Atticus And The Orb Of Time

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Atticus And The Orb Of Time Page 19

by M K Drake

  “What do I do?” asks Atticus.

  “You just need to touch it,” replies Elric.

  Everyone in the room watches silently as Atticus opens the pouch and tips it. A white crystal slides out, lands on the desk with a tinkle, and rolls towards him. Atticus sticks out his right forefinger and gently taps the upper most point of the quartz gem. As he does so, he can feel the now familiar tingle on his birthmark. The crystal hovers into the air and creates a mist, similar to the one seen on the playing fields, albeit much smaller.

  # # #

  Myrddin and the original Majjai Six members are in a dimly-lit room, looking at the Gooyeh Partaabs.

  “The boy exists here?” asks Barmak, who stands steadfast with his muscular physique and full beard, “But, if the prophecy is true, this cannot be. Razakel is weakened. He will not return for a long time. Yet the chosen one is here now, in our time?”

  “It seems that way, yes,” replies Myrddin, “But we still need to find him and look after him.”

  Elric walks to a chest in the far corner of the room. From it, he pulls out an old and withered scroll, “This may help − I found it during my search for the tomb of Kazmagus. It didn’t make sense until now,” he hands the scroll to Myrddin, who quickly unrolls it.

  “Yes, yes. This could work,” says Myrddin, placing it on a table for everyone to see.

  Zarileh, finding it difficult to observe, jumps up and down trying to find a way through the burly men around the table. Barmak lifts her up and puts her on his shoulder, “Thanks, that is much better,” she says as she stares at the unrolled scroll, “Did Kazmagus write that?”

  “We are not sure, we are not even sure of the origin of the Partaabs’, but we knew of their existence. The fact that this scroll refers to them directly may mean their creator also wrote this,” replies Elric.

  “Quiet, I need to translate this,” Myrddin says, sending everyone into silent anticipation.

  As Myrddin mumbles under his breath, Zarileh and Elric walk outside to patrol the immediate area.

  “We won today Elric, against all odds,” says Zarileh.

  “Yes, we did, but only with Myrddin’s help were we strong enough,” replies Elric.

  “That is why there are always six my friend, we are at our strongest when we are together. And now we know there will be another Majjai Six after we have gone.”

  Elric turns towards Zarileh, “It also proves that Razakel will return one day, stronger than ever before − and using the Void will not be an option again.”

  A cheer in the main chamber room interrupts them.

  “Quick, Follow it!” screams Myrddin as he runs out, chasing a blue ball of light. The others quickly follow him, “Barmak, Asad, get the Prince, we will need his authority and presence to search the city!”

  Elric shouts after Myrddin, “City? Which city?”

  Myrddin turns his head mid-chase, “He is here, Elric, in Aria! Hurry, we must not lose the light!”

  Elric and the remaining two Majjai run after Myrddin. Faster and faster, they race, through the streets of Aria. People are celebrating in every street after the victory; some recognise Elric and the other Majjai and cheer their name, but the Majjai do not hear them and do not stop. They are on another quest this night, to follow the light.

  Zarileh uses her power of agility to leap above the crowds and onto the rooftops, she somersaults and dives over the buildings, keeping track of the light from above, guiding the Majjai below. They move faster, and the crowds become a blur. Finally they reach an old alleyway. Here it is dark, no party, and no celebration, just silence. The light shoots through a door at the far end.

  “Do not enter here!” a voice screams from behind the sealed doorway, “I will kill anyone who tries to enter!”

  “A woman’s voice?” asks Asad, arriving with the Prince and his Royal Guard in a crack of blue light.

  “Your highness,” says Elric, “We need your permission to enter this place.”

  “For what reason?” asks the Prince.

  “Our future,” replies Myrddin, stepping forward, “and the future of generations to come. Razakel is not defeated, we have merely slowed him down. The key to defeating him lies behind this door.”

  The Prince looks forward, and nods. He walks towards the door, “I, Prince Xerxus, hereby grant access to these premises. Open the door − or stand back and prepare for our entry.”

