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Page 12

by Park Saenal

  “I found you.”

  Then someone entered suddenly. It was Luck of Valhalla. He was one of the most influential members of Ares’ army. Even Kraugel acknowledged Luck’s skills and had been wary of Luck during his sky above the sky days.

  “I don’t know what you’re doing, but forget it.” Luck clenched his fists as he saw the unidentified NPC immersed in a ritual and his escort, Rose.

  Rose cried out desperately, “Don’t disturb me! My sibling’s life depends on it!”


  “Do you know why I am active in the Yatan Church despite the criticisms of people? It is because the big rewards are worth the criticism! I need money! I’m only playing Satisfy for money! I need to pay for my sick sibling’s medical expenses! My sibling will die if I don’t pay the medical fees!”

  “..No, what is this?” Luck’s eyes were shaken.

  Was there anybody in the world without a story? Rose might be an enemy, but she was arguing for the sake of a human’s life. Luck revealed a gap when there was a blast of magic. He staggered at the great power and looked up.

  “Are you going to let me go?” Rose was pointing her staff at him. She had no sibling, but Luck had no way of knowing the truth.

  “Why should I let you go? Tsk, just because I know about your circumstances?” Luck gave up his hesitation and punched Rose.

  In the midst of the loud explosions, Benoit just focused on the ritual.


  『 This is the end of the opening ceremony of Overgeared Four. .』

  『 It was a very grand opening. Tens of thousands of gold must’ve been spent on the firecrackers alone. Huhu…』

  The world’s best streamers, including Bunny Bunny, and the news reporters from all over the world were broadcasting live reports about Reidan. Honestly, they had found it ridiculous when they received the proposal from the Overgeared Guild a few days ago. They wanted to make an exhibition of a new guild creation while they were in the worst crisis…?

  Moreover, Reidan was the main stage of the war. How could a guild opening ceremony be held in the middle of the battlefield? The most incomprehensible part was that the new guild consisted of artillerymen. Why organize a large artillerymen unit in Satisfy where cannons didn’t play a big role? People couldn’t understand Grid’s actions. Some people even guessed that Grid had gone crazy from fright.

  Surprisingly, the Overgeared Guild finished the opening ceremony safely. They set off all types of colorful fireworks and expanded their power. The result was surprising. The imperial army shrank back rather than attacking, and their morale deteriorated.

  “I seem to feel a great strength from seeing the Overgeared Kingdom expand its power in the war. It is often called bluffing. It is a basic maneuver and the risk is high, but the effect was a success. 』

  People belatedly realized that this was why Grid had created the new guild in Reidan despite the circumstances. Of course, it was Lauel’s plan and one that could only be designed because of Noll’s performance. However, the Overgeared Kingdom’s king was Grid. Everything became Grid’s intentions and achievements.

  -I am an artilleryman and should join the Overgeared Guild…

  Interest in the Overgeared Guild heated up. The artilleryman players, in particular, expressed an active interest in the Overgeared Guild. However, people regarded it as a poison.

  -Does the Overgeared Kingdom really need artillerymen? The establishment of the artilleryman guild is mere propaganda.

  -That’s right. The only reason to make an artilleryman unit is that are cannons which can threaten the empire.

  -In fact, there are no cannons that can threaten the empire. Cannons have a low hit rate and slow firing rate. They are powerful against buildings, but it is hard for them to be a threat against moving objects. They are generally worse than magic.

  -Why do artillerymen exist?

  -They are useless.

  -Stop it. The artillerymen will be hurt.

  Cannons were a weapon with few advantages. They had been used actively in the Demon King Subjugation, but that was a unique case. There was no practicality in establishing the artillerymen unit of the Overgeared Guild. This was a natural assessment made by people.

  “Artillerymen, on the wall.”

  Now, Grid was preparing to break common sense like always. There were unique rated Overgeared Cannons made by him. Additionally, eight rare to epic rated cannons which had been made by the craftsmen were placed on the walls. He gave the order, and Lost Justice and the other artillerymen moved to the walls.

