My Four Best Friends- Tuesday Malory

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by Becky L Bell

  My Four Best Friends:

  Tuesday Malory

  A Reverse Harem Novel

  Chapter 1

  My alarm blares to life pulling me out of a deep sleep. Ugh, I really don’t want to get up, so I reach for my cell to push the snooze button before I remember that the Wolfe brothers are coming back to Creek Falls after being away for four years. Oh crap, I need to get up and dressed, I sure as hell do not want to miss seeing them again. It has been too long.

  The Wolfe quadruplets used to be my best friends since we were little until they suddenly left without even a goodbye when we were 13. I remember it like it was yesterday.

  It was the first day of summer break, and I couldn’t wait to go next door and hang out with the brothers, swimming in their pool, or playing video games. There was never a dull moment when they were around.

  When I knocked on the door, Mrs. Wolfe answered it. I remember her telling me that the boys have gone to live with their grandparents in Virginia, and tears falling down my face. I could not believe they would leave without saying goodbye. Mrs. Wolfe pulled me into a hug as I sob, already missing my best friends. She even informed me that they were not allowed to take their cell phones or any electronics with them, so my only way to keep in touch was gone. I had nothing. I could even write them a letter.

  After about two weeks into summer break, I watched as Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe left too. It was like the whole family just disappeared. There house was soon sold to an older couple after they left. I was so sad for the rest of the summer and into the new school, I remember thinking that I would never again see Ren, Carter, Tristan, and Markus.

  Like me, they were small, gangly, nerdy thirteen years old, we fit in just great with each other. The five of us were inseparable, we did everything together and now Mom said that they are coming back to town for our senior year. I cannot wait to see them again.

  After getting ready, I pull my dark red hair into a messy bun as I look at myself in the mirror. Goodness, I hope they recognize me, it has been so long. I am no longer the gangly girl that was all legs, but curvier even though my legs are still long even at my height of 5’4”. I am not gorgeous like Vanessa, Tammy, and their popular friends, you might call me cute or pretty on a good day.

  As I grab my stuff, I hear a horn blaring out front. That would be my ride and best friend Ally White and Matt Thomas. “Honey, Ally’s here,” Mom calls from downstairs as I race down stairs. “Tuesday take these muffins since I know you all did not eat breakfast,” she adds as I come into the kitchen. Mom is the best baker ever and owns the town’s only bakery. “Thanks Mom, you’re the best,” I reply as I grab the muffins and give her a hug. “Have fun today.” “You too, bye,” I add before heading out the door.

  Getting into the backseat, I hand Ally and Matt each a muffin before tearing off a piece. My stomach is in knots as I wonder if the guys will still be my friends or did I lose them the day they left. God, I hope they didn’t change that much. “Damn, I love your Mom. Her baking is the best,” I hear Matt say pulling me from my dark thoughts. “I totally agree with you there,” Ally replies as we eat and head to school.

  Chapter 2

  As I head to my locker, I see my other friend Logan Jones leaning against it. We became friends after the Wolfe brothers left. If it wasn’t for my friends, I don’t know how I would have coped with the loss. They were my life savers, but what is really amazing is that Logan is one of the most popular guys in school. Strange I know, he should be spending all his time with them not me and my friends, but he does. Logan is also the hottest guy in school and the star quarterback of our football team. Sometimes I wonder why he likes being my friend because his popular friends don’t seem to like it. “Hey, Tues, are you ready for our senior year?” he asks with a smile as he moves to let me into my locker. “Oh yeah. The senior year is supposed to be the best,” I reply with a smile as I sneak peaks of the hallway looking for the Wolfe quad. I wonder if I will recognize them.

  “Tues, who are you looking for?” Logan asks as he gently turns my face towards him. The thing is I have not told anyone that the quad is coming back especially not Logan. You see Logan and the quad hated each other. I have no idea why and none of them would ever say, so Logan would not be happy to have them back.

  “No one,” I reply looking him in the eyes. “What? I am so heartbroken, Red,” I hear making my eyes widen. The voice does not sound familiar, and the only ones that ever-called me Red was the Wolfe brothers.

