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Architecture & Adversity Page 49

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “Deal with them swiftly, Marku. Send our defenses to strike at them mercilessly,” Princess Rodica said.

  “Indeed I will, Rodica. Indeed I will,” Marku said.

  Marku concentrated his telepathic powers to awaken their defenses once again. This time, he summoned everything.


  “I hear something moving. Something large – several ships. A fleet of them, moving across the waters,” Erikkos said.

  “The Grand Redwood Bay is nearby. It is visited by large ships. That is not surprising,” Nestor said.

  “No. This is from the west, not in the direction of the bay. There are men marching. Cannons are being loaded: I know that sound. A military strike is about to take place,” Erikkos said.

  “There must be a river with military ships sailing along it. Why a military strike? Can you hear them discussing a target?” Nestor asked.

  “Yes. It’s us,” Erikkos said.

  Trees began falling around them, uprooted and toppled by cannon fire. Bright lights shone out, as if to burn them. Trees caught fire and burned in the heat of the light. The ground became soaked with a sudden flow of water raging in from the west, turning into swamp land beneath their feet.

  Erikkos, Nestor, Skylla and Count Terzo struggled to stay out of the way.

  Darkness appeared out of the light and the warm air became cool, then cold.

  “The air is cold! It’s growing darker! But why the flowing water?” Skylla said.

  The still air gave way to a breeze and then the breeze became a strong wind.

  “And why the wind?” Count Terzo asked.

  “Their troops are using the powers of the Ikkith Tar waters to create a cold darkness. The Lujladia waters are creating the hot light to burn the trees. The heat and cold mixed together are creating a storm,” Nestor said.

  “Death! Your souls are damned!” a voice said. A spirit appeared before them, and all of them screamed.

  A swarm of spirits appeared and, along with the first, the ghosts approached Erikkos, Nestor, Skylla and Count Terzo.

  “They’re using the Zovvin waters to call spirits against us! We’ll be possessed!” Skylla said.

  The raging waters displaced several more trees, and the tree trunks that fell around them formed a winding maze that was difficult to traverse.

  Skylla and Count Terzo fell into the flowing mud. Nestor and Erikkos each managed to stabilize themselves by stepping on fallen tree trunks. They then reached out with a broken branch to help pull their fallen companions to momentary safety.

  “I can’t see where they’re coming from…I can only hear it. We need to leave,” Erikkos said.

  “The Maelstrom awaits!” the swarm of spirits said while still approaching.

  “They’re hiding something important! Hiding nothing isn’t worth all this!” Count Terzo said. He knew he should have been afraid, but he wasn’t.

  “He’s right! We did nothing to provoke this attack – they must be fearful of us taking a valuable treasure,” Nestor said. He had been a navigator long enough at sea to have been in a few battles. He had survived worse situations than this through careful maneuvering. The pursuit of power and knowledge was the primary purpose of any and every Explorer of the Quiet Sea, and he never lost sight of that.

  “A powerful, valuable treasure we need to have,” Count Terzo said. He couldn’t let go of the hope for power, despite the danger. His fear was not panic, and only led him to be cautious. He was covered in mud from the fall, but it was nothing to him. Waderav was worse than this at times – he grew up there so he knew it.

  “I believe him,” Skylla said. Gathering knowledge – as well as power – was always the top priority of an Explorer of the Quiet Sea, and she was no exception.

  Erikkos had no choice but to agree with their logic in great haste since they were already under attack by many different elements. Although he still feared that they were chasing a mythical prize by taking real risks – which was not a good investment of their time or energy – this was not the time for a debate. He drank anew of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean from his vial and was energized. He began to sing:

  The stars are once again ablaze.

  The night surrendered to the day.

  They illumine my path through this maze,

  And put your secrets on display.

  The ocean waters energize,

  Giving power over land.

  By their energy I rise,

  Gaining all that I demand.


  All knowledge shall be revealed!

  No secret shall be kept from me.

  All authorities shall yield!

  I shall learn every ancient mystery.

  In forests thick or mountains grand,

  Your fortresses you cannot hide.

  On frozen tundra or desert sand,

  Your cities cannot be fortified.

  Behind walls or towers for defense,

  Yourselves you cannot hope to save.

  In canyons deep or marshlands dense,

  Your citadel will be your grave.


  Against me no armada can defend.

  No haunt or sight can bring me fear.

  My voice will shout your bitter end.

  Your refuge will soon disappear.

  I will not be halted by any storm,

  Pierced by arrows or cut by sword.

  Soon this world I will transform.

  I will know its secrets and be its lord.


  The song dispelled the ghosts, the cold, the darkness and even the bright lights. Then, it did even more. Ripples were sent through the air, and could be heard inside the Citadel.


  The Citadel shook from the power of the song. Prince Marku and Princess Rodica both ran in terror through the hallways, as pieces of the ceiling crumbled and fell around them.

  “How are they this powerful, Marku? Who are they?” Princess Rodica asked.

  “I don’t know who they are, or the source of their power. But I know who can help us,” Prince Marku said as he hurried through the halls of the Citadel.

