My Four Best Friends- Tuesday Malory

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My Four Best Friends- Tuesday Malory Page 4

by Becky L Bell

  Before I know it, Carter pulls the car into their garage. As we get out, I notice two empty spots in the garage. Oh shit, I totally forgot about Tristan and Markus. I can’t be here, I think as panic starts to rise inside me. What if they find out? They will say I deserved it, I just know it. Those two have been angry with me since they all came back to town.

  “Hey, hey, Red. What’s wrong?” Carter says causing me to pull my eyes away from the empty spots to look at his concerned face. “What’s wrong sweetheart, you started to panic for a sec,” he adds pulling me closer. Snuggling closer to him, I whisper, “Tristan and Markus will be back. They will hate me more than they already do.” “They don’t hate you, Red, but if you are uncomfortable then you don’t have to see them, okay,” Ren adds while rubbing my back. That feels so nice.

  Entering the house, I don’t see Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe anywhere. I thought for sure Mrs. Wolfe would be here, but I am really relieved that she is not. She is so much like my Mom, just one look and she will know something is wrong. I haven’t even decided if I should tell Ren and Carter what happened. “Where’s your parents?” I ask probably sounding stupid. “Oh, they had a meeting to get to,” Carter replies while he heads to the kitchen. Following, I sit on a barstool beside Ren. “I’ll make us some sandwiches and get some drinks then we can head into the game room,” he adds.

  I watch quietly as he makes the sandwiches, turkey, I believe. “Are you feeling better now Red,” Ren asks, his voice filled with concern. “Yeah, I am doing better thanks to you guys,” I reply watching them look from me to each other almost like they are having a private conversation which is ridicules, I know. They used to do that all the time when we were younger, and it would drive me crazy. Now, I really don’t pay much attention to that anymore.

  Suddenly, the front door opens with a bang. Turning around I am shocked to see Vanessa and Tammy walk in followed by Tristan and Markus. Oh no, what are they doing here? So far, they haven’t noticed me here as the girls talk and giggle while the guys just stand there, and I would like to keep it that way.

  Luck is not on my side because as they walk further into the house, all four look over at Carter, Ren, and me. “Damn it, what is she doing here,” Tristan growls making my stomach drop as the girls’ eyes light up like the 4th of July. Vanessa and Tammy are loving this.

  “She has every right to be here, and you know it,” Ren snaps as he stands in front of me blocking them from my view, “I am getting tired of you disrespecting her.” “Tristan.” “Markus.” I hear the girls say at the same time. “What is that ugly piece of trash doing here,” Vanessa screeches like a mad woman. “What did you say?” Carter says, his voice filled with cold fury. “Keep your mouth shut, bitch,” Ren snaps with a growl. “Let’s go, now,” Markus says as he grabs Tammy’s arm and pulls her out the door not too gently.

  I watch in silence as they leave, and I cannot help the tears that fall. Why do Tristan and Markus have to be so mean to me? What have I ever done to them?

  Chapter 14

  “I am so sorry about that, sweetheart,” Ren says as he pulls me close. “Why do your brothers hate me so much?” I sob into his chest. God, I have been crying a lot today. It’s like the tears will never stop. “Shhh, they don’t hate you. They’ll come around, you’ll see,” he whispers back as he rocks me back and forth. I hope he’s right, but I won’t believe it until I see it.

  After the tears dry, we eat our snack and head into the game room. We play some games before I hear, “so are you going to tell us what happened today at school.” Looking at Carter and then Ren, I make a decision to just tell them. They are my friends and I hope maybe more if the kisses having anything to say about it. Plus, I hate keeping secrets from them. “You promise not to get mad and do something stupid like hurt someone, double promise,” I say keeping my eyes on them. I need to know I don’t have to worry about them going after Logan. “Damn I haven’t heard a double promise since we were kids,” Ren says looking at Carter before they both again.

  As kids, we had a double promise that meant you couldn’t break it, or the rest of us wouldn’t talk to that person for a month. I know its silly, but it worked for many years before they left town.

