GUARDIANS: Mission To Rescue Innocence (Beauty 0f Life Book 7)

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GUARDIANS: Mission To Rescue Innocence (Beauty 0f Life Book 7) Page 5

by Laura Acton

  Unable to find the words, Dan fell back on his training and used the element of surprise. Dan executed a spinning hook kick, knocking the gun from the subject’s hand. Following up with lightning fast movements, Dan slammed the abductor into the van’s door, taking him to the ground before he knew what hit him. Dan kneed the creep’s back pinning him as he wrenched the arms up high restraining him. “Don’t need a weapon to deal with scum like you.”

  Peter bucked and twisted trying to gain his freedom as he screamed a litany of obscenities … all to no avail. A few minutes later, sirens announced the arrival of the police. As TRF exited their vehicles with guns drawn, Dan called out, “Dan Broderick, Toronto TRF. Subject in custody. Jaylah is in the van.” The sergeant and his team converged, and Dan released his grip as they took over to handcuff the subdued subject.

  Dan stood and rubbed his now aching chest. Crap, Jim is gonna be pissed at me. He blew out a breath. Better to be sore than to have Jaylah taken.

  Sergeant Samuels approached and recognized their subject. “Peter Glazas, up to your old tricks. I’m going to make sure the prosecutor comes at you with every charge imaginable. As a repeat violent offender, you’ll serve more than four years, likely end up staying with corrections indefinitely.”

  Peter glared at Samuels before the patrol officers led him away.

  “So, he’s a known child predator?” Dan eyed the cuffed man as he was put in the back of a squad car.

  “Yes. I arrested him five years ago, but the child didn’t fare as well as Jaylah.” With a smile, Ben Samuels reached out a hand. As they shook, Ben said, “Thank you for the keen eye and assist, Dan.”

  “Right place, right time is all.” Dan’s gaze moved to the little girl as she was removed from the van. Her fearful eyes locked onto his and he gave her a soft reassuring smile. Jaylah pulled away from the female officer and raced to him, wrapping her arms around his leg.

  Samuels glanced down and back up to Dan. “Seems you’ve made a new friend. Can I trouble you to go with us as we take her back to her parents?”

  In response, Dan pried Jaylah’s arms off him and picked her up. She clung to his neck and buried her face in his shoulder. In a quiet voice, Dan said, “Let’s go find your mom.”

  Jaylah only nodded and squeezed tighter.

  Canadian Tire Centre – Suite – 7:00 p.m.

  “Blondie should be back by now.” Blaze rechecked his watch.

  Winds chuckled. “Must be making the fudge himself.”

  William turned to Blaze. “How long has he been gone?”

  “A half hour.” Scott stood. “I’m going to look for him.” As he headed for the door everyone trailed out after him, the hockey game all but forgotten.

  Canadian Tire Centre – Main Concourse – 7:10 p.m.

  After spreading out and searching for Dan, without finding him, the group converged near the guest services booth to determine their next move.

  “His phone isn’t going right to voicemail now, but he still didn’t answer,” William stated as he dialed for the fifth time in the past ten minutes.

  A commotion at the stairs drew their attention when a woman cried out with relief, “Jaylah. Jaylah, my baby. You saved my girl.”

  Stunned, they stood still as Dan handed off a boy to a blonde woman who stood next to a well-built man with tears in his eyes, a potbellied man, and a brunette woman. More shocking, were the three TRF officers standing near Dan. They observed as the blonde lady hugged Dan, and the teary-eyed brawny man shook his hand and then embraced the child and woman. It appeared Dan exchanged a few words with the brunette before he gave a nod to the TRF sergeant and started striding towards them with a goofy lopsided grin plastered on his face.

  As Blondie got close, Blaze asked, “What the hell happened?”

  Dan gave them a WOW smile.

  Canadian Tire Centre – Main Concourse Stairs – 7:12 p.m.

  Julie’s eyes tracked the blue-eyed man. A face she would never forget. This was not the first-time guilt rose over her prior behavior. She closed her eyes and an old image of him popped in. The expression of pain and anger in his eyes made her sick to her stomach. I hurt him … badly. I was such a cruel and shallow person back then.

