Red Carpet Redemption

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Red Carpet Redemption Page 3

by Yahrah St. John

  It was highly possible Iris had used his donation. Jayden could very well be his.

  Dane felt like he couldn’t breathe. He didn’t need Jason or Whitney to tell him the fallout over this decision could be massive. They’d finally gained momentum for the movie and he had a son? And a son who was fighting for his life, no less. Dane didn’t even know how to comprehend the barrage of emotions hitting him. Iris had been handling Jayden’s illness all alone for months. Heck, she’d been a mother and father to Jayden. If Dane was truly the father, how would she react to his sudden appearance in their lives?

  It was all too much to contemplate. He was so lost in thought that he was stunned when the SUV came to a stop in front of his Hollywood Hills home and his bodyguard Doug opened the door for him. He was already home.

  “Thanks, Doug.” He nodded at the three-hundred-pound former college linebacker as he strode inside. He was hoping for some time alone, but instead found his assistant, Morgan, along with Whitney and Jason, lounging around on the couch in the living area.

  Morgan was a twenty-four-year-old film school dropout who’d been working for him for over a year. They’d met on the set of one of his films, and she’d begged him to give her a job, any job. At first, Dane had been reluctant. Five feet six with long, silky black hair and hazel eyes, Morgan could have been trouble. But Morgan had never looked at him as anything other than a big brother and typically dressed in gender-neutral clothing. She was a godsend and kept his life on track.

  “There you are,” Jason said from his perch. “We were starting to think we were going to have come get you. How’d it go?”

  “I need the room,” Dane said, directing a look at Morgan and Whitney, who took the hint and made a speedy exit. He headed for the bar and quickly produced two glasses and a bottle of aged brandy. He poured generously and pushed a glass toward Jason, who’d come to join him at the bar. Even though Jason was his business manager and agent, Dane considered him a friend. For years, Dane had been able to rely on Jason’s advice and he prayed he wouldn’t fail him now.

  “What’s going on?” Jason asked, sitting across from Dane who’d remained standing behind the bar. “What did the hospital say?”

  Dane stared at the brandy in his hand for a moment and then took a large gulp. It burned on the way down.

  “Easy now, Dane. Whatever it is, spit it out and we’ll deal with it.” Jason reached for his brandy and sipped.

  “Jayden Turner could be my kid.”

  Jason spluttered as brown liquid spilled from his lips. “What did you say?”

  “He could be mine. Jayden could be my son.”

  “That’s impossible.” Jason quickly snatched a napkin from the countertop and wiped up around him. “If there’s one thing I know about you, Dane, it’s that you practice safe sex. Whatever this Iris is saying about you is a lie. I don’t know if she sensed your interest in her or what, but it’s fabricated. Don’t worry. We’ll fix this.”

  “You don’t get it, Jason. There’s nothing to fix,” Dane responded. “I donated sperm seven years ago and Jayden is probably the result.”

  “You did what!”

  Dane rolled his eyes. “Don’t look at me like that. I was low on cash and rent was coming due. It was a high-end clinic with a very selective process. I was only selected one time.”

  “One time that could be Jayden?” Jason inquired.

  “Ding-ding-ding! You’re finally getting it. And I have no idea what to do.”

  “We need to confirm it,” Jason stated, “so we can get ahead of the story before the truth gets out. Spin it.”

  “Jason, if he’s mine, there’s no spinning. I will claim him,” Dane responded. “I’ll do what’s right. And if he’s not, I’ll still donate.”

  “This is big, Dane. Are you sure you’re ready for the heat this could bring? Not just for your career, but personally? To my knowledge, you’ve never wanted to be a father.”

  Jason was right. Dane didn’t see himself like his brother and sister, settling down and having a family. He’d always been the odd bird and that had been fine with him. His career had always been his central focus, but now he could unwittingly have a ready-made family waiting in the wings.

  * * *

  Iris was on cloud nine.

  Earlier today, Dr. Lee had called and informed her there was a match for Jayden. For months, she’d thought it was a pipe dream. She’d gone on television and begged people to register to donate, but she’d never actually thought anything would come of it.

  “Are you sure?” she’d asked him, and she’d given her an unequivocal, resounding yes. But nothing could have prepared her for her next words when she’d asked who the match was. It was none other than Dane Stewart, the man who haunted her dreams day and night.

  Since their meeting, Iris had found herself searching out his movies and watching them, either on television or Netflix. She’d become obsessed with seeing him on screen, with his sexy good looks and killer abs. Maybe it was to remind herself how strictly off-limits a man like Dane was. And she’d done a good job. She’d convinced herself she’d imagined the connection between them in the cafeteria because Dane had better options than a harried single mother.

  Iris had just put Jayden to bed, and was finally ready to retire for the evening. But as she went into her bedroom, she decided there was one more thing she needed to do. Reaching for her purse, she pulled out the business card Dane had given her. Iris had never thought she’d have the opportunity to use it, but she felt compelled to thank him. Dr. Lee had told her donating was much easier these days and that they could do a peripheral blood stem cell donation, but it was still a procedure that might have some recovery time. Dane was a working actor, so it meant a lot that he was willing to make the personal sacrifice for Jayden’s benefit.