  “Okay, well after lunch I was walking to class when I was pulled into an empty classroom. Logan started screaming at me for going to lunch with you guys. When I tried to fight,” I say looking down at my hands in my lap, this is the hard part, “he pinned me down on the desk and tried to….tried to.” I just couldn’t say it as tears filled my eyes. “Are you saying he tried to rape you,” Carter whispers making me look up into his beautiful eyes. I am so relieved when I notice he is not angry with me. As I look, his face gets blurry for the tears before they roll down my cheeks. “Yes, that’s what happened,” I reply with a sob.

  “What the hell?!” I hear growled behind me making me jump. Oh, no, the guys are back. God, I hope they didn’t bring their girlfriends too. That would be just too much. I cannot handle that. No, I cannot.

  Turning around I see Tristan and Markus standing just inside the room. I cannot help the gasp that escapes as I watch them shake with rage. I have never seen them this angry before. “Calm down,” Ren says as he stands up with his hands out in front of him like he is encountering a wild animal, or should I say two.

  “You heard what she said. That asshole pinned her down and tried to rape her,” Tristan growls, his voice becoming more animal like with each word his says. What the hell is happening here? I think as the tears quickly stop. “Dude, I know, but you need to calm down,” Ren replies inching slowly closer. I watch in horror as they continue to shake violently then all of a sudden two wolves are standing where Tristan and Markus used to be. Holy shit, what just happened?

  “Damn it, stop this now,” Ren shouts at the wolves that used to be his brothers. I think I am losing it, there is no way to explain what I am seeing. No one can change into wolves. That’s just make believe like the boogeyman or the tooth fairy.

  As I watch the two wolves continue to growl and snarl in rage, I feel Carter’s hand tighten in mine making me glance up. “You are going to be fine. They would never hurt you,” he whispers. If he says so, I don’t know if I am totally convinced.

  “Calm the fuck down,” Ren shouts before changing into a wolf as he stands in front of me, his hind end against my legs. Oh yeah, that is real fur I feel through my jeans. Damn Tuesday, I don’t think you’re losing it after all. This is so real.

  Suddenly, there is a deep growl causing me to look from the three wolves to see another big wolf behind them. Who is that? “It’s our Dad,” Carter whispers making me jump. Shit, I didn’t know I said that out loud.

  Before I know it, the wolves change back and boy, no on looks happy. “What the hell just happened?” Mr. Wolfe snaps glaring at his sons. “I was trying to get these two idiots to calm down, but they just shifted,” Ren says glaring at his brothers. “Fuck you Ren, but we just heard that Logan Jones-ass tried to rape Red at school, our mate,” Tristan growls, his voice wolf like again. “Yeah and why aren’t you and Carter pissed like us,” Markus says with a more controlled rage making me shiver. “Say that against fuck face,” Ren snaps getting up into Markus’s face.

  “STOP!” Mr. Wolfe yells making the boys stop. Oh, thank God, I thought there were going to fight again. Wait, what does a mate mean? I can remember Logan calling me that earlier. Before I didn’t think anything of it after what he tried to do to me, but now it has me wondering what could that mean?

  Chapter 15

  “Come on all of you, let’s go to the living room,” Mrs. Wolfe says. As I watch, everyone leaves the game room except Carter, Ren, and I. “You okay, Red,” Carter asks as I squeeze his hand. Taking a deep breath, I look from Carter to Ren. “If you want to go home, I will take you right now. This is all up to you,” Ren adds making me smile. These guys are the best. No wonder I love them. Wait, what? Stop, kidding yourself Tuesday, you love them, and you know it. I know it is wrong
to love them both, but I can’t help it. You can never control who you love, you just love, I think.

  Taking a deep breath, I head into the living room with Carter and Ren trailing behind me. As we enter, I look around to see Tristan and Markus scowling on one of the sofas, yeah, not sitting there; Mrs. Wolfe sits in a chair and Mr. Wolfe stands with his arms crossed. Okay, you got this, just relax, and take a deep breath. You have known them your whole life, being werewolves does not change who they are as people.

  “Tuesday, please take a sit,” Mr. Wolfe says so I do just that. Making my way over to the second sofa, I sit in the middle. As soon as Carter and Ren sit on either side of me, I hear a growl making me jump. Shit, I think as I look over to see Tristan and Markus glaring our way. “Your fine,” Carter says while touching my knee. I just nod as I try to relax.