  She flicked her eyes to her boyfriend. His form nothing like the men she pursued for years. His belly was more of a keg than a six-pack, but she didn’t care one whit. She learned her lesson well. What’s on the inside counts and in that manner, he was a keeper, a kind man who dedicated his life to designing prosthetic limbs for wounded soldiers.

  Hugging him, she said, “I’m so lucky to have you in my life.”

  A bit befuddled by everything, he asked, “Why did you say you were sorry to that man?”

  Julie glanced at Dan once again. “He knows why. Let’s go, honey.”

  Blondie Needs to Get Laid


  December 26

  General Broderick’s Home – Family Room – 10:30 p.m.

  Yvonne switched on the coffee pot as William sauntered over. She smiled, happy everyone enjoyed the hockey game. The guys all arrived home about a half hour ago in high spirits at the tie game. Her brothers-in-law and nephews thanked her, and all left a short while ago. She made arrangements for Dom and his girls to stay with them and wouldn’t listen to his excuse when he told her he booked a hotel room for them.

  William pulled Yvonne into an embrace and kissed her solidly. “Thank you for today, sweetheart. I enjoyed myself immensely.”

  She flicked her eyes to Dan. “Our boy can’t go anywhere without getting into something.”

  Chuckling, William nodded. “No, he can’t. I’m glad he took action to save that innocent girl. I can imagine the terror those parents felt when their daughter went missing. Daniel saved her in the nick of time. At least he isn’t worse for wear after taking the man into custody.”

  A smile bloomed on her face as she took in the sight of Danny in the recliner with a heating pad across his chest. Jim had fussed over him and ensured Dan had not caused further damage. The men in Dan’s life were stellar. “Well, I think it would be safer for him if he stayed here for the next few days. I offered rooms to the unit men. Please make sure they accept the offer.”

  “Will do. Mike talked to them about staying in the security house with him and his men. So, I’m certain they’ll stay the night.” After kissing her gently again, William said, “I’ll be up later, sweetheart.”

  “No hurry, enjoy the night, dear.” Yvonne turned to Dan. “Goodnight, all.”

  Dan grinned at his mother. “Night, Mom. Thanks again, had fun.”

  A chorus of thanks and goodnights rang out from the others.

  William grabbed his Dad mug and asked, “Who wants coffee?”

  Mike rose and strolled over to the counter. “I’ll help.” Between the two of them, they poured coffee for Dan, Dom, Blaze, Winds, Mason, Jim, and themselves. Craig, Jack, and Drake declined and headed out to seek their comfortable beds in the adjacent security building.

  Settling back into his seat, William kicked his feet up on the table and leaned back, aware he could relax in front of these men. At the moment he was not General Broderick, only William. It still felt strange to be laidback in the presence of men he commanded, but less so now than during the summer.

  So many things changed since learning of Plouffe’s machinations. Most for the better, though he was still uncomfortable with a few things. For one, the review committee which was forming to oversee certain aspects which had previously been his sole domain. He would learn to live with the new measures if they prevented even one soldier from experiencing what Daniel endured.

  He tuned back into the conversation as Blaze said, “What did the brunette say to you? She looked vaguely familiar to me.”

  Dan set his Son mug down and shifted to a more comfortable position. “Strange. She said I’m sorry for hurting you. She had no way of knowing I pulled my muscles … and she didn’t hurt me. It’s been bugging me. I think I met her on
ce before but can’t place where. Been reviewing all the critical calls I’ve been on, and nothing pops to mind.”

  “Did you get her name?” Winds asked.


  William stared at his coffee concentrating. “I have seen her before too. Not a striking or memorable woman, but there is something about her which makes me believe we’ve met.”

  Dan glanced around and noted only those who knew of the Makhachkala mission were present. He could now reveal something bothering him which he couldn’t share in the presence of his uncles, cousins, or Mike’s men. “When I was in the bathroom, the guy, Peter, he called me Maks.”

  “He what?” Mason’s shocked eyes landed on Blondie.

  “Yeah. Been bugging me ever since. He’s a pedophile and wonder if he meant Max or Maks. They sound the same, but …” he trailed off at Blaze’s intense stare.

