Red Carpet Redemption

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Red Carpet Redemption Page 9

by Yahrah St. John

  Sliding his forefinger through the flap, Dane pulled out the report. He wasn’t interested in all the mumbo jumbo of how they arrived at the result; he wanted only to know unequivocally if he was a father. Scanning down the page, Dane found his answer.

  Jayden was his son.


  The driver pulled the SUV up to Dane’s Venice Beach home a couple of hours later and Iris hopped out. Like him, she’d received the test results confirming he was indeed Jayden’s father. Now Dane was going to be a permanent fixture in their lives because, knowing the truth, there was no way she would deny her son the chance to know his biological father. Although Dane hadn’t been a part of Jayden’s life from the start, he’d been prepared to donate his bone marrow. Had it initially been a media ploy? Yes. But he was a good man.

  After reading the results, Iris had called her parents. They took the news in stride, as did Shelly, who thankfully agreed to come over and babysit so Iris could talk to Dane alone in person. But when she’d called him, Morgan had answered his cell. She’d informed Iris that Dane had taken off on his bike. Morgan figured he’d gone to his Venice Beach house and suggested sending a driver so Iris could dodge the paparazzi. Then Morgan gave her the gate and key codes.

  Iris had been surprised when three identical SUVs pulled up outside her home ten minutes later. Immediately, the news reporters sensed activity, especially when a beefy security guard got out of his vehicle, knocked on Iris’s door and escorted her to one of the SUVs.

  “Why three cars?” Iris asked as she got in.

  “Subterfuge, ma’am. They won’t be able to figure out which one has you.” And with that, he closed the door and the SUV pulled from the curb.

  An hour later, she was standing outside Dane’s home. The paparazzi hadn’t been able to follow her, but they were staked out at the gates of his beach house, desperate for a glimpse of Dane. No lights were on and it appeared that no one was home. Had Morgan gotten it wrong? Iris started walking toward the back of the house. Using the code Morgan gave her, she opened the side gate, which opened to a narrow alleyway that led to a private stretch of beach. The sight before her was spectacular. There was the Pacific Ocean in all its majestic glory, the sunset tinting the sky in various shades of orange, pink and purple. She could see why Dane liked coming here.

  Toeing off her sneakers, she tucked them under her arm and walked in the sand. That was when she caught sight of him. Dane was standing outside on the terrace with a drink in his hand. He didn’t appear to see her; she could tell he was deep in thought. Iris understood why. She’d had nine months to prepare for Jayden’s arrival. Dane had had less than two months to deal with impending fatherhood, but like it or not, it was here.

  “Permission to come up?” Iris yelled to him.

  Dane glanced down at her and blinked as if to make sure she wasn’t a mirage. “What are you doing here? How did you get here?”

  She smiled. “Morgan gave me the info. Now can I come up?”

  “Of course.” Dane quickly went to unlatch the gate leading up to his terrace. He opened it, and she walked up the few steps until she was standing in front of him. He was barefoot, and looked more handsome than ever in his usual outfit of T-shirt and jeans.

  She offered him a small smile, and then reached inside her back pocket and produced a cigar. “Congratulations!”

  Dane chuckled, but he accepted her gift with one hand, his tumbler of dark liquid in the other. “Thank you. I was outside watching the sunset. Do you mind?”

  “Not at all.”

  She sat beside him on one of the loungers and together they watched the colors change on the horizon in silence. When it was over, he finally turned to her. “Before when I thought Jayden might be my kid, it was an idea, you know? But now—”

  “It’s different,” Iris finished. “He’s your son and knowing means you would do anything for him. Go to any lengths to protect him. Because you love him.”

  Dane nodded and if she wasn’t mistaken she saw a hint of tears in his eyes. “Yeah, I would. But it’s also frightening because I don’t want to mess up. I don’t think I know how to be a father.”

  Iris chuckled. “Do you think I knew what I was doing?”

  “No, but you chose to be a mom.”