  Prince Marku led Princess Rodica through the main hallway until they reached the small wooden doorway. They opened the door and found Leslawa, in her blue silk robes and headscarf. Her attire still glittered with the embedded topaz gems.

  “Prince Marku, this is a time of distress. Our very Citadel is in danger – its foundation has been shaken. I can serve you, but only if you connect with me,” Leslawa said.

  “Yes. Do whatever you must. Summon help to defeat whomever this attacker is. The song will tear the Citadel walls apart, and then the enemy will invade,” Prince Marku said.

  Leslawa drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from her vial and was energized. She then began to caress Prince Marku, running her hands up and down his form.

  Princess Rodica turned away in anger as Prince Marku and Leslawa undressed and coupled intimately, achieving passion and ecstasy.

  Leslawa then reached out into the spirit world and called to Dajazameril, the powerful spirit.


  The demon, Dajazameril, felt a calling through the spirit world and sent a minion to answer it.


  Leslawa sensed a presence in the spirit world and heard it speak into her spirit, asking: “You have given worship to Dajazameril. You are commending your soul into his authority. What is your name? And what is it you wish in return?”

  Leslawa spoke out loud and into the spirit world, saying: “Kind spirit, my name is Leslawa. I speak on behalf of Prince Marku, who has had intimate ritualistic relations with me, entering into passionate prayer. I also speak for Princess Rodica. We pray – please come to the Citadel, in the center of Javanda, and defeat our enemy, who is attacking us this very moment with his music of death and destruction.”

  “Why is he attacking you? What have you done to deserve this?” the spirit presence asked, speaking into her spirit.

  “What is the spirit saying? Will he help us?” Prince Marku asked.

  “The spirit is asking why you are being attacked. He asks what you have done to deserve this,” Leslawa said.

  “We have done this singer no wrong. He attacks because he knows that we have the secret of splitting the Dead Waters – thereby releasing all elemental powers, and he wants to take it,” Prince Marku said.

  “Yet, the powers of the Dead Waters are not enough, for the attacker is far too strong in music, overwhelming us,” Princes Rodica said.

  Leslawa spoke out loud and into the spirit world, saying: “Spirit, we have not wronged this attacker. He covets our secret of splitting the Dead Waters to release all elemental powers.”

  “I will help you in good time…if I choose,” the spirit presence said, speaking into her spirit.

  CHAPTER 33: Ruin of Citadel and Spirit

  The spirit minion returned with the message to Dajazameril, making the demon aware of the circumstances. He then spoke through the third ruby spire in which he was confined, saying: “My Lady, I bring news.” His voice resounded throughout the crystal fortress.

  Polyxene glided across the floor of the fortress toward the third ruby spire and saw the swirling blackness that was the encased demon. “What is your report, Dajazameril?” she asked.

  “A priestess named Leslawa, of the topaz order, has prayed to me in distress. She has joined with a man in the worship ritual to request assistance,” the voice of Dajazameril said through the third ruby spire.

  “How is this my concern, demon?” Polyxene asked.

  “The priestess said that she and her companions – Prince Marku and Princess Rodica – are in a Citadel in the center of Javanda. They are now under attack by a man with powerful music,” the voice of Dajazameril said through the third ruby spire.

  “Many battles – large and small – are fought throughout the ages. The weak often lose out to the powerful, unless good fortune befalls them. I observe some of these conflicts, but I act only if it is in my interest,” Polyxene said.

  “The priestess claims that she and her companions have the secret of splitting the Dead Waters, releasing all elemental powers, and that the singer wishes to take it. His music is too powerful for them to resist alone,” the voice of Dajazameril said through the third ruby spire.

  “Their claim is dubious. They say that they have the secret of splitting the Dead Waters, releasing all elemental powers. Yet, a lone musician is overpowering them. That is pathetic. Either they are weak in their ability to use the split powers, or the Dead Waters themselves are weak. Of course, they could also be lying…” Polyxene said.

  “Should I help them?” the voice of Dajazameril asked through the third ruby spire.

  “No. Not yet. First, observe the conflict, through this priestess. If they have something of worth, we will take it, after she and her companions are out of the way,” Polyxene said.

  “Yes, My Lady,” the voice of Dajazameril said through the third ruby spire. He dispatched his minion to return to the Citadel and observe.


  Erikkos marched toward the original source of the sound, repeating his song. Nestor, Skylla and Count Terzo followed. After a short distance, they saw a broken wall surrounding a large fortress, which had cracks in its sides.

  “This must be the source of the attack – a walled city,” Nestor said.

  “The wall has been breached,” Count Terzo said.

  “We should go in and take what they have,” Skylla said.

  Erikkos listened and heard the sound of the ships getting ready to attack. “Wait! I hear the ships preparing to attack again, yet I do not see them. The powers of darkness are still concealing the fleet,” Erikkos said. He drank yet again of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean from his vial and was energized further. He then repeated several verses and the refrain of the song again, even louder.


  Within the Citadel, the walls shook and stones from the ceiling continued to fall. The song of Erikkos resounded throughout, echoing its destruction and demands.