  Then they saw it. The imperial army was gathered under the wall. Numerous people were filling up the desert. The hundreds of thousands of troops gave a different sense of pressure. There were lieutenants bearing the empire’s flags, hundreds of cannons, 20 catapults, and thousands of shield soldiers.

  “Hiik…” The faces of the artillerymen paled. They had been stuck in the closet for all their lives, and now that they finally got a chance to fight, it was against tens of thousands of enemies. They were feeling terrified when Toban shouted at them, “Hurry! Load the shells and aim at the enemy’s catapult!”

  Even now, thousands of soldiers were loading rocks on the catapults. The rocks were so large that it took a long time. The moment they fired, the walls of Reidan would collapse. Death would come the moment they allowed the enemies to enter.


  Lost Justice regained her senses first and loaded the cannon with shells. Then she was surprised. The structure meant the shells were loaded in the back of the barrel rather than the front.

  ‘The loading speed is really fast!’

  The artillerymen didn’t have time to check the details of the Overgeared Cannon. In this harsh and urgent situation, they simply acted upon orders.

  “Aim!” Toban cried out.

  30 artillerymen—the artillerymen rankers now called the Overgeared Artillerymen—started to readjust their positions. It was an indirect aiming. They took advantage of the flexibility to direct the barrel toward the sky. The initial velocity of the shells was slow, but the impact was greater. It was because shells that fell from a higher altitude had more destructive power. They could inflict greater damage on targets.

  ‘I have to do well.’

  ‘I have to unconditionally hit the target!’

  The players ranked 1–30 on the artilleryman rankings. In the past few years, they didn’t have a chance to be active. No one used them, but this didn’t mean they wasted those years. They joined armies and didn’t neglect a single day of training. In order to not forget they were artillerymen, they trained enthusiastically and didn’t miss an opportunity to fire the cannons. Their skill level might be low and they were lacking experience, but they were full of enthusiasm and knew the theory.

  “Launch!” Toban yelled as he raised a flag.

  The artillerymen fired the Overgeared Cannons in unison. 10 cannons emitted black smoke as they fired simultaneously, and a thunderous sound filled the battlefield.

  -It only sounds loud.

  -It is as you say. The power is nothing.

  The viewers scoffed at the weapon called a cannon. No, they weren’t scoffing. They just told the truth they knew. Then at this moment, the truth changed.


  The shells fired from the Overgeared Cannons curved and fell down, piercing through the magicians’ shields and hitting five catapults. It was ridiculous. The mountain-like catapults collapsed due to just 10 shells. It was a spectacle that couldn’t be explained theoretically.

  “Uwaaaack!” Thousands of soldiers who were loading rocks on the catapults screamed. The wreckage of the catapults fell and crashed into the soldiers and cannons. Casualties occurred in the formation of the imperial army. Yet only 10 cannons triggered this disaster…? The viewers, broadcasters, and artillerymen who fired the Overgeared Cannons couldn’t close their mouths.

  Notification windows appeared in front of the Overgeared artillerymen.
br />   [You have succeeded in destroying the imperial army’s 2nd catapult.]

  [You have defeated an imperial soldier.]

  [You have defeated an imperial…]



  [Your level has risen.]

  [Your level has risen.]

  [Your level has…]



  [The Firearms Mastery skill level has risen from beginner master to intermediate level 2.]


  The notification windows conveyed good news that couldn’t be imagined. The artillerymen were stunned, but they couldn’t feel joy at the news. It was because Toban’s roar entered their ears, “Reload!”

  “R-Reloading!” The artillerymen barely maintained a hold on their senses and moved. The secondary loading speed was also fast. It was several times faster than loading an existing cannon.

  “Aim!” Toban raised his flag.

  The artillerymen focused on four of the 15 catapults left in the imperial army. They were catapults already filled with large rocks. The imperial soldiers, who had fallen, scrambled up to pull the ropes. They were preparing to fire, but the catapults were too big and the rocks were so heavy that it was slow.


  In that gap, the 10 Overgeared Cannons fired again. The power of this bombardment was greater than the previous one. It was a natural phenomenon since the artillerymen’s stats and skill levels had increased.