  “Whoever enters will be slain!” the woman’s voice screams again from behind the door, “There is nothing for you here!”

  Myrddin signals to Barmak to open the door. With a swift kick the door gives way revealing nothing behind it, just a darkened room. Barmak enters the room and the other Majjai follow.

  The loud sound of a metal object resonates around the dark chamber, as a massive pot is slammed onto Barmak’s head, shattering into several pieces. Barmak looks at the pieces on the floor, and then to the attacker, raising an eyebrow as he does so.

  “We mean you no harm,” says Elric, “We are Majjai. We sense the presence of a boy here.”

  A woman steps out of Barmak’s shadow, her hair is wavy, dark brown. Her clothes show signs of struggle, with tears and holes, “Majjai? I search for one in particular, do you know him? Elric… Elric Griffin?”

  “It is I − I am Elric Griffin,” confirms Elric, as he creates a small ball of energy to light the room, revealing bare walls and a small, makeshift bed.

  The woman falls to her knees, sobbing, “Finally! I have been searching for months, hiding from demons, protecting him from harm.”

  “Protecting who?” asks Myrddin.

  Sima looks up at Myrddin, “Atticus, the baby,” she says, “His parents’ home was destroyed by the demons, and they were killed. Their final wish was for me to find the Majjai named Elric Griffin – they said that he would know how to keep the child safe. My name is Sima.”

  “You are safe now,” says the Prince, “You have been very brave,” he looks towards his royal guards, “Quickly, blankets and food for her, now!”

  Zarileh walks towards Elric, and quietly whispers into his ear, “How can we be sure she is telling the truth?”

  Myrddin overhears, “There is a way,” he looks towards Sima, “Please, sit here for a moment, there is something I must do,” he waits for Sima to sit, then places his palms on her temples. He closes his eyes, his lips move but the other Majjai are unable to make out what he says. A dazzling stream of light pours out from Sima’s forehead, crystallises in the air and floats to the floor, landing gently with a light tinkle.

  “What is it?” asks Zarileh.

  Myrddin sighs, visibly tired from the exercise, “A thought crystal,” he says, “It is a very difficult spell; takes away much of one’s energy,” he lifts the crystal from the floor, “A thought crystal holds certain memories, and is able to project them into the air.”

  Myrddin activates the newly-created device. The Majjai Six and the Prince all watch, jostling for position in the small room.

  The memories start from Sima’s goodbyes to Atticus’s parents. Silently, they watch the events from Sima’s memory of her plight and the demon’s pursuit, until it ends with the mysterious whirlpool of sand vanquishing the remaining beasts.

  “Interesting,” says Myrddin.

  “Indeed,” replies Elric.

  “No,” replies Myrddin, “I mean, yes, the whole thing is interesting, but most interesting is that wall of sand.”

  “In what way?” asks Sima.

  “That is my Magic,” replies Myrddin.

  The room falls silent as they all look towards him.

  “The sky, it is the same as the one created by the Quantorbium, and the whirlwind of sand is a spell I have created quite recently in my own time. But, I have no recollection of performing it to save you,” Myrddin says, looking towards Sima.

  “Maybe you have yet to do it; you did say the Quantorbium was used, so perhaps you sent the spell through the portal?” asks Elric.

�Or will send it,” comments Asad.

  “Ugh, this whole time-travel thing gives me a headache,” says Zarileh. The others chuckle as she stands and walks to the corner of the room and drinks some water from a bottle.

  The sound of a crying baby catches everyone’s attention. Sima stands quickly and walks to another corner of the room, uncovering a basket. She picks up the baby and walks towards Elric, “Elric, this is Atticus.”

  Elric holds Atticus in his arms; the other Majjai surround him and peer down.

  “Check for the mark,” says Myrddin.

  Elric rolls up the sleeve on Atticus’s arm, revealing the birthmark of a circle with an entwined line. The other Majjai look down with goldfish-like mouths, gawping at the baby.

  “Now what do we do?” asks Barmak.

  “I need to think, make calculations. We should head back to Elric’s chamber,” says Myrddin.