  Blaze pinned his gaze on the kid as he lowered his cup to the table. “Julie. I remember now. Julie, the MP. Christ! That bitch!”

  Dan’s eyes widened, recollection hit him in the gut. “Corporal Pinchas.”

  Winds stood and paced. “If I had realized that was her, I would’ve given the cruel bitch a piece of my mind.”

  William grinned.

  Dan stared at his father. “What are you smiling about?”

  William took a slow sip of coffee. “Well, Daniel, she received her comeuppance at the hand of Master Corporal Weeks and your mother.”

  His mouth dropped open, and Dan let those words roll around in his head. What did mom do to Julie? Dan’s mind took him back five and a half years to the day he knocked out Murphy during a sparring match and gave Nurse Kate a bamboo plant. May twenty-sixth, the evening they celebrated Brody’s twenty-seventh birthday and him passing his requalification. The night he met Julie and was sent on the worst mission of his life.

  Flashback – Five Years and Six Month Ago – May 26

  Afghanistan – Unit Barrack on Base – 1830 Hours

  “So, are we going to wait for Blaze?” Patch asked as he tucked in his shirt.

  Winds shook his head. “No, he will join us when he finishes the briefing.”

  Dan handed Brody a package. “I want to give you your present before we go. Just something I thought you might like.”

  “You being here is present enough.” Brody unwrapped the gift. He stared at the pocket knife inlaid with jade and sapphire on one side, flipping it over he found Brothers Forever inscribed on the other side. His eyes lifted to Dan’s. “Brothers forever!”

  Dan flashed a WOW smile and slung his arm over Brody’s shoulders as they joined the rest of the guys heading to the bar to celebrate.

  International Forces Bar – 2130 Hours

  “Blondie needs to get laid,” Winds said as he finished his second beer in three hours.

  Mason chuckled. “What makes you say that?”

  “Come on, the kid has not got any since, since …. God, I can’t remember, but it has been at least …” Winds tried counting the months on his fingers but gave up his calculation. “Hell, been more than seven months since he was taken by those bastards.”

  Ripsaw put down his beer, shifting his gaze, and singling out Blondie. “Christ, I didn’t realize so much time passed.”

  Blaze swiveled his head to Blondie and Brody at the bar buying the next round. They were here celebrating Brody’s birthday and Blondie returning to the unit. Dr. Pastore agreed to release him medically contingent on the outcome of the requalification.

  They would receive the official results tomorrow, but he spoke with Sutton tonight and the colonel confided unofficially Blondie would be on active duty as of tomorrow. Blondie went through months of grueling physical rehab and was now in stellar shape. They all were, thanks to the extra training time.

  Though, mentally Blondie still faced issues. Luckily, in the past month he experienced more ups than downs. The only real problem came in the form of a psychologist named Dr. Wolff. The bastard had the gall to bring a needle into the evaluation after he was ordered not to trigger Blondie’s fear. Their ally, Pastore, read the cruel man the riot act and arranged for the open physical requalification so Wolff could observe Blondie in action.

  Although nightmares still plagued Blondie, they didn’t last as long and seemed to diminish in intensity. The kid now frequently went right back to sleep after he woke with them. Blaze thought about what Winds said. In some ways he was right. Blondie needed more normalcy in his life, which included the occasional romp in the hay.

  He took a swig of his beer, only his first for the night since he had been in a briefing session, and only arrived thirty minutes ago. Blondie appeared a little off to him, given the celebratory nature of this evening. He wondered if Blondie might be having trouble getting back on the horse with the ladies.

  They all were aware of how self-conscious he was about his scars. The kid never experienced trouble with women—quite the opposite, all he needed to do was smile and they flocked to him. But the physical scars and the three months of captivity messed with the kid’s head. Blaze set his bottle down. “You’re right Winds. Blondie needs to get laid. Many options here tonight. New women from the latest rotation.”

  Patch grinned. “I agree too. So, what’s Blondie’s type?”

  The guys started discussing women and pointing out potentials. They laughed, having an entertaining time as they decided who Blondie should approach. They agreed Blondie required a little push to move past his apprehension. Their brother must come to accept he continued to be the same man he was before regardless of the scars littering his body.