  Logan stiffens as he looks over my shoulder, but he does not remove his hand from my face. “You need to get your hands off her,” I hear another guy growl. Crap, now two of them are behind me. This is not how I wanted to see them again with Logan hovering. Slowly, Logan lets me go as I turn around for the first time. Oh MY Gosh. Standing in front of me are two of the hottest guys I have ever seen. They look like they could be models or actors with their dark hair, blue eyes, and muscular bodies. No longer are we the same height, they both tower over my 5’4” height. They must be about 6’2” or 6’3”, and both look similar except for one has glasses, and I know right away that Carter is the one with glasses and I believe that the other is Ren when I see humor sparking in his blue eyes. Hot damn, they sure do not look like the scrawny boys that I grew up with.

  “Her name is not Red, it is Tuesday, so why don’t you run along,” Logan asks from behind me and from the tone of his voice he does not sound all that happy. Logan moves to stand beside me as he puts his arm around me making my cheeks warm up. I feel like he is trying to stake a claim on me which is ridicules. I do not like him that way and have never given him a reason to think differently. Seriously, Carter and Ren are so out of my league, which means Markus, and Tristan will probably be too.

  When I look up, I see scowls on both Carter and Ren’s faces. “Logan, goodness, stop being mean,” I add not liking his attitude as I pull away from him and run the few steps to Carter as I give him a big hug taking him by surprise. Before I know it, his arms circle around me as he pulls me closer. “God, I missed you Red,” he whispers into my hair. “I missed you too Car,” I whisper as I try to hold back my tears, so I bury my head into his chest. I cannot believe they are really here. Even though Mom said they were coming back, a part of me was scared they would not or even worse, they would not remember me.

  “What the hell is happening here?” I hear Logan’s angry voice, “Tuesday, why the hell are you hugging that guy?” Pulling away, I wipe away a stray tear from my cheek. “Hey, where is my hug?” Ren says with a smile before Logan grabs my arm and pulls me back from both guys. “Hey, what the hell?” Ren snaps at the same time I hear. “Get your fucking hands off her before I break it.” I look over my shoulder to see Markus and Tristan scowling. Damn, they are just as hot as Carter and Ren. Both look just like their brothers except Markus has green eyes compared to his quad brothers’ blue eyes, and Tristan is rocking a bun and tattoos along his arms, which I might say looks hot on him. I think Tristan was the one who spoke because he was always the hot head of the group followed by Markus. Those two were always getting into fights especially with Logan and his friends.

  Goodness, you could cut the tension with a knife it was so thick. Pulling out of Logan’s grip, I have had enough of whatever this is. “Logan, don’t you remember the Wolfe quad? This is Tristan, Markus, Carter, and Ren. Guys, you remember Logan Jones,” I say as I watch all their faces darken with anger.

  Thankfully, the bell rings before anyone can do or say anything. “Let’s get to class before we are late,” I add before I turn around and hightail it to class.

  Chapter 3

  I slide into a seat next to Ally in History class. “
Oh my gosh, have you seen the new guys yet? They are hot, hot, hot, hot,” Ally gushes making my insides twist. Crap, I cannot be jealous, can I, I mean that is ridiculous. They are so out of my league, it is not funny. “Yeah, I saw them,” I reply as I look over at her to see a stunned expression on her face. What is wrong with her now? “Hey, Red. Long time no see. When do I get my hug?” I hear coming from my other side. Turning my head, I see Ren sitting next to me. That would explain the stunned look on Ally’s face. “Hey Ren. Of course, I will give you a hug,” I reply with a laugh as he leans over and hugs me tight. “I missed you so much Red,” he whispers in my ear making my stomach flip. I don’t remember ever feeling like this before they left. Crap, I think I might have a crush on my best friends. I really need to nip this is the bud before I ruin a friendship that hopefully begins again. “I missed you too.”

  Ally clears her throat pulling me away from Ren. Her eyes are pleading with me to be introduced to him, oh crap, she doesn’t know who he is either. “Ally, don’t you remember Ren Wolfe? Ren this is Ally White,” I says as I look back and forth between the two.