  Without thinking, she grabbed her iPhone and dialed his digits. He’s not going to pick up, she told herself, he’s not going to pick up. But he did.

  “Hello,” a deep masculine voice said from the other end of the phone.



  “Hi, um, it’’s Iris Turner. Jayden’s mother,” she began. “I hope it’s okay I called. You gave me your cell at the hospital—”

  “Iris,” he interrupted her, “relax. It’s fine. You’re not bothering me. I was hoping you’d call.”


  “I assume you heard the good news. I’m a match for Jayden.”

  “Yes.” She breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn’t upset she’d phoned. “Dane, I’m so thankful you’re willing to donate.”

  “Of course I’ll donate. Jayden has his whole life ahead of him. I want the best for him.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes. I’ll clear my schedule whenever I’m needed.”

  “Thank you. Will you let me know when the procedure is? I’d like to come if that’s all right with you.”

  “Absolutely. It’s going to be okay, Iris. Jayden will pull through this. We’ll see to that,” Dane said.

  “You make it sound like we’re in this together.”

  “We are. I now have a vested interest in Jayden’s recovery.”

  “Is that all?” The moment the words were out of her mouth, Iris wanted to take them back, but she couldn’t. They lingered, floating on the air.

  There was silence for several beats, and Iris was wondering if she’d overstepped when Dane said, “No, it’s not all, Iris. I’ve thought of you often since our meeting.”

  “You have?” Nervous excitement raced through her veins. Had her initial intuition been right? Dane was interested in her?

  Dane chuckled. “Don’t sound so surprised. You’re a beautiful woman, Iris. I’m sure you know that.”

  “It’s been a while. We single moms don’t get very many compliments, especially not from America’
s Sexiest Man Alive.”

  “Aw, don’t believe the hype, Iris. I’m a man like everyone else.”

  “Yeah, but you always have a beautiful woman on your arm.”

  “Those are hookups,” Dane admitted. “I don’t date. Not really. Because I don’t know if they’re after my money or if they really want me, you know?”

  “That’s terrible, Dane. How do you live with it?”

  “Not very well. I’m the actor everyone wants in their movie, but sometimes the whole machine of my reputation and brand swallows up the real me. Yet when I talk to you, all the chatter melts away and I feel like myself.”

  “I’m glad, but what about your family? Aren’t they there for you?”

  “No, not really. They have their lives and I have mine, but I do check in with them from time to time.”

  “I don’t know what I would do without my family,” Iris replied. “They keep me grounded.”

  “Then you’re lucky indeed,” Dane said. “Hold on a minute, Iris. What’s that?” Iris heard voices and realized he was talking to someone in the room with him, but couldn’t make out the conversation. When he returned, he said, “I have to go, Iris, but I’m glad I have your number now. I’ll save it in my phone. I’ll be seeing you soon.”

  “All right. And Dane?”


  “Thank you. You’re a lifesaver.”

  * * *

  Dane sucked in a deep breath as he ended the call with Iris. Morgan had called him on the intercom and he’d used it as an excuse to get off the phone. Leaning back in the executive chair in his study, Dane stared at the ceiling. He hadn’t anticipated hearing her sweet voice again so soon, but he supposed he shouldn’t be surprised. Iris wanted to thank him for agreeing to donate his stem cells. What she didn’t know was that Jayden could be Dane’s son too.

  All that was left was the additional blood work and a DNA paternity test, but Dane didn’t need that. He’d felt an instant connection to Jayden from the start.

  But it was six years too late, in his opinion. He had a son who needed bone marrow. And his would save Jayden. Fate, the cosmos or something was sending him a message. He hadn’t figured out what it was yet.

  All he knew was that if he was going to be a father, he didn’t want to be like Henry Stewart. But was he being premature? Would he even be able to carve out a parenthood agreement with Iris? It was entirely possible she would fight him on any visitation arrangement, given that he was just a sperm donor.

  But perhaps the even bigger question would this affect his career?


  Fallon, it’s Dane. I really need to see you. I’m flying into Austin tomorrow. In the throes of a full-blown panic attack, he’d called her in the wee hours.

  Now, as Dane boarded the private jet he’d anonymously booked to fly him to his hometown that morning, he thought back on recent events. He knew the voice mail he’d left for his older sister was cryptic, but he needed to talk to someone who knew him. Who understood him. Who would listen without judging. Iris was right. He needed his family. Fallon had always been his sounding board, so here he was, on his way to Austin.

  The flight was smooth. After renting a nondescript SUV, Dane drove through the city toward Fallon and his brother-in-law Gage Campbell’s home, which wasn’t far from Stewart Manor. No matter what, he couldn’t keep his mind from spinning.

  Deep in his gut, Dane knew he should tell Iris the likelihood that they shared a son, but quite honestly, he was afraid of her reaction. What if she refused to let him see Jayden? She might think he’d set all this in motion as a way to get closer to his son when that was far from the truth. He’d had no idea of Jayden’s existence until a two weeks ago, but that might not stop her from thinking the worst. He was already a scoundrel for the feelings he had for her.