  “The Citadel will soon be destroyed by the power of this music! We must renew our own powers!” Prince Marku said. He dressed himself quickly.

  Leslawa dressed herself, since the ritual had ended and she did not share her intimacy outside of that.

  “We’ll go at once!” Princess Rodica said.

  Marku and Rodica hurried out of the room, followed by Leslawa. They ran through the hallway toward the room with the diamond doors.

  Prince Marku unlocked and opened the diamond doors, leading into the interior hallway. Princess Rodica and Leslawa followed him. Prince Marku then closed and locked the diamond doors. They walked around this hexagonal hallway until reaching the far side. Another set of diamond doors was there, but on the interior wall.

  Princess Rodica unlocked and opened the inner diamond doors. She entered the room – which contained the lake and the bridges – followed by Prince Marku and Leslawa. Princes Rodica then locked and closed the doors.

  Prince Marku led the way as they walked over a bridge across the lake toward the central island. Once there, he approached the cylindrical shell surrounding a marble basin that contained a pile of yellow-green gems. He slid open a panel in the shell and reached into the basin, taking a handful of yellow-green gems in a cup. He then slid the panel to close the cylindrical shell again.

  “Hurry,” Princess Rodica said.

  “What are you doing?” Leslawa asked.

  “He is going to split the Dead Waters. This is our power. It belongs to us,” Princess Rodica said.

  “You should have shared it with me before. I could have helped you,” Leslawa said.

  “I will share it now. And you will help us,” Prince Marku said. He drank anew of the waters of the Gradaken Ocean from his vial on the platinum chain around his neck and was energized. He took a gem from the cup and began to mold it, stretching and twisting it. He did this to another twenty-one (21) gems, placing each of them back into the cup when he was done with it.

  “When we share this power, do not betray us! We all survive or die together!” Princess Rodica said.

  “It is time to split the waters,” Prince Marku said and he hurried back over the bridge to the diamond doors, followed closely by Princess Rodica and Leslawa. Rodica unlocked and opened the doors, and went into the interior hallway, followed by Leslawa.

  Prince Marku cast the molded yellow-green gems into the lake and then ran quickly through the diamond doors, closing them.

  Princess Rodica then locked the doors and said: “We must hurry!”

  “Walk with me, now,” Prince Marku said, taking Princess Rodica and Leslawa by their hands and walking through the interior hallway, away from the diamond doors.

  “What is happening?” Leslawa asked.

  “We are splitting the water. This is a dangerous process!” Prince Marku said.

  A very loud crackling sound was heard, along with the sound of water splashing.

  “That was louder than before!” Princess Rodica said.

  “I used more of the saraphakadite than before! We need much more power this time!” Prince Marku said.

  A mist floated down the hallway toward them.

  “What is that?” Leslawa asked.

  “The mist of the Dead Waters – it never escapes that room! It must have cracked the diamond doors,” Prince Marku said.

  “It was too powerful!” Princess Rodica said.

  “We need that power! We need it! Walk into the mist!” Prince Marku said and he began walking toward it.

  Princess Rodica and Leslawa followed him. They all breathed in the mist and felt energized by it, having all powers.

  “I feel like I could do anything!” Leslawa said, surprised at her newfound energy.

  “You can. You have all powers now. Even the power you already had will be at a greater level than by drinking the ordinary water alone,” Prince Marku said.

ow, make sure to use the powers against our enemy,” Princess Rodica said.


  Erikkos listened to learn the fate of the ships that had been preparing to attack. He heard the telltale signs of their ruin and said: “The ships are sinking. The music tore through them, rupturing their hulls and snapping their masts. I cannot see them or the body of water in which they were floating, but I can hear the water rushing in to their breached hulls.”

  “Can we enter the city now?” Skylla asked.

  “Yes. I can only hope that whatever prize they have is worth the danger. There may be more defenses within,” Erikkos said. He drank yet again of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean from his vial and was energized, prepared to repeat his song to crush any resistance. He was also prepared to hear movement within.

  Count Terzo drank anew of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean from his own vial and was energized, prepared to fight. He drew his sword from its scabbard.

  Skylla drank anew of the waters of the Trerada Ocean from her vial and was energized. Her health was made robust and her physical beauty greatly increased, although she doubted seduction would be of use. It was the health and healing powers she needed.

  Nestor drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial and was energized. He did not expect it to be of any use, however.

  Erikkos led the way as they walked through the broken city wall and into the breached fortress wall of the Citadel itself.

  “Marble halls! These people are truly wealthy beyond reason!” Skylla said as they entered.

  “Royalty, perhaps,” Count Terzo said.

  “There’s so much damage. Your song did this?” Nestor asked.

  “Yes. Too much damage. Be careful. Even the ceiling is fractured, and more debris may fall,” Erikkos said. He continued walking along the marble hallways, seeing bronze doors and silver carvings on them.

  Skylla tested a set of bronze doors and said: “They’re locked!”

  Nestor and Count Terzo tested other bronze doors and found the same.


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