  “Holy shit, you mean the quad Ren? Does Logan know they are back?” she whispers looking really upset. Does she think I will push her aside just because they are back? She is still my best friend and that is not going to change. “Yes,” I whisper back. “So, you and Logan huh? Never thought that would happen?” I hear Ren say with what sounds like anger. Before I can ask him what he is talking about, the teacher enters the room and class begins.

  When the bell finally rings, signaling the end of class, I finally turn to Ren. “What were you talking about? Logan and I are friends. I am allowed friends since you and your brothers left me suddenly without saying goodbye,” I snap suddenly so angry at him as I grab my bag and leave with Ally running to catch up.

  I couldn’t get the look of shock and sadness that I see in Ren’s eyes out of my head for the rest of the morning. Ugh, I am happy they are back, but angry that they left without telling me. Who does that? I was their best friend since we were little then they just abandon me with no rhyme or reason. Thankfully, I had no other classes with any of the Wolfe brothers or Logan.

  As I enter the cafeteria and head to my table, I notice the Wolfe quad sitting with the popular kids. Which is not surprising, but what hurts the most is seeing Tristan with his arm around Vanessa as she presses up against him, while Markus has his arms around Tammy. Ugh, for some stupid reason, it hurts a lot. Crazy I know, Vanessa and Tammy are more their type now that they look like Greek Gods. I knew it was just a matter of time before the pretty girls caught their eye.

  As I watch, Tristan’s eyes move from one of the football players to me with a smirk on his handsome face as he pulls Vanessa closer. Not once have any of the brothers looked at me like that. It makes my heart hurt. Ugh. Turning around, I hurry to my table. Thankfully, I am the first one there.

  As I pick at my food, Ally, Matt, and Logan sit down. “What is going on over there?” Ally asks making me look up as I follow her gaze to see Ren pulling Tristan up by the arm while Carter pulls on Markus. “What are you two doing, you idiots,” I hear Ren shout at his brothers as he gets into Tristan’s face, “you are going to ruin everything.” I watch in shock as Tristan shoves Ren away. “Fuck off,” he growls back while Markus does the same to Carter and storms out of the cafeteria followed by Tristan. I wonder what that was about.

  As I watch, Ren and Carter follow their brothers out the door. What the hell just happened? “What was that about?” Matt asks. “Who cares. Did you know they were coming back Tuesday?” Logan asks as he narrows his eyes at me. “Um, Mom mentioned it last night,” I reply not liking how his eyes darken in anger. “Why didn’t you tell us?” he snaps making my anger rise too. Why do I have to tell him every little thing? “Well, let’s see, you guys hate each other and you all are my friends,” I snap not like having to defend myself because I knew he would throw a fit if he did know beforehand. “Really, since they sat over there, and all left in a hurry, I would say they don’t see you as their friend anymore,” he snaps back taking me by surprise. Damn that hurt. “Shit, man what the hell?” I hear Matt say as I pick up my uneaten lunch and head to the trash and out the door. “Tues, I am sorry. Please come back.” Ugh, can I really be mad at Logan when he was stating what was already going through my mind. The Wolfe brothers and I are really not friends anymore.

  Chapter 4

  Looking around the hallway, I don’t see any of the Wolfe brothers, so I head to my locker. As I put my books for my afternoon classes in my bag, I feel someone sidle up to me as I am just shutting the door. “Hey, Red. How are you?” I hear as I look over to see Carter Wolfe smiling at me. “Hey, Car. I am great. How do you like being back?” I reply as a smile back at him.

  Growing up, Carter, and I probably have the most in common. We both loved to read and often would read the same books and talk about them, sometimes even getting into heated debates which most of the time resulted in Markus and Ren to tackle him to the floor. I don’t even know if he likes to read anymore, ugh, everything has changed.

  “I like being back, just somethings are more different than I expected,” he says with a sad look on his handsome face. His blue eyes are still the same; still express his thoughts like an open book. I hate that he is sad. “Well you guys were gone for four years, and things do change, but I am so glad you are back,” I smile hoping to make his sadness vanish. I watch as the sadness leaves his eyes and they light up with a big smile. “I am glad we are back too.”

