Atticus And The Orb Of Time

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Atticus And The Orb Of Time Page 22

by M K Drake

  “I trust Spitfire brought you here without incident?” asks Elric.

  Atticus nods frantically, still overwrought.

  “Good, although I suspect he did not do so in an austere fashion. No? He is far too extravagant; but that is Barmak’s spirit showing through,” Elric sighs.

  “Everything ok?” asks Atticus, wanting to find out what is so urgent.

  “Yes; but we have learned some interesting things which we need to act upon quite quickly,” replies Professor Sprocking.

  Atticus looks at the table close to Olof. In front of him lays a medallion, the same medallion that Professor Morgan found at Ennerdale Forest during their encounter against the Beasts of the North.

  “The medallion is a forbidden item,” says Olof, “My research led me to an old legend, one that is not widely known, which details the exploits of Loki, the Norse God of Mischief. He created a series of medallions that gave him the ability to open portals across realms. There are seven in total, six smaller ones, and one large. He used these medallions as a means to carry out his many games; but, to prevent the likes of the very powerful gods like Odin from using them, he booby-trapped them,” Olof adjusts his position and levitates a book towards him. He opens the book at a specific page and lays it on the table. The page is written in Old Norse.

  “What does it say?” asks Safaya.

  “The medallions only allow a certain amount of energy through them, and the more powerful the being travelling through them, the more energy is used. As a result, once all of its energy has been consumed, the portal will close, trapping whoever is using it in the other realm. However, Loki made the seventh, larger medallion to counter this, just in case he himself ever became trapped. The seventh medallion is limitless, and I believe this is what Razakel seeks, to enter our realm.”

  “So he has been using the other medallions to send his demons through?” asks Khan.

  “Yes,” says Elric, “But, we think he only has two of the smaller medallions, as they are not to be found; they were stolen from a museum in Cairo about 800 years ago, allowing Alvarez return passage into his master’s realm. It was not known what they were until too late.”

  “So where are the others?” asks Safaya.

  “Well,” says Olof, “We found one at Ennerdale Forest.”

  “Yes,” says Elric, “And that leaves another four to find.”

  Professor Sprocking looks over at Elric alarmingly, “What about that sack?”

  “Which sack?” asks Elric.

  “Your memory, old man − the one we took from Alvarez in Echo Forest,” replies the Professor.

  “They are just branches, aren’t they?” asks Khan.

  “Yes,” replies Elric, “But Alvarez is a master at transfiguration. There are three branches of equal size, and one branch noticeably larger. Looks like Alvarez is getting smarter as we…”


  Elric is interrupted by a massive noise. They all storm to the window.

  “Graigons!!” shouts Olof.

  Ten Graigons are pounding the foundations of the Manor; each impact rocks the entire building. Before they can react, another explosion is heard.

  “We are under attack!” shouts Professor Morgan, “That came from the Majjai Hall.”

  “Where is the sack?” asks Professor Sprocking.

  “Near the hall,” replies Elric.

  Atticus and Joyce quickly remember that the great doors into the Majjai quarters were open.

  “The doors were open when we came in,” says Atticus.

  “The traitor, this must be his work,” says Professor Sprocking.

  Elric nods, “Olof, Geoffrey, you’re with me. Benjamin, you and the others investigate that explosion in the hall. We will take out those Graigons,” Elric pulls out a small orb, and speaks into it, “Spitfire, my old friend, meet you near the rear.”

  Spitfire’s voice emanates from the orb, “Already there, old friend,” as the others look out of the window again, they see Spitfire flying into the heart of the first Graigon and sending him crashing into the ground, “You can pay for my next paint job.”

  Elric, Olof, and Geoffrey teleport outside and begin their fight against the behemouth monsters. The others race towards the Majjai Hall.

  The corridors become a blur as they try to keep up with Joyce, who is using her speed ability to full effect. She pulls ahead, closely followed by Atticus.

  They get to the hall to discover a lone figure: a hooded man looking away from them.

  “Ahhh, the chosen one, and his little wench,” says the lone figure, his back still to them.