  When she’d called him last night, they’d shared such an easy rapport. Dane hadn’t been able to talk to someone like he was just a normal guy in ages. Maybe it was the novelty factor. Iris wasn’t the kind of woman he usually dealt with. She wasn’t trying to flatter him or cozy up to him because she wanted a role in his next film. She just wanted to talk to him and it made Dane feel like everyone else, which had been sorely lacking in his world. Was that her appeal?

  When he arrived at the Campbell residence, he punched in the security code and the black wrought-iron gates opened. There was a long driveway leading up to a château-style mansion with a well-manicured lawn and tall topiaries. Immediately upon exiting the vehicle, the front door opened and his sister came running out and into his arms.

  “It’s so good to see you, Dane,” Fallon said softly.

  He was in his usual casual attire of faded jeans, T-shirt and worn leather jacket. The jacket had seen better days, but it was the one item of clothing he’d bought with what he’d earned from his first paid acting gig and he’d kept it ever since. “You too, sis.” He squeezed her back. Eventually, he pulled away and gave her the once-over.

  Fallon was still an absolute stunner in her cape top and slender trousers. She wore her honey-blond hair in its natural curly state rather than straight the way she usually did for her job as CEO of Stewart Technologies.

  “You’re looking good, girl. How’s Dylan?”

  Fallon beamed, which caused her hazel eyes to sparkle. “He’s doing fantastic. C’mon inside and see for yourself.” She slid her arm through Dane’s and walked him inside.

  “I’m surprised you’re home. I would have thought you’d be out conquering the tech world instead of playing happy homemaker.”

  Once in the foyer, Fallon came to a halt. “First off, I will never be a homemaker,” she responded. “I have a great staff here to help. Plus, I doubt Gage would let me. He and Dylan demand all my attention.”

  Dane laughed. “So married life is going well? I know you and Gage got off to a rocky start.”

  His sister hadn’t married Gage for love. It had been a marriage of convenience to help save Stewart Technologies. Dane and their older brother, Ayden, had offered to pitch in monetarily, but Fallon hadn’t accepted. She’d chosen to marry Gage in exchange for his funding instead.

  Dane had worried about the union, but he supposed he shouldn’t have. He and Fallon had grown up with Gage while Ayden had lived apart with his mother who raised him. Ever since her teens, Fallon had had a huge crush on Gage and had never really gotten over him. It turned out the feeling had been mutual, so what had started as a temporary arrangement ended up becoming a real marriage.

  “That’s all in our rearview,” Fallon replied. “I hope one day you can find what Gage and I have, not to mention Ayden and Maya.”

  “How is that older brother of ours?” Dane inquired.

  “He’s right here,” Ayden bellowed from several feet away.

  Dane spun around and was surprised to see his older brother, casually dressed in jeans and a pullover sweater, holding Dylan. “What are you doing here?” The question came out harsher than he’d intended.

  “Well, since you barely ever come home, I had to get in where I can fit in,” Ayden replied, bouncing the eleven-month-old baby in his arms. “I’d like to get to know you better, Dane, but you don’t make that easy.”

  Dane shrugged. “I’m sorry. Life’s been...challenging.”

  “Care to fill us in?” Fallon asked, folding her arms across her chest.

  “Sis, that’s exactly why I’m here.”

  A half hour later, Dane had had brought Ayden and Fallon up to speed on the details, including his hard times that had led to his donation to a sperm bank. He confessed his sample had been used once and Jayden Turner was most likely the result. Fallon was so bowled over, she called the nanny to come get Dylan so they could discuss the matter in private without interruption.

  “Wow!” Ayden scrubbed his jaw and leaned back in his chair. “Are you certain he’s yours

  Dane nodded. “When I registered to become a bone marrow donor, I took some tests. When the results came in, Dr. Lee was surprised Jayden and I shared genetic markers. She asked me to come in privately to talk about it. Initially, when she suggested I could be Jayden’s father, I thought she’d lost her mind, but upon reflection I recalled the sperm donation. So it makes sense that Dr. Lee’s hypothesis is true.”

  “Have you taken a DNA test? Are you ready to be a father and all that it implies?”

  “Hell no!” he said, jumping to his feet. “I’m not ready for any of it. But I’ll know more soon after the additional blood test results come through.”

  “The press is going to have a field day with this.” Ayden had just spoken Dane’s worst thoughts aloud.

  “I know. I can handle them ripping me to shreds. I’m used to it. But Jayden and Iris? They don’t deserve what’s in store. Jason and I have been figuring out a way to protect them.”

  “You told your agent before you told us?”

  Dane heard the censure in Fallon’s question. “I did. And I’m sorry, but I’m here now. Don’t I get credit for that? Do you have any idea of the media storm that’s about to rain down on me?”

  Fallon stood and walked over to him, grabbing his hand. “I do. And you know Ayden—” she glanced at their big brother “—and I will be here for you. We can’t wait to meet Jayden and his mother.”


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