  -T-This is ridiculous.

  The viewers found it hard to distinguish between a dream and reality as they saw the big catapults crashing down. The Overgeared Cannon was an innovative and powerful weapon.

  “Oh, very strong.” The Overgeared members were also surprised.

  Grid explained to them, “It is stronger because the target is still. It won’t have as much power against people.”

  It was a calm tone. The man who made such a monstrous cannon didn’t seem fazed at all. The Overgeared members intuitively felt that the Overgeared Cannons placed on the walls weren’t in their ultimate form.

  ‘Can he make it with a higher rating?’

  ‘If I think about a legendary cannon…’

  “…!” On the walls, Grid had been staring down at the battlefield only to have his eyes widen. The smell of alcohol permeated his nose as someone emerged from the imperial army. Grid recognized him immediately. “The Drunk Duke!”

  The Drunk Duke flew up. He reached the top of the wall in an instant and stretched out his hand toward an Overgeared Cannon. The Drunk Duke attacked, but Toban pulled out a shield and blocked it.

  “Keook!” Toban’s shield and skills were meaningless as he was injured severely and fell to his knees. Then it happened when the Drunk Duke was going to aim at the Overgeared Cannons again. Two flashes of light flew toward him. The Drunk Duke perceived the danger and lowered his posture as a sword and hand plow grazed the top of his head.

  “…What?” The Drunk Duke looked like he had seen a ghost as he made eye contact with the farmer holding a hand plow. He was so shocked that his drunkenness disappeared.

  Chapter 1014

  The Saharan Empire had a history of thousands of years and couldn’t have produced only seven heroes. There were numerous heroes in the history of the empire, 12 of whom were awarded dukeships. It meant the original empire had 12 ducal families, but time was a scary law.

  Families were corrupted or weakened as generations passed while others experienced misfortune. Five of the ducal families naturally disappeared or became traitors. It was the reason why only two of the seven ducal families currently in the empire contained the lineage of the founding dukes.


  He was the pillar of the empire a few decades ago, the only great swordsman at the time, one of the most prestigious names, the emperor’s ally… and finally, the traitor.

  “I must be hallucinating.” Diworth loosened his clothing as he stared at the farmer in front of him. The farmer’s eyes, nose, and mouth—they were all like they had been in the old days. His strong physique was the same. Only the wrinkles around his eyes were different. Additionally, the huge pressure that was like a great mountain had disappeared.

  Diworth was able to glimpse the winds of time but not the energy. The farmer’s aging aura was no different from the wind, sand, and trees. He looked different yet the same. Diworth, who was trying to distinguish the difference between Piaro in his memories and the farmer in front of him, soon accepted reality.

  “That’s right.”

  It was the same person. The farmer was Piaro.

  “I see. You’re not dead.”

  In the days when Piaro led the Red Knights, the Red Knights were the symbol of imperial power and all the people raised them up. Diworth was the same. He hated Piaro but was forced to acknowledge him. When the empire sent a team to capture Piaro, stating Piaro would be punished for betraying the empire, Diworth was one of the people who failed to catch him.

  “I thought you had left this world because I hadn’t heard about you for so long. I didn’t know you would be in the Overgeared Kingdom.”

  Diworth thought the emperor might be pleased to know that Piaro was alive. His Majesty the Emperor still hated yet missed Piaro. Then there was a question.

  ‘Does His Majesty the Emperor know about this?’

  The emperor had always been submerged in darkness after the death of the empress and Piaro’s betrayal. However, he had become bright again one day. He regained his energy. It had been around the time when Legendary Knight Mercedes was exiled.

  ‘Why did he banish Mercedes who became a legend?’

  Did he know that Piaro was alive, and so he gave Mercedes a separate command to protect him?

  ‘It is possible.’

  The emperor probably knew that Mercedes had gone to serve the Overgeared King. The emperor was more informed than the Seven Dukes. Despite this, the emperor hadn’t placed any restraints on Mercedes and wasn’t active in conquering the Overgeared Kingdom. He had only belatedly declared war to quell the complaints of the angry nobles after the Overgeared King accepted the evil eyes. The emperor didn’t force the Seven Dukes to participate in the war. It was why Rachel didn’t participate in the war.

