not for the ride. Blood is pounding in my ears, and all I can see as I march down Elm Street is Hal’s obnoxious face. Tugging the door to his firm open, I wish I could yank it off and beat him with it.

  The redhead I saw him with the other day stands as I storm by her desk. “Sir—”

  Without even tossing her a glance I barrel into his office. “You son of a bitch! You are not getting my children.”

  “Sorry, Mr. Quinlin, he stormed past me,” my father’s paralegal and mistress rushes from behind me.

  “That’s all right, Alice, this is my son. His manners are more for a chow hall than office.”

  “It’s mess hall, you asshole, and at least I don’t have to worry about knives in the back from my Marine family.”

  He leans back in his chair and I want to pound the smirk off his face. That sums up the sad situation, because a son shouldn’t want to drive his fist into his father’s face. “You tried to set the rules about my seeing Michael and Ella. I’m simply reminding you, you don’t set those rules.”

  “The hell Brynn and I don’t. We are exactly who keeps them safe and you are the biggest threat to date. Now you won’t see them ever.”

  “Keep pushing and I’ll file for full custody.”

  “No, you won’t, Hal.”

  My mother’s voice keeps me from leaping across the desk and pummeling the shit out of him. “Sorry again—”

  “Alice, the fact my husband is sleeping with you does not make you important enough to apologize for my or my son’s behavior. Go back to your desk and shut up.”

  I suck in air at the calm manner in which my mom admits he’s been cheating on her for years. The paralegal’s face is beet red and moisture fills her eyes as she turns and leaves us. I’d feel sorry for her if she deserved even an ounce of compassion. The look of loathing she gives my mother as she passes her, confirms she does not.

  My father’s face is equally red, but not in embarrassment. “You—”

  Mom stands between me and him and shakes her head. “Don’t even say it, Hal, or I’ll let Caleb beat the crap out of you. And you’re not going through with this custody nonsense.”

  As if back in control, he steeples his fingers. “Really? Enlighten me as to why not.”

  “Because I will testify to what kind of father you really were to the boys. Then I will obliterate you, giving all the names of your past paralegals and what they really do for those nice paychecks. If that isn’t enough, I’ll let whoever will listen know that you hit on Brynn last New Year’s Eve and you did the same to poor Liz the July before that. That’s why she and Mark left the beach house early so enraged and appalled he didn’t drive safely and they got in that horrific accident. It was you who killed my son and my daughter-in-law and what makes me sick is I stayed with you.”

  I want to puke. He was worse than we ever knew. I can only guess he hit on Liz as revenge for Mark leaving the firm. And Brynn? Why didn’t she say anything? Yeah, I know why, but fuck.

  “What makes you think the judge will believe you?”

  She places her hands on his desk and leans forward. “You really are an asshole. Who do you think got you this job, this office, any respect? My family name. You think the judges in this town respect you? They respect my father’s name. It’s over, Hal, you’re over. I suggest you take your equally sleezy friend’s offer and move to Portland.”

  “You wouldn’t do that, Audrey.”

  “To protect Michael and Ella, in a heartbeat. I wasn’t there for my sons; I won’t let you hurt my grandchildren anymore.”

  Before I can say anything, Mom grabs my arm and leads me out like a child. When we step on the street, I realize she’s shaking. “Mom?”

  “I’m fine. Just furious.”

  “Well, you handled that like a badass. Kind of killed the tirade and threats I had planned.”

  “You want to go back in?” She lifts her eyebrow in question like she did when a principal wrongly accused me of cheating on a test and she ate his ass like she just had Hal’s.

  “No, I think your threats were better.” I start walking, guiding her to a coffee house where she can let the adrenaline wear down.

  “They weren’t better, Caleb, each was as much a charge against me for staying with him. I’m sorry you had to hear about Brynn that way and the accident.”

  I scrub a hand over my face. “That was a gut punch. How could you not say something about him coming on to Liz?”

