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Overgeared Page 87

by Park Saenal

  Smith once again felt admiration as he watched.

  “This isn’t the workmanship of a novice… You figured out the production method just by looking at the finished shaft? You truly have the eyes of a craftsman. The dexterity and accuracy are also excellent.”

  I was able to finish 100 shafts without difficulty before I started making the arrowheads.

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 18

  I melted iron ore and jaffa together, mixing them in the right proportions. Then, I poured the molten iron into the mold. Then, after 40 minutes, I pounded it into the shape of a wire. I poured a bucket of water on the wire.


  A loud sound was heard as the scorching wire cooled rapidly. Quenching. This process increased the hardness and strength of the metal.

  Smith seemed disappointed for the first time.

  “You even know about quenching?”

  “Yes. I have studied various production methods. I am a person who is always prepared.”

  “Uhh, I don’t know what you studied, but is this the limit of self-study? Why are you using quenching when making the arrowhead? I’m not sure if you know, but if you quench the metal, it becomes harder and less durable. The moment the arrow strikes the enemy, instead of piercing the enemy, the arrowhead might break in the enemy’s armor.”

  That was right, but I had a special plan.

  “I’ll also use tempering.”

  Tempering involved reheating the quenched metal and then gradually lowering it in order to decrease the metal’s brittleness. It was adding a flourish to the production method, which could strengthen the metal in the end.

  However, it would take a lot of time to do all of this. It was labor that I didn’t like!

  Smith frowned as he felt the same way.

  “Do you intend to make the arrows all night? I don’t know why you would spend so much time making the arrows. Those who buy arrows consider them as a one-off consumable, so why are you so devoted to making the consumable item?”

  Why? The reason for increasing the amount of labor was simple. I replied while reheating the quenched wire and hammering at it,

  “If I make it a bit better, I can sell it for a more expensive price.”


  Smith understood once he heard my words and no longer interfered. I made the arrowheads by repeatedly quenching, forging, and tempering. How much time passed by? I was tired and sore, but the heat from the smithy was even more painful. My awkward hammering skills steadily improved over time.

  [Your persistence has risen.]

  [Your dexterity has risen.]

  My growing stats really made everything feel worthwhile. I was willing to do anything to raise my stats.


  Dammit! It was labor in the game! But it was also fun!

  “I will become addicted to labor one day!”

  Would a day come when I enjoyed labor in reality as well? It was a big deal. I might end up with osteoporosis in my later years of life.

  Ttang! Ttang!

  I complained but still immersed myself in the actions. The wire was slowly converted into an arrowhead as my hammering and my skills became more sophisticated.

  “Hoo. Hoo.”

  I took short breaths. My arms were numb and my skin was hot, but I endured it. My concentration increased as my stamina fell.

  [The Legendary Blacksmith’s Patience skill has been activated. Concentration, stamina, and defense will rise to the extremes for one hour.]

  Suddenly, the weariness in my body disappeared and I felt refreshed. This was similar to the vigor I felt whenever I ate cereal with milk.


  I alternated between the hammer and metals, producing the arrowheads. The effect of my increased concentration was noticeable in the arrowheads. It might’ve been because I made it myself, but the arrowheads were really beautiful.

  I was happy. Sweating in front of the fire gave me a sense of fulfillment.

  ‘This isn’t mere labor. Rather, it is akin to art.’

  In reality, I had no talent so I felt no pleasure no matter what I did. I had to work my guts off just to fall behind. But now I had talent. It was a talent that could only be shown in Satisfy, but it was enough.

  Ttang! Ttang!

  A harmony with the hammer! It was a moment when I felt stability and contentment.

  [The Legendary Blacksmith’s Breath has increased the effectiveness of your production items]

  [Legendary Blacksmith’s Breath]

  Lv. 1

  When you are concentrating on making an item, the will of Pagma’s Descendant will fill the production item.

  All stats of a production item will increase by 5%.

  There is a rare chance of giving special features to your production items.

  Then 100 arrows were completed!

  [Special Jaffa Arrow]

  Rating: Epic

  Attack Power: 35~42

  An arrow made by a craftsman with great skill and potential but lacking in experience and reputation.

  Due to the effect of combining jaffa with steel, it has extremely high penetration and ignores some of the enemy’s defense.

  * Has a certain chance of ignoring the enemy’s defense.

  Weight: 0.1

  [An epic rated item was produced, so all stats have permanently risen by +4 and reputation throughout the continent has risen by +80.

  [Quest success!]

  [Affinity with Smith has risen to the maximum.]

  [Experience has risen by 300.]

  [Your level has risen.]

  There was no time to rejoice over the quest’s success and my level up.

  “…Epic rated arrow?”

  Weren’t arrows unconditionally a normal rating?

  ‘I’ve never heard of an epic rated arrow.’

  I was filled with an indescribable sense of emptiness.

  “Epic rated consumables… An epic rating appeared when I created arrows…”

  If it was a costly item like a sword or armor, then I would’ve made a big profit. But arrows were cheap and considered consumables, so the profit of an epic rated arrow was limited. I was overcome with bad emotions.