  Elric opens a portal and the Majjai Six, together with Sima and the baby Atticus, return to his chamber. While Zarileh and Barmak set about making Sima and the baby comfortable, Myrddin sits at his desk and begins to scribe on some parchment. Several hours pass by before he turns and speaks to the others.

  “Listen carefully,” says Myrddin, “I need a volunteer.”

  “For what?” asks Zarileh.

  “Who wants to live a little longer than normal?” he replies, answering her question with another question.

  The others look at each other, then return their gaze towards Myrddin, confused as to what he is asking.

  “Let me explain,” continues Myrddin, “Taking all of these calculations into account, together with findings from various scrolls prophesising the return of the Demon King, young Atticus should not be in our world until at least many millennia from now. I can transport him to the future, to approximately the time where Razakel will again attempt to return to rule this realm, but one of you will also need to be there ahead of him, preparing for his arrival, and making sure that, between now and then, the secret is kept safe.”

  “But how?” asks Elric.

  “The Orb, I can use part of it to create a potion that will grant the drinker long life − long enough to live through to the return of Razakel, and hopefully beyond,” says Myrddin. He wraps his black cloak around him, removing the Quantorbium as he does so, “Your knife please Barmak.”

  Barmak kneels down to the hilt tied around his ankle, grabs it, and pulls out a blade, which he hands to Myrddin.

  Myrddin chants and carefully chips away a tiny shard from the Orb, which lands on the table with a tinkle. He then rushes to some shelves at the far side of the room and grabs a goblet, many herbs, and some vials, “Yes, this will do, and this, and this, and that too. And what about… ahhhh, there it is,” he mutters as he quickly gathers his ingredients. Returning to the desk he grinds and chops and blends, adding various liquids and spices. After a little while, he adds the final ingredient, the piece from the Orb. A plume of smoke shoots from the goblet, hitting the ceiling and spreading across it. In a whoosh of sound, the plume of smoke is sucked straight back into the goblet.

  “And you want one of us to drink that?” asks Zarileh.

  “Of course,” replies Myrddin, ignoring Asad gulping in the background.

  Despite the pungent smell coming from the goblet, all of the Majjai step forward to offer themselves for this mission, but before anyone can take it, Elric speaks out.

  “I’ll do it,” he says, “It is only fair I be put through this trial. The others deserve their rest now; they have families and lives to return to.”

  “I must warn you though, Elric,” says Myrddin, “Once you drink this, your life will be forever bound to the Orb. While it exists, so will the potion in your blood continue to serve you.”

  Asad puts his hand on Elric’s shoulder, “Are you sure my friend? Any of us would be more than willing to…”

  Elric stops Asad mid-sentence, “No, this is my task. But I appreciate the gesture, old friend,” he walks to where Myrddin is holding the goblet and grabs it with both hands. Before anyone can say anything, he consumes its entire contents.

  At first nothing happens, then, in a flash, the room explodes in an eruption of blue light. Elric hovers in mid-air, then spins several times before coming to a rest on the floor. The others gather around him while Barmak helps him to his feet. Elric thanks Barmak before shaking his head and steadying himself.

  “Interesting potion there, Myrddin,” says Elric.

  “Yes, but this is just the first phase of what we need to do. The next, well… it’s a little more complicated. I know it must be done, but I’ve never sent a spell through a time portal before. I fear there may well be side effects,” says Myrddin.

  “You speak of the sand whirlwind that saved me?” asks Sima, who has been watching in silent amazement since they arrived in Myrddin’s chamber.

  “I do indeed,” acknowledges Myrddin, “Stand back, everyone, while I activate the Orb,” Myrddin waits for everyone to stand out of harm’s way before holding the Quantorbium high in the air, then he taps it with his right forefinger and lets go. The Orb floats in mid-air and begins to glow a bright, light blue. Myrddin closes his eyes, taps the Orb again, and a huge portal emerges before him, filling the room.

  The others in the room look on, as it is the first time most of them have seen the Orb in action. Through the portal they can see the plain of the desert where Sima is running. Several Screamers and other beasts that Atticus does not recognise are chasing her.