  “Who are you?” demands Atticus.

  The hooded figure turns and drops his hood. Atticus and Joyce step back.

  “Alvarez,” says Joyce, “Quickly Atticus, MOVE!”

  Alvarez begins to transform into his Destructor beast form, smashing his fists into the ground, “Prepare to feel the wrath of evil,” he says as he fires a massive fireball that just misses Atticus and Joyce.

  Joyce puts up a shield to protect herself from a second blast, but the force of it sends her crashing into the rear wall. Atticus sees Joyce drop to the floor, and fires three fireballs in quick succession towards Alvarez. Alvarez laughs them off and charges forward. Just as he is about to crash into Atticus, Khan rushes in and shoulder charges the demon out of the way, sending them both in opposite directions with the force of the impact. Khan groans and slowly gets to his feet. Alvarez is already standing.

  The others reach the hall, Professor Morgan steps forward, “What do you want here, demon, you can’t take us all on. Leave now!”

  Alvarez chuckles, “Who says I’m alone?” he flicks a look behind the Majjai.

  Professor Morgan turns around; to his horror he spies Herensugue and twenty Screamers rushing forward. Before he can react, Herensugue smashes one of his heads into the Professor and sends him flying into the air, Ju Long is knocked to the ground by one of the Screamers, and Safaya tries to create a whirlwind, but is too late; a Screamer sends a sonic blast in her direction, taking her down as well. Only Atticus is standing. He tries to use the ability to slow down time that he has learnt, making everything move slowly around him. He rushes to Joyce first, heals her; and then to Khan, moving them both out of harm’s way, before getting to the others.

  A group of the Screamers try to rush Atticus but he evades them; what he doesn’t realise is that Alvarez has already anticipated this and fires a fireball in Atticus’ direction. He just about steps out of the way in time, but the force of the explosion knocks him to the ground. The other Majjai quickly get to their feet and regroup; Joyce returns the favour to Atticus and helps him up.

  Herensugue rushes forward and spits acid from one of his heads towards Joyce, who blocks herself with a dome shield. She and Safaya then rush to take on the Screamers, but indoors it is much more difficult, as Safaya is limited to only the elements of wind and fire. The mini tornados she sends towards the Screamers have little effect.

  Joyce shields her and creates a fireball for Safaya to use. Safaya immediately turns the tiny fireball into a wall of flame and picks off little bits to fire at as many Screamers as she can as another swarm of them pile through the doors.

  Alvarez faces up to Khan, and charges forward. Khan blocks his first attack, but is caught by the second, he tries to throw a punch but it has little effect on Alvarez’s thick hide and the demon throws him into the air like a rag doll; Herensugue doubles-up the attack by smashing Khan in the air with his tail. Atticus throws another set of fireballs towards Herensugue; one of them hits the demon and sends it into a spin. From the corner of his eye he spots Khan landing with a thud.

  Atticus closes his eyes and calls the Sword Of Ages to his hands. Unsheathing it, he stands forward, and rushes into the battle. He slices through the Screamers, trying to reach Alvarez and protect Khan. Alvarez fires more fireballs towards Atticus who deflects each one with his sword. Atticus finally reaches Khan, and leaps into the a
ir and snatches his friend from the clutches of another blow and rests him on the floor. Alvarez fires another fireball towards Atticus who deflects this one right back at the demon.

  Alvarez is unable to move out of the way of his fireball in time and falls to the floor, roaring in pain as his thick hide sizzles from his own returned assault. Enraged, the demon jumps up, his eyes fiery red, and charges towards Atticus, who barely manages to move out of the way, dragging Khan along with him. Alvarez crashes into the wall, sending both Atticus and Khan flying from the shockwave of Alvarez’s impact. Ju Long catches them mid-air as he soars towards the high ceiling of the hall, but the three are sent hurtling towards the ground by a sonic blast from one of the Screamers below. Joyce kills the Screamer with a huge fireball, while Safaya creates a cushion of air to soften their team members’ fall.