  ‘Yes, he already knows.’

  Piaro was alive.

  ‘Additionally, he has forgiven Piaro’s betrayal.’

  Or perhaps as Rachel, Grenhal, and Morse claimed, Piaro’s betrayal might’ve been a falsehood. If this was assumed, then all circumstances were correct.

  “Hrmm…” Diworth glanced down from the wall. Hundreds of thousands of allied soldiers in the desert were looking up here. Thousands of artillerymen units were still struggling to reload the cannons and catapults.

  ‘If they know about Piaro’s survival…’

  They would be greatly agitated. The confusion would weaken the army.

  ‘Is it possible that the relationship between the empire and the Overgeared Kingdom will improve because of Piaro?’

  Of course not. It was an unrealistic story. In the first place, Piaro would never forgive the empire. It was the empire that had killed his family.

  ‘Additionally, if we leave the Overgeared Kingdom that doesn’t recognize the empire as the master of the continent, it will harm the empire.’

  Thus, Diworth made a decision. He should kill Piaro right now. It was the only way to thwart the chaos, win the war, and allow the empire to rise again as the master of the continent.

  “Piaro, do you know? I hated you for a long time. Every time I saw you clearly being better than me, my self-esteem was damaged. Now they are all old memories. I have no evil feelings for you.” Diworth was serious. “I will consider the old days and kill you without any pain.”

  He would cut with a single move. Diworth made up his mind and drank from a bottle. He was in a hurry. Aside from Basara, the other dukes had tried to stop the execution of Piaro’s family. They were clear on the fact that Piaro had been framed, and they
petitioned to stop the execution. If Diworth didn’t kill Piaro before they arrived, there would be plenty of room for complications.

  ‘I am glad that the other dukes are chasing Skunk who is doing something crazy.’

  Skunk was an explorer they had met accidentally in Galest. He was a talent who was being watched by the empire. The dukes’ eyes had shone when they heard Skunk say he would cross the Red Sea. It didn’t mean they had forgotten they were in the middle of a war. They just looked down on the Overgeared Kingdom.

  Diworth’s magic power boiled, and the alcohol scent vibrated. Diworth was prepared to eliminate Piaro in an instant.

  ‘Please die without pain and be freed from the sufferings of life.’

  Diworth would be merciful to the old hero—a hated but respected man. He pulled out a bright and glowing weapon that didn’t fit with his appearance and swung it at Piaro. Then Diworth was surprised. Piaro didn’t give off the same strong atmosphere that he did in the past. So, he thought Piaro was weak. Yet the hand plow easily stopped his strike.

  “You still have a personality where you judge and act one-sidedly. Do you still hurt the soldiers when you get drunk?” Piaro clicked his tongue as the air surrounding him started to disappear.

  The wind, the air, the ground, the sand, and the weeds—all the surrounding nature lost their energy. The cause of that was Piaro. Nature gave him their energy.

  “No way, this…” Diworth’s fingers trembled as he hurriedly pulled back his sword. He had heard of Natural State before. “It is a transcendent Natural State!”

  The weakened Piaro was actually stronger than before. The form of swordsmanship had transformed into farming, but it had evolved instead of degenerating.

  “Free Farming.”

  The moment nature lost all its energy, the space became weightless and the floating Piaro raised the hand plow over his head.

  “Wait.” Grid appeared and stopped Piaro. “Piaro and Mercedes, destroy the catapults.”

  In Satisfy, there were often scenes where weapons and weapons or magic and skills collided and offset each other’s power. It could be called the singularity of the virtual reality game. All weapons, skills, and magic had a shape, establishing a formula they could respond to and counterattack. Of course, if one of the two forces colliding with each other were unilaterally strong, it couldn’t be offset. In any case, a person could try defending by colliding with an incoming attack. This was why in a fight between masters, they kept striking each other with their weapons.


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