Atticus And The Orb Of Time

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Atticus And The Orb Of Time Page 15

by M K Drake

  “Silence demon. You four are not a match for us. I ask you this, what is the purpose of this demon cage?” says the Professor in a demanding voice.

  “Hah! Foolish Majjai. The cage is for your doom − we are expendable,” says the Screamer.

  The situation dawns on the Professor, who realises that they have walked straight into a trap.

  The Screamer continues, “You may be more powerful than us four, but who said we are alone?” as soon as the Screamer finishes his sentence, another twenty or so demons emerge from hiding, howling and cackling, circling them like a pack of hyenas closing in for a kill.

  The Professor turns to Khan, “How many?”

  “I count thirty,” Khan replies, “We have never fought this many before.”

  “Doesn’t mean we can’t,” says Safaya

  “Wait,” says Joyce, “None of them are making the ground rumble!”

  “No, something else is,” replies Khan.

  The ground shakes hard again, and again. The impacts get louder, and closer.

  “Graigons!” shouts the Professor, pointing into the forest. Trees are being pummelled to the ground by massive hulking beasts with short stubby heads and huge arms. Their skin is rough, stippled and hard. They stand almost as tall as the trees, and Atticus suddenly realises it’s their footsteps that are causing the ground to shake uncontrollably.

  “Graigons?” asks Atticus worryingly.

  “Behemoth-class demons, Atticus, very powerful,” says Safaya.

  ‘Behemoth by name, and by nature,’ thinks Atticus to himself.

  “Khan, we need to find that key, and quickly!” shouts the Professor. As he finishes, a total of eight Graigons make themselves known, beating their chests violently and roaring into the air.

  “The lead Graigon − he has the key,” says Khan, pointing to a chain around the creature’s neck holding a glowing gemstone, “We need to destroy it. Joyce and Safaya should take on the Screamers. Professor, you and I must battle the Graigons.”

  “Agreed. Atticus, find cover, and use your sword if you have to,” the Professor orders.

  “ENOUGH!” shouts the lead Screamer, “Take them!”

  “Brace yourselves!!” screams the Professor.

  The three Screamers that first appeared line up in front of Joyce’s shield. They each take a deep breath, and release their huge roars, demolishing all around them and sending a massive pressure wave of sound towards Atticus and the other Majjai.

  The wave of sound shatters the shield and sends all of them into the air, scattered as they drop to the ground. Safaya gets up first, followed by the others. The Screamers rush forward, roaring, screaming and jumping into the air. With a wave of her hand, Safaya commands the ground to shoot up, creating a temporary shield of mud and rock. Several crashes are heard as Screamers crash into the other side. Another wave of Screamers attack. Joyce uses her speed ability to run behind them in a flash, and takes three out with fireballs.

  Atticus runs for cover as a giant Graigon crashes through a second wall of mud that Safaya creates. It is almost upon Atticus before Khan jumps in front of it. His fists are glowing blue, he spins and launches himself into the air, jumping onto the Graigon. With an uppercut he launches the Graigon high into the air. As it falls, Khan somersaults off and lands onto the ground. The demon crashes onto the forest floor causing a wave to roll through the earth.

  Another Graigon launches itself towards Khan. The Professor steps in. He clasps his hands together, and in one swift movement, launches a massive blue fireball into the Graigon’s back, smashing it to the ground.

  Behind them, Safaya creates a whirlwind, scooping up Screamers left, right, and centre, as Joyce uses her speed to divert their lethal roars away from the Princess.

  Atticus clambers to the tree line. He finds cover as he watches the others take out the demons. One by one they fall. Several Graigons stand off against Khan and Professor Morgan, smashing their huge fists into the ground, sending rubble and rocks soaring through the air at their enemy. Khan simply smashes the larger pieces of debris with his fists; he then crouches, moving his hands behind him, a blue glow begins forming in his palms, charging, waiting for the right moment. Atticus can see the strain in his face as Khan waits for the right instance. It arrives and he throws his hands forward launching a giant wave of blue energy forward, annihilating two Graigons instantly, almost disintegrating them. But the time taken to fire the wave of energy has given another Graigon the opportunity to get behind Khan and the Professor, and it smashes its fist into their backs sending them flying into the trees.