  Khan stands, charges a huge fireball, and hurls it towards Alvarez. The demon charges forward, deflecting the fireball into the air. Khan, Atticus, and Ju Long create their own shields in an attempt to try to block the impact, but just before the demon crashes into them, another foe enters the fray and knocks Alvarez into the floor.

  “Mage Callan!” shouts Professor Morgan, “So glad you could join us.”

  “Pleasure my friend,” Professor Morgan looks towards the young Majjai he just saved, “You three, help the others; Alvarez and I have unfinished business.”

  Mage Callan stands in front of Alvarez, “I underestimated your new abilities last time, demon. Trust that it will not happen again. Now stand and fight.”

  Alvarez gets to his feet and dusts himself down. He towers above Mage Callan, but the Majjai is not fazed. He stands tall and pulls out his swords, already glowing blue from the power surging through them. Alvarez throws a mighty blow towards Mage Callan, who blocks it with one of his blades. The Majjai immediately follows this up with spins and kicks, each with a determination that he will not be beaten. He forces Alvarez back with each blow, the demon is too slow to defend. Mage Callan steps back for a moment, crosses his swords together and sends a massive blue charge through them soaring towards Alvarez, the demon is thrown back and through the wall.

  Atticus and the others battle with Herensugue and the remaining Screamers. Unbeknownst to anyone else, one of the Screamers sneaks away, making his way behind the main stage, and towards the room where Alvarez’s sack is hidden.

  The final Screamer falls to the ground in the main hall; Herensugue stands alone, the Majjai surrounding the serpent demon. Its seven heads snap at each of the Majjai who dodge the lethal bites. Confident that they have things under control, they forget that Alvarez is still around, though they are soon reminded.

  The Destructor crashes through another wall and scatters the Majjai. Joyce is left standing in front of Herensugue alone; the demon takes the opportunity and bites into Joyce’s right leg. She screams in pain, instinctively raising a shield around her, which severs the head that has just bitten her.

  Herensugue screams in agony with his other six heads, and slithers back, bleeding green slime all over the floor.

  Joyce looks helplessly towards Atticus as her eyes close slowly, and falls to the ground.

  Atticus leaps towards her, “Noooo!” he screams, but it is too late; the bite has already done its work and the poison fills her veins.

  The Screamer who slipped away soon returns, sack in hand. Alvarez looks towards it, “You have them?” he asks. The Screamer nods. Alvarez smiles and looks towards the Majjai, “Well, this has been fun, but it’s time for us to go; kill you all soon,” he transforms back into his humanoid form and uses a medallion to create a portal, which the remaining demons jump through. Before any of the Majjai can stop them, the portal snaps shut, leaving only a ball of smoke dissipating in the air.

  Elric and the others rush back to the hall after destroying the last of the Graigons. They immediately surround Joyce. Atticus tries to heal her, but nothing happens. She lies still, though her warm hands give Atticus hope that she is still alive. However, it still doesn’t stop a tear falling from his eye onto her cheek. Khan puts a hand on Atticus’ shoulder.

  “Come my friend, allow Elric to try,” he says.

  “There is nothing I can do, I’m afraid,” says Elric, “It’s her own healing ability that is keeping her alive right now, but it won’t be able to do so for long. Herensugue’s bite is very powerful, there is no cure, in this time.”

  “There has to be a way,” says Atticus,

  “There is, Atticus, but it means we need the Quantorbium, which in turn means you need to be ready for the challenges ahead,” replies Elric.

  Atticus looks around him at the other Majjai in the room, and then to the girl who owns his heart, “I am ready.”

  Chapter 21

  The Year Of Solitude

  Joyce is taken to the medical ward in the east wing of the Manor. Her parents, Dr. Victor Sparks and Dr. Wei Sparks, are both sitting beside her bed. Madam Healsey is doing her best to make Joyce comfortable, even trying to cool her with damp cloths to her forehead, but nothing is working. Her body temperature fluctuates between searing hot and icy cold.

  “I give her a few days, possibly a week at best,” says Madam Healsey.

  “Isn’t there something you can do?” asks Victor.