  ‘Dammit! He should’ve told me to make either sword or armor!’

  I started to hate Smith, who recommended the Jaffa Arrow. When I looked at the arrow I made, the short feeling of admiration turned into anger.

  “You haven’t gone through an apprenticeship yet you are already making something so great! Ideal arrows! This is the first time that I’ve considered an arrow to be beautiful! You are definitely Pagma’s reincarnation! Ahh! You must be tired of my surprise by now! You are great! Amazing! Wonderful!”

  I regained my spirit at Smith’s words.

  Yes, the first item I made had an epic rating. I didn’t even fail. This fact was enough for me to rejoice and be thankful. As a result of making the epic rated items, all of my stats increased by 4 and my reputation increased.

  In addition, the performance of the arrows was amazing. Were there any existing arrows whose attack power exceeded 40? Plus, there was a special option.

  ‘One arrow is better than a level 20 hand weapon.’

  Arrows were less profitable than other equipment items due to their nature, but this great performance meant that I would definitely get some money.

  ‘I was a little confused because something bigger than I planned emerged.’

  I had the Legendary Blacksmith’s Craftsmanship skill. Due to the effect, the abilities of all my items increased by 10%. In others words, the basic attack power of a Jaffa Arrow was 20~26, but the ones I created would be 22~28. From a buyer’s point of view, they would rather buy the Jaffa Arrows from me rather than the general Jaffa Arrows.

  But they would be reluctant to pay more. Why? It didn’t make sense to pay more money just for a slight increase in attack power. So I used quenching, forging, and tempering as a way to maximize the effects of my sk
ill. I expected that a fairly good arrow would emerge from a 10% increase in performance plus a more elaborate production process.

  Then the finished arrows had a better performance than my expectations due to the breath skill. I made Jaffa Arrows that had 15 more attack power than existing Jaffa Arrows, and it also had the option of completely ignoring the enemy’s defense. A high-level user would purchase the Jaffa Arrows I made, no matter how expensive they were. It was well worth it.

  “Pu~~~~~~ hahahahat!!”

  The superior stats and skills possessed by Pagma’s Descendant. The 40 stat points obtained through the minus levels! My stats also increased from making epic rated items. Finally, the arrows that could be sold at an expensive price. I could be certain that today was the best day of my life.

  “It is better than my birthday.”

  Besides, there was only my little sister who remembered my birthday. It was annoying to hear on my birthday things like ‘Are you sitting alone at home again?’ or ‘Don’t you have any friends?’ This year, I should say those words on my sister’s birthday.

  Therefore, it was natural to be one hundred times happier today compared to my embarrassing and lonely birthdays.

  Smith watched me laughing like a madman and handed over the 100 completed Jaffa Arrows.

  “I originally promised you half of this… but I can’t take such wonderful things. I want you to take all of them.”

  The effect of maximum affinity! Wasn’t this a beautiful favor?

  My heart thumped. Smith seemed just like my grandfather so I couldn’t help embracing him.

  “You have shown me great kindness! It was a short meeting but I will never forget you.”

  Tears dripped from Smith’s eyes as he hugged me. “Are you leaving already? That’s too bad.”

  “We might meet again someday if we’re lucky.”

  “I don’t want you to leave…” Smith glanced at me with a flushed face.

  Like a male peacock opening its colorful tail feathers to seduce a female, he tried to attract me using hammers, tongs, and the solid muscles of his upper body. This man, he had the smell of a widower so he must’ve been alone for a long time. Maybe he was so lonely that he became gay after his affinity towards me reached the maximum…? No, he might’ve been gay from the beginning.

  His dignity decreased in front of his affection. I straightened and let go.

  “Then I’m going now.”

  I grabbed the 100 epic arrows and hurriedly moved away. However, due to the 100% reduction in movement speed, I couldn’t leave the blacksmith quickly. Smith approached me and hugged me from behind.

  “I can see that you also don’t want to separate from me! You are thinking of me in that passionate heart of yours. I’m reluctant to give up this affection. I won’t forget you until the day I lay in my coffin! No, I will think of you, even in my coffin!”

  “This damn person. Stop speaking such terrible words!”

  Just like with Doran, the excess weight caused a misunderstanding again.

  I barely got away from Smith made a vow to sell my arrows, find a warehouse, and move to another village as soon as possible.

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 19

  The lead party of the Tzedakah Guild moved along the main road and barely managed to finish the Guardian of the Forest raid after three days.


  The Guardian of the Forest, who was covered with minerals, fell down with a thunderous boom. Some party members were frightened by the sound and fell down, making them unable to resist the attacks of the golems.


  “H-Help me!”

  Those who fell into a panic couldn’t feel the pleasure of a successful raid. The face of Jishuka, the leader of the party, didn’t look good as she searched through the remains of the Guardian of the Forest.

  “Idiots, what were you paying attention to?”

  Jishuka had already thoroughly lectured the party members about the precautions and strategies before confronting the Guardian of the Forest. But that hard work was for nothing, as nobody followed it save for a few of her guild members. Therefore, it was frustrating for her.