  Safaya spots them and creates a cushion of air to break their fall. Khan sends an appreciative nod to Safaya, as he runs towards the Graigon that attacked them. He jumps on top of it, but the Graigon slaps him back into the ground. The Professor is battling another Graigon so is unable to help.

  Atticus spies the lead Graigon with the key, he seems to be doing something to it. The Professor sees this, too.

  “He is turning the key!” roars the Professor, “Quickly, before the cage collapses! Joyce, a shield, as high and as wide as you can!”

  Joyce acts, as the lead Graigon finishes activating the gemstone, forcing the giant demon cage bubble to come crashing down. Joyce fires her shield into the air. It successfully acts as a barrier, halting the collapse as the cage crashes into it.

  Joyce groans, “It’s too powerful!” she screams, “I don’t know how long I can hold it. HURRY!”

  Khan gets up quickly and out of the way, just before another giant blow from the Graigon he is fighting hits the ground next to him, “Atticus! You have to get the key!” screams Khan.

  “Your sword Atticus, use it!” shouts the Professor.

  Atticus looks around him, he sees Joyce struggling, trying to hold the shield protecting them. Safaya is still battling the Screamers, sending mounds of earth and rock into their ranks with massive force. The Professor and Khan are battling the other Graigons.

  “QUICKLY!” screams Joyce, she falls to her knees as the shield weakens slightly. Safaya stands by her side, protecting her from any Screamer attacks.

  Atticus runs out of his cover. He unsheathes his sword. The Sword of Ages is glowing silver, then green, light reflecting through the diamond and emerald. Without thinking, he runs towards the Graigon holding the key. He leaps into the air, remembering the feeling he had when he flew in his dream, he tries to tap into that power once again. A blue light surrounds Atticus and he begins to soar upwards, towards the head of the lead Graigon. The Graigon spots him and swings a fist towards Atticus.

  Atticus instinctively tries to protect himself with the sword. The two crash into each other with an enormous flash of light. The force of the blow sends both Atticus and the Graigon into the air. The Graigon lands on its feet, while Atticus spins himself and flies towards the giant beast again. His flight path is aimless, but he tries his best to stay on course. The Graigon sends blow after blow towards Atticus, but with no effect. Atticus matches each attempt with a skilful block with the sword. The sword is almost guiding Atticus, using his inner knowledge. Atticus can feel its power as it searches his mind for the skills he has already been taught by Mage Callan.

  Atticus spins again, and launches a fireball towards the key. He misses it but hits the chain and the key falls to the ground.

  Atticus tries to dive towards it but the Graigon succeeds to knock Atticus out of the air mid-flight. Atticus loses concentration and falls to the ground. His sword lands a few feet away from him. He quickly rolls towards the sword to retrieve it, just before the Graigon smashes his fist into the ground, narrowly missing him. Atticus turns and lashes out aimlessly, somehow managing to strike and slice the Graigon’s hand, driving the creature backs as it roars in pain.

  Atticus looks up. The shield is weakening further. Taking advantage of the Graigon’s distraction, Atticus launches himself towards the key, “Professor Morgan!” he shouts, throwing the key towards his teacher.

  Professor Morgan sees the key in mid-air and quickly throws a fireball towards it, shattering it. The demon cage disappears in a crack of thunder, revealing the daylight sky.

  Atticus, pleased with himself, almost forgets about the giant demon that wants to pummel him. He turns just in time to dodge another attempted blow. Atticus launches himself into the air again, but with no control, and the hulking beast has no problem striking Atticus down. As Atticus lands he launches a fireball, which strikes the ground just before the beast. The Graigon stumbles over the newly created crater of earth and falls towards Atticus, who holds the sword upwards, wedging the hilt into the ground. He desperately rolls out of the way, and the sword plunges deep into the Graigon’s chest. As the beast falls, it launches one final attempt to hit Atticus. The blow sends Atticus flying into the treeline. Atticus slams his back into one of the massive trunks, and falls to the ground, unconscious.