  “Okay, what the hell happened? Your mom and I came home to see three of our sons in wolf form in front of Tuesday,” Mr. Wolfe says narrowing his eyes at his sons. “Red, told Car and Ren that Logan Jones-ass tried to rape her at school,” Tristan growls through clenched teeth as Mrs. Wolfe gasps. God, way did he have to say it that way for. I feel so embarrassed. “Oh my,” Mrs. Wolfe says, “oh honey.”

  Quickly, she gets up and pulls me into a hug bringing tears to my eyes. “We will never let that happen again, okay,” she adds. “Damn straight,” I hear Markus say with conviction. Tristan and Markus have surprised me many times; they hate me but protected me from Logan at the party then tried to give me a ride home. Boys are so confusing.

  “Markus and I want to rip Logan limb from limb, but those two don’t they don’t care at all,” Tristan snaps making me gasp. How could he say that about two of his brothers? They care about me, I know they do.

  Before I know it, I hear punches being thrown. Pulling away from Mrs. Wolfe, I turn to see Mr. Wolfe pulling Carter and Ren off Tristan and Markus. “Stop it right now,” Mr. Wolfe growls, “I will personally have a talk with his father and brother. He will leave her alone.” “

  “You asshole, of course we care about her. We love Red, and were not going to leave her, damn it. She just went through a traumatic experience, she needed us,” Carter snaps pointing at the other two. “Your one to talk. Parading your girlfriends in front of our mate then telling her she’s ugly,” growled Ren. I watch as the two in question pale at their brothers’ accusations. “What? I never raised my sons to disrespect their mate,” Mrs. Wolfe breaks in her voice filled with shock. “You disrespected your mate?” Mr. Wolfe growls in anger, “what the hell is wrong with you two?”

  Okaaay, what is a mate? Why do they keep calling me the guys mate? “What’s a mate?” I ask not really understanding why everyone is so mad. “Oh, honey, a mate is similar to a soul mate. For wolves, brothers share a mate because she is the one made just for them by our Gods. It’s a bond that will last a lifetime,” Mrs. Wolfe replies as I stand there stunned. “Wait, your telling me that I am a mate to all of them?” “Yes, sweetie, they have known since you all were two or three.” Ugh, no wonder Tristan and Markus hate me so much. They want to be with their girlfriends not some childhood friend they both deemed ugly. God, I am so stupid. I need to help them break this bond, so they can be with the girls they love not stuck with me. It doesn’t matter how much my heart aches at the thought, I will do this for them.

  “Oh,” I reply before turning to Tristan and Markus, I am going to set this right, “I am so sorry your stuck with me….” “What? No one is stuck with you, Red,” Ren adds. “Ren, I am, and you know it. You know as well as I do how they feel about me, so I will try to find a way to break this bond or mate thing, so you guys can be with the girls you love,” I finish looking back at Tristan and Markus.

  “What? No Red, no,” Markus replies his face paler then normal as he comes up to me, “no, you are my mate. I don’t want another. I want you. I was so stupid and jealous; I thought you were with Logan.” Whoow, he thought I was dating Logan. I thought I told them he was just a friend. “Logan was my friend after you guys left. The only one who would talk to me back then. There was never anything more.” “I am so sorry, baby. I was such an idiot. I never wanted Tammy, only you. Can you ever forgive me?” he pleads with hope in his eyes. “Y-yes, I forgive you,” I reply with tears in my eyes. Of course I forgive him, I love him since we were young.

  Before I know it, he cups my face and leans in with a kiss. It was as good as I imagined. “I love you Red,” he says against my lips. I couldn’t be happier with Markus at my side along with Carter and Ren. With a smile, I look at each of their handsome faces before looking over at Tristan.

  As I watch, my heart sinks to the floor when I see his scowl. Letting go of Markus, I take a few steps until I am a few feet away from him. “I don’t want to stand in your way Tristan,” I whisper, “I want you to be happy.”

  He remains silent as moments pass. Oh God, he wants to be with Vanessa, I just know it. I am not going to stand in his way because his happiness means more than mine.

  Finally, he says, “I love you Red.” What? Did I hear him right? “What did you say?” “I love you my beautiful amazing Red.”