  “I honestly didn’t put it together until months later when he did the same to Brynn. It’s no excuse, I should have said something then and about Brynn. Did you know about your father’s affairs?”

  I wish I could pretend. “I think everyone knows, Mom.”

  “I know. I’ve been so ashamed I stayed with him. I was weak and you boys paid the price.”

  I don’t understand staying with someone who’s abusing you and your children, but I’ve never been there and refuse to judge her. “Let’s just go from here, Mom. Today you let loose with guns blazing to protect me and mine. Thank you.”

  She squeezes my hand, stopping me before I open the door to the coffee house. “Caleb, be careful. Your father is not the only snake in that den. Alice is different from his other mistresses, she fully intends to marry him and will do anything to make it so.”

  I’m instantly on high alert. “How do you know?”

  “She’s flat out told me. We struck a blow today, but I can’t believe they’ll let it go.”

  “Brynn and I won’t let our guards down just yet. Now, come on let me buy you a coffee.”



  Dinner is almost excruciatingly quiet after weeks of chatter and giggles. The children, picking up on Caleb’s mood, are eating in self-imposed silence and shoveling in their chow as fast as he is. I could have served coal and it would have been appreciated as much as their tasting the homemade mac and cheese and baked ham.

  His rage at Hal earlier had taken them aback. I’d seen that look in his eyes before turning them to pure ice, and it caused fear in the evilest enemy and strongest Marine. When I spoke to Ella and Michael, they, like me, knew he’d never turn it on them, but they were upset because he was upset.

  “Are you two still playing chess this evening?” I try to get a conversation started with Caleb and Michael. Caleb grunts. Michael, still angry about me keeping him out of school, scowls Fail. I turn to Ella. “Do you want to color after supper, Ella?”

  “No,” she mumbles. Epic Fail.

  Their plates clean, I give up on any cheer. “Okay, then you two go upstairs and play, or watch T.V. in our room.” Whatever it takes to get out of their funks.

  Caleb and I clean off the table the same stilted silence between us. When I start washing the dishes, he steps next to me and begins drying and putting them away.

  “In the new place I demand a dishwasher.” I chuckle.

  “Sounds good.”

  I push his arm. “Come on, you said you thought Audrey scared the shit out of him.”

  “True, but there were a couple things she mentioned that hit hard.”

  I rest a hip on the counter and dry my hands. “Like what?”

  “Like Hal’s new mistress is batshit crazy and might be a threat.”

  “Then we’ll keep vigilant. What else?”

  He’s squeezing the mug in his hand so tight I’m afraid he’ll break it. “Like Hal came on to you last New Year’s Eve.”

  The air rushes from my lungs and I can’t inhale enough to respond.

  He faces me waiting for a response. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  I snatch the mug in his hand, before he does crush it. “It was nasty and humiliating and I didn’t want you to kill him.”

  He nods. “Fair enough. Did you knee him in the nuts?”

  “Wanted to. Instead I told him which part of hell was hottest.”

  “He also hit on Liz the night of the accident. Mom’s convinced it was Mark being enraged that caused him to drive erratically. Could be.”

  I swipe at the moisture on my cheeks. “Poor Liz. That must have been horrifying.”

  He cups my neck and gently skates the pad of his thumb over my cheek. “Tell me the truth, Brynn—did he ever try something before with you?”

  “No, I would have told you.”

  When he presses his lips to my forehead, I close my eyes. Not wanting to build a rift in the relationship he’s building with his mother, I hesitate to ask the next question, but it’s my sister. “How could Audrey know what he did to Liz, and the events following, and not say anything sooner?”

  He steps back, but keeps his hand on me not breaking contact. “I asked the same thing. She says she didn’t really put it together until he came on to you months later. She put it together with how things unfolded with Mark and Liz. I can’t comprehend how she saw him do that to you and didn’t go apeshit? I didn’t ask though, there’s not a satisfactory answer she could have given.”


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