  Myrddin clasps his hands together, and with an almighty push forward, sends through a jet of wind. It crashes on the ground and disposes of the demons below quickly and decisively. In the study, Myrddin is tiring from the Magical energy he is exerting, but he creates another whirlwind to transport Sima of the past into Aria.

  “There, it is done,” says Myrddin, physically drained from the ordeal, he stumbles slightly. Barmak and Elric rush to his aid, “The last few days have been taxing,” he groans. Elric helps him to a small wooden chair in the chamber.

  “Well, we can rest for a little while at least. Although there is still the small matter of Alvarez running loose in this realm,” says Elric

  “He can be contained; he will know not to show his face alone,” says Asad.

  # # #

  The cloud holding the image that Atticus and the others are watching fades to white. Ju Long and Olof whisper to each other, thinking that the thought crystal had finished what it had to show, when Myrddin’s face reappears.

  “Unfortunately, there were a few side effects to that whirlwind spell. Elric will explain the main one to you. As for the Orb, it is now well hidden. You will need it soon. Atticus, Safaya, Olof, Joyce, Khan and Ju Long, there is a path that you need to follow,” each Majjai Six member is taken slightly aback as their names are mentioned, “There are clues scattered along your journey. Some of you will make it all the way, and some may well not. I have helped you along your journey as much as I can, but there are rules when meddling with time, and I can only do so much. I cannot tell you what will happen, as the very knowledge of it may well change your actions − all part of the rules unfortunately,” he sighs before finishing, “Who knows, we may even meet in the course of your adventures. For now, though, the path ahead is a dangerous one, for all of you. Good luck, trust each other, and you will prevail. Goodbye…”

  The mist fades and fizzles out.

  Atticus turns to Elric, “Side effects?” he asks.

  “Yes. Your parents. The ones that have adopted you in this time, they have been through much in their lives yes?” asks Elric.

  Atticus nods, “An accident, a long time ago.”

  “The whirlwind sent through the portal was not the only whirlwind that formed. There were always going to be risks with such an act. The consequence of this one was that it simultaneously created another portal, much closer to our time. In fact, it opened a portal right about the time your parents were driving down a certain country road...”
  Atticus’ concern grows, “You mean…?”

  “Yes Atticus,” responds Elric, “The accident was a side effect of saving you from Alvarez and his demons. The whirlwind that saved you created another, which forced your parents’ car off the road. It was discovered – much later − that using the Orb so close together in terms of time creates tears in the fabric of space and reality, ripping open other passages. This is why we are unable to open portals too soon together.”

  Everyone else in the room is silent, not knowing whether to speak or to wait for Atticus to respond.

  “They need to know the truth,” says Atticus.

  “Yes, but that is not your responsibility, for they were not your actions,” says Elric.

  As Elric says these words, the doors to his chamber swing open. Joseph and Sophia stand in the doorway, Professor Sprocking just behind them.

  “Mum, Dad!” shouts Atticus.

  Sophia runs towards her son and grabs him, sobbing, “It’s ok, sweetie, we know… everything.”

  Joseph walks towards Atticus and touches his head with his palm, “I’m so proud of you son. Now, when are you going to teach me some of these magic tricks?”

  The room empties quietly as the others leave to allow Atticus and his parents to talk privately. As Joyce looks back and gives Atticus a reassuring look, he knew at that moment that some things will be much easier now, but at the same time, others would be much more difficult.

  The Majjai Journals:

  I miss him. My brother sacrificed himself to save me, leaving a kingdom without its king. Today would have been his birthday. He would have loved this time. Alas the League of Aria no longer seems to exist. I have had no contact from them. At least there is the knowledge that Elric has kept me safe. My brother knew what he was doing when releasing me to his care.

  These powers have strengthened more than ever recently; the help from Khan and Olof has been extremely beneficial, and Mage Callan is a fantastic tutor. Elric answers our questions as much as he can, as custodian of so much knowledge and with his gift of long life, I’m surprised he has managed to remain faithful to the cause for so many years.


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