  “So, do you want to hang out after school today?” he asks. “Sorry I can’t, but....” I reply but am interrupted. “Figures. Are you hanging out with Jones-ass?” growls Tristan. Wow have not heard that name in four years not since the quad left. You see Logan was always nice to me and wanted to be friends, but the quad was dead set against him and I have no clue why. Because they were my best friends, I never pushed it. “Actually, I am working after school at Mom’s bakery, if you must know,” I snap back at him. What is his problem? Crap, he acts like he hates me, and God, I hate that. Hate it.

  As I look into his eye, I get the impression he does not believe me. What the hell is his problem? “Markus and I are going to hang out with Vanessa and Tammy, so I really don’t give a shit who you hang out with,” he snaps before he turns and leaves. At this declaration, my stomach fills with knots. Do not cry, Tuesday Lynn Malory. Do not cry.

  “Hey are you okay?” Carter asks as he rubs my back. “Why? What is wrong?” I hear. Turning around I see Ren a few feet from us. “Nothing.” “Tristan is being an ass.” Carter and I say at the same time. As I watch, Ren’s smile turns to a scowl. Really, I don’t want to think or talk about him. “What did he do?” Ren said through clutched teeth.

  “Nothing really,” I reply not wanting to talk about it. “He was being an ass and told Red that he and Markus are hanging out with two of those cheerleaders after school,” Carter replied as his eyes narrow at me as if to say, it was not okay what Tristan said. Turning from him, I focus on Ren. Ren looks like he is about to explode. “Calm down Ren, geesh. They just want to spend time with their new girlfriends,” I add taking a deep breath as I try to tell myself that same thing. Not wanting anyone to know that my heart is breaking.

  Slowly, Ren’s anger recedes. Thank God. “So, what were you saying before Tristan’s rude interruption?” Carter asks with a strained smile. “Oh, yeah. I get off of work at six if you want to hang out after.” “That sounds great. We will pick you up at work then,” Carter replies while Ren nods in agreement. My heart beats fast in excitement; I cannot wait to hang out with my friends again.

  Chapter 5

  As they promised, Ren and Carter pick me up from work in their black SUV and we head to their house. The Wolfe family now lives across town on a country road surrounded by woods. The house is a big beautiful log cabin with a large wrap around porch with two porch swings. It is much bigger than what they lived in when they li
ved next door to me.

  The ride to their house is almost like old times. Joking, laughing, and teasing like we used to do before they left, unfortunately, Tristan and Markus’s absence is like a knife in my side. Ugh, I need to stop dwelling on the fact they do not want to be my friend and just be glad that the rest want to pick up where we left off four years ago.

  Entering the house, the first thing I notice is now large the house is in the inside. Geesh, it is huge with vaulted ceilings making it look even bigger in the inside than outside. To my right is a large kitchen as big as our first floor at home and cooking up a storm in Mrs. Wolfe. As we walk further in, Mrs. Wolfe looks up after sitting down a large turkey she just pulled out of the oven, with a big smile on her face. “Oh my goodness, I cannot believe it. Tuesday Malory,” she says as she rounds the kitchen island making me blush and pulls me into a big hug. Goodness, I missed her. She was like a second mother to me growing up, so when she left it hurt almost as much as the guys.

  Stepping back, giving me a once over. “Look how you have grown. You look absolutely gorgeous. Now you boys better treat her good, or I will have your hides,” she says as she turns to the guys who are now sporting red cheeks. I cannot help but laugh, it is just so funny. “Yes Mom,” the guys say as Ren gives me a look which says he will get me later for laughing. Bring it on.

  “You have 20 minutes before dinner, so you boys can show Tuesday around until then,” Mrs. Wolfe adds. And they did just that. They gave me a quick tour of the main floor before we headed to a large game room off the living room. The room has a pool table, a large sofa big that fits six or seven people, a couple of armchairs, and a large television mounted on the wall. Goodness, this is the game room they used to dream about when we were younger.


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