Red Carpet Redemption

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by Yahrah St. John

  In the spotlight’s glare, a bombshell drops...

  He’s Hollywood’s hottest heartthrob...and her son’s secret father.

  A PR stunt backfires when it reveals actor Dane Stewart’s a dad. As a sperm donor, he’s never met single mom Iris Turner, but they’re now connected through their child. And the press is about to pounce. Having Iris act as his girlfriend is pure damage control...except their chemistry is hotter than any love scene. But is a future together just a Cinderella fantasy?

  “Be my girlfriend.

  “We can announce it was love at first sight and let them take the story from there.”

  “G-girlfriend? That will make them more interested in me and Jayden. And neither one of us wants that. I think if we lay low, maybe not see each other for a bit, this will blow over. I’m not the story—you are.”

  “I don’t think this is the right play here, Iris.”

  “And your objections are noted,” Iris replied, “but we’re not chess pieces your PR team can move across the board. I need time to think about this.”

  “Time is running out, Iris.” He was desperate for her to see how bad this situation could get. The paparazzi could be vicious.

  He had to tell her he was Jayden’s father. Only then would she see his way was the only way out of this mess.

  * * *

  Red Carpet Redemption is the third book in

  The Stewart Heirs series from Yahrah St. John.

  Dear Reader,

  Red Carpet Redemption is the third book in The Stewart Heirs series. My inspiration came from watching the Jennifer Lopez movie The Backup Plan. What if the heroine used a sperm donor to get pregnant and falls in love with him years later?

  That notion gets turned on its ear when the donor turns out be A-list actor and America’s Sexiest Man Alive Dane Stewart. The lovable hunk has no idea he’s a father or that his son Jayden is in need of a bone marrow transplant. Navigating fatherhood and falling for his son’s mother, Iris Turner, was never part of the plan, but their first meeting has Dane seeing stars. I hope you enjoy this feel-good love story.

  Dane’s story was to be the last book, but the series felt unfinished. Expect the fourth and final book in 2020. Visit my website for more details,, or write me: [email protected].

  Best Wishes,

  Yahrah St. John

  Yahrah St. John

  Red Carpet Redemption

  Yahrah St. John is the author of thirty-one books and one deliciously sinful anthology. When she’s not at home crafting one of her spicy romances with compelling heroes and feisty heroines with a dash of family drama, she is gourmet cooking or traveling the globe seeking out her next adventure. St. John is a member of Romance Writers of America. Visit for more information.

  Books by Yahrah St. John

  Harlequin Desire

  The Stewart Heirs

  At the CEO’s Pleasure

  His Marriage Demand

  Red Carpet Redemption

  Harlequin Kimani Romance

  Cappuccino Kisses

  Taming Her Tycoon

  Miami After Hours

  Taming Her Billionaire

  His San Diego Sweetheart

  Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.

  You can also find Yahrah St. John on Facebook, along with other Harlequin Desire authors, at!

  To my husband and best friend,

  Freddie Blackman,

  for helping keep me grounded.



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  Excerpt from One Night to Risk It All by Katherine Garbera


  “We have to clean up your image, Dane,” his publicist, Whitney Hicks, informed him while they sat in his trailer in Mexico, going over Dane’s public appearances for late July. It was blazing hot and he’d come in to get out of the heat.

  “It’s not my fault,” Dane Stewart responded, leaning back on the sofa and propping his legs on the sofa arm. “I had no idea Lia Montgomery was taken. I pride myself on having one relationship at a time and being a one-woman man.”

  “Who according to tabloids can’t stay with one woman.”

  Dane shrugged his broad shoulders. “Can I help it if a woman can’t manage to hold my attention?”

  “You’re going to have to learn,” Jason Underwood replied. Jason had been his manager and agent for years. He was tall, lean and always in a suit. “Negative publicity could damage your image as America’s Sexiest Man Alive.”

  “I beg to differ. I think it shows what a hot commodity I am,” Dane said with a smirk. He was thirty years old and in his prime.

  “Thanks to your shenanigans, the studio wants you to do some damage control. They don’t want this kind of publicity attached to what essentially is your best acting work. You could get a best actor nomination for your latest film. Think of how this would catapult you into the stratosphere.”

  It had taken Dane years of callbacks and tending bar to be in the position he was in now. He didn’t have to act in the big budget action flicks or romantic comedies anymore. Instead, his success in Hollywood had finally allowed him to choose a passion project like the film he’d just wrapped. Dane was proud of the work he’d done and didn’t appreciate the press making him out to be some Neanderthal who couldn’t keep it in his pants.

  “Although I think this is all a load of hogwash,” Dane responded, “I agree now isn’t the most convenient time for this to blow up. I want my work to define me, not what I do behind closed doors.”

  “Good. Then you’ll agree to the publicity I have scheduled?” Whitney inquired.

  Dane trained his eyes on her. “Depends on what it is.”