  “I’d rather die than live with the judgment and learning ability of a monkey.”

  The guild’s reputation would become worse because of the party members’ deaths.


  Despite her disapproval, she was the genius who saved the lives of her party members with every pull of her bowstring. The first ranked person on the archer rankings.

  The party was barely able to escape the crisis thanks to the activities of the martial artist Regas, the twin axe-wielding Vantner and the other members of the Tzedakah Guild. But the damage was severe.

  “A total of 75 people were killed.”

  There were four guild members among the list of deceased. Unlike the other fools who died from stupidity, they were killed in battle against the Guardian of the Forest.

  “But it is over.”

  It was a really tough battle.

  The Guardian of the Forest was armed with superior defense, high health, and AoE skills that kept the party’s main members occupied. Meanwhile, it constantly summoned golems that put pressure on the other party members.

  Without the overwhelming actions of Jishuka and Regas, the raid would’ve 100% failed. Jishuka checked the items dropped by the Guardian of the Forest and was unable to hide her disappointment. The other party members also sighed.

  They had fought against the Guardian of the Forest and the golems for two days, and when the guardian was finally defeated, they were disturbed by new golems.

  The loot was tacky compared to such suffering. 30 iron ores, 7 orichalcum ores, and 1 blue orichalcum ore.

  Regas shrugged. “The Amethyst Shield didn’t emerge again this time.”

  The Tzedakah Guild constantly challenged the Guardian of the Forest raid once every two weeks in order to get the Amethyst Shield. But the drop rate was the worst.

  ‘The difficulty of an S-grade quest is beyond one’s imagination.’

  Even though they were the same S-grade quests, the difference between a single quest and linked quests was like the difference between heaven and earth. Vantner picked up the blue orichalcum and said.

  “Fortunately, we received this.”

  [Blue orichalcum]

  Orichalcum is a mineral born with the power of moonlight and the Guardian of the Forest.

  It is impossible to erode the Guardian of the Forest’s magic power, but it has the best hardness and strength among all minerals.

  It is lightweight and becomes much stronger in the darkness.

  * Advanced blacksmith skills are required to smelt it.

  Weight: 3

  The value couldn’t be determined at the present time, but it would become an expensive commodity once an advanced blacksmith appeared. Jishuka was filled with disappointment as she returned to the village with her exhausted party members. The party members who died had resurrected and were waiting in the square.

  Toban converted the value of the minerals into money by dividing it according to the market price, then distributed it to the party members. They barely avoided a deficit. There were no complaints from the guild members, but the general users complained about the small compensation.

  But what could they do? This was the result.

  Jishuka disbanded the party and gathered the guild members. Then she spoke with a serious expression.

  “This is already the fourth raid without any success. Rumors are spreading among the general users that there is no value in participating in the Guardian of the Forest raid. In the next raid, the level of the participating users will be even lower. This is difficult.”

  The Tzedakah Guild was composed of the top rankers. But their reputation was low, which was why they were a small guild.

  The 17 members of the Tzedakah Guild had been together before Satisfy, since the days of the L.T.S game. It was impossible for them
to challenge the Guardian of the Forest raid with their strength alone. Therefore, they attracted general users. But that wouldn’t continue to work.

  Toban, the level 172 paladin and the guild’s chief of staff, nodded.

  “I need the Amethyst Shield for a linked quest, but it can’t be helped. For the time being, we have to give up on the Guardian of the Forest raid and try to strengthen the guild’s power.”

  Vantner, the 2nd ranked person on the guardian knight rankings, wasn’t armed with a shield despite choosing a defensive class. He instead chose to wield twin axes.

  “That’s right. It’s useless in this state, so we can’t be impatient. Let’s leave the Guardian of the Forest raid for a while and increase our quality.”

  When she looked at the faces of the guild members, they all seemed to have the same opinion. Only Regas’ eyes were shining like lanterns. He was clearly thinking ‘anything is good as long as I can fight!’

  Jishuka thought about it and declared,

  “We will give up on the raid for the next three months. In the meantime, we will improve our level and equipment. If we gain 15 levels in the next three months, can’t we kill that guy? Regas, you should gain 20 levels.”

  Jishuka laughed brightly. Her half-moon eyes were sexy; however, they were considered horrifying to the guild members. Their leader was scary. If they didn’t fulfill the goal, they really would experience hell. The guild members, who knew better than anyone how fierce Jishuka was, gulped and Regas cried out in a trembling voice.

  “Let’s go train!”

  Thus, the Tzedakah Guild discretely dispersed.

  Jishuka headed to the guild warehouse alone. The South American’s unique beauty and curvy body attracted the attention of males. She was a famous ranker so the crowd around her increased.

  But she ignored them.

  Jishuka left the blue orichalcum in the warehouse and headed to the auction house without worrying about being followed or not. The blue orichalcum was an item that could be sold at a later date, but not now. For the moment, the iron ore and orichalcum would sell for the best price.


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