  “You’re right,” Iris nodded. “I did. But listen to me, Dane. No one has some magical book that shows you how to be a good parent. We just have to do the best we can to love them and help them grow into good people.”

  “Thank you for the wise words. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m starved,” Dane said, heading toward the sliding glass doors. “You staying for dinner?”

  “Am I invited?”

  “As long as you can chop veggies, you are. When I got here, the fridge was already stocked. I thought I could whip up some pasta primavera. Maybe grill some chicken. How’s that sound?”

  “Heavenly.” Iris kicked off her shoes and followed him inside, walking barefoot on the hardwood floors into Dane’s killer beach pad. There was floor-to-ceiling glass that brought the ocean right into the home’s open-concept main room. A cream sofa, ombré blue rug and azure chairs were in the classic white-and-blue seaside color scheme. The kitchen was fully equipped with a gas stove, spacious breakfast bar and state-of-the-art appliances.

  “This place is amazing,” Iris said. “And here I was thinking that nothing could top your mansion in the hills.”

  “I come here for privacy. And space when the world gets a little too claustrophobic.”

  Dane walked over to the fridge and pulled out boneless, skinless chicken and veggies before getting the pasta and sauce from the pantry. Iris didn’t wait to be told what to do, opening several cupboards until she found the chopping board and some knives. They worked in tandem, cutting vegetables and chicken.

  Eventually Dane uncorked a bottle of white wine and set about starting the grill. She followed him outside and watched him heat it up. “I never took you for a chef,” she said, leaning against the rail.

  “I’m not one.” Dane laughed. “I know enough to get by and keep myself fed.”

  “I would think you’d hire staff.”

  Dane shook his head and placed the chicken on the grill. “I don’t like all those people under foot. As it is, I have Morgan, Jason and Whitney and that’s more than enough. They’re always trying to get me to have a stylist, but that’s not me. The only time I take fashion advice like that is for an awards show.”

  “Like when you won the Golden Globe. You must have been so excited.”

  “I was actually quite inebriated,” Dane replied. “They keep the drinks flowing at that party. I like it best because everyone’s more relaxed than at any other awards show.”

  “I suppose you want to win a golden statuette.”

  “What actor worth their salt doesn’t?” Dane replied with a grin. “And maybe my last film is the answer and maybe it’s not, but I’ll never stop trying to get the brass ring. But you—you’ve stopped trying to find that special someone, Iris. Why?”

  Her brows bunched together. “How did we segue from your career to my love life?”

  “Because I want to learn more about you,” Dane responded, turning the chicken over on the grill.

  “I thought we were going to keep this about Jayden?”

  “We are,” Dane said, placing the tongs down on the grill’s counter. He turned and looked into her eyes. “But there’s something going on between us, Iris. And I want to explore it.”

  “E-explore it?” Her pulse quickened and the breath caught in her throat. His words had been spoken quietly, but the deep timbre of his voice could not be mistaken. She saw something in his dark, long-lashed eyes that made it impossible to tear herself away.

  “That’s right. I can’t wait to have you in my arms again, so you can come apart.”

  Iris swallowed. “I’m going
inside to check on the pasta.” She knew she was being a chicken, but Dane’s hungry gaze was making her overheat. After testing the pasta to ensure it was al dente, she busied herself in the kitchen by adding the vegetables to the cream sauce and taking out place settings for dinner. She was avoiding going outside and they both knew it.

  Dane wasn’t just any man—he was sophisticated, charming, skilled and, she was sure, very experienced in the bedroom. She wasn’t a virgin, but it had been a long time since she’d been intimate with a man.

  She reminded herself she wasn’t sleeping with him, no matter what.

  * * *

  Dane returned to the kitchen several minutes later carrying the platter of grilled chicken. Iris had finished making the pasta, but it wasn’t food that he was hungry for.

  The jeans Iris was wearing skimmed her tush and made her waist look slender. And he liked her tank top and plaid shirt because they hugged her curves in all the right places. He was eager to explore what was underneath. He’d had only a taste of those delicious buds. Now he wanted the whole meal.

  “Smells delicious,” she commented. “The pasta and vegetables are ready.”


  “Are you listening to me, Dane, or ignoring me like your son does?” Iris said as she tossed the chicken in with the pasta, veggies and sauce.

  Dane chuckled. “Does Jayden tune you out at times?”

  “Sometimes when he doesn’t like what I’m saying.”

  “Oh, I like everything you’re saying,” Dane countered, and watched Iris scurry to the other side of the counter.

  “I thought you were starved. I know I am. I was on pins and needles waiting for the results to come in.” Iris leaned over so Dane could scoop a healthy portion of the chicken and pasta primavera onto her plate. Then he dished some out for himself and they walked over to the dining room to eat their meal.

  “What did you want the answer to be?” Dane said. “Were you hoping it wasn’t true?”

  Iris took a forkful of pasta and didn’t answer right away. “When I first found out there could be a chance, I was angry at you for keeping it from me, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it would be a good thing for Jayden. Not just because you’re his donor match, but because of all the things I hadn’t taken account when I decided to have him. About Jayden needing a father.” She reached for her wine and took a sip.

  Dane nodded. “Thank you. It means a lot to hear you say that. I thought you might resent my role in Jayden’s life.”

  “No, I’ll champion it, because I want what’s best for him, even if it isn’t convenient for me.” She continued tucking into her meal, avoiding his gaze.

  “I understand. Being part of my world has its challenges. And if we go public and I acknowledge him as my son, the media frenzy will whip up around you. Are you sure you can handle it?”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “You do,” Dane said. “If you want me to, I’ll deny I’m his father.” He would do anything to protect his son and the woman he was coming to care for.

  “I wouldn’t do that to you or Jayden,” Iris replied. “He needs you.”

  “Do you need me?” He took in how she was sitting too far away from him, and he wanted her closer, much closer.

  “I need to get home,” Iris said, wiping her mouth with a napkin and abruptly standing up. “It’s late and my sister is watching Jayden. The driver Morgan sent for me has been kind enough to wait outside.”

  He glanced down at her plate. She’d eaten about half her meal even though he knew she was enjoying it. She was running away like she always did.

  She made it as far as the foyer before he caught up and stopped her. “Iris—”

  She tilted her head, barely acknowledging him. “Good night, Dane.” Her voice was low and faint. She started forward, but he put his hand on her shoulder, stopping her. She turned and he moved closer, allowing his hand to slide from her shoulder and fasten onto her arm. He felt her muscles tense as he drew her toward him. Time seemed to stop, and it was nothing but him and Iris.

  Slowly, his mouth covered hers. She tasted like nectar sweeter than honey. She gave herself over to this moment of bliss and Dane took it, moving his lips over hers ever so softly and slowly. Dane kept his response measured. When he lifted his head, he said, “Stay with me tonight, Iris. I promise you, I won’t hurt you.”

  She shook her head. “You don’t understand—”

  He didn’t let her get another word out. Instead, he grazed his lips along the beautiful caramel skin of her neck and collarbone. Then with featherlight touches, he skimmed the curve of her breasts and felt them swell at his touch. He couldn’t wait to touch his lips and fingertips to those stiff peaks until she released her husky cries like before. “Whatever it is, baby,” he whispered, “whatever your fears, I promise you, we’ll go as slow or as fast as you want.”

  He sensed her hesitation. Slipping his hand around the nape of her neck and cradling her head, he kissed her again, deeper this time. He wanted to make her wild with desire for him, to tantalize her with the promise of the sensual pleasure that awaited them.

  And he did. Her arms slipped around him instantly, her lithe body, melting and twisting, pressing against him.

  “Yes,” she murmured. It was the sweetest word he’d ever heard. Not wanting to waste another moment, he lifted Iris into his arms and carried her upstairs to the master bedroom.

  He set her down on his bed, cast aside the multitude of pillows to the floor and tugged her to him. Then he ran his hand from her neck to flank, urging her legs to open up to him. Careful not to box her in in case she decided to run for the hills, he slid his fingers through her hair, tilting her head until she could meet his kiss. Her entire body shivered, but instead of running, she moved closer, settling herself against him, causing a delicious friction against his hard erection. Oh, they were going to have a lot of fun tonight.

  “I want you so much, Iris,” he murmured. “Tell me you want me too.” Because he couldn’t wait to peel the clothes from her and rip his own off.

  Her answer was to return his kiss, increasing the depth and pressure with her lips and tongue. Dane could feel her blossoming like a flower given water.

  “I want you too,” she moaned.

  * * *

  Iris couldn’t believe this was happening. Dane had taken over her fantasies almost from the moment they’d met, but all along she’d pushed them aside. Now she was allowing this to happen. Although she was fearful of what Dane would find, perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad with the lights off and the moonlight streaming in. Maybe...

  He must have sensed her pulling away because he intensified the kiss, teasing and tracing her lips before plundering deep again. Her tongue sought his and she reveled in the heat between them. Her body was awash with sensation and she was mindless with delight. She’d never expected to feel this way, let alone with someone like Dane.

  All inner protestations fell silent as she gripped his shoulders, pressing her body against his muscled chest and powerful thighs. He tugged the shirt down her shoulders and arms, revealing the cami she wore underneath. With his gaze on her, he cupped her breasts, grazing his thumbs over the peaks. Iris shuddered.

  “You like that?” he asked, and when she nodded jerkily, he reached between them to pull the cami swiftly over her head, leaving her breasts bare to his gaze. She knew her breasts were small, but Dane didn’t seem to care. He went lower, and Iris arched off the mattress when his mouth closed over her breast. She gripped his head, because she wanted to anchor him in place as he brought her dormant nerves to life.

  He moved over to the other breast. His tongue swirled around her nipple while his mouth created a vacuum, sucking her in harder and harder. Iris felt herself tighten down below, but then he was moving past her breasts, placing lazy kisses on her stomach and teasing her navel as he went far
ther still. When he came to her jeans, he easily unzipped them and began sliding them down her legs. That was when Iris halted his hands.

  “What’s wrong?” Dane asked.

  “I—I...” Iris faltered. How did she tell Dane she was damaged goods? That she wasn’t like any of the beautiful starlets he’d been with? She didn’t have to. Her jeans were already to her knees and Dane was looking down at the scarred, mangled flesh of her thighs. He glanced up at her with questions in his eyes she couldn’t answer.

  Then he finished removing her jeans. And instead of expressing disgust, Dane came closer. “I don’t know what happened, Iris,” he whispered, palming her face, “but I understand why you were nervous. You don’t have to be. I think you’re beautiful.”

  “You don’t have to say that, Dane. You know the truth now.”

  “I know you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever had the pleasure to have in my bed. And I know that I’ve been thinking about you day and night.”

  “You have?”

  He grinned devilishly “Will you let me love you tonight, Iris?”

  She merely nodded, afraid to speak. She feasted her eyes on Dane as he shrugged out of his own clothes and joined her on the bed. That was when the fun began. Their bodies came together, skin on skin, and it felt so intensely intimate. But it was okay because all she saw in Dane’s eyes were lust and hunger. A hunger for her.

  So when he returned to where he’d left off and nudged her thighs apart, Iris was nervous. She nearly bolted off the bed when she felt his warm breath near her center and when he kissed her intimately, she let out a long moan. He explored her with his tongue and then added his fingers to her core, teasing and stroking, rubbing her slick heat. His intensity increased and Iris heard a low moan and realized it was her.

  Her thighs shook and she planted her feet on the mattress, but his tongue and fingers continued penetrating her. “Dane...” she sobbed. Her back arched off the bed as a powerful orgasm roared through her. Dazed, she collapsed backward on the bed.


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