  Before I know it, I race the few steps and throw myself at him. Thankfully, he catches me as I wrap my arms and legs around him. “I love you too,” I whisper against his neck as he holds me closer, “I love you all.” I couldn’t be happier. They love me.

  Chapter 16

  The past week has been one of the best of my life. The first thing Tristan and Markus did was break up with Vanessa and Tammy. As expected, they didn’t take it well, but I have not had any run ins with the two. That was such a relief.

  We have been spending all our free time together. Last night, we decided to watch a movie at the Wolfe house. It was so warm and cozy sitting between Tristan and Ren with Markus sitting at my feet rubbing them while Carter sat behind me on a barstool playing with my hair. I have to be the luckiest girl in the world. For the life of me, I couldn’t remember the movie. Let me tell you, it was heaven being so close to my guys.

  Today, I am walking down the hallway after saying goodbye to my guys. Halfway to class, Vanessa and Tammy step out in front of me. Oh great. Damn I should have known this was coming. “What do you want?” I snap already tire of this. “Bitch, you took our boyfriends, slut,” Vanessa growls as she and Tammy close in on me making me nervous. This is not good. “You are so going to pay, slut,” Tammy snaps punching me in the shoulder causing me to stumble. “Yeah, slut,” Vanessa says as she pushes me. Oh God. “Stop, leave me alone,” I yell trying to push them off as they continue to push and punch me in the shoulders. I need to get away now.

  Before I know it, I am shoved into the bathroom as I fall to the hard-tiled floor. Pushing my hair out of my face, the door is slammed shut with a bang. What is this, shoving me into the girl’s bathroom; I think as I get up and head to the door. Pulling the handle, it’s locked. What? “Come on, let me out!” I holler as I bang on the door. “Let me out!” Come on, someone has to hear me.

  “You can stop banging, no one will hear you,” I hear behind me. No, no, no, no, no, this cannot be happening I think as my heart races. Not Logan.

  “Did you think I would let you get away from me?” Logan growls his voice filled with ice and menace making me shiver. Oh God, this can’t be happening.

  Slowly, I turn around to see my worst nightmare. “Please Logan, let me out,” I say as tears fill my eyes. Pull yourself together, Tuesday Malory, you need to think. How can I get out of here? “You are mine, Tuesday. MINE!” he shouts, “but no you chose them over me and Ethan.”

  Before, I can blink, he slams me against the door knocking my breath out of me. What the hell has gotten into him? I struggle with everything I have. “I thought you were my friend!” I shout as I continue to kick and try to shove him off. “Stop it, Tues, I love you,” he snaps while he pins my hands above my head. “Right, if you loved me, you wouldn’t do this,” I snap back. This is not love, the ass. “I love you, da
mn it,” he growls before he lowers his face to my neck. What the hell? I think as I feel his teeth sink into my skin. Oh God, he is biting me. “Stop!” I cry trying to fight him off but is no use, he is like a brick wall.

  Slowly, I can feel my blood drain away. What is he doing to me? My body starts to feel sluggish as I become dizzy, just too tired to fight anymore. This cannot be happening, I think as tears trail down my cheeks. As time passes, I feel weaker and weaker. Come on, Tuesday Malory, do not close your eyes. Don’t you dare?

  The last thing I think about is my Mom and my guys and how I love them so much before I give into the darkness.

  Chapter 17


  I am standing in the cold with my family, classmates, and Mrs. Malory as we say goodbye to my beloved Tuesday. I can’t stand it. All I want to do is rip someone apart, specifically my wolf and I want nothing more than to get my hands on Logan. He got lucky that his brother was there or I would have killed him. When I kicked the door in, my whole life was laying there on the cold hard floor looking pale and lifeless with Logan standing over her. My wolf was desperate to kill him; to rip him apart slowly.

  As I stood their shaking in rage, my brothers were around our mate, tears streaming down their faces. I will never get the sound of Ren and Carter begging Red not to leave us, but both my wolf and I already knew she was gone.

  Now, I am watching as they lower Red’s casket into the cold hard ground taking my heart with her. I cannot help the rage that eats at my gut. Rage not only for Logan, but at myself too. If I had just not gotten jealous and started dating Vanessa, I would have had more time with her and maybe she still would be alive today.


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