  “You’ll like this one.” Whitney reached for the remote to turn on the television and start a recording.

  Dane watched as a local newscaster talked about a young boy, six-year-old Jayden Turner, who was in need of a bone marrow transplant. The camera panned to the cute boy with a mop of curly hair and dark brown eyes. The doctor talked about Jayden’s acute lymphocytic leukemia in which the bone marrow made too many white blood cells. He went on to say the best form of treatment was a bone marrow transplant. Then the camera zoomed in on Jayden’s mother, Iris Turner, a tall, slender woman with a beautiful smile.

  Iris pleaded with the public to register to have their bone marrow screened. Dane immediately sat upright and listened to her impassioned plea. He admired her quiet strength. There was a tranquility to her he was drawn to, even though she wasn’t a dazzling beauty like many of the models and actresses he usually dated.

  “Let me guess. You want me to be screened?” Dane asked over the hum of the television.

  Whitney beamed. “Great minds think alike.” She walked toward him and he scooted aside, making room for her. “This is exactly the kind of positive press you need.”

  “I won’t make a mockery of what that mother is going through,” Dane stat
ed vehemently.

  “And we’re not asking you to,” Jason chimed in. “Just a photo op after the screening. Your involvement will be a huge help raising awareness for Jayden’s cause.”

  Dane inhaled deeply, staring at the screen. The mother was staring back at him and he could see how desperate she was for a chance to save her son’s life. “I’ll do it.”

  Whitney grinned. “I’m glad that didn’t take too much convincing. Now here are my other ideas.”

  Dane listened as Whitney rattled off several other appearances, including late-night television, a morning talk show and a stop at the local food bank, but all he could see was the haunting eyes of Iris Turner. Dane hoped his presence at the hospital wouldn’t disrupt her and Jayden’s life.


  Iris Turner was praying for a miracle. She didn’t know when or in what form it would come, but she knew God wouldn’t be so cruel as to take away the precious gift He’d given her six years ago. Her son, Jayden.

  “Do you think it will help?” her mother, Carolyn, asked as Iris sat at her parents’ kitchen table, wringing her hands. It had been several days since the news story about Jayden had aired, and there was still no bone marrow match.

  “I don’t know. I hope so.” Iris glanced down the hall to where her father and Jayden were playing in the living room. To the outside world, he looked like a normal kid; now all of Los Angeles knew how sick he was.

  “It will.” Her mother reached across the short distance to squeeze her hand.

  Her family had thought Iris had lost her mind when she’d decided to become a single mom. Her mother had discouraged Iris, telling her Mr. Right would come along one day, but Iris had known it wasn’t true. She was damaged goods and no man would want to sleep with her—let alone make a baby—if he saw her body in the dark.

  Eight years ago, when she was twenty, she’d gotten mixed up with the wrong crowd, dating a musician who liked to drink and have fun. One night, he’d had a little too much fun and wrapped his car around a tree with Iris in it. She’d suffered severe burns to her arms and thighs. Iris had lost count of the reconstructive surgeries she’d had since then to help with the disfigurement. Her arms had been transformed almost back to their original state, but after many painful procedures, Iris had finally given up and accepted she wouldn’t be completely healed.

  She’d attempted dating, but once the evenings had become intimate, men had shuddered, making a speedy departure. Some were more direct; one outright told her she was a monster. Iris hadn’t dated since.

  “Let’s not dwell on it.” Her mother went over to the stove and removed the kettle she’d turned on earlier. “How about a cup of tea?”

  “Sounds great, Mom.” Iris offered a smile. Her mother was not only her best friend but an excellent cook and homemaker. She’d always been there when Iris needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to accompany her to the endless medical treatments. Iris had wanted to be just like her, and part of that was having a child of her own to love and being the best mom she could be like her mother.

  Six years ago, she’d decided the only way she’d become a mother was through artificial insemination. And it had worked! She’d become pregnant on the first try. Nine months later, she’d given birth to a beautiful baby boy. Recently, she’d learned her precious boy had a rare leukemia that couldn’t be treated with chemotherapy alone. The doctor had suggested that a bone marrow transplant could be Jayden’s best chance.

  Iris accepted the cup of tea her mother handed her and took a tentative sip. Chamomile always had a way of making her feel calm, and she was summoning all her inner strength for the fight ahead.

  Her cell phone rang and she answered after several rings. “Hello?”

  Iris listened intently to the caller on the other end before hanging up the line. “You will not believe it, Mom. It was the hospital. Their phones are being flooded with callers who want to know how they can help Jayden and if there’s a GoFundMe page.”

  “I told you it was going to work out, Iris. You just have to believe.”

  Iris was beginning to think her mother was right. Maybe there was a miracle waiting around the corner for Jayden.

  * * *

  “So what’s this I hear about you dating another man’s girl?” his sister, Fallon, asked Dane over the phone that day.