  Dan leaned on the counter while he and Brody waited for the bartender to deliver their beers. The place buzzed with activity as a new crop of support personnel sought out the only bar on base.

  Brody glanced at Dan noting his somberness. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” Dan maintained his gaze on the wall behind the bar.

  Brody nudged him. “Come on. I can tell something is wrong. Cough it up.”

  Dan pivoted and scanned the throng of people, still nervous surrounded by crowds. His eyes roved over several women, noting a cute brunette, but sighed and turned back around to stare at the back wall.

  “Dan?” Brody moved closer to hear Dan in the loud and boisterous bar. “What’s going on? Talk to me.”

  Glancing once at Brody then back to the bottles on the shelves, Dan quietly said, “I don’t …” He trailed off unable to tell Brody his real problem. Some things were too personal.

  “You don’t what?” Brody gripped Dan’s chin, turning him to study his eyes. Brody noted the telltale signs of embarrassment. Aw crap! Wondered when this would come up. It makes sense tonight. Dan isn’t behaving like he usually does around women. Typically, he is all smiles.

  Brody accepted Dan enjoyed carnal pleasures with women. Brody began to calculate how long since Dan dallied with a lady—too long by Sinner’s standards. Dan’s current mood told Brody a great deal. His brother never went without his shirt even in the barracks with the unit. His self-image suffered a significant blow, and Brody would lay odds Dan was concerned what would happen once a woman saw the massive scarring on his chest and back.

  Pulling out of Brody’s grasp Dan said, “Leave it.”

  “Your beauty will never notice your scars. They won’t matter one bit to her. Your soul mate will only see your heart.”

  Dan glanced at a grinning Brody. Should’ve realized he would discern my thoughts … at least the scars part. Though what bothered him most, Brody wouldn’t guess. All those damned needles. Dan closed his eyes as the memory of screaming his lungs out while the bastards jabbed needles into his cock infiltrated his mind. He didn’t realize his breathing became fast and labored until Brody’s arm went around his shoulder.

  Brody pulled Danny close and whispered soothingly, “You are not there. Come on, open your eyes. You’re in a bar. We’re here to celebrate. Come back, Danny. Let’s find the beauty of life one small step at a time.�

  Dan’s breathing evened out as he opened his eyes.

  “Good. Small steps. Tonight, just smile and relax. No need to rush. Waiting for the right one is not so bad.”

  Dan regarded Brody. His brother liked women and had his fair share of dates, but Dan didn’t think Brody ever went all the way. Not that he would ever find out for sure because, like him, Brody didn’t kiss and tell.

  But Brody told him once when they were drunk he decided to wait for Mrs. Right. Dan drunkenly joked with him asking him how he would know if he didn’t discover if they meshed in bed. Brody replied he believed some things were more important than sex. Brody wanted a soulmate to grow old with before engaging in an intimate act. He was not pure like Brody. He liked sex, a lot. Hence his old nickname Sinner to Brody’s Saint.

  But now Dan was unsure things down below worked like they used to. He worried the needles damaged him, and he would be unable to … well, rise to the occasion. His member remained flaccid with no hint of arousal and the one time he attempted to talk to Dr. Pastore about his problem, Nurse Kate walked in, and he was so mortified he clammed up. He couldn’t test things out himself either—the unit showers were not private enough, so he had no idea if he was damaged goods.

  Dan mulled over Brody’s advice. He took a deep breath and released it gradually. He forced a slight smile since this was Brody’s birthday. “Small steps?”

  Brody grinned and patted Dan’s shoulder. “Right. One step.”

  The bartender set the drinks in front of them, and Dan paid. This round on him as a thank you to the guys for all their support. He grabbed four beers, and Brody picked up the other three before heading back to the table. As they approached, Dan slowed down overhearing their conversation. He glanced at Brody with a ‘help me’ expression.

  Brody returned an ‘I got this’ face to Dan but turned to the others and winked. He thought it was funny they all came to the same conclusion. He would push Danny a little tonight for his own good. After setting down the bottles, Brody took a seat and slid one to Winds and Blaze.


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