  “Unfortunately, the ingredients needed for the cure no longer exist, and there is no way to magically recreate them,” says Elric who is sitting a little further away.

  “What about the Orb?” asks Wei, “Surely that could be used? She is Majjai, one of the Six. This is not her destiny.”

  Atticus waits outside the room, pacing up and down. The rest of the Majjai Six are with him.

  “We don’t have time for this,” he says.

  Khan looks towards Atticus with concern and anxiety, his face deep in thought he knows he must say what needs to be said, “The Quantorbium will help my friend. But we must find it quickly.”

  “They say it is guarded,” says Ju Long, “By a horned beast; something that eats the dead.”

  Olof looks at Ju Long, “Where did you hear this?”

  “My old master told me his version of the story, he called the guardian a dragon of some sort,” replies Ju Long.

  Olof strokes his golden beard, “That is disturbing. I know of such a creature in Norse legend. Perhaps Mjolnir truly lies with the Orb.”

  “I don’t care what is guarding it,” snaps Atticus, “I am going to find it.”

  “Wrong,” says Olof, “We are going to find it, together.”

  Safaya laughs.

  “This is not funny,” says Khan.

  “No,” replies Safaya, “But he is not ready,” she points towards Atticus, “He needs more training, and we do not have the time to do that now.”

  Mage Callan enters the corridor as they are talking, “What if I can give you the time?” he asks as he pulls out the bag containing the Runes Of Zamaan, “Elric has given his approval for their use. A year within the Runes’ power should be enough.”

  Atticus grabs the bag and opens it, “How long will that be in normal time?”

  “About half a day. It can be longer, but Elric believes that the ratio we have chosen is safer,” answers Mage Callan.

  Elric exits the Medical Ward and approaches the five Majjai and Mage Callan, “You are her last hope,” he says with a sigh; he knows that the loss of the medallions means that it is only a matter of time before Razakel will attack in force, “Our enemy has the upper hand; this is where you need to be at your strongest, Atticus,” Elric steps over to Atticus and extends his hand for the runes.

  Atticus hands them over. His mind is split in two, he can sense the pain Joyce is going through, he wants to help her; but at the same time, he does not want to leave her.

  “Come now − we must go to the advanced training grounds. I will activate the runes myself and come with you,” says Elric.

  The Majjai and Mage Callan follow Elric to the depths of the Manor. Atticus has never been this deep undergrou
nd before. The corridors are dark, musky; thin veils of cobwebs are hugging the walls, dancing in the breeze created by the adventurers’ movements. The walls are covered in a skin of sweat; the warmth there also goes against Atticus’ own assumptions of what should be this far down − it’s almost as if the foundations are sweating. He senses something within the stone, something far from the dead soul of granite, more akin to the soul of something alive, he shakes this off, feeling the need to focus on the task at hand.

  “We are here,” says Elric.

  A pair of large doors open automatically, revealing a massive chamber, filled with its own landscape and massive training platforms outfitted with combat dummies and various weapons. The ground is solid rock and uneven, the walls that Atticus can see are jagged, with dagger-like features.

  “Stand back for a moment please,” says Elric. He waits for everyone to get to a safe distance before pouring the Runes of Zamaan from the bag and into his palm. He holds them out, and blows. Immediately, the six runes blast away from his hand and fly into the distance, soaring out to surround the room. A massive bubble of light rises from the ground, covering the doorway. Elric turns to face the others.

  “After me,” he says before stepping through the doorway.

  The others follow him a moment later. The sensation is strange, a moment of clarity followed by a massive influx of adrenaline; finally everything settles and they see the chamber clearly.

  “Food and supplies will be generated inside the training grounds, Mage Callan will show you all how,” says Elric, “Mage Callan will be with you. I must return to my chamber. Train well, for our war has now truly begun,” he turns to Atticus, and gestures him to one side, “Before I leave, Atticus, I must speak with you.”

  Atticus nods and walks next to Elric; the others head for the main training ground, giving them privacy for their conversation.

  “I know this will be hard for you, Atticus. Are you certain you are ready?” asks Elric.


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