  “Not you too,” Dane said, padding into his kitchen in his bare feet. He removed a beer from the fridge, unscrewed the cap and took a generous pull.

  “I’ve never known you to do anything so underhanded.”

  “Then you have to know I didn’t think she was seeing someone.”

  Dane loved being single and the freedom it gave him. He’d always done uncomplicated sex but now this disaster with Lia Montgomery had blown up in his face.

  “All right, so what now?”

  “Damage control,” Dane said, drinking his beer. “I’ll put in some appearances, be contrite and do some charity stops. Actually, I’m kind of excited about the one tomorrow.”

  “Oh really? What’s it about?”

  “There’s this young boy who needs a bone marrow donor and I’m going to have myself tested.”

  “Dane! That’s wonderful and very selfless.”

  Dane shrugged as he walked to his patio door and slid it open. The balmy ocean air wafted into the room, filling his senses. He loved his Venice Beach house, which he kept in addition to his mansion in the Hollywood Hills. It had cost him a mint, but the view of the Pacific out his back door was worth every penny.

  “Yeah, well. I’m being tested. There’s no guarantee.”

  “It’s the thought behind it.”

  Dane wished he could take credit, but it was Whitney’s doing. “So,” he said, changing the subject, “when are you, Gage and that good-looking nephew of mine coming down for a visit? You haven’t been here in ages.” Fallon had recently married Gage Campbell, a wealthy financier who’d help save the family business and she’d given birth to a son, Dylan.

  “I’m sorry, Dane. Getting Stewart Technologies back on its feet took a great deal of time. With Gage’s influx of cash, I’ve been able to get new research in the works to put us back on the map but that’s taken a while. I promise we’ll come soon.”

  Dane never understood Fallon’s devotion to their father’s company and her sense of responsibility for its survival considering their parents had run it into the ground with frivolous spending. He’d offered some financial resources over a year ago when it appeared the company was on the brink of failure, but she’d turned down his offer, determined to save the company on her own.

  “Good. ’Cause I miss you, sis.”

  “Back at you.”

  From his patio, Dane stared out over the darkened horizon and thought about his family. Ever since he’d been able to read, their father, Henry Stewart, had talked to Dane about taking over the company, but it hadn’t been his dream, and when he was old enough he’d run as fast as he could. Fallon had taken up the mantle and Dane was glad because, quite frankly, he’d never lived up to his father’s expectations. The rumors of Dane’s scandalous behavior had only added fuel to the fire.

  But what did he care? Dane didn’t need anyone. Or at least that’s what he told himself. As long as he had a winning smile and there were beautiful women around, he would never be alone for long.

  * * *

  The next morning, Dane arrived at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and was immediately engulfed by a large, noisy crowd of fans, mostly women. Some were holding banners with his picture; others screamed how much they loved him and wanted to have his babies. Dane reminded himself this was all part of the price of fame.

  After climbing out of the low-slung seat of his Ferrari, several bodyguards surrounded him as photographers flashed cameras and journalists shot questions at him. Dane waved and signed a couple of autographs as he strode into the hospital entra

  Whitney came toward him. Her bouncing blond hair hung in luxurious curls down her back and she was wearing her customary dark pantsuit. Dane appreciated her professionalism.

  “Come with me.” She led him down a long corridor to an elevator that within seconds had them disembarking onto the pediatrics floor.

  Whitney moved ahead of him, and they soon stopped in front of two glass double doors leading to a room with brightly colored walls. “It’s a play area for children in the hospital. I thought it would be a good place to start, but Ms. Turner isn’t here yet.”

  Dane glanced into the room and his heart clenched. There were several young children in the room. Two were in wheelchairs and the other three were at low tables coloring. He vowed at that moment to give a donation to the hospital; it was the least he could do.

  He heard the chime of the elevator and the hairs on his neck stood up. Dane knew Jayden Turner and his mom had arrived. He turned around in time to watch Iris Turner walk toward him. She was a lot taller than she appeared on television and every bit as slender in a pencil skirt and ruffled blouse. She was much prettier in person.

  There was a youthful glow to her unblemished caramel skin, big brown eyes and dark brown hair, which fell in soft waves past her shoulders. His body tightened, reacting to her beauty, and Dane tamped the feeling down. He didn’t mess around with single moms—that was borrowing trouble he didn’t need. But he couldn’t deny he was drawn to her.

  “Dane, I’d like you to meet—” Whitney began, but he interrupted her.

  “You must be Iris Turner. Pleasure to meet you.”

  “You, as well.” She offered a hesitant smile. “Thank you so much for doing this. To have someone of your stature...” Her voice trailed off as Dane’s focus shifted to her son. “I’m sorry.” She blushed. “This is Jayden. Jayden, say hello to Mr. Stewart. He’s here to see if he can help you.”

  “Help me?” The little boy looked up, and Dane froze.


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