  The others finish off their opponents quickly and run towards their fallen comrade. Joyce gets their first, and tries to wake him. Atticus groans and slowly opens his eyes, “Ouch!” he groans, “I think my leg’s broken!”

  “I’m not surprised with an impact like that!” says Joyce angrily, “Be more careful next time!”

  Atticus shrugs, “So, you going to fix me then?”

  “Shh!” orders Joyce, “Not until you promise to…” Before she can finish her sentence, Atticus kisses her.

  “Uhum!” says Safaya, “Looks like you are just fine after all, Atticus.”

  Khan merely raises an eyebrow, impressed with Atticus’s tenacious bravery.

  Joyce, stunned by the kiss, is silent. Atticus winces as the pain of the broken bone makes itself known again. Joyce heals Atticus without a word, and walks away.

  Khan, Safaya, and the Professor decide to give Atticus and Joyce a little space, and begin to secure the area and clear the mess. Safaya uses her powers to quickly heal the ground and fix the trees, with Khan doing all of the muscle work.

  The Professor seems to be fixated on something else. A tiny reflection catches his attention; he walks towards it, and picks up a strange-looking locket with ancient Nordic symbols. He stares at it, and senses instantly that this item has magical ability, “Hmmm,” he says to himself, just within earshot of Atticus, “I think Elric will be very interested in this.”

  Atticus, now fully healed, walks over to Joyce who is staring out into the forest.

  “Why did you do that?” asks Joyce.

  “It just felt right,” replies Atticus, “But, if you don’t want me to do it again…”

  “It’s not that, silly,” says Joyce, “I like you, but, I’m scared.”

  “Of what?” asks Atticus.

  “Of losing someone I care about. I have these feelings, and they are scary; we’ve only spoken this way for a few days, and there is so much more to do,” whispers Joyce.

  Atticus puts his hand on Joyce’s shoulder, “Guess we’re scared of the same things then,” he says, “But you don’t have to worry, you will never lose me.”

  A tear slowly runs down Joyce’s cheek. Just before Atticus turns away, she stops him, and returns the kiss.

  The Majjai Journals:

  Damn this curse. I never asked for these powers. Now I have to trek to the middle of the coldest place on the planet and help Olof track down this damn hammer. Ok, so Olof isn’t bad company, but it’s so damn cold here.

  Elric was also looking at me in a strange way before we left, does he know my secret? It is in my past, and it will not take over my soul again; my teacher saw to that a long time ago.

  I hide my sadness with humour − perhaps I’ve been trying too much? Maybe I should tell Elric about my past, or what I know of it, better he hear it from me than find out himself. It is a burden, this darkness that I hide.

  This curse may not be so bad I guess, it did save me after all, saved me from the fate of all demons, but would the others understand? Would they trust me, would they trust that the darkness no longer remains? Would they understand what I had to do to survive? Even I do not the full extent of my history.

  I suppose the only way is to earn their trust, and this quest is definitely a good start. I like Olof, he is always direct, and is not afraid to say what he thinks, a bit like Khan, but I know he has secrets, too. I wonder if they are darker than my own?

  If only it was a little warmer.

  Ju Long

  Chapter 16

  The Quest For Mjolnir

  Olof and Ju Long finally near the summit of Kebnekaise, the tallest of Sweden’s mountains. The landscape is icy and extremely cold, with barren rock providing a contrast to the snow-ridden background. The mountain itself is so far north that it takes Olof and Ju Long to within the confines of the Arctic Circle.

  Ju Long longs for the warmth of the log cabin situated at the base of the mountain, but that is just a mere memory now. He is just glad he has brought along his thickest woollen garments.

  Olof manages to get to the summit quickly. He uses his powers to dig right into the rock using his fists and hoists himself up. Ju Long uses his power of flight to follow, taking many breaks as the air becomes thinner.

  The icy winds cut through their clothing and stings their skin; Olof merely smiles, as he is more than used to this climate. His Norse Powers enable him to harness the power of ice and create it at will, so the cold barely affects him. In fact, he and Safaya enjoy many training sessions combining their abilities.

  “How can anything live here?” complains Ju Long, shivering.

  “Only strong things can grow here, my friend,” replies Olof. He bends on one knee, touching the ground as if trying to sense their exact location, “This way,” he beckons to Ju Long who duly follows.

  They reach a cave that is just below the summit and enter. Ju Long slaps his hands together and creates a glowing blue ball, which hovers just in front of them as they walk. The cave walls and floor are littered with pockets of snow. Icicles hang precariously above their heads. The two of them walk carefully through the many turns, Ju Long always taking his lead from Olof.

  “What is this Mjolnir that you seek, Olof?” asks Ju Long as they continue their walk.

  “It’s a hammer. A very special hammer,” replies Olof.

  “And what makes it special?”

  “Have you ever heard of Thor?” asks Olof

  “The Norse God of thunder, right?” replies Ju Long.

  Olof nods, “It is his hammer – Mjolnir − that I seek, together with the great belt, Meginjord, without which I will be unable to wield Mjolnir. Master Elric has been helping me search for it for the last five years. It is said that the hammer is able to repel great beasts and render its holder virtually indestructible. Whether or not it is able to control actual thunder and lightning is unknown.”

  “And you think you have now found this hammer?” asks Ju Long.

  “Perhaps. It seems that this map that Elric has given us also marks the burial chamber of Brokk, the one who, with his brother Sindri, created Mjolnir,” explains Olof, “I found scriptures many years ago pointing to the possibility that the hammer returned itself to its creators and lies with them in their burial chamber, waiting until it is needed again.”

  Ju Long looks at the map, “But, that is in the sea!”

  “No,” replies Olof, “It’s even deeper than that.”

  Ju Long is now more confused, but continues to ask questions, “So, why has no one found it yet?”

  “Others have tried, but it is supposed to be guarded by a giant beast,” answers Olof.

  Ju Long rubs his arms, trying to keep warm, “So, instead of chilling at the Manor, snacking on some pizza and those yummy chocolate dessert tarts, I’m here, on top of a mountain, cold, in a dark cave, cold, with spikes of ice over my head, cold, chasing weird plants and a giant beast? Oh, and… cold?” he says jokingly.

  Olof looks at him and smiles.

  “Gotta love this Majjai crap, eh?” finishes Ju Long, as he continues to rub h
is arms to coax any amount of warmth.

  They venture deeper into the cave, hooking their ice boots into the ever-thickening frozen floor. The blue light reflects through the opaque ice, refracting into the cavern walls. Ju Long spots an opening further down and signals Olof to follow.

  “Thank goodness this is the final location, it’s too cold here,” complains Ju Long.

  Olof kneels and gathers the final herbs and plants that Elric has requested, “Now we should search for Mjolnir; but I fear these plants may get damaged.”

  “Could we store them at the Inn?” says Ju Long, referring to the place they have been staying at the bottom of the mountain.

  “Perhaps; but, what if we do not make it back? These are too important to be left to rot alone. No, I have a better idea,” replies Olof, “I have friends here. Let us get back to the Inn and I will contact Elric for his approval for returning these herbs with them.”

  The climb down from the mountaintop is tedious and long. Descent without using their Magical abilities is long-winded. A day passes before they return to the Inn. Olof contacts Elric and then retires to bed. Ju Long has already slept. Olof grins as he counts the number of bed sheets Ju Long has covered himself with before closing his own eyes to rest and wait for the morning.

  # # #

  Dawn comes quickly. Ju Long is the first to wake, and meditates as he waits for Olof to rise from his sleep. They are both disturbed by a loud knock at the door.

  Olof wakes with a start and stares at Ju Long, who moves quietly to the door. The knock sounds again as Ju Long peers through the spy hole.

  “Two large men, blonde hair,” whispers Ju Long, “friends of yours?”

  “Olof, det är vi, öppna dörren,” says one of the men on the other side of the door.

  Olof smiles, “Alvar, vänta, jag kommer,” he replies as he moves to the door to open it. Two large men walk through, very similar in appearance to Olof, “Alvar, Kalle, hur står det till? Det